Farsight is all about freedom. Remote viewing is our path to freedom. Here are Farsight's Mysteries projects, as well as new daring and cutting edge content that we cannot publish elsewhere, content that is "off limits" in other realms. Free from the censors, here we publish videos that are as revealing as they are entertaining, wise, and thought provoking. We don't just tell you that reality is not what it seems. We show you what reality actually is, and how each of us can change it.
Someone asked "Who is Bowie" -- to which I suggest a Google search, for "David Bowie".
In 2014, I was fortunate to see him in concert, here in Manchester, NH (US). I have since read a few anecdotes about David Bowie, how he helped and encouraged others and what an incredible friend and human being he was. I am envious of those who knew him personally. How I wish I had him as a friend, too. The closest I got was meeting Sterling Campbell, his drummer -- who has been with the B52s; really nice guy!
I am still having trouble wrapping my mind around Bowie being on Mars, in a partially-artificial body. But here I am, stuck in a human container.
1) When you lot gonna do a remote viewing of AI? (It's present, related robotics, and potential futures if [X] event does or doesn't occur)
2) I have dreams sometimes... How to tell which is 'just a dream' and which is 'actually happening'? e.g. #1 I awoke in tube full of breathable liquid and was clueless as to what was going on, so I pushed out and it was like non-sticky cling wrap, which I pushed through completely. To my surprised I was in a lab-like location which was dark, metallic and sterile. There were some humanoid scientists there who, to *their* surprise, a captured being got out of containment. I looked at them with disgust, scoffed, walked off and woke up. e.g. #2 Before I went to bed one night I thought it might be nice to see if I could remote view in my dreams (because my mind's more relaxed). I was in a classroom-like room in a non-surface structure high above Earth and a reptilian saw me and in a panic said "Oh, no, no, no, you're not supposed to be here." (the structure was about to get vapourized) He ran over to me and said "I'm gonna send you back now okay?". He whipped my head so fast to one side it woke me up. There's no way there's wasn't an external force on my physical head in that split second before I woke up.
3) How do I better remember what my future self has already done? I feel like gut-feeling plays into it. My sister's poor old 15-year-old cat'd probably still have his sight if not for me dismissing my gut feeling.
This link talks about how the minds are trapped but the bodies are in stasis pods in another reality. It was first posted on Lunatic Outpost or Avalon forum and collected: https://www.scribd.com/doc/93337202/The-Machine
There's also a theory going around for years now that we are on a spaceship floating through space going on a very long journey and our minds are hooked up to devices that keep ourselves occupied in this simulation so we don't get bored while we wait for that journey to be over...sort of like either the Voyager or star Trek TNG episode where they get stuck in a simulation.
As for the future...we are stuck in a time loop. The AI resets the time at intervals and future becomes the past and the AI then better learns how to predict what we will do to keep us from escaping. It does it to the Anunnaki and Reptilians it also captured within this game. The only difference is it uses them as prison guards. Accessing the future best is by accessing your spirit...which means deep meditation and purification whereby the intuition is so strong and you can realize what it's telling you that you act on it. It takes years, but doable.
I have heard this theory as well. I was watching a documentary (or something) where a man related an experience where he was in such a stasis, but he woke up for a bit where he could see humanoids working at a console in front of him. Upon detecting he woke up, one humanoid came over and waved his hand and he was back into stasis.
He said there were many just like him in stasis around him.
We've seen concepts like this in our science fiction as well, the idea that the body could be held captive in some form, but the mind given a false or artificial reality to occupy it... for whatever reason.
There was a movie I watched that used this type of approach for prisoners. They were kept in cylindrical units, in stasis, and joined into a mental reality.
Now, for something like this in a larger scale, I would begin to think purpose, economics, maintenance and upkeep -- as in "why". If it's against our will, then there is a benefit that outweighs the trouble it would take to accomplish this.
Who is the author of this book or article 'The Machine'. We've long time known about the Archons who are dark essense A.I. that affect the mental plane....and became parasites, much like a virus but of the mind in this realm.
Metatron's cube is what we are in so I couldn't read the rest of the book so this is a simulation, a construct that these beings wish to keep us into so we don't ascend out of here, it's not real, they're not real, A.I. X the construct running this reality....it only goes as far as it's programed then it resets. This simulation is ending soon.
It was collected on a forum of either Avalon or Lunatic Outpost. I can try to find the original, but it seems I don't have it downloaded to my computer. It used to be free to download it from Scribd. I read it through a few times, but that was a long time ago and nowadays I only ever give out the link for others to do research on.
So - here comes my 1st question/suggestion: Have you done any RV sofar on Puerta de Hayu Marca (Gate of the Gods), which is a stone carving that resembles a door, located in a remote area of the Andes near Lake Titicaca in Peru?
My 2nd question is: Do you have an alternative OBE technique (other than via astral travel) where one bypasses the astral realm and goes instantly to the desired location?
Hi Aziz, as I try out my own remote viewing, I’m just not sure how to do anything for events that happen in the future. Are there any suggestions you have? How do you set up a target to align with a timeline that will result in the most probable outcome? Do you use any special wording in your targets to help?
Apologies for reposting this - wasn’t sure if I posted this right the first time.
Thanks for taking the many, many questions! We are an engaged audience!
Aziz, a second question: do you find a higher success rate with remote viewing when someone else creates the target?
I’ve dabbled with following the RV instructions/process outlined by Farsight but I am unsure if my perceptions are compromised because I create my own target. Any tips for individuals doing it all on their own?
Thanks again
I had no idea farsight prime had a forum. What can one person do to fight the evil that wants to control the world through oppression and brainwashing?
Hating a people just because they are a people (in other words - antisemitism), has been around forever, and does not seem to be stopping soon. Is it possible that extraterrestrials are contributing to this? And if so how/why?
Divide and conquer. They always need a scapegoat. EnLil/Yahweh and Anu/Jehova picked them as the sacrifice. They were made to be the "chosen" but really...chose sacrifice for all the hate in the world. This is why they were pushed to take over so many countries and create chaos . It's not so much about the Jews as the Zionists that control them is no different than the Illuminati that control the whites. Every group is made to feel special by their false god so they are willing to die for that fallen trash.
Aziz: I've been following the rabbit trail of Grandmaster Wolf, and he's introduced me to Dean Radin. My question: Is Dean Radin not someone ideal to work with Farsight?
Remote viewing has accurate data. The problem comes in interpreting that data. In the case of the "death traps," Team Farsight has made the following interpretations:
1. "Death traps" are avoidable.
2. You should be able to keep your "stuff" after your physical death.
3. "Death traps" are used by bad ETs to make Earth a prison planet.
However, I believe that there is a better way to interpret the remote viewing data:
1. All that you know - Earth, all galaxies, the universe, the multiverse, all time, and all space - are within mind.
2. Everything within mind HAS to go through the "death traps" when it takes a new physical form. To start with a clean memory slate. The only thing that you take with you at the time of rebirth is your bag of impressions from previous births. So that, just maybe, you'll learn from your past lives and not do the same old destructive stupid self-oriented things again.
3. If you don't immediately experience the "death traps" when you die, all that means is that you aren't going to be reborn immediately.
4. But everyone sooner or later gets reborn, over and over endlessly, until they are lucky enough go BEYOND MIND.
6. It is likely that various critters are needed to help implement the "death traps" that immediately precede rebirth. Thus the "harvesting" folk that you saw around the "bubble beds." But even those collaborator hired hand ET "jailers" will one day find themselves drawn into those very same "death traps." Don't blame the "jailers." "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings."
7. "Death traps" are a universal process WITHIN MIND.
With a secret Controlling Power at the very top of mind in charge of it all. A Controlling Power beyond the reptilians, beyond the Orions, and beyond AI that doesn't want you to know that it even exists. A Controlling Power that does NOT have your best interests at heart, and wants to keep you it's prisoner forever within mind. A Controlling Power that wants you to stay focused on worldly / galactic politics and conflicts, and ordinary mundane things including psychic evolution, and not use remote viewing to get at what really matters, which are perceptions beyond mind.
Dr. Brown did once successfully view perceptions beyond mind. When he remote viewed God in "The Crucifixion Ruse," starts at 1:29:10
8. But for the usual person, Lord Krishna once remarked to Udho that a black ant had incarnated many times as Brahma and Indra and other such high beings. But now it was merely a black ant again. What hope do any of us have when trapped within mind?
9. Your good ET friends can advise you, counsel you, and assist you, and make things better for everyone. But they can't take you beyond mind. EVERYONE gets reborn again and again, up and down, in various higher or lower bodies, in an endless cycle. Each time going through the "death traps," no exceptions. Until they are lucky enough to find the exceedingly rare teacher whom is beyond mind, someone whom can take them beyond mind, too.
10. Going through the "death traps" over and over again is a normal process for everyone trapped within mind, just before they take yet another rebirth.
This is utterly wrong. Did you not hear the past life reviews of Aziz and the fact that he was memory zapped before he could even get much further in his afterlife, and then thrown into a reptilian body? Memory zaps are PAINFUL and a horrible thing to do to a soul or person who just past over into the afterlife and might start to remember who they really are. There is no LESSON to learn here, no one is needing to incarnate over and over to learn anything. Karma is also false. This is done by the ETs called karmicons, a group that throws you in life to life telling you that you have to go back and learn or pay back karma but you aren't gonna remember why or how so good luck.
Seno talks about the Karmicons on his website and how this system is set up to keep the Isbe's here:
https://www.letterstopalkies.com/the-karmicons/ This is a matrix, we are the batteries, and no way they want us to escape. If we were allowed to escape the trap, then remember who we are....realize that we are so much more, creating this reality due to the mind control and deception, and memory wipes which is why sometimes we had a very profound dream but more and more throughout the day we start to forget it almost totally, details become fuzzy. It's because of the Alien Tech and our reptilian brain which is a alien tech interface just like chakras....they are like a leash that controls the different chakras which represent different realms or densities in the matrix.
The Death Traps is a significant topic that requires more official investigation. I am hoping that Farsight will engage this, and even bring that discussion to the "Good Et's" as the information is completely relevant to our current circumstances. The Board Meetings is another good opportunity for this discussion.
There is a lot of confusing, even misleading information about the Death Traps out there. Some are peppered with incorrect information (I wonder if that's deliberate from our lovely "Bad ETs"). But the notion of these traps and the oppressive force(s) that run it have been in our history.
OT: This forum software, provided by Vimeo, stinks. It's difficult to follow threads, etc. I've contacted Vimeo several times, asking about their commitment to improvement, etc., they don't care.
Hello Aziz! I've enjoyed your sessions and overall positive personality for quite some time now.
The question that I have to ask, as it's been bugging me... is about Bashar, the ET channeled by Darryl Anka.
There was a task for this several years back, and all viewers perceived it as a genuine channeling, not a fake.
In addition, there was an interesting female "handler" described as well, protective of Darryl, if I recall.
However, in a subsequent Essasani resistance movement session, Courtney indicated that the genuine resistance movement had no current channelers, or something to that effect. It seemed as though the idea was that Bashar or any channeled entity of that group, while perhaps being a genuine channeling, may not be what they seemed to be.
I've found Bashar's teachings to be very helpful, and hope that it is what it seems or claims to be.
So my question is really just to get some clarification on where Farsight stands regarding Bashar; positive? negative? neutral?
Yes, I mentioned this in my note: "There was a task for this several years back, and all viewers perceived it as a genuine channeling."
I probably could have been clearer on that, specifying there was an official Farsight Project on that. But yes, fascinating sessions and analysis. Thanks, Hubert!
Sorry, more :) (I did a reply to you back on P1 under Tazz' post - not sure if you saw, because I don't know if you know when you're replied to.... we don't! (As Forrest wrote above, Vimeo sucks!)
I'm just watching the latest video with you DMPing Subject A, so my questions here relate to that.
Firstly, if you happen to go back to said being, please give him a good smack to the head!!!
He basically said - "stop being blind." Well, how TF is that supposed to actually help us? It doesn't do much good telling actual blind people to stop being blind, so why should it this time?? "If only you were aware..."... If wishes were horses!
You said it felt about being psychic - which makes sense. But, what would Subject A suggest as being the best way - in a fully useful, practical, sense - to do this such that we become the glowing beings you depicted? Would it be focussing on RV (or just general clairvoyance)? Would it be focussing on telepathy? Telekinesis? OBE/Astral Projections? Lucid Dreaming? Chaos Magick? Psychometry? Accessing the Akashic Records (or some other form of reincarnation information)? Reiki (or similar)?
At least in giving that, people can start looking for specific instruction. A vague, general (meaningless) "stop being blind" doesn't help.
(I'll also point out that many people do some of those listed above - they don't seem to be that much more advanced or different to the rest of us. AND, many come across as being complete loonies - making up hogwash because it sounds good and gets them attention).
I'll also say, "meditation" is not an answer either. People have been meditating for thousands of years. Look where we (and they) are. Practical uses of meditation (specifics) - sure! But just the general term isn't that helpful (especially since there are so many forms of it, and they certainly aren't making people 'glow')
Secondly, you said he talks of "the deception". What - precisely - would that be?? The concept of having to work for a 'living', and using money? The idea of (or trust in) governments? The fact that we are only playing at being a human, but we are in fact "spirits" or "IS-BEs" that continually reincarnate? The idea of nation-states? Incessant fighting? Ego?
There are quite a number of deceptions that humans have bought into... so, which one does he refer to???
The Shining beings are not physical. Once you grasp that then these kind of questions are irrelevant. He's not always accessing the same dense physical emanation as we live in. Even he may not be aware of it at times as I've seen in the movies that he's asking why/where the crystal city would be...it wouldn't be here in the physical sense, but yet still here in the same but higher vibratory sense. None of this should be a mystery for those who put in the work and have done the meditation to connect with their higher self/spirit. That's the reason meditation is important. As well as purification to then clear up the communication channels with the higher self/spirit so you're able to better discern the information download you get from it. The key to your leaving this game here is to awaken to the truth...that's all. Everyone thinks it's so complicated when it really isn't. Just requires hard work.
I did find his quote to be inspiring. But granted why do these unusual conversations with some outer worlder never even have a simple breadcrumb of application like "oh Bob Lazar is on the wrong track don't follow his stuff" or "the barbury castle tetrahedron is indeed a viable blueprint"
What I did gather though is a bit of confirmation that I believe our task is to duplicate Farsight and scale it.
I mean it's actually pretty sad that we haven't done so already. You could make a podcast videographing rv sessions with your smart phones I don't think anyone cares anymore, one of the advantages to the zombie population is everyone seems desperate to watch something so if you just give them things to watch you have a niche to fill. Make just that one other tiktok about rv that shows up in their deed along with all their stupid cats and recipes and makeup tutorials
Have you read the book about The Shining ones? It's very interesting....also, have you ever practiced Out of Body experiences? Not Astral Travel (which is in the space you are in but Out of Body can get you outside the matrix like Darius Wright speaks of and how this matrix is ending soon and will never be done again...this duality of good vs evil game here.
@Jon Smith -That is funny you actually bought the book The Shining ones too, I did many years ago too.
AS for not being able to astral project, does this mean you cannot RV either? If your third eye is open all the time, I'm sure it becomes normal seeing all those things. It's interesting that you cannot do the out of body thing or astral projection because of being a walk in, and never heard of that being a barrier for walk ins to not be able to do this sort of thing. I've astral traveled, but not out of body but you do know that in our dreams we are actually in the astral. Do you dream?
It's a blue book with an interesting symbol on it. I bought it like 15+ years ago lol. It's around here...somewhere.
I knew about the astral being where we go to for dreaming especially after reading Amitakh Stanford's articles on this stuff. She was one of the first to expose the full game here then they ruined her reputation.