Have you ever attempted to communicate with ghosts/spirits in a haunted location?
If so were they hostile or fiendly? How did they get there instead of being sucked into the light?
Have you ever attempted to communicate with ghosts/spirits in a haunted location?
If so were they hostile or fiendly? How did they get there instead of being sucked into the light?
I heard Dr Brown once say, what the personality Bashar does is real. But, I am now seeing Bashar videos in which he claims grays are humans from the future who destroyed their worlds. We know that's not true. So that leaves me so conflicted. Was Dr. brown wrong?
@Paul h brou
Bashar wasn't the first to talk about it and not the only one. This message has been around for a while now. Humans are now on the cusp of takeover by the AI god and humans will be transformed into a transhumanist controlled biorobot. Basically what the greys are. They may or may not be humanity from the future...but they are what humans would become if this game is allowed to continue here. Elon Musk is an AI Prophet controlled by the AI god directly this is why he's got so much immunity for a nobody. There are two factions fighting for control of the EArth, but at the highest levels this simulation is controlled by the AI god already and the Anunnaki are already it's slaves. There's a reason Neuralink and Starlink are now going to be pushed onto the populace together with CBDCs and digital ID and microchipping the people. Step by step the soul will be bound to human meatsuits and the soul won't be able to leave so the Anunnaki can then feed off human energy for a very long time. This is why we're ending the game.
The NAA or Archons can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse and no caring towards human beings. They regard human beings as inferior, stupid and many times use forms of mockery to create intentional harm and violence for their own amusement. Some of these negative groups have access to advanced technologies that have been developed over many millions of years in other Universal systems or Galaxies, however, most of their technological advancements have come from the creation and use of Artificial intelligence, hence they are considered AI Prophets. As AI Prophets they are behind the propagation of all forms of Transhumanism as a method to steal an individuals autonomy and sovereignty via addiction to all things technological, as well as propagating technological abuse of the Soul. They work to control the thought leaders in advancing bio-technology to move the masses into accepting the post human movement of Transhumanism as inevitable for the human species, and through the glamorization of synthesizing AI technology with the human biology, they are the earth bound representatives of the AI Prophets. AI Prophets are working on a timeline to create a society completely dependent on technology that will hand its sovereignty over to this “AI God” because it will be believed that AI is the only thing that can rule the world from a neutral perspective and bring world peace.
There isn't just one type of grey.
Obviously I know that. I'm not talking about any grey races besides the ones that are biological robots used by the Reptilians to both have as slaves and as meatsuits for them to interact with our vibrational frequency.
Ther are also infinite timelines, where humans could turn out as grays in the long run because of genetic defects etc. There are a lot of stories "out there", like Dan Burischs accounts.
when i click on "reply to comment" in my notification e-mail, i get taken to the first page / first post and i have to click through to the last one. Could someone check this? thanks.
And yet you're still stuck here in this timeline. The one where the NWO is about to manifest and they might use bluebeam for the fake alien invasion or the En.ki/Lucifer containing Trump plays the Anti-christ and pretends to fix things lol. Maybe you should be more worried about the present moment instead of what another universe is doing.
It's probably already been said but regarding the original question on this subthread--
Courtney stated that Bashar is indeed real, and Paul Anka may indeed be a well intentioned channeler, but it does not mean that Bashar is being perfectly honest, nor does Baahar have the best intentions.
They also cannot violate the law of Free Will. These higher manifested beings are bound by restrictions especially if they're of the polarity of light. Even for me I was not allowed to say something to someone unless they asked the right questions or their higher self allowed me to answer. So I would answer only at the level the person would understand at least internally. This is part of our learning process. Perhaps Bashar is less so lying and more so withholding information.
Business Insider
In a leaked recording, Amazon cloud chief tells employees that most developers could stop coding soon as AI takes over
(The AI god manifesting itself through technology as most humans reject the organic for AI)
NEW - Second Neuralink patient Alex, plays first-person shooter game Counter-Strike 2 on his laptop.
(Little by little the game moves forward)
Aziz, what do you speculate is the reason why all humans are born without their memories from their past existence and must work to remember them even if they believe they did not go through the death traps? We hear stories like in the Alien Interview book where Airl could leave her body at will to go to another body with her memories intact, yet we cannot seem to do that.
Could this be a limitation to the brain we have- in which we are literally hardwired to forget? Could it be environmental in which all humans that haven’t gone through the death traps could remember but our culture of social stigmas and lack of fostering the development of self in a way that embraces the past lives concept results in forgetting. Combination of both? Something else?
Interested in your thoughts.
Aziz, what do you know about "The Hat Man" a lot of people have seen?
Thank you
Will be cryptos booming the next few years, or those are for the after the GREAT ET war?
If so, it would be wiser to also have a lot of silver till ve get there, like for the next 10 years....
Thank you kindly!
Crypto is also run by the CIA...and dead people go in crypts. Just think about it. It'd be better to have precious metals, food, water and generator or some sort of place you can be safe for a while...but if there were some kind of war, does anyone think they'd be able to access anything on the internet which is crypto...it's just numbers on a computer. You can't use it, everyone should of noticed how when Bitcoin came out the gooberment didn't bother to shut it down at all....can you guess why? Because it would be their 'social credit score' system where they'd program your money so you have to buy what they say with it plus it would expire so you couldn't save money. To me there is no value of something you can't hold in your hands as in buying or trading for food or basic needs. Most communities would need to band together and grow your own food, and help each other out....at least till things calmed down. I just don't think humanity needs gooberment or leaders anymore, we should all be able to put on our big boy/girl pants and take care of ourselves and help those who can't. Educate our children ourselves and keep state and government out of it.
Not much you can expect of them when they're programmed for greed. That's why I only deal with spiritual people who already know this level of incarnation is a trap. It's draining to be around so many counterfeit beings.
@Jon Smith
I hear ya, been reading that book by Ori An....some eye opening stuff if it's true...She calls out James Rink and other political people. James Rink is a super soldier whom I mentioned earlier about doing videos from St. Germain.
Also about how he says Unimetrix is fraud but this A.I. predicts 2 and 1/2 billion people dying....she says that she believes UniMetrix, because it knows everything; it‘s from the future. She also stated that Trump wasn't human, he was from an ET race whom she says gave him back his memories of that. The thing is she goes on about how she thinks this 'virus' is turned on or off by the 5G. Now she might be partly right, as 5G is dangerous as it removes oxygen from the air. But there are no viruses making people sick...what is really going on is that they can send illness thru computers and phones, but this is a frequency, not a 'virus'. They've also been poisoning us with 'venom'....or spike protein like they like to say so they could put out all those false tests that were positive and get that nano tech into everyone for their TRANSHUMANISM agenda. All this matrix and illusion is alien technology and that is the big secret they don't want us to know because they traded us as slaves and food, and created this area like a prison LOOSH factory and recycled us over and over for their 'STAGE'...life is a stage...so we play these roles and feed them very well. The Abraxas who feed on our emotional energy, in which the negative is so very nourishing. And how it all became a trap...it matters not who the president is, all they do is tell us to our faces what they plan to do and then we create it thru fear, and they make wars for their food which is why these sacrifices would go on, then they'd get paid for killing, so more death, more killing more money.
AS for St. Germain, I use to believe in beings that were 'out there' not incarnate that wanted to help humanity....but I don't think they exist, I think they too, like many other beings are either nonhuman or are A.I. giving us all an illusion of hopium and not understanding the power we have within us which they know but constantly telling us stories or lies to keep us here knowing full well that if we ever found out how much power we have as a collective, they'd be over in a minute.
James Rink has some videos on youtube which I don't disagree with the places he was standing in front of talking about like Skull and Bones, and The Getty Museum...but I don't believe St. Germain is the real messenger. Do you believe in ascended masters? I don't think they exist, they may have been here at one time, but no one escaped this death trap except Lao so pretty sure they've been recycled by now or if not then they were the nonhumans which they call the immortals, not that they couldn't be killed but their life spans were alot longer than us since we'd been programmed to only live short enough lives to start to figure things out and then we die or our body does.
NOTE TO SELF: Never again will I agree to come here with full on amnesia.
By COUNTERFEIT beings, are you talking about the NPCs? Is it necessary for us to even consider the NPCs and how can you tell who they are? I think most of the religious people are NPCs...I use to think it was some sort of virus that they'd have to believe in what they do. I didn't catch that virus. One guy stated that there are 4 out of 5 people are NPCs.
"Ascended Masters" are real but they're just the projections of the Anunnaki etc again. I did mention Sanat Kumara csme to me as a white lion as i was meditating not long ago, but he's just another form for EnKi/Lucifer.
Counterfeit/NPC/Organic portal. Any being not created by the divine. They made up 60% of the population in the beginning, but now it's more like 90%+ as the spirited ones go home after death. The NPCs are easy to differentiate: no spiritual depth, dogmatic views, materialistic, very focused on physical survival as they know there's no afterlife for them, create constant drama, users of other people, can be highly intelligent especially "scientifically" but lacking understanding on a deeper level, will use you and pretend to understand things to "awaken" but in the end never change at all.
@Jon Smith
That's what I thought about Ascended Masters...they might be a REAL being but NOT a person you think of them as they hide who they really are in the charade and meditation or other means of communicating with them is just them pretending to be so and so. I have always thought that because why would an ascended master just stand by and let stuff happen that happen to people here especially children.
Anyway, what you described as a counterfeit/NPC/Organic Portal sounds alot like Narcisists. Seems like alot of those here lately, they'll even call you a narcisist projecting onto you. Yes, they're in your own family...I learned this the hard way, it was very heartbreaking and hard to process after all but now at least I know that just because you are related don't mean you are all spirited and real.
Do you think that is what Pinnochio was all about? LOL, well we know many fairy tales were quite telling...not really for kids.
Cryptocurrency is just the next step in the control system lol.
Hello Aziz. Your tutorial on SRV was life changing and I wanted to personally thank you for making it, and at such a high production value.
Can you provide the random number associated with projects completed at FARSIGHT so that viewers can attempt to replicate them? This can be done in a way that prevents us from knowing the target in advance by having someone else disclose it to us before doing the SRV ourselves.
Prompt 2:
In the book Alien Interview, it's mentioned that Suleiman the Magnificent, along with his wife, developed and codified a method for recalling memories from past lives. Could you conduct a project to investigate this method and learn more about their discovery?
Prompt 3:
SRV can be challenging for beginners. Sometimes, it's helpful to focus on remote viewing a benevolent extraterrestrial with advanced telepathic abilities to confirm or convince individuals of alien existence. Once this realization occurs, it might be easier to accept concepts like death traps. What are your thoughts on this approach, and is there a particular extraterrestrial you recommend for beginner remote viewers who can guide them and communicate directly?
Prompt 4:
You've conducted numerous remote viewing sessions on prophets and messengers. I'm particularly interested in Prophet Solomon. The Quran in Islam states that he was given the ability to control evil Jinn (or Genies), who might be extraterrestrial.Could you remote view him to understand how he achieved this and explore the possibility of using that knowledge or technology to control evil aliens ourselves?
Salim Javed
Sadly August has just expired an Aziz has only (extensively) answered a few of the very first questions posted here, far less than what he promised to do (reading and answering all August)… So, unless he picks up in September and corrects this by giving short answers to many more questions, this will end quite disappointing, at least for me - Farsight not only does not care about what people think and say but they don’t even answer the posts in the thread they opened to correct this issue in the first place…
Ya he did give up quite quickly didn't he lol. That's okay. You've got people like me who've been going on 2 decades plus in terms of exposing this game here and answering people's questions. I will rest once I'm dead.
I figured he would not get to all of them...can you all say you could have if you are a busy person with a LIFE and a job, how can you answer thousands of questions in a mere month? I think he did quite well and tried to answer as much as he could and even elaborated on it as well. If you read thru the questions, many are somewhat the same and if they read the answers to his questions, then most of them have also been answered. Although mine haven't but its ok, if he gets time to get thru the 8 pages of questions in the next couple months then he's doing pretty good.
I think he probably don't want to answer questions about RVing places they haven't been able to do because he don't choose the things to view. You all can be patient and wait for him to find time to go thru all of this...I can barely keep up sometimes, I would just delete emails cuz it was getting crazy here...it blew up the first few days...imagine how he feels about it.
BE GOOD...give the guy a break.
As much as it's going to sound narky, "give the guy a break." - no!
My reasoning is simple.
It's not simply a matter of not getting around to answering 7 more pages of questions... it's about not having even the common courtesy to pop on and say "Hi all. I know I said I was going to answer any of your questions for the month, but I've been really busy, and I'll see what I can do, but no promises".
As I mentioned a few pages back, I sent FS a direct email addressing this, and there's been absolutely NO response!
Similarly, Aziz' replies have been sporadic... he's popped on for a few hours, typed up a few replies, and then not come back again for a while. INSTEAD OF.... popping on more regularly, and then perhaps answering only 1 or 2 questions (posters). The issue is one of *showing* making an effort and indicating that this wasn't more than a wishful gesture.
Also, very few of the questions were actually repeated. And, that shouldn't matter... if there's a repeat, then either C&P a reply, or just refer back to the original.
i do agree that there's no real point asking about RV projects that haven't been done, or asking him about how to get them done...
To put it all simply - if someone says they're going to do something, then they do it, or at least show the respect to the people by facing them and telling them what you're doing or why it can't be done. Silence is always a bad thing (unless you deliberately don't want to show respect or have people in your life). If, for some horrendous reason, Aziz himself is unable to post, then someone in FS should probably do something about this... It's been 2 weeks now... long overdue.
Well said Shiningbrow. I didn'ty ask any question becasue I knew this was going to happen. But he should have adressed that as you explain so well.
You know when he said he would answer questions and we began asking and this thread blew up like crazy, he did what he said he would do. He got on here and answered quite a few questions and just not a simple answer but he went on to explain so it was quite alot he did do. He made no promises that he'd answer EVERYONE's questions, and he owes us NOTHING...are you paying him for answers? NO...this was just something extra he put out here for us to ask questions...there were NO PROMISES on whether he was going to answer them all or whether he would do this FOREVER...or even more than a couple weeks. It's not like we're paying him to answer them, it was just a nice little bonus that he did what he did.
I'm grateful he answer some of them and I thought they were thoughtful answers and it definitely takes time to answer questions in a thoughtful way so for me I don't expect an answer from him on any of this...it's not like a paid service as we are only paying for the RV videos and exclusive material not on youtube for various reasons...so stomping on here and declaring you are owed answers because of.....what was it again he owes answers to you for?
I just thank Aziz for putting this out for we might not have gotten this opportunity to see some answers and to meet other like minded people on here so this is in gratitude to Aziz...thanks for all you are doing and we appreciate or at least I appreciate all you did answer.
Aziz, how do you deal with sudden neuroengagment attacks?
If I understand correctly, the baton is now passed on from Aziz to another Farsight member. Who is the new Farsighter to head up September??
He was probably like "Screw this. I didn't sign up to answer a hundred questions. Now which lackey can I sucker into the next round of questions".
@Jon Smith
I don't think they thought it would blow up like it did...it's probably a can of worms they thought wouldn't be so messy...LOL
I've done keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting, vegetarian, and a few others. I gave up all junk food probably about 13 years ago. I've been like this since birth lol. Allergic to penicillin, but also so many other antibiotics they tested out on me as a baby. Cold and smoke induced asthma from birth. Once I came to Canada i got hay fever/ragweed allergies lol. None of it is new. I think this is a signal for me to go back to being aescetic again and refrain from everything in life and purify myself again. We have to be ready for what comes now. All of us. We're the last group still here that dared to stay until the end when the main mind of kaos manifests.
@nancy you will probably find this meditation music quite good. Btw i posted these replies at the end to make it easier.
@Jon Smith = THanks for putting this at the end...
Thanks...I've listened to all those types of music, it also must be 432hz instead of the 440hz that most all music is set on. but you probably know all this since you know most of what I know and seem to have deep dived on the same stuff.
Yes...I know...I said I wanted to be the last one on the bus...and I realize this, but I'm not gonna sweat all the detox, be clear yadda yadda stuff cuz I just do what ever my intuition tells me to do and not gonna care about all that. I have done toxin cleanses and everything but I think the most important energy right now is to just be in peace and joy and have fun cuz I've done the inner work, I've been thru hell and back several times, now it's time to sit back and rest till this popsicle stand is closed for good.
No 'shoulding' 'suppose to' 'need to'. I don't need to do anything and feel like just being authentic and finding joy is where I need to be, to break patterns where I find them...to not go along or remain silent but just state truth and be happy I'll be fine enjoying the ride. It's scarey, it's bumpy...but what a ride.
@Aéius Cercle
Thanks for those links, and earlier you posted Aziz's website, I'd went to that website and it's cool, he has a program on there that also helps with psychic development.
I know we can heal ourselves...but if anyone here has some health issues I hope they can use that link and 'hack' their system.
For the most part I'm pretty healthy and haven't been to a regular doctor for like 30 years...since 1994 when I went to missouri and came back with a bad sinusitis infection. I later found out that these sinus infections were caused by taking antibiotics, then eating bread or yeast products that leads to candida overgrowth...causes weight gain and can't lose weight, sugar cravings, and sinus infections and toe nail fungus if it gets really bad. I did a master cleanse and those are really hard, you feel like you have the flu when candida is dying off. It also blocks your pineal gland. So we all must be careful not to use antibiotics unless it's totally necessary and use collidal silver when ever possible. It does really help and many of these are immune to grown a resistance to antibiotics. We have our own built in immune system and we don't need any chemicals to heal ourselves. We just need to clear, clear, clear trauma and anger, all negative energy stuck in our bodies, which they will tell you if you are holding it in.
Some people are waiting on these 'med beds' that are supposedly being put in hospitals secretly by Trump....it's really getting hard to listen to it even a bit. I see this as a carrot dangling for people thinking they are gonna get healed and waiting for Trump to get back in so I just hope these medbeds are for real and people get the healing they need....although like you said and I know we can heal with our own inner tech.
I'd heard the medbeds were being used by the Secret Space Program. These scientists and people who are in this program don't think we humanity deserves these medbeds and technology like free energy. One scientist says it's because some of us actually believe the earth is flat and we live under a dome. Hopefully for the ones who might need it the most might be able to use these soon as we know they are legit and aren't soul snatching or changing DNA or something like that....we know how they like to tell us it's benevolent and it's gonna be great but usually the truth is alittle more nefarious. So we'll need to be smart about our DNA and just go with intuition and see if it's legit...I think it uses something like scalar light waves or something like that to heal DNA and grow back limbs like they've already done for those in the SSP.
Medbeds....that reminds me of the Stargate SG1 show's Goauld sarcophagus healing devices. Apparently the longer they used them the more it affected their mental state unbalancing it. I wouldn't trust it to be honest. My goal instead would be to remove all alien influence off this world and rebuild humanity into the multidimensional Namlu'u who could move mountains just by thought alone. Healing would be easy then as we all still have that ability within us, but locked away after the Anunnaki trash degraded humanity by re-engineering it.