I am more interested in the social structure of the "Good ETs" do they represent the military of their people, do the common citizens of their planet/star system also have access to space ships to travel anywhere they please or is it a "Secret Space Program" like here on earth?
Oh and this question: does the galactic federation of worlds have an insignia? Can we learn what it is? If not why not?
According to Marie Swa (@SwaruuOficial on Youtube) it is almost identical to Star Trek's United Federation of Planets logo. This is not of course a coincidence. Putting that logo in a science-fiction series removes credibility to those who say that it is the same logo. Hidden in plain sight!
If people "Under Their Own Free Will" want to evacuate Earth on the "Good ET" space ships will they help? How can you get caught in the "DEATH TRAPS" if you are not on Earth when you eventually die. Hmm.. Further more how can any agreements between the "Governments of Earth" and the "Bad ETs" be valid if the citizens of Earth were not aware of such an agreement, did not vote on such a thing and didn't even know "ETs" of any kind really existed. So if people decide to leave Earth the "Bad ETs and Governments" would have to either quietly let them go to maintain secrecy or reveal publicly that they have been in contact with "ETs". At the Farsight board meeting with the "Good ETs" could you ask would they consider accepting maybe 20 to 30 people "THAT FARSIGHT SELECTS" thru some kind of voting process to visit their home world as guest.
You would think free will works that way, just like free Obama phones, but that's not how it works in this matrix. Free will isn't free will at all. On top of that they zap your memories right after you get there. Those that did the NDE's that were told this or that was a big lie, like they needed people to come back and tell some fantasy story about what happens after you die...you know false publicity for a prison planet system.
That's why I like this site https://www.trickedbythelight.com/tbtl/index.html it has many NDE stories exposing the truth.
The problem with most people is they don't do any actual preparation for death and then when it comes they're in shock and the negative aliens easily trick them. My father had an NDE when my family was hit by a car crossing the road. He said "Jesus" sent him back to keep raising my brother and I but I figured out already it wasn't the same soul that came back. He changed into a completely different and non respectable person after the NDE.
Thanks for sharing that...see I think it was a Public relations campaign to make people think they actually go to some heaven and are well off....and they know they are going back cuz they will most likely insist they go back even if the person says, no, I want to stay....but then they come back and their stories go viral and they tell everyone that it's all love and beautiful...that is the false light reality so glad there's a website that is dedicated to this. <3
I'm a walk-in. For me this was never a problem, because as soon as my spirit traded places with the previous being that I agreed with to swap places so I could do what was needed here I basically have hated every moment of being manifest in this limited and bound projection. I feel zero attachment to this place and have been looking forward to when I return home again once I'm done here. If any being tries to trick me to come back here after I wouldn't hesitate to attack them without thought lol. People need to stop feeling powerless especially after death. They all act like it's a mystery...but it really isn't. They just lack the confidence to say what I've learned is the truth.
Wow that sucks to have a parent come back and not be the same. Did that partly lead to what you say about npc portals?
Greetings Aziz,
My question to you is: 7107 / 9376
Say that a nonprofit business was created to have a crew of RVers track down missing/kidnapped/disappeared people, and funding was not an issue. If the RVers (let's say 10 viewers) were put on the case pretty quickly after the person was reported missing, how effective might this possibly be to recover the person at some point?
I know that RVers have done missing persons cases, I know Daz from Future Forecasters said he has done quite a few of them, and I recall an RVer almost located kidnappee Patty Hearst. But I'm more wondering about the success rate. And how much would the success rate increase if more viewers were added to the case.
A philanthropist might decide to fund such a venture if there was a decent chance of getting some successful recoveries.
Nordic Extraterrestrials
Hi Aziz,
I have watched many videos and read many books about extraterrestrials. A number of people who have had experiences with extraterrestrials, have encountered reptilians, small greys, tall greys, insectoids, and Nordic extraterrestrials, some who have assisted with the engineering which allowed the United States to land astronauts on the moon in the Apollo moon mission and other Nordic extraterrestrials, have tried to calm children which have been abducted and taken aboard alien spaceships, to be experimented on. These Nordic extraterrestrials, also were heavily involved with the Nazi flying saucer program, during and after World War II. I could not find any Farsight project, which explored Nordic extraterrestrials and what their relationship is to other extraterrestrials. Obviously they are interacting with humans and doing something. They appear to be human, but they definitely are not of earthly origin. Can you provide more information about Nordic extraterrestrials.
Thank You Very Much Aziz
Hi Aziz, lots of comments here so if I am repeating a question someone else already asked, no need to respond.
I first wanted to take the opportunity to say how much I appreciate FARSIGHT for engaging in dialogue with their subscribers. I think it’s very thoughtful and much appreciated!
The questions I have are:
1. What topic/subjects have you never RV’d that you always wanted to?
2. Has FARSIGHT considered letting its subscribers vote on future targets?
3. In one of the latest beach conversations a comment was made that the ETs only interact/reveal with “those that have the ability”. What does that mean? It sounded from the conversation that a few of the RVers were born with these gifts being enhanced.
4. The general public knows very little about remote viewing and its capabilities. What does that say about the FARSIGHT audience that naturally had a life course that led us to here? What do the ETs have to say to the FARSIGHT audience?
5. Dr Brown made a comment how your group meets once a month to practice other skill sets included telekinesis etc. how is that going?? Would be so interested in hearing more about that!
On a side note just want to say how much I enjoy watching your sessions and your analysis at the end. I always resonate with your interpretations and you do such a great job expressing what you see and the analogies are perfect! Thanks so much for all you do!
1. Why does Dr. Brown always emphasize that the video sessions are recorded alone? I assume it's to make clear that the viewer is not affected by anyone else while recording, but what about remote manipulation via technology and telepathy? Being alone in a room doesn't prove or guarantee that there's no manipulation.
2. When a viewer records a video session, he or she has done at least one paper session before. How do you handle the fact that telepathic communication – e.g. talking to Lacerta or the senior leaders in the shootout – must be repeated for the video session? Do you simply ask the questions again? Does the target person know that you already have been there? This is important because the target could be annoyed, the answers could deviate, or better protection measures could be set up between the paper and video sessions.
3. Question 2 leads to another problem that is not clear yet. With the light up procedure, the viewer lights up in front of the target to see wether the target notices it. What happens when the LUP is repeated from different points in the future? Does the target see two lights, or a brighter light? And what if multiple viewers light up? Could the flooding of a target with light be used as a DoS attack? ➡️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack
4. Sometimes, what a viewer says in the video recording matches the paper session verbatim. You can see that in the target reveal, when Dr. Brown reads from the paper session. For example, in the Shootout project, Yeme apparently repeated what she had written word for word. Are the viewers allowed to read from their paper session while recording, or do they just recall the paper session?
5. Have you considered recording and publishing the paper sessions? From a scientific standpoint, the initial impression of the paper session is more interesting.
6. Have you encountered other remote viewers – terrestrial or ET – viewing and deep mind probing you? Have you encountered you from the past or future probing yourself?
7. When remote viewing, it seems that the viewer is unable to read writings on signs and walls etc, even if it's written in his own language. Is this really the case, and if so, why?
8. What do you think about the Earth Timeline project I started? It would be really great to fill the gaps with remote viewing, and the good ETs can help with their own knowledge about what happened: ➡️ https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/68637-earth-timeline
Whilst you are probably positing these questions for Aziz I am respond anyway.
① When one has telepathic/psychic-abilities that are sufficiently developed it should be possible to sense if there is any kind of disruption or manipulation going on or being attempted; additionally, psychic-ability also allows one to produce their own psychic-shield, like a mental-barrier; the combination of these two psychic-abilities should make for clean operations.
The rest are certainly great questions that should yield interesting answers.
@Manuel pg.7
These are all great questions and I'd look forward to reading replies to these as well.
Great questions Manuel and these have been slumbering in my mind as well. But since it was always so hard to get Farsight to respond, you start giving up on asking questions. I really wonder if Aziz will answer these (he's probaby drowning in all the questions) but that would be awesome.
"7. When remote viewing, it seems that the viewer is unable to read writings on signs and walls etc, even if it's written in his own language."
This appears to be a problem of belief (and, possibly, something conditioned into RVers as they train).
There's no good reason why it's the case, if one has sufficiently good RV ability, as shown in the early days by Pat Price who was able to see the names of Top Secret projects in a filing cabinet in a top secret location.
(Also, related to this - Ingo suggested a Stage 7 (and more), in which RVers can get names (places, people, etc) by sensing... however, from the little I've seen, that's more phonetic than actual reading. (ie., it sounds like... )
As I mentioned in another post, I think Pat Price was going exterior with good control. This is not an easy ability to attain and maintain, but for those who can achieve it, it provides perceptions as clear or more clear than bodily perceptions. This has been experienced temporarily by some NDE people. It is this ability that is a big problem for people who need to keep secrets, and one reason I believe why it is not widely mentioned or discussed.
Hi Aziz,
I saw this documentary on Remote Viewing of Project stargate, that talented remote viewers are Chromesthesia (hearing colors), do you and the Farsight crew have this? I don't think most know this about color, but it does have frequency. I can close my eyes and make sound then see color come from the sound if that makes sense....it isn't the same as hearing color but it's interesting that they claimed stated this was a common thing with the very talented clear seeing remote viewers.
Joe McMoneagle - Remote Viewer 001 - PROJECT: STARGATE (Documentary 2 of 3)
Thanks for your answers. This is so interesting reading your answers here.
When Team Farsight focuses on the "death traps" as something to be avoided, so that you can escape this "prison planet," keep your "stuff," and keep your memory of your "self," I believe that Team Farsight is missing the point:
It's not about your "self." It never was. It's about service to others.
The "death traps" are as natural as the Sun rising in the East. A totally normal and necessary thing, just before you take a new birth. So that you start each new birth with a clean slate, not burdened down by your countless prior "selves" from your countless prior births.
What you do bring with you is your bag of impressions from your countless prior births. So that you can, little by little, life after life, burn off all of your concerns about yourself. And gradually refocus yourself to being focused on Higher things. That is also how you change the world.
It doesn't matter where you are born - a "prison planet" or the highest heaven.
It only matters that you understand that it's not about your "self." It never was.
@Paul Cosby
I don't think you fully understand what the death traps actually are. They are soul catching hubs where you are tricked by the light and told that you must go back because of Karma which is a lie. Then you are also not asked if you wish to incarnate you are lied to that you need to and not asked about removing your memories before you are sent back not remembering the karma you are supposedly suppose to fix and then you create more karma.
It's not just about 'this self' it's about who you really are once you get there you know who you are, but then you are zapped your memories gone and off to a new life you didn't choose.
Did you see Aziz's past life where he said he was walking thru an area and all of a sudden he was zapped and it hurt, memories gone then thrown into a reptilian incarnation where he was eaten. There is no point in that. This is not a school, you aren't here to learn lessons, when we are ISBE's who are connected to source directly we know all the things they claim we come here to learn.
You are lied to and told you must come back and incarnate....or not even given a choice. It should be our choice what and where we incarnate and how we wish to incarnate. Once we incarnate here we can't leave. It is literally a prison planet....where our emotions are harvested and some are sold as food or slaves. Our emotional energy is used as loosh which the negative emotion is most nourishing for these beings who keep us here because they cannot create, they cannot make their own energy...WE ARE FOOD.
We are tortured and made to fight wars for them to feed. Events like 9-11 are feeding frenzies for these beings. Also the beings that have kept us here for thousands of years altered our DNA disconnecting our DNA they call it junk DNA and posed as Gods so when people die and go into the false light, thinking they are going to heaven only to find out that it's no different there than here, they are processed given memories about your life here and christians or other religions who told them there was heaven and they find out they have to work and find a place to live just like here, they are told when asking where is heaven, that they don't deserve to go to heaven, and then they are taken to get their memories zapped and started over.
One guy I know was killed by the archons, he was put here in a man's body when he was a woman warrior like the white nordics, but now he's trapped here on this planet in a human male body.
These beings want to keep us here, we are the batteries, and they know if we leave, they will no longer exist. That is a problem, everytime humanity is about to rise out of this matrix, we are stopped and traumatized and recycled forgetting who we are and how powerful we are, so they can keep us in the 3d realm since we power it and they need us for food. We aren't on the top of the food chain like we thought we were. It's a prison planet...every person you were before you life and experiences were zapped from you including how powerful you are and how you power this matrix....so be a good little battery and play your part.
Yes, it is difficult to be in an awful situation (like many good ETs find themselves, when they are shot down), and have only one thing to say: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
It's not about your "self." It never was. It's about service to others.
A good place to start is Dr. Courtney Brown’s “The Crucifixion Ruse,” available on YouTube.
@paul Cosby
It sounds like something an Organic Portal/NPC would say out of either ignorance or willfull malignant lie to keep those who are trapped in the game to stay in the game because if this game of the Anunnaki here ends the NPCs/Organic Portals will also cease to exist since their souls were created by the fallen and they will not continue on in the spirit realm lol. You can keep your brainwashing forced reincarnation but the rest of the people need to know the truth.
Context. The ONE thing that NOBODY ELSE here seems to have mentioned is the role of «taxes» (with the exception of Aziz Brown having mentioned the significant-role and contribution that taxes do play in both funding and helping to perpetuate all of these global-wars in some of the prior-projects) and how your WILLING contribution to paying these «taxes» ARE part of the ENSLAVEMENT-Trap (and, believe it or not, ALL «Universes/Realms» that are NOT the TRUE Heaven DO have some form of Government and Taxation; the REAL «Heaven» realm is the ONLY Existence-Configuration wherein absolutely NO Psychological-Dissonance exists and, that the ONE location which DOES «trap» Spirits and causes those who «sup from its energetic-fruit [which I refer to as Quantum-Dissonance-Particles which Yeshua ben Yosef referred to as sin in its noun-version] of the knowledge of evil» to get «kicked out of that Pure-Realm» and end up in «fallen universes» like this one is already known by the inhabitants of the True-Heaven as the ONE spot to be AVOIDED; the «metaphor» for this would be akin to that Forbidden Tree, except it is not a «Tree» from the Vantage-Point of a Formless-Spirit, but, simply some very Dark Light-Absorbing Black-Hole-Looking Sphere over at the far-distance from the rest of the Pure-Realm but IS near and close to where ALL «ISBEs» are created and originate; the PURPOSE of this «Dark-Tempter» is to TEST whether you are WORTHY of being granted Eternal-Freedom or whether you DESERVE to be for-ever-TRAPPED for your on-going complicity to the oppression of others such as when you willingly support extortionists like Caesar and his system and his systems-men and his ilk).
WHOM or WHAT are you actually serving ? Remember, even the Spirit of Truth (whom most of the world knows more familiarly as Jesus) said so himself that you CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS; either you are «serving» The Dark One, The Dark Sovereign Power, historically known as The Devil, Satan, Shetani, etc., which DOES make MANY /become/ and /continue to be/ *unknowingly complicit* to ALL of the _myriads_ of «suffering» that ARE inflicted upon others; the ACTUAL TRUTH about the «Render Unto Caesar» speech, revealed in its FULL CONTEXT to the world-public, for the FIRST TIME° in two millennia, has been written by the very returned Spirit of Truth himself which you can read for yourself here...
And as his Voluntary Successor to his Legacy, who comprehends the FULL-CONTEXT behind the True-Light (Truth) that the Spirit-of-Truth tried to spread and «Light Up The World» with (borrowing from Aziz Brown's description of Subject A's intentions), I am _necessarily_ *obligated* to respond to these kinds of «incomplete» descriptions about perceived reality. Government-Officials have many believing that the Public must serve the Government, when in reality, the Government-Officials ARE supposed to BE the «Public-SERVANTS» where the role of the Police WAS once an «Honourable» role, amongst the absolute most-honourable in Society where their «patrols» was about Keeping the PEACE as PEACE-Officers, but, their role was «hi-jacked» back during the 1960s and 70s where greedy politicians and legislators decided to convert their role from that of Peace-Officers instead into that of Extortionist Revenue-Generating Military Hunta to line the pockets of your so-called «Leaders» whom you willingly elect and appoint into positions-of-power via your «vote» as voters and tax-payers.
Just as I had both mentioned and linked earlier, Yeshua ben Yosef, more popularly known as Jesus Christ, absolutely NEVER promoted nor encouraged the paying of taxes, but, that «Render Unto Caesar» speech BACK THEN was ACTUALLY about WARNING everybody NOT to continue to «Fund Your OWN 「Enslavement」» into that Caesar-Style System of EXTORTIONIST-Government.
You are fine «serving» for as long as you comprehend that the CONTEXT is in regards to whether you are «Heeding God the Light Sovereign Power» (Holy Spirit) versus heeding «God the Dark Sovereign Power» (Unholy Spirit or various other names given to the Destructive-Force) and if you are «serving» the «politicians» and «war-mongers» and «tax-collectors» then you ARE «serving» the WRONG SIDE of Spiritual-Polarity.
And, finally, this whole ENTIRE «Material-Universe» really is NAUGHT but a «grain of sand» in comparison to the Pure-Realm (True Heaven). Don't be fooled by the so-called «Ascended Masters» nor anybody else who /claims/ to have «been to heaven and back» because they are *just as confused* as ALL of the other «beings» who, upon death of their flesh-bodies, may indeed «find» themselves in a «better place» than the Earth-Life, and, yes, much «better places» certainly exist within this universe that are much better than the Earth-Life, but, /just because/ it is a «better» existence does NOT make it «Heaven» (not the REAL one from where the Spirit of Truth incarnated /directly/), for, even if it is in lot lesser or less-frequent amounts and/or durations, even in such «realms» there is still «suffering» that still exists within those universes/realms/levels-of-consciousness, thus, automatically «disqualifying» them from being the TRUE «Heaven» realm where absolutely NO «suffering» exists amongst ANY of its inhabitants.
@Paul Cosby
Um....I'll have to agree with Jon Smith. Nothing you said even makes sense. It does sound like an NPC trying to make this death trap some kind of service to self and crucificion ruse...
Are you a bot?
As for this ISBE, I'll be leaving as soon as this prison planet is freed, once all the ISBEs leave, and they will, this place won't exist.
@Aéius Cercle
It is what I just said...I wasn't disputing what you said except the heirarchy of levels of being and service...which is ideology.
Your post was difficult to read and or to follow because of those capitals and so on...
either way, we already know about the CruciFICTION and the ruse, most say he didn't actually exist, but who cares, it's kinda like CONvid because people like to emulate and want to argue about things we have no proof of...
it just all boils down to what we believe and what we know.
I know that I know that you know that I know and that is all I know.
Question to Aziz: is it possible to know more about Harvey's coalition (The Good ETs)? Are they members of the Galactic Federation? How many races are members of that coalition? Do you know if the Taygetans and the Urmahs are members of that coalition (from what I know I would say they are not)? Since the existence of that coalition is very important for the future of mankind, it would be nice to know more about them.
Thank you.
Hey Aziz I hope you aren't overwhelmed by the sheer amount of questions! My question pertains to the death traps and their effective range. In your perceptions, did you sense that the death traps range only encompasses the earth? If it does do you think it is possible to escape the trap by dying off planet? One terrifying scenario could be that the human body is designed to generate the death trap field. I Just wanted to know your thoughts on the mechanics of the DTs, thanks!
I've been following Stan Romaneks case since two decades now and read all his books. All his evidence seems pretty real to me. Are you guys in the future maybe going to remote view such abductee cases, or are these nof ot much interest to you?
Hello Aziz!
I repost this question as it probably ended up in the wrong place before.
I have a linguistics-related question about the session you conducted for "The Tumbling UFO". During the session, you described receiving a message as a stream of "talking data" from a tall blonde alien woman - an experience that I found quite unique.
Since hearing you share that message, I’ve been curious about how the translation into English occurred. Did the woman translate her thoughts directly into English words that you could hear in your mind? Or did she convey concepts, leaving it to you to translate them into English?
As a non-native English speaker, I noticed some unusual phrasing in the message (attached below for reference) and wondered if that might relate to how the translation took place.
Her message:
”There are far more things at play than just what meets the eye. For example, you may see something happen at your front door step, that is just a domino effect from some far greater catalyst of events, far above you, or in a faraway area. If you want to gain the upper hand or have a sense of control over the outcome of any given spat or jeopardy, then you should see the issue as a whole, as it is, and not just its flashy parts.
Eternity is in the palm of your hands and decisions to make the greatest steps forwards are coming once in a lifetime. Be still and in time you will find that all these things are related.
Four days ago, you had an event that happened in your house. We were there. You’ve seen what I’ve said. Steady as she goes. You will be out of the woods long enough, soon enough.
Eat well, sleep, be merry, focus on family and good hearts. Smiles. Thank you. Love you. We love you too. Goodbye.”
Here's an attempt to rephrase the message, as I imagine it may have been ment to be interpreted:
"There’s much more happening than what meets the eye. For instance, something that occurs at your doorstep might be part of a larger chain of events, set in motion by factors far beyond your immediate surroundings. To gain control over any situation or conflict, it’s important to see the whole picture, not just the most obvious parts.
Opportunities to make meaningful progress are rare and valuable—almost once-in-a-lifetime. Be patient, and in time, you’ll see how everything is interconnected.
Four days ago, something significant happened where you live. We were present during that event. You know what I’m referring to. Stay steady, and soon enough, you’ll find yourself safely out of this challenging situation, for long enough to find clarity and stability.
Take care of yourself: eat well, sleep, enjoy life, and focus on your family and those with good hearts. Smiles. Thank you. Love you. We love you too. Goodbye.”
Thank you for your time and insights. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.