*Would Farsight ever consider doing a target posted by a member?
Hi Tazz!
I'm sorry I can't say for sure one way or another since I am not involved in the target creation process at all. But anything is possible!
Hope that helps!
All the best!
Is there anything about your Dad that gets on your nerves? :) Also, do you really just eat one meal a day?
Apparently they had a big tiff before he was even born
Hi Kevin!
Nope! He's great! Also I've started recently eating breakfast again, but I tend to feel most comfortable eating just one meal a day. I actually ate just one meal today! And I likely will do so again tomorrow. After you start eating one meal per day on a regular basis you begin to feel a bit uncomfortable in the stomach eating more frequently. I've gotten really used to the 'light' feeling of having nothing in the belly and that's something i value now. I actually started eating this way because of a combination between my Dad's caloric restriction diet (which involves 2 meals per day) and this guy I found on youtube named Dr. Nun Amen Ra. He's a power lifter who eats one meal per day, and he kinda looks like Teal'c from Stargate SG1! I first discovered him from a youtube channel called 'The Healthy Life'. I am not vegan like him though, I still enjoy eggs and meat.
Thanks for your question Kevin!
All the best!
do you have viewings that turn out to be "duds" that you don't publish? I remember the MH370 session not matching the speculation in social media and I imagine this disappointed several people but I appreciated this.
Hi BD!
Luckily I haven't had that happen much recently, but I've definitely had duds before! However it wasn't that those projects weren't published. The dud session would definitely be thrown in the trash, but I would have to blindly tackle the target again after being told my session was junk. That's another reason why it is so nice to be blind to the target going into a session and to have a team. If you aren't really viewing correctly, someone can 'check' you and you'll know you aren't doing the procedures right. You then have a chance to go deeper into meditation next time and seek out ways to reapproach the session with a less agitated mind.
I hope that answers your question BD!
Wishing you all the best!
My question is about Bowie. What's he doing on Mars? What's going on with all of that? If I recall correctly, some months back Aziz made a comment on how Bowie at death, got a new body, and is now on mars. Would LOVE a deep dive into that one if we could plz.
Who is Bowie
To Paul: David Bowie, the famous pop-singer.
He is - or was - an English pop star famous for inventing a character called Ziggy Stardust and something else called The Spiders From Mars. Yup, so now you know!
Hey Plum!
I would love to learn more about Mars David Bowie also!!! Actually I just threw that question into the session for fun when someone else (I think Intisam? I don't remember) was doing a session. I threw the question in there because I heard that he was one of the many celebrities that had another consciousness aspect off-world. I believe I heard it from Arkheim Ra on one of his interviews. There are several secret space program experiencers I've grown interested in listening to and I think he mentioned David Bowie being on Mars after his death and his last music video before he died being about Mars (Black Star). Very cool music video btw. Actually, I've come to believe now that there are many 'dead' celebrities and VIP personalities across the planet who don't actually die, but through whatever deals they have made are 'extracted' from the Earth experience via consciousness extraction, and then they live the rest of their lives off world in the break-away colonies. It may seem odd at first to think that artists would qualify for this, but in a prison planet the 'entertainment' of the prisoners is INCREDIBLY important to keep them in line. So I would imagine that many artists, ceo's, bankers, politicians, and athletes have managed to secure deals with corporations that extend into the break-away civilization wing of humanity. The prison planet experience on Earth likely operates like any corporation would. So I would expect there to be a multitude of ways to go in and out that align with the deals and services required by a massive profit seeking system.
Hope that answers you question!
Wishing you all the best!
Does the Brazilian movie ASTRAL CITY come close to what is really happening? The concepts of “reincarnation with a mission” is very comforting, but I wonder if extended time in these cloud cities are part of the death traps. I’m trying to understand from an ontological perspective. I do feel that we’re here to free IS-BEs.
To Eloy: if the Death Thraps are real then obviously these 'astral cities' are part of it. Also: it's pretty likely that Astral City depicts 'reality' (whatever that is) since almost any paranormally gifted person 'sees' these realms and it's very consistent, what they tell us.
Also: if we're on a mission or not is (to me) not so relevant. We have to evolve anyway, out of the mess we create on earth. Free ourselves.
The Death Traps are an ultra-advanced technology that is difficult to detect that also includes very sophisticated AI. Given the number of ISBEs on earth and the "Bad ETs" obsession with capturing as many of us as they can, there must be a "holding spot" for ISBEs that are not yet processed into earthly bodies -- I can imagine Astral Cities and other forms of illusions that keep us occupied.
The problem is I think we (most of us) don't really have all the information about this system. I suspect it is far more pervasive and complex, which is why I've hoped that Farsight would investigate it further.
If we achieve 'catastrophic disclosure' there will be a lot of work ahead of us to detect and take down this technology, so we don't get trapped in it *and* can free those that are stuck in the illusory "memory buffer" (astral cities and other illusions). I can only imagine what an undertaking this would be.
There's strong correlations between Farsight's afterlife information and what the medium channels from the main character in Astral City. The movie itself describes death traps. The main character got stuck in these death traps, along with many other lost souls. A scout from one of the Cloud Cities recognized him and carried him back to the Cloud City to begin a long rehabilitation process. Throughout the film, the main character is introduced to himself little by little. His most-recent incarnation's mother visits him from a different Cloud City, where she resides. She tells him that his father didn't make it back to the Cloud Cities because he got lost in the lower vibrations, and that there's hope for retreaving him.
The cloud cities consist of a large population of post-death inhabitants. There's many jobs in the post-life that involve advancements that are first discovered there, and are then introduced to Earth through different means (received by mediums on Earth, or inspired through art, music, stories, or even through reincarnation).The advancements are applicable in every field of 3D Earth reality (physics, philosophy, industry, communications, spirituality, etc). Many recently-deceased take teaching roles to prepare the soon-to-be reincarnated population. Some people incarnate to mate with specific other people to create the perfect circumstance for birthing others into 3D Earth, much like (but not exactly) how Courney explained his connection to Aziz, while Aziz was still in the womb.
I'm not bringing it up to confirm religious beliefs, or anything silly like that. I'd like to know if the Cloud Cities are part of the trap; or, if these Cloud Cities consist of the Rebellion and operate within the 3D Earth prison system, whilst operating as a sanctuary in the lower realms of existence; or, if it's all just cinematic horseshit.
If I have family out there, it would be comforting to know that there will be someone looking for me whilst I try to "Goku" my way out of the prison system.
I like how Wes Penre describes the simulation trap in his Wes Penre Papers Level 1-5. Basically the Anunnaki closed off several dimensional levels in a bubble and, even if you ascend upwards, you're still in the trap...you just notice it less. The illusion gets greater, but you're less bound so you think you're free. I agree with that. The Anunnaki fell from a very high level and have controlled all the levels below that. So you could say the dimensional levels of 1-7 or as he put it probably 1-11 are all still within this simulation that was cut off from the rest of creation. This goes also back to what Amitakh Stanford used to talk about 15-30 years ago about the closing off of this sector after the negative polarity experiment corruption that created the "demiurge" which then used AI to enslave the high ranking Anunnaki here who then took over the EArth to feed on whatever little energy they could.
"The Death Traps are an ultra-advanced technology that is difficult to detect ...If we achieve 'catastrophic disclosure' there will be a lot of work ahead of us to detect and take down this technology, so we don't get trapped in it"
Unless, of course, you happen to be someone who is in a human body, and it dies - in which case, you are taken (sort of) right into the heart of it. At which point, the DT basically is *relying* on the fact that you don't remember anything about who and what you really are, and that you will 'consent' to being zapped (again, because you don't know who and what you really are).
I have always wondered if the remote viewing targets contain bias (or expectations) from the person that thought up/created the target in the first place? For instance, if the person that creates the target has in mind that there is a death trap and recycling process at death, then that's what the remote viewers will perceive. In other words, the target, is what that person that created it expects it to be so the remote viewer picks that up from the target. Another example would be that the person that requested the Jeffrey Epstein sessions believes he was killed in prison, so all the remote viewers pick that up. (I personally believe he was killed in prison!) You would have to have several random people submit targets and say what they were expecting when they submitted the target to see if you get different results based on the expectations in order to test this and control for this potential, I would think. How do you avoid bias or contamination of targets?
I enjoy political targets and would be interested to have an RV session on the Q phenomenon and who was behind that. I also agree with a previous suggestion to remote view GOD! Nothing seems more important than knowing about our creator and why we are here and what the purpose is. Who created the Is Be? I'd like to see a Remote view session of Heaven and hell. I'd like to see remote viewing of spirits (people that have died) to see if they decieve humans by telling them they are ET's.
"remote view GOD!" etc...
Somewhat ironic, given your previous query is about tasker bias and their personal opinions.
They already did
It was the one where they remote viewed the devil
Edward Riordan did a few sessions on who was behind Q and the results were absolutely fascinating. Definitely way more complex and extravagant than a handful of generals in the Pentagon basement, and more akin to a bunch of free-love hippie geniuses with access to super advanced AI and trillions of dollars.
Hi Kathleen!
I definitely have had my worries with tasker bias influencing viewer data, but it hasn't been too big of a worry because of the great number of examples across remote viewing's history where taskers have been surprised by data. There has been a litany of examples (both within Farsight's works and with other groups and individuals) where the tasker had their world view shaken or completely changed by the viewer's data.
To be honest I think there is far more to being 'online' in the sense of accessing the psychic internet. I think we are constantly connected to the telepathic thoughts of others and the possibility of perceiving any place across existence, but we are so wrapped up in our conscious mind chatter, and untrained when it comes to differentiating the origins of these signals, that we basically exist in a blind perpetual mucky storm of psychic frequencies. The remote viewing process helps us tune out things momentarily to pull data from the target, but ultimately we have to be able to be self aware enough to see where contamination, blocking, and other interference can appear whether it is intentional or not. I've speculated that with the rise of large language model AI's like chatgpt, llama, etc, that we can experiment one day with substituting the tasker out with an artificial intelligence that knows the target and can present movement exercises to the viewer which are subjective to the development of the viewer's perseptions of the target without revealing any target data. This way the AI is not just the tasker, but an interviewer as well. An interviewer would in this case direct the viewer to explore specific parts of the target in non-leading ways, like "Go to Focus 2". The AI could technically pull a target from a large pool of targets they filled that is large enough so that the viewer can't guess which one they will be given. In this example, the viewer kind of his own tasker after he looks at the target reveal and closes the session while the AI is acting as a middle man. Ultimately, the only REAL solution is to simply get better, to be MORE psychically advanced. I see the SRV session template and remote viewing process as it exists today in general as glorified training wheels for our stage of human psychic evolution as we get our 'psychic sea-legs' as a species. We need to get so good that we can clearly observe the trajectories of mental thoughtforms from their origin as they cross our awareness so that session data is not affected.
In fact, I've noticed through the almost 10 years now that I've been a remote viewer that MANY people have all sorts of interference that affect their sessions. Like a perfectly accurate session can be done on a target location and a target subject, but the viewer consumes x, y, z, type of content on the internet and has identified their ego with this topic SO MUCH that when they go into a session they tend to (on average) paint their conscious mind behavioral biases over the raw accurate data that constitutes the session. These biases are programmed externally, often by social media or life experiences and culture. The lower level data is perfectly correct, but the higher level conscious mind INTERPRETATION of that data is painted with what the conscious mind is familiar with. I think only a clear evolution of remote viewers epigenetically through solidifying radical new beahviors can rectify this. By epigenetically I mean that we must literally evolve as a species to get past the conscerns you've mentioned. And we must do so through consistent experimentation and adaptation, and I believe proper technological applications can help with this. We are trying to do that at Farsight and there are many new protocols and procedures we are experimenting with to always get better, and most of this stuff hasn't been recorded and shared yet just because it is so new, but more people need to tackle this. There literally needs to be more remote viewers in the world. The scientific progress of the field demands it, and that is also a big goal of Farsight.
As for the God question, I believe I did answer that earlier question on the previous page, so I'll refrain from repeating myself here. I don't believe in the christian concepts of heaven and hell despite being raised christian myself, but I have seen worlds in sessions that looked quite 'hell-ish' in terms of the environmental landscape and the lifeforms present across those places, but I would just refer to such places as another ecosystem far removed from the one I am familiar with in this particular memory line I'm living now. Remote viewing spirits would be a very cool topic though as well!
Thank you for your question Kathleen! That was a really wonderful one.
I hope that my answer was sufficient.
Wishing you all the very best!
I have a question about safety and security.
While thinking about the disclosure issue I realized that if the Good ETs are helping people trigger disclosure from the ground up, then theres a possibility that the bad ETs actively go after people involved in that activity.
I dont know if this is true and in general I dont know what the risks are, but here is what I want to ask:
How safe are we in general?
Do the bad ETs go after people like us in an attempt to diffuse our activity by harming us possibly mentally or even physically?
If I was to start a public psychic movement by publicly sharing my remote viewing data and teaching people to remote view, would I be in danger of harm from the bad ETs?
If we remote view the bad ETs and they see us will they track us down and try to hurt/dissuade us?
Do we need protection from the bad ETs like Farsight has?
If so, how to we get access to that?
And one last question: How extensive is that protection ?
Does it protect against everything like any kind of poisoning, shooting, Bad ET interaction, any physical harm etc. ?
Or is it just mental protection ?
Thank you in advance for your answers, I think the answers to these questions will help alot of us get moving on our efforts to help trigger disclosure!
Hi Ro, I think it depends a lot on your own inner conviction and willpower. Take David Icke. He's super outspoken and should be definitely targeted by the bad et's. However he's not afraid at all of that and consequently nothing happens. I think overcoming the fear of dying is very important for your own 'safety'. 'Safety' since you are always safe in spirit.
One other question, Harvey mentioned that they are actively saving people from the traps. When you die, what should you do to get their attention? Do they Have to know who you are already? Im almost certain the only way you get "sucked" into the death trap is if you have a subconscious "program" running in the background. It has to do with energy transfer and attention and intention. If you avoid the light generally you can avoid it. In that in between place do I call out telepathically?
It sounds like this whole thing is about to unravel. The good ETs see the destruction of our current society and quite possibly nuclear war which to my understanding then gives the good ETs a way in? Perhaps to prevent or stop the compete annihilation of the planet. But, what if things don’t unravel like that, meaning not so much chaos. Does catastrophic disclosure not occur? At what point and how many humans ask for assistance, do we get it? Which candidate do the good ETs prefer? If the Cold War turns hot between the good ETs and the bad ETs what does that mean for the people of earth? What do the good ETs think of other prominent contactees and there messages which all see to differ. What do they think of Ricardo Gonzalez, Elena Danaan, Billy Meier?
Q1: When I attempt to remote view sometimes I'm way off, and other times I get a lot of details right. They feel the same, is it possible to feel the difference?
Q2: Have you considered proving remote viewing with a item in a box test done by a skeptical professor to prove it works?
To your second question. Those tests have been done many times (Ingo Swann for one). It's not about 'proving it' anymore, and it never was. RV had been proven a zillion times. Its the consciousness of the masses that has to change (upgrade) to be able to receive this RV-reality.
I can't find any documented third party test. Ingo Swann tested at SRI.
I think it was at the University of Colorado, Boulder (if memory serves me) where they actually published "official" (whatever that means now) studies about remote viewing and had a very favorable portrayal of it; "proving it" in essence.
Hi Aziz, I think it’s wonderful that you’re making yourself available for our questions and can already tell you have your work cut out for you. I have a couple questions about when you’re starting to learn remote viewing. When you probe a target during a pen and paper session, how do you perceive non visual data like textures, e.g. gritty, wet, mushy, as well as smells? How do you do pick up on this stuff while holding the pen? Also,with visual data, how do you distinguish between images that are AOL vs the target images? Lastly, do you stay in contact with any of the beings you initially encountered during your RV sessions? Any one we may know of from your Farsight projects? P.s., You are very articulate, concise, and enthusiastic in all of your presentations. It’s a joy to behold. Peace to you!
Hello Aziz,
I have had an email correspondence with Courtney regarding adding an AI chatbot to the website. He said he would refer this to you, since you are the most tech savvy, but I haven't heard back.
I am an software developer and can set up a chatbot free of charge. It could be trained on anything you want, such as the SRV procedure, all your RV projects, specific books, websites, etc.
It will basically be chatGPT knowing all about Farsight. What do you say? And what do the forum members think about it?
I also have another idea that I would like your input to: I would like to use AI tools such as Invideo.ai to create shorts/reels based on farsightprime videos. This would be a great promotional tool. I will post them on a dedicated youtube channel.
Hello Aziz,
In recent years the monthly economic forecasts have always been very valuable in order to get an idea of what is going to happen as a whole. Unfortunately, these were stopped without further comment. why is that ? and could you please start making predictions like that again? I think diversifying the content offering with something less alien would be a joy for many people interested in RV.
Please excuse me, dear Aziz, if you have already covered this on Farsight Institute and I haven't seen it yet, but on remote viewing Buddha you saw that after his enlightenment and after death he entered Nirvana and disintegrated, he was rematerialized by an electronic energy and was resurrected by aliens with a syringe in the neck. This would lead to the question of how it must be possible to free oneself from the eternal program cycle of this virtual, binary, digital and holographic reality, a computer simulation made of consciousness (Tom Campbell) and this cycle of karma and rebirths, to get past the eagle, as Carlos Castaneda said? Who or what makes this ominous computer simulation, who is or has this consciousness? Thank you.
Question about RV: Have you considered updating and revising your RV training videos; make them more succinct, direct and engaging, like the new-format of RV videos.