Why don’t you give Farsight a break? Get tired of you criticizing them, telling them what they should or should not do. You have zero answers just repeated, self indulgent, lengthy posts. You don’t engage another’s point just keep pushing your own or attack theirs. Chill out. Consider other points of view. Be glad Farsight is even around. What they are doing involves risk both terrestrial and not. I admire and respect them for that. Your whining at them is the least of their concerns.
Larry, let me copy your post here, because you have a history of deleting your posts.
You posted :" Why don’t you give Farsight a break? Get tired of you criticizing them, telling them what they should or should not do."
By telling members, NOT to post here, you have just unmasked yourself.
Well done !
Someone is always lying or hiding something from you whether Farsight or me with your dramatic “unmasking” That’s funny. Have no secrets or agenda. Just here to learn and occasionally share. You appear paranoid in your beliefs & reactions. Also where did I “tell members not to post here? Only was replying to you and even then simply said you unfairly criticize FS too much. Courtney is an honest guy. Sometimes a little too open with what he says on his bike about romantic interests letting him down or relatives not paying him back. Sorry for offending you especially on your thread. BTW can see now how loosh may be necessary but not in the fashion of current death trap
The former Death-Trap project had results which are questionable, because of ambiguous tasking as outlined in this thread.
I therefore propose to re-visit the Death-Traps, with a more precise tasking:
1. The DMP of the leader of operations should be done, not only of a simple worker.
2. The group of IsBes which can escape from the traps, should be of a specific timeperiod, in which it is guaranteed that the traps were operational. By chosing a time before 2000, it is clear that only escapees from a timeperiod of fully operatinal traps are RVed.
I think the results of this project should give enough clues, which will make it possible to come nearer to a remedy of our deplorable situation in which we are now.
Larry, any constructive addition of more points, to this proposal?
Yes thank you. Good ideas. Before addressing each point important to recognize the playing field. From what I have read, learned from Farsight/Brett Stuart/Robert Monroe, subjects, and others on forum and most importantly direct experience , these traps exist in what Monroe called locale 2. Many might say 4D. If so this must be destroyed there. It’s possible to AP past this “ring” as Monroe said. We humans have the ability to project our etheric body beyond 3D to 4D to whatever “focus” or frequency. It’s not easy but done at night anyway. Just be conscious of it. Focus it. Reptilians & others can already move inter dimensionally so maybe we can too. In summary of a quick heads up think FS could be more forth coming but for reasons we might accept.they may say what allowed, Don’t know but CB always says checkout yourself. I have been found this true.
Our captors are formidable in tech and mental manipulation. Have no spirit or emotion tho. They sell ours. The universe wants the loosh and our captors supply it in a sick way. We can expect no help from nice aliens, or disclosure.
If Monroe is right, earth after 3000 still have humans producing loosh but for only one existence. Just think MB maybe this works out in the future as this type of compromise. Maybe could be presented now. On 1. Yeah maybe. Think all beyond him. On 2 There are many humans who can travel through this grid or ring depending on your perspective. You imply traps after 2000 not fully operational. Perhaps for many reasons you already know, however still effective on those attracted by images of a belief structure they follow. I can’t stress enough how the more we learn the more it must be validated by some type of experience: lucid dream, astral projection, RV, hypnogogic state, dream, or whatever. Some of this stuff is crazier than science fiction. It’s hard to know what’s true unless you experience it.
Larry, on 2. : The targeting is muddled up.
For both groups (experiencer of traps, versus non-experiencer) it was set by CB in the 21st century.
But we do not know for sure, whether the non-experiencer has evaded the traps by some inherent qualities, or has not experienced them because they were just not existent any more, say in 2060. Who knows? This brings in the uncertaincy.
If we want to find out about the quality which makes the avoidance of the traps possible, we have to be sure that in both cases the people have died during a time when the traps were operational.
We know they were operational before the year 2000, for sure.
So, by setting a time before 2000, we can be sure that the person (or group) who died and has NOT experienced the traps, is our person (group) of interest.
This person/group should be the target, in order to find out about the qualities/mechanisms which led to the escape of that person/group. Then on these qualities/mechanisms should be homed on.
See here the unfortunate setting within the 21 century, from 11:00 :
Larry, regarding 1. : It's the Anunnaki and they are difficult/impossible to RV, specially the higher echelons.
In the Pistes Sophia, there is a description of the Reincarnation-cycle, the erasing of the memory and Loosh-harvest.
Jesus went into the region (aeons and spheres of the “Rulers“ and changed the prevailing conditions a bit, in order to facilitate a faster soul-growth.
Here is the section where the harvest of LOOSH seems to be described (Chapter 26):
“ And when the time of the number of Melchisedec, the great Receiver of the Light (Loosh?) came, he was wont to come intothe midst of the aeons and of all the rulers who are bound in the shere and in the Fate, and he carried away the purification of the light (Loosh?) from all the rulers of the aeons and from the rulers of the Fate and from those of the sphere – for he carried away then that which brings them into agitation – and he ser in motion the hastener who is over them, and made them turn their circles (Circles of rebirth?) swiftly, and he carried away their power which was in them and the breath of their mouth and the tears of their eyes and the sweat of their bodies.
And Melchisedec, the Receiver of the Light, purifieth those powers and carrieth their light into the Treasury of Light, while the servitors of all the rulers gather together all matter from them all; and the servitors of all the rulers of the Fate and the servitors of the sphere which is below the aeons, take it and fashion it into souls of men and cattle and reptiles and …
Here is the section where the changes from a 100% ONLY Loosh production and a 100% recycle (rebirth) rate is changed:
“And i have shortened their cycles, and made their path more speedy, and it will be exceedingly hurried. And they were thrown into confusion in their path, and from then on were no more able to devour the matter of the refuse of the purification of their light. And moreover i have shortened their times and their periods, so that the perfect number of souls who shall receive the mysteries and be in the Treasury of the Light, shall be quickly completed. FOR HAD I NOT CHANGED THEIR COURSES, AND HAD I NOT SHORTENED THEIR PERIODS, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE LET ANY SOUL COME INO THE WORLD; BECAUSE OF THE MATTER OF THEIR REFUSE WHICH THEY (THE RULERS) DEVOURED, AND THEY (THE RULERS) WOULD HAVE DESTROYED MANY SOULS.“
This is all about the reincarnation circle. Here is the law of Karma described:
Peter answered and said:“ My Lord (Jesus), a robber and thief, whose sin is this persistently, when he cometh out of the body, what is his chastisement?“
Jesus said:“If the time of such a one is completed through the shere, the receivers of Adonis come after him, and lead his soul out of the body, and they spend three days circling round with it and instructing it concerning the creatures of the world.....
Thereafter they lead it up unto the Virgin of Light, who judgeth the righteous and the sinners, that she may judge it. And when the shere turneth itself, she handeth it over to her receivers, that they may cast it into the aeons of the sphere. And they lead it forth into water which is below the sphere; and it becometh a seething fire and eateth into it until it purifieth it utterly.
Thereafter cometh Yaluham, the receiver of Sabaoth, the Adamas, bringeth the CUP OF FORGET-FULNESS and handeth it unto the soul; and it drinketh it and FORGETTETH ALL THINGS AND ALL REGIONS TO WHICH IT HAD GONE. And they cast it (the soul) into a lame,halt and blind body.
This is the chastisement of the thief.“
Quite interesting, isn't it?
MB - I've sort of looked through this thread from the beginning, but admit to having skimmed a lot of posts, and not watched videos.
However, I have questions for you.
Firstly, as an IS-Be, why would we need a death-trap, when we could simply just reincarnate without it? (we could even lose our memories if we really wanted to). Incarnation, and even the entering of this universe in the first place, was a choice we made. So, there's no actual need for such devices!
RE: "loosh" - sounds like a great way for someone to keep the DTs around for a while and not have people try to find ways to destroy them... what makes you think that it's not a con?
Lastly, I have memories of being in a DT - NOT a fun experience! So, I'm all for their destruction (especially given the first question I posed)
Hey Shiningbrow good questions that I can offer you my opinion as well as MB. First as Courtney always says “find out for yourself” in whatever manner works- AP, RV, hypnosis, or any method that you trust. This subject is far too crazy to accept otherwise. There are many good sources to follow on this thread to bring you up to speed with the many complicated aspects of our history.
No one wants the “death traps.” They are not for our benefit. However it’s exactly as MB’s post is named - the Problem is the death traps are necessary. We don’t need them to reincarnate but appears the residents of this universe wants the “loosh.” This is a valuable farm for the universe and the cattle (us) be damned. How this started is detailed in Robert Monroe”s Far Journeys. Encourage you to read it as would be too lengthy to post here how started as a “garden” to artificially produce it then “evolved” and optimized by the creator of it. In a way it could be this which protects us from the many galactic intruders in our skies that would love to have this planet under its domain. However that would be far too difficult with the current prison controllers - the reptilians..A destroyed earth is one that does not produce loosh. Many powerful civilizations would not be happy. Even after the last galactic war earth was recognized for what it is and left as it is. Don’t think going away until after the year 3000 when system “adjusted” per my earlier reply to MB. Key changes are less humans, one reincarnation, and an actual choice.
We don’t think loosh is a “con” based on many corroborating sources. Believe MB may have AP’d and discovered this as well from what I read.
I constantly verify Farsight as any other author, researcher, or text. I trade the market and find their 60 forecast of SPY accurate and the recent gold forecast spot on to end August. I keep hoping I find them wrong so I can discredit this horrific “soul recycle” they document. Sadly they are accurate and more people such as Brett Stuart and Nigel Kerner have confirmed as well.
Try taking some videos of our “prison wardens” in the sky as Courtney describes. They are everywhere. CB has now put this in our face to again experience directly and deal with it.
Believe we can escape this as no barrier during an AP and Monroe’s affirmations seem to work in attracting helpful entities. Courtney is correct again. However I disagree disclosure is our only hope. If anything it would produce more loosh. We have to do this for now with our own efforts but possible.
Hi Larry.
First question - where do people get the idea that the DTs are necessary? So what if "the residents of this universe want the loosh"... If I want lots of gold, silver and diamonds, does that justify enslaving tens of thousands of workers to get it?
I have memories of being in a DT - it's not fun. There are thousands of others on this planet with similar memories. Taking away that freedom by force and coercion (and deceit) is not the way for 'higher beings' to get something they need.
If this loosh theory is correct, then they can find another way to get it!
(I'll also point out - if loosh is a real thing, and there are beings 'higher' (what does that even mean???) that need it, and they are somewhat benevolent - then it makes no sense to have the producers of it existing in sub-optimal conditions for that production. (however, if this is the case, then it stands to reason that 'loosh' is actually the result of a lot of *negative* emotions - fear, pain, suffering, etc.... not the positive ones! What does that tell you??) Try seeing this as the difference between caged chickens and free-range and organic ones... which would you prefer to have? Even if you know you're going to die, I'm sure you'd prefer to have a nice life, rather than an enslaved one.
(I was going to join the FS crypto group - but $5k US is beyond my budget at the moment...)
I've just gotten my hands on Monroe's books... I'll see about getting through them.
I've also recently acquired the GE stuff... but it'll be a week or 2 before I start using them.
Hey Shining, You asked the same question? Don’t want to rehash why the DTs necessary. Explained above. Don’t believe it. Wish I didn’t.
Yes they, galactic residents, have found loosh in many ways but this earth experimental “garden” has proved the most productive and apparently most intense loosh. Read Far Journeys or this excerpt from the book:
Info was obtained during an OBE. Again no reason for you to believe it. Find out yourself.
You write as of there are rules, kindness, benevolence, or concern for us by the producers or “higher beings.” Why? There is not. Reptilians, mantis, greys, and others have shown no mercy. They are “higher” in tech and longevity of their life spans and intellect as not subject to erasure. Morality wise the reptilians and mantis are quite evil. They don’t care if we live in “sub optimal conditions.” More discomfort the better. Wars, famine, anger, hate, despair, and suffering produce more loosh. However loosh can be created from a variety of human emotions - even positive ones like sex and love. What does that tell you as you say? Chicken example may apply if eating the flesh but this is not. The killing of it or suffering is the example. Again don’t expect you to believe but keep exploring this with an open mind. This is all crazy.
Many of us on earth have good lives. Many don’t. Nonetheless in terms of our souls not being able to reincarnate freely has us all “enslaved” to this planet. Even us with “good lives.”
I’m not a member of the crypto group. Not paying that amount of money. Don’t need to when I can get a forecast of the index, SPY, or gold, IAU, and write option contracts 60 days out. Farsight is deadly accurate.
Monroe’s books were uplifting to know we are more than physical. We survive death. We can travel without machines. However like Monroe was quite depressed to learn we are here for a reason and not for our benefit. Past that now and working to enhance this life and prepare for what awaits. Escape after death may be possible as Monroe was able to project past the “rings” he saw around our planet that capture us. Many say the moon plays a role. Don’t know.
Appears you may be new to much of this and skepticism is justified. Meditate daily, practice OBE, use hypnosis, and maintain a healthy body and at the least you will feel better. At most you will find the power that we ISBEs enjoy but just forgot. Please don’t take any of this as condescending or critical. Simply offering what I have learned but more importantly experienced. I have learned not to take myself seriously anymore. It’s all quite humbling. We are not the top of the food chain.
Hi again Larry.
Yes, I have asked the same question again, because it hasn't been answered. The important word here is 'necessary'. Just describing what *is* (even if it were true, or even if I believed it to be true) doesn't justify adding the 'necessary' tag.
I was listening to the video you posted, but ... a) it's merely someone saying something they believed (without providing much evidence - is there anything that could be called 'evidence' later on?), and b) he was saying what he thought was the situation, not saying why it was "necessary". And especially no-one seems to have made the case (or even attempted to) that this loosh production is necessary for those producing it! it also fails to explain why IS-BEs are necessary in this... Or why we should not want to escape or try to destroy the DTs... (do all humans have a soul?)
I have started on Far Journey... just at the end of Part 1. I did a search for some of the terms used in the video above - so it's all from Part 2... I'll get to that and comment later/
Yes, scepticism is necessary! So, asking LOTS of questions about anything someone says with very little evidence... and that evidence is very very thin - about as thin as anything in the books of the Abrahamaic religions!
And, yes, I'm intending to do things that may or may not correlate with any of this. As I said, I have GE mp3, so I'll give that a go. However, my burdens for proof seem to be a LOT higher than for others.
RE: rules. Yes, true. There is no such thing as 'fair'. So, all you can do is try to ensure that you and yours are taken care of. Which brings us back to - destroy the DTs!
Here's an idea... if this 'loosh' stuff is real, and really does support the 'higher' beings up there, then it should be a no-brainer that evidence of this can be given to those who seek it, and the technology given so that it can be verified to everyone else on the planet! I mean, rather than merely taking someone/thing's word for it!
I just saw a podcast where Maria Lupita was interviewed. She had a NDE that she later 'unpacked'. It showed her, among many other things, the death traps ! She gives a great review of them with the ony solution which is to dismantle them from within.
The question and Maria's answer start at 37:20 and go to 42:35 or if you are very interested 45:45.
Here is the link: