Larry, thanks for the GALANTAMINE tip.
Unfortunately it is not freely available in the EU.
Have you tried the William Buhlman CD's?
Larry, thanks for the GALANTAMINE tip.
Unfortunately it is not freely available in the EU.
Have you tried the William Buhlman CD's?
Well Larry, i think a lot can be said about the veracity of a „dream“ within a „dream“.
IsBe's which are familiar with the topic will recognize it for what it is.
I had also very good, spritual „dreams“, so we are in a mixed, but surely tough game.
The question is: How to modify it so that the nightmarish features are gone or lessened and the neverending recycling stops?
What changes do you propose and how to implement them?
Are you in contact with a higher entity and can you communicate with it about the topic?
Larry, we are trying to achieve something here.
This is not about which gimmick you or i can perform on a particular level.
This is about a fundamental change which will effect many realms, including what we call 3D-reality. So this is very important.
If you think that only the human FS-community is reading what we post, then you are naive.
Therefore certain things should not be posted.
But i will describe the background of my dream, as i made the mistake of posting it, and as you are asking:
It was an alien-abduction in 3-D.
The dreamlike aspect only came in because the memory-wipe didn't work 100%.
There are no skills required to experience something like that.
Only the intended LOOSH-harvesting was blocked on my side, which is one of the skills which i acquired through 35+ years of daily mantra-meditation practice.
So, in view of the above said, i would describe my skillset as maybe rudimentary, untrained low-skill with a lot of pretending.
No, let's say i am a full blown pretender.
BTW, what happened with your "Bodhisattva" - post?
I can't find it anymore.
Larry, thanks for the advice. I deleted my "dream"-post.
It seems you havn't gotten my joke, so lets go back to topic with these questions:
How to modify it so that the nightmarish features are gone or lessened and the neverending recycling stops?
What changes do you propose and how to implement them?
Are you in contact with a higher entity or psychic and can you communicate with it/her about the topic?
Hi Larry, thanks for the well-meaning advice.
It is real, at least for me; it has been ongoing for decades.
I got used to it, there is no trauma, as of that event. There were others...
No need for QHHT, i think i know what to expect.
It comes with the territory, as being member of the „unruly bunch“, like Maria and many others here on FS. This game is tough, and i am behind enemy lines, but got remote backup.
Doing what i came for and it is fun.
Well said. It's really tough. I don't know how they attack us...but they do. And I'm also doing the best I can to separate myself from the consequences of the acts they throw upon us. I have to think forward, and positive thoughts, just to make it through. It'll be fun for me too, once I get past all this.
LOL Protoi777,
but essentially you are right.
It seems that nobody here has a clue how this football game of creation is being played.
But still they want to reshuffle the players and then expect to score...
My thought on this:
Well, CB, the last intelligence briefing meant only one thing for you:
Back to the drawing-board !
I told you before that FS and GF can not just go to the moon and dismantle there some trap-machinery.
And if you again think that “disclosure“ is the way to dismantle the death-traps, then you set yourself up for a time-consuming failure.
You seem not to have realized what the underlying reality and problem of the traps is. If you don't know it yet, then re-read the title of this thread.
There is an old Indian tale about how a blind man would describe an elephant:
One blind man touches the ears and says: “An elephant is like a big leaf“;
another blind man touches the legs and says: “An elephant is like a big tree“;
another blind man touches the trunk and says: “An elephant is like a big tube“;
another blind man touches the tail and says: “An elephant is like a whip“;
another blind man touches the tusk and says: “An elephant is like a big curved tooth“ etc..
Same thing with the death-traps. It is a curse and a boon at the same time, only depending of your personal approach and POV.
The basic purpose of the death-traps is to ensure the production of LOOSH.
Your POV of a prison-planet is also correct, but it is only one lower vibrational facet in this multi-facetted (non)reality.
The schooling and experiencing-view of the trapped is another more positive POV or facet.
Personally, i agree that the current situation is not desirable and that it ought to change, but let's be realistic:
The dismantling of the traps is not going to happen, because the disruption of LOOSH-production will NOT be accepted.
It is only natural that all higher level of existence in this universe agree on this, because they depend on it.
In my opinion, that is understandable,
So, what to do?
See, it is like this:
You get a ticket for wrong parking at a spot where common sense would dictate that you can park there without hindering or disturbing anyone. So you are of the opinion that it should not be given.
You can't complain and effect any changes while talking with the policeman and if you refuse to pay it, then you end up with a higher fine or a court-case. The court will say that because of § X, section Y, point Z, you have unlawful parked and have therefore committed an offence etc. Your refusal to accept this procedure might even cost you your licence in the end.
So, what is the general approach here to redeem the problem?
First, you have to follow protocol:
Arguing with a policeman or judge will have no effect.
You will have to change the law by sending a petition up, up to the correct address, the lawmakers.
This alone is very difficult.
But even if you succeed, so that your petition is received and considered, then you have to be aware of this:
A simple petition to abolish this useless parking-rule will fall on deaf ears, because this rule creates revenue for the ruling body and nobody will favour a proposition where the production of less revenue is advocated.
In order to have a chance of success, your petition will have to be a proposition to systematically change the existing stupid parking law into a new rule which will not only abolish the existing stupidity by being more just/effective/informative etc, but will even create MORE revenue.
So, it is more or less a sales-pitch.
Let me show you another facet of the recycling-process.
During a program in the Monroe-Institut, one participant was visiting the Moon and had a communication with the „director“ of the re-entry station for souls. That director was very helpful and the resulting information is quite interesting:
"Yes. Physical world reality is a pretty crowded place. By compressing the curl's (soul's) awareness into one place, it's more concentrated. It's better able to focus, concentrate if you like, on its tasks and purposes once its in the physical world. Less apt to be distracted by input overload from the high level, M-band noise pressure."
"Input overload? High level M-band noise pressure?"
"At the level of physical world reality there are presently over five billion human inhabitants packed onto a very small place called earth. Everyone living there is constantly broadcasting their thoughts and feelings into that close quarters environment. They're like five billion little radio stations all broadcasting their own, unique talk shows into the airwaves at the same time. Those thoughts and feelings are what we call M-band noise. There are so many people broadcasting at once, all pushing their thoughts and feelings out into the environment, we call it high level, M-band noise pressure."
"Does closing down a curl's level of awareness by compression in the constriction section have something to do with limiting the effect of that M-band noise?" I asked, responding to impressions I was getting as I watched the curls pass through. "It limits the curl's ability to sense things in the nonphysical environment, doesn't it." "Yes it does. You see, if a curl's conscious awareness remained fully expanded to its normal size during and after entry into physical world reality it couldn't function. It's being constantly bombarded by a great percentage of the M-band noise. Finding its own memories and thoughts amongst that blaring jumble would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. At its normal level the curl's awareness would be in a constant state of complete and utter chaos, as a result of the input overload. Such overload would make progress on a curl's purpose for being in physical world reality impossible. The compression step of the reentry process concentrates the curl's awareness into a very small area, allowing it to be less aware of M-band noise."
"So compression reduces conscious awareness of nonphysical reality. But doesn't that also make it so the curl has no memory of what happened to it or decisions about its purpose made before entry into the physical world?"
"Well, yes, sort of. Memory of those decisions and contact with the Greater Self, your Disk or Monroe's I/There, is also almost completely blocked by the compression. You see, compression works on the level of the curl's conscious awareness. That doesn't mean those memories and contacts are removed or totally inaccessible, they're just compressed into the subconscious. They are fully accessible, but ordinarily only at the curl's subconscious levels.
"Wouldn't be better to let curls decide whether they want this to happen or not?"
"They do decide, Bruce. Each curl understands and agrees to this as part of the reentry process. It's not a rule imposed upon the curl by anyone, it's part of the preparation necessary for survival in the environment. You could think of it like the old fashion, deep sea diving suits. You know, the ones with the big heavy helmet and air hose hooked to a pump on the surface. To withstand the pressure and survive while exploring the ocean bottom in the old days, divers had to wear the suit. Compression at the Reentry Station is where the curl puts on that suit."
"I'm getting that M-band noise is somehow similar to the water pressure at the bottom of the ocean in your metaphor," I said, responding to incoming impressions.
"Very good! M-band noise IS like the water of the ocean. As you go deeper toward the ocean bottom, physical world reality, M-band noise pressure becomes greater. Once a curl reaches physical world reality M-band noise pressure actually helps maintain compression of its conscious awareness within the limits of its physical body."
From here:
Back to the petition, and i suggest you consider this carefully and as urgent, so that the breaking of a bone (not the first time,lol) will not be required to kindle the spirit of urgency.
Although it was a fitting scene as a professor:
I like the Harvey-girl, lol.
Ok, fun is over. Back to business aka sales-pitch.
The idea of a petition sounds smooth, but the implementation is difficult, although not impossible.
Where to start?
Whom to address?
In which format/protocol?
What should be the exact content of the petition?
First of all, let me tell you something about LOOSH .
Loosh is not like LOOSH; there are many differences in quality/vibration.
Some IsBe's prefer the horror/agony/fear-Loosh, while others abhor that kind of Loosh.
The other may feed on devotion, motherly love, joy etc, which is again abhored by others.
It goes the other way round and and vice versa.
Compare it like this: If you put some honey and some dog-dung beside each other, if a fly comes , it prefers the dung while a bee would always go to the honey.
If a petition aims at the increase of the production of LOOSH, then it should aim at the increase of the most valuable kind of LOOSH, which is NOT the horror/agony/fear-Loosh.
The most valuable type of Loosh is a specific type of devotional Love.
The Yogis call devotional love “Bhakti“ and there are 5 main types of Bhakti.
The most valuable form of Bhakti is called “Prema-Bhakti“.
Therefor the most valuable form of LOOSH is Premabhakti.
It is the highest form of LOVE......and the most difficult one to achieve.
It is an ecstatic, selfless, non-egoistcal form of pure devotion only for the purpose of itself.
You may call it religious ecstasy.
Some Christian mystics were able to achieve this stage, like Padre Pio.
Swami Ramakrishna mastered it in several different devotional paths, including the Christian path. That is a very rare achievement.
I suggest delving into that subject, like reading about Mirabai, a bhakta of Krishna. It is a beautiful subject and very inspirational, but it will be difficult to comprehend for someone who even thinks of „weaponising“ Love.
So, the increase in LOOSH does NOT automatically mean an increase in horror/agony/fear.
I had to look hard for proof of what i stated about the traps.
This video below corroborates the dual nature of the death-traps: Loosh harvesting and development-school go together and are required.
This video is the work of a very experienced hypnotist, with literally thousands of video-sessions online. He knows what he is doing.
In the first hour, we have the usual deception of a soul to enter back into the reincarnation-cycle, acted out by a reptilian who projects himself as Jesus. The two, the hypnotist and Gwen, the subject, are „stealing“ that soul and give him/it a free choice. He/it does not know what to do, and they end up doing the same as the reptilian had intended: Sending him/it through the „filter“ of forgetfulness back into another reincarnation. The reptilian just scoffs at them.
They want to close the session, but then, from 1:18:30 on it gets VERY, VERY interesting:
Suddenly, “Eluana“, Gwen's higher self, shows up and confirms the dual nature of the process:
The feeding-off of energy, but also there is, quote :
“ awakening, … i mean a collateral effect..
.. but as long as it lasts, they do it..
.. and, as we have seen, in order for us to reach this awareness we need to live lifes on the Earth.
It is a giving and taking. Thats why those of ... “
BUT THEN suddenly a “Cosmic Committee“ of evolved beings steps in and forbids to tell more info, because it would be dangerous for her (Gwen), because otherwise, quote:
“the whole system would go haywire“!!!
The whole interaction becomes a direct verification of the situation, which i mentioned.
Here it is: