Okay, here's another one:
Target: 6882-5717
No time limit. Reveal after three attempts. Please post wether you plan to view it.
Okay, here's another one:
Target: 6882-5717
No time limit. Reveal after three attempts. Please post wether you plan to view it.
Hi Manuel, I hope to try it in the next few days
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Session-Attempt(s) planned for after tomorrow;
With business-legwork plus Halloween-activities looming it will just need to wait for after tomorrow.
I will get to this... soon, but, I had to do a HUGE set of «Pre-Session MEGA-Deductions» because, believe it or not, I was apparently «dreaming» that I was preparing to «Remote-View» this Target... I can certainly put in those pre-deductions if you want to read them, but, starting on the actual target is necessarily delayed because all of this obscenely cold weather saps my energy & makes me feel tired so I will be needing to take another nap before I will feel refreshed enough to give this a proper attempt, but, for now, hmm, I guess I can dump my «PRE-Session» Deductions which came out in a very unexpected manner... keep in mind that I was ASLEEP (literally) whilst all of this happened...:
「PRE-Session MEGA-Deductions...:
I apparently fell asleep some time between morning & after-noon & «dreamed» that I was attempting to do long-meditation before starting on this target. Within the «dream» that occurred some time during sleep-time (between an hour or so prior to noon until around 15h40 Mountain-Time), I was attempting to «meditate» before starting on the target, but, for some reason, decided to try to capture/transcribe/write/type down all of my «perceptions» that came about during meditation; one idea that came to mind was an idea to «work» on the «target» during meditation, replacing the «Shaneem-Manah» Mantra with a simple-visualisation of /maintaining/ focus or visualisation on a moving Ball-of-Light Energy like we practice in Tai Chi, then, when any time something came to mind during the middle of meditation that would «distract» us from that moving Ball-of-Light Energy (that we move up & down the back of our spine with our mind whilst meditating), I would consider that being a part of what should be written down for the session.
Although I was only «dreaming» (probably ?) that I was «Remote-Viewing» this target, I did not have the actual target-number in mind, have no idea what the Target-Number even is as of now whilst I am typing down all of these «PRE-Session MEGA-Deductions» but, simply followed the «feeling» and «visualisation» that I was doing a Remote-Viewing Session of this target (what-ever its number which I am obviously going to retrieve after I get back onto these forums). Mid-Dream, mid-meditation session-attempt (within said dream-sequence), I basically «followed the feelings» and ended up at some kind of school-like environment or other such learning environment (that was what it felt like anyway). I proceeded through this school-like-environment in order to try to obtain more information about this Remote-Viewing Target, resulting in this very pre-deduction (even within the «dream» itself) that is being written (typed) here...
...proceeding through the school-environment, whilst I was still asleep in this «dream» thinking that I went to the main-area of my apartment-unit to meditate in order to do this Remote-Viewing, I came across a «presence» which was something like a teacher or mentor or «master» (or perceived as someone who had a «mastery» whom we as the Remote-Viewer would perceive as being perhaps someone whom we regarded as having the absolute-highest level-of-skill in something... like a grand-master, although I haven't actually woken up yet, this «pre-deduction» came to mind (whilst I still had no idea that I was still actually asleep) that this target would be something similar to the previous target where Remote-Viewer was to Remote-View something along the lines of their «higher-self» and what that «higher-self» would reveal as to what would be the most-beneficial for said Remote-Viewer; I suppose this felt like some sort of «variation» of that in which if we were being «taught/instructed/trained» but a «mentor» whom we considered to be a «master» of some particular kind of skill or set-of-skills and abilities, then their «training» would be of some-how to our benefit.
I continued to «follow the feelings» where I ended up from the learning kind of environment that was originally described as school-like (because the feeling apparently caused me to «follow the mentor» so-to-speak over to another out-door area which I recognised as being a location nearby to where I live) then I was apparently «brought into training» and part of that «training» involved what initially came across as perceptions of being in-flight in a plane or some kind of air-craft & going through the sky amongst clouds... I then continued to try to get more «Remote-Viewing» results (note that I am still asleep and have no idea that I am actually «dreaming» all of this thinking that I am doing an active Remote-Viewing of this target, but, continue to perceive this as a PRE-Deduction even within this «dream» itself), getting a sense/feeling that I am supposed to be learning or practicing something (which continued to give me «vibes» that this Remote-Viewing Target was some kind of alternate-variation of the Higher-Self Target).
Whilst in-flight, I «sensed» that there were other planes or air-craft or other entities «flying» both above & below us (me & what-ever «mentor presence was with me in what felt like some kind of air-plane or air-craft, temporarily, until I had this idea that maybe it was possible a Flying Broom & I may have been in some sort of training in order to develop sorcerer-like skills or possibly something to do with magical-sorceresses), either way, other «presences» were accurately detected and «revealed» (or made to be revealed by what-ever skill/power I was supposed to be practicing) and I continued to in-dream-sequence «Remote-View» what else I could get out of this Remote-Viewing Session... ultimately, I could not get anything more, and, decided that this «Remote-Viewing» of some kind of «mentorship» target would go into a PRE-Session MEGA-Deduction (because, even as of now, I don't know what this «Remote-Viewing» target actually is yet until I retrieve it from the forums)...」
I will get to doing a «proper» session in a few hours from now, but, that is no guarantee that I won't end up having yet another «sleep-session pre-remote-viewing» (sort of like that Edgar Cayce guy) thing happen before I wake up again in another few hours from now to do the session in a wake-state...
Edit/Addendum: And, whilst I was «dreaming» this, I thought the time was actually started from early in the morning, like around 04h30 (when I thought I woke up even though I was actually still asleep), although I think I forgot to include that detail in the pre-session dream-induced pre-session deductions; I don't think this is a «premonition» dream either since I recognised it as doing it on this very day, and, past-experiences with recording dream-sequences has made me notice that, when it is day-time in the physical-world, it tends to be night-time in the dream-worlds, and, also vice-versa... only once do I remember having a «prophetic-dream» that came true exactly as I had experienced it in the dream the very next day, but, that was also because I accidentally electrocuted myself the previous day (via sticking my finger into a light-socket of a lamp since I was this curious four-year-old).
Remote Viewing in a dream - I have been talking about this lately - in the Zoom meetings and in a post somewhere on here - I've had about 4 of them in October.
Love hearing this! Thanks Aéius Cercle!
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I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
I want to add a movement exercise:
Focus on Subject A and make a deep mind probe.
Alright, I finally got around to doing a proper session, well, partially, anyway (time-constraints & all).
Even though I was actually awake this time, some-how, I still got similar perceptions from the dream.
This late response was because of sleep-issues that I had over the last couple of days, like, seriously, how & why am I always waking up shortly after 3am regardless of when actually go to sleep... anyway;
Pre-Session Mid-Meditation Yielded the Following Not-so-Relevant Perceptions...Probably Irrelevant:
→ Local gym & gym-owner where I had been trying to teach classes
→ Far-Sight Remote-Viewing Tutorials
→ Several of the same previous Pre-Deductions
→ Own room facing at angle towards my laptop/computer & digital-clock
→ The food (meat) that I recently ate
→ On-line game-story I was reading through earlier
Before starting, I wore an Eye-Mask or Sleep-Mask to cover the eyes in order to do some Meditation, and, went into Meditation-Mode for 12 Deep, Slow Breaths altogether, attempting to maintain visualisation on a moving Energy Ball & letting any distractions be written down as a Perception.
Target 6882-5717 was written with a Z-Shaped Gestalt that followed near-immediately.
Initial Gestalt-Perception: Same meet-area as from my dream-state remote-viewing; also perceived once more that «mentor» figure, kind of floating or «hovering» there in the air, but, any imagery of this mentor-figure was not particularly very clear, although it did have a «Merlin the Wizard» vibes.
Environment was calm and it seemed like day-time whilst in an out-doors-feeling environment.
Cloud-like formations looked like they were visible in the upper-atmosphere of this environment.
Several «non-perception» results happened when attempting to probe my Z-Shaped Gestalt;
I was basically just drawing blanks or failing to perceive what-ever there was to be perceived.
Finally, a perception of upwards-moving energetics (almost like conjured fire-balls) rose from the meeting environment, almost like the mentor-figure induced the energetics some-how for some reason.
Seemed like it may be me or someone who reminds me of myself who meets with this mysterious mentor-figure near what reminds me of a local bridge/river area towards local-down-town.
Deep-Mind-Probe Attempts: Mentor-like figure seems to be someone who gives off an aura of being very wise, knowledgeable, experienced, etc., like they have lived through many life-times or years (possibly in the millions) of experience.
I attempted to ask the mysterious-figure : Who are you ?
His or its response was a flood of telepathic-perceptions that were too numerous & simultaneous;
I suppose this would make sense if it involves having «re-incarnated» into many different existences.
Wasn't sure at that point if the mentor-figure was some form of an older me or future me or just some kind of enigma that reminded me of myself or if it just implanted such an idea into my mind as a sort of possibility or similar, but, either way, the mysterious figure continues to be some sort of enigma.
Next Question I Attempted : What is/are he/it/we doing here (there) at this/the meeting place...?
Its/His response: «To enjoy the surrounding peace & tranquillity.»
I followed up with asking: «For what purpose ?»
Its/His response was along the lines of something about tuning in energies/frequencies/vibrations/etc.;
I then tried to clarify: «Like a form of grounding (such as feet to ground) & re-connecting with nature?»
The response was affirmative.
I then asked: «What can such a thing accomplish ?»
Its/His response: «Comprehension of universe & control over nature»
I also got this sense that this was a primary method as to how he/it had accumulated so much wisdom.
I finally asked: «Anything else of importance I should know...?» Answer: «Keep a good posture.»
Although I am sure there is more I could try to «Remote-View» from this target, I decided to leave it at that, for the time-being; if there is anything else that is identified as a Focus, Subject to Deep-Mind-Probe, etc., then, I suppose it would still be possible to continue with the Target(s). I assumed that the Mentor-Figure was the Subject A and that who-ever was meeting this Mentor-Like Figure was not the Primary Subject in question in regards to this particular Target. And, most-importantly of all, I am not trained at all in any of the ways of Protocol Remote-Viewing other than having seen how to place a pen onto the Gestalt that we write in order to try to get some kind of perception out of it; what I really want to be able to do at some point, how-ever, is allocate enough time to be able to do these long-meditation-sessions (talking like at least a few hours in a row at a time) in order to be able to «Develop the "Sensitivity"» needed to be able to mentally enter into «The Zone» so that I just know how to put myself into «The Zone» in order to be able to do Remote-Viewing in a more «proper» (and accurate) manner.
Now that you have 3 entries, Manuel, feel free to post the reveal. My day is going to be too hectic to do anything proper
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
"Do you want me to have another attempt?"
DMP is optional.
"...feel free to post the reveal."
I'll wait for one more.
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters