Wow. If this wasn’t a strong statement completely directed at farsight. Also, clearly challenges there remote viewing. He’s been professionally remote viewing for 28 years and has never gotten any data that indicates anything like this. He indirectly thinks the Harvey stuff is all bull shit. Basically, he thinks farsight is Bullshit. Wow. Courtney and Harvey better show up. He also questions remote viewers who haven’t worked professionally and there tasker.
Most people need something to blame when it's their own choices that led them her. They're here on their own choices and agreed to come here so they're not prisoners.
Then they got tricked to stay here... that's the difference.
In the prophecies of Nostradamus, Mabus is the code name for the third and final Antichrist, or the "man of evil". The name has been debated for centuries.
Re: «Choice»
First of all, as a DIRECT «incarnate» of the Pure-Light Realm, whilst it may have been a «choice» for me to «enter» herein with the intention of trying to assist all of the «stuck» beings (you & you & you) to become «unstuck» from here, I had NO «idea» what the «nature» of this/these realm(s) is/were/are like, NOR am I EVER going to return here after I go back; people CHOOSE to be STUCK; I will just try to do my best to fulfill my «mission» (spiritual) to proliferate the Truth so that the «escape-route» information is AVAILBLE for Truth-Seekers who WANT to get out of this place, but, for the rest, they literally CHOOSE to HEED & listen to LIES instead, even when presented with OBVIOUS «Truth» that makes it CLEAR & OBVIOUS that their very own damn government is LYING to them...
Consider this, you are curious, you jump into a Black-Hole, knowing that you will be «isekai'd» so-to-speak, but, you have NO IDEA what you're getting into; yes, you «chose» to enter therein, but, even if you «chose» to doesn't mean that you didn't enter into a TRAP... (even if out of ignorance or unknowingly etc.)
Dear Dick,
Just because you don’t know how to do something, doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
Dick should just remote view someone from death to (re)birth. That'll tell him everything he needs to know.
The truth isn't always pretty.