Why do we put people in prison?
(a) To punish them
(b) To get them off the streets so the world will be safer for the rest of us
(c) To rehabilitate them
(e) For entertainment for a more advanced race
(f) To study them
(d) To keep dick busy in lockdown, To keep Dick busy in lockdown
:O double entendre
In prison they don't ask if you've "Got Milk" as per the advertisement instead they ask..."Got Dick".
Human zoos: When real people were exhibits
If I was named Dick I'd change my name to something else lol. It's just too easy.
I guess the good news with Dick is that now him and Courtney are actually aligned when it comes to action plans of the coming year. They both want to embrace technology completely, and they both want to see technology expand in humanity with very little confines / restrictions.
I have been saying for a few years now that whenever people start to wake up there are "researchers"" there and "gurus" etc to entrap them right back into the game. These people tell fantastical stories so the person feels like they're being indoctrinated into the truth all the while forgetting that all the truth is invariably found within themselves and not outside of them. This is like a safety net...like how both Zion and the prophecy of the One in the Matrix were both there to keep the humans from becoming a threat.
He backtracked into "Ok I cannot admit its a prison planet so I will call it something else, and its not a prison planet if I don't consider myself a prisoner" Just because he can remote view does not make him like an all knowing Demigod. I feel like we place some people on pedestals when they can do what we cannot. Well this is just that. He is a regular person who can make regular mistakes.
its evidenced. by his immediate response as well. CB I suggest you not even respond to him at all. Any disagreement or controversy he created he put right back to bed the next day proving how weak his argument is. He backed up nothing he said with any data. I think you should just respond to him if you do choose to in your data instead. Data does not lie, but feeling will lie to you without remorse, and his assessment was full of feelings.
Lost in translation
Farsight stopped using the word Earth.
They replaced it with the word Prison.
Calling Earth a Prison is a very special statement.
It imposes an INTERPRETATION on a certain reality.
The debate is very ancient and it has never been 100% closed:
is it a game, a project, a school or a prison?
St Augustin is an interesting example of someone who changed his mind. He was a gnostic (manichean) thinking Earth/Matter is a prison for the soul. Then he converted to Christianity and developed another interpretation of Humanity as some kind of divine project.
Did he create a lie like the prisoner in the movie LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL?
pretty good presentation