I remember a lot of things, but it's all "raw" knowledge with no identity attached to it. Like, imagine you read a novel and you remember many objective details, but nothing subjective like the names of the protagonists or how they looked.
I do remember a planet with a purple sky. Advanced technology. Strong curiosity towards the mysteries of the universe. Logic was a big part of culture, similar to the Vulcans in Star Trek. Strong family values, strong protection of the children. But families are not as separated like they are here on Earth, more like, a greater part of society raises and protects children. No schools. Instead, people build circles based on what is needed, when it is needed.
No "courtesy" like people would understand it here on Earth. No facades. Telepathic connection for a purpose, no beating around the bush. Honesty is a virtue and is expected from everyone to be a part of the collective (which is not the right word, because that society was much more flexible, with a strong sense of individuality). For example, if someone doesn't want a telepathic connection (or any other connection), everybody would "see" that and leave them alone.
Conflict management was done through fierce debate. No beating around the bush, as I said. No "play" at court, because there was no court. No government. It was more like a meritocracy. Most people here on Earth couldn't even imagine.
Interestingly, I detest the greys for some reason, like they are an abomination of nature. I know it's not true for all greys, but there's a strong repulsive emotion. My theory is that there were greys involved when they burned the planet. They literally eradicated it because the whole society was incompatible to their authoritarian system and rebelled against it.
I hated being on Earth for the most part of my life, because being who I am, the honesty, the aversion to lies and illusions that so many people need made it very hard. As a young child, I had a respiratory ailment called pseudocroup, as if I rejected to breath Earth's atmosphere. I don't know the exact reason for that, but it stopped after a while.
When I was sent to school, I was enthusiastic at first, because I thought it would be like what I remember. I started to debate with the teachers and asked questions they didn't like, because that's normal to me. As you can imagine, school became hell for me, and I soon began to hate every single day of it. It was so boring and mind crushing.
Read the book "Dumbing Us Down" by John Taylor Gatto to understand how bad human schools actually are.
I became an introvert and suffered from anxiety and depression for many years. I'm now 43 years old. I started to defeat depression when I was 34 years old, and it was a hell of a ride. I started shadow work, which led to resurfacing memories. Let me tell you: It isn't very helpful to start to remember a burning planet while you're trying to defeat depression.
I learned a lot about how to heal depression, and how it is connected to not being able to live in your own nature. It's much more an environmental thing than a medical condition. You need to connect to your true nature to heal it, but the problem with the prison planet is: You are not allowed to do that, especially if you are a free spirit.
I guess many people here have similar stories and know how it feels to be on this planet.
I used to spraypaint "John Taylor Gatto" on the side of schools. But that was before I felt the rabbit hole just goes miles deeper