This is their new plan. They changed it from 2030 to 2025 because too many were awakened by the mass Awakening we pushed on the populace. There is a huge blowback against the controllers and they feel they've lost control of this game. They became frightened animals. Afraid of being exposed at any moment. I called out the incoming NWO for 2025 about 1.5 years ago on GLP and lo and behold everything they're doing now is aimed to be on track for exactly that. When you see the big picture, and how everything is connected, that is their aim. From the wars to the loss of freedoms to the mass divide and conquer on EVERY issue. Let go of the game. Turn within and disconnect from all this drama. The only way to break it is to stop feeding the beast.
Beast Machine
The Beast Machine is an ancient AI weapon technology that was the brainchild between the Wesa system’s original Black Hole Entities and the Metatron Collective after they suffered the fall into the phantom matrix. In addition to siphoning life force from our Universal system, the technology was continually developed by other NAA entities in order to erase the angelic human history on Tara, and erase the original genetic records held within the Silicate Matrix of human DNA. Upon Blank Slating the morphogenetic fields they inserted false histories and false images that are approved by the NAA groups for maintaining their controlled narratives that hide the existence of the Phantom Matrix.
The NAA wanted to erase and therefore eradicate the cellular memories held in the planet of the diamond sun silicate matrix, which are of the original divine human design from Tara. Through the use of blank slating technology in the planetary consciousness field, essentially electrocuting the ley lines and horizontal networks, this renders many humans in amnesia and unable to recall or remember who they are as a spiritual being. By erasing these memories of our true history as a multidimensional star being, the human consciousness forgets how to access the inner spiritual technology of the higher DNA functions and as a result, the collective consciousness of the planet rapidly regresses. Through genetic digression, the population can be more easily controlled by the NAA intruders, as they desire to produce immortality for their races through the enslavement and parasitism of the human soul.
Black hole entities and metatronic races created the Gravitron vortex networks to link portals in our sun and earth, twisting the planetary blueprint into unnatural configurations called the Demon Seed. The demon seed essentially activates with 7D reversal current and AI phantom pulses to interact with the uncleared shadow bodies of human beings, in order to birth out demonic forces that feed into the phantom matrix. These metatronic coded energy reversals are manifested into spirals that harness the Gravitron in order to create an unnatural bi-wave field and artificial gravitational fields on this planet. The Gravitron is an electromagnetic harness type field that is part of a larger electromagnetic harnessing structure that is called the Beast Machine, which was anchored into the earth during the Luciferian Rebellion.
At the point when the Wesa fallen system interfaced and linked with our Universe, is the actual origin of the creation of the Universal Shadow Body, which forms attachments to our individual lightbody, consciousness and shadow body. It is this level of Universal Shadow that the Christos races are facing during this time.
Guardians, both on this plane and off planet are actually engaged in an aggressive spiritual warfare for the future timelines of the earth during these end times. Eventually, all of humanity must finally awaken our highest consciousness to know ourselves as the eternal Inner Christos, and that we are directly connected to the Infinite Creator. Then permanently vanquish these antichrist black hole forces in order to finally transfigure the shadow selves and stop these alien machines from continuing to infiltrate and infect our world with Mind Control.
Behemoth and Leviathan
The Alien Machinery known as the Beast Machine is held in place on the planetary body through massive levels of reversal AI programmed consciousness. This infects the black subtle forces in the earth elemental field and dark matter, and that substance is also referred to as Behemoth. The alien machinery known as the Gravitron is a part of the Beast Machine that acts as the electromagnetic harness field. This makes up the structure called the NET, which produces gravitational and astral corruption and this is also referred to as Leviathan. The Behemoth and Leviathan make up the antichrist male and female counterparts that are written into the Armageddon Software and black magic grids to technologically incite destruction on the surface, as per the NAA religious programming. In actuality, Behemoth and Leviathan are black hole technologies that were orchestrated on purpose by these fallen forces of NAA in order to imprison this planet.
Chaos and fear are the vehicles for ushering in the New World Order.
If the masses engage in that, the NWO gets what they want.