I wish I could reply under the post, but just wanted to say that this was such an eloquent Session (RV the Grand Canyon) done by this team. It's like the data was trying to show itself to them - penetrating Viewing. It was riveting! I loved the drawings everyone did. I don't know if anyone has any further information about that particular session, but I would be interested to know if anyone picked up a massive snake - as in huge?
Great job on this Target!
Tasker: Bix Weir
Remote Viewers: Dick Algire, Daz Smith, Rock Arkie
This Grand Canyon remote viewing is the strangest thing. It means something -- the previous civilization, the Federal Reserve Guys, the destruction of the society that lived there. The strange entity at the end of it. It is very difficult to make heads or tails of it. But it is important.
Now this kind of thing is what bugs me about Remote viewing. Very strange things, very important things are uncovered but there seems to be very few people are interested in thinking what it all means.
And this Remote viewing seems very important. Like its a corner stone to where civilization is to day. But I have no more insight.
On the surface of it - it seems a very ancient civilization was attacked. Guess -- Martians or Reptilian who came here from the local Solar system war ?
That they seemed to have something to do with Pyramids. There are said to be pyramid's on Mars and of course there are pyramid's here. What's on the American 1 dollar bill. Its a pyramid with the all seeing Eye on top of it. Money, Federal Reserve, rich old men and a pyramid on the 1 dollar bill. And an ancient pyramid I think was said under the Grand Canyon or crumbled ones within it ? And stories of Egyptian Hieroglyphics found within the Grand Canyon. Strange indeed. Hmmm.
Next there seems to be rich old men who seem to know about its I think seen from the 1800s
There seems to be an entity that is very foreign but wants to inspire. These old men or their society seem to worship it or revere it.
There are gold riches beyond belief and ancient vaults under the Grand Canyon. That's what I'm starting with.
I mean its like -- YAA Elon -- the Pope - and most foreign Leaders are mind controlled. Uhh Hunn
And all the religions are Alien made, and Their trying to kill us all
Uh hunn-- And vault things under the Grand Canyon etc etc
Off to the next Remote Viewing session -- Okayyyy
But what does it mean before the Grand Canyon was the grand Canyon, and what does it mean that it got Attacked and everything was stored somewhere before it happened (probably) ? And what does it mean that these Rich old men are involved with it ? And even, what does it mean that we are discovering all about it now ? Why now ?
What will this Entity have to do with us, now the Rich Old men don't hold all that knowledge by themselves. Is the DAVOS the continuation of these rich old men ?
Is the entity neutral ? What is the message of the entity -- who or what controls or why is that entity here ? Why would such a powerful and probably wise entity want to appear on little old Earth.
Was the entity here with the first civilization or was it here as a result of what seems to be an attack from the second Civilization. If the reptilians are the winning civilization is the Entity a result of that or is this part of the hidden essence of the "Martians" who were defeated here too ?
Is it even older than all that and is in fact part of some other civilization ? Like the Reptilians said to live here Hundreds of millions of years ago ?
It appears there were small wiry humans here working in these vaults. Are these the humans that were genetically altered by another Race of beings. By reptilians, or by Martians. McMoneagle thinks we are the remnants of the Martians.
I had an idea that the Martians came here to survive the war in this solar system but the Reptilians came here too. Martians on top and the Reptilians under ground. That the great massive structures we notice here on earth were created by the Martians as they tried to use meteors to blast the earth and kill the Reptiles living under ground. Then I said the Reptilians so deep underground got their world killing meteor and blasted the Martians to smithereens off of earth.
So under the grand canyon - are these the hidden remnants of all the riches of the Martians ?
To me these are good questions and kind of interesting ones and they open up a Pandora's box of ideas !
And If McMoneagle sees pyramids on Mars WHY DID FARSIGHT REPORT THEY SAW VERY LITTLE ON MARS ? If there was a society on Mars then why do we just do such a cursory look at it.
Right fantastic civilization on Mars. Ok what is bit coin doing this month ?
Each thing spins off into one idea after another.
We have heard of Mu and of Atlantis . Is this another civilization all together ? I have seen or heard that in another remote viewing there was discovered under the Sphinx or the Pyramids here on Earth that there were vaults and treasures and also something else (done by Farsight i think-- remote view ) there were Orbs.
Are there Powers, under many famous sites ? Are these things sort of a security entity ? If so why bother ? Why not just remove all the famous, rich, and technological things and take them to their planets.
It is said that miners have found some very strange things under ground. And what do miners mine ? Riches, Gold, Silver, jewels -- Gold and riches- lots of connections there with underground vaults full of gold and riches no ?
So if they are to stay, then why ?
Okay Dick Algire and crew remote viewed this site - however just because he looked in the window doesn't mean he owns the house. Farsight as a topic should remote view site pre- canyon creation. before this time. Where and who is this culture. Also who what are the Rich Old men getting out of this Entity ? Power riches ? Who are the dodgy rich people that are worshiping this entity now ?
I have heard that the OAK Island mystery has a lot to do with the Templars. Is there any connection at all with buried treasure - which is what I heard the OAK Island thing was -- no longer is because the treasure was recovered hundreds of years ago. The Templars were in Egypt. Egypt = pyramids=Mars Pyramids=some kind of buried Grand Canyon Pyramid ?
What the heck is the pyramid shape any way ? There was said by Dick Algire there are these lines of many colors intending into the universe from some buried pyramid. Why not a ball, why not a box. But a pyramid ! A pyramid basically has a really wide base attached to the Earth. A FUNNEL of some kind. Ground Energy funneled into a point ! A pyramid point ! A funnel concentrates the energy ? To Get stronger ? To multiply its effect ? I don't know !
Here's a little snippet of an idea. We have all seen that glass 3 sided object that can split light into its many colors. It was used to prove that light is a collection of red, blue, yellow light - just like the rainbow shows us all the light colors. Now that shape is the three sided glass object ? Its a sort of pyramid shaped. Its at least wide on the bottom and pointy at the top -- Yes ?? And it splits light into components of light no ?
And what did Dick Algire say about all those colors coming out of the magic pyramid ? That it had lots of colors coming out of it. SOOOO Something is being sent by pyramids (or use to be sent) ! But what is it. And why would it be important and desirable to split up the signal ?? Split up the Energy being collected at the bottom and sent up to the top and then splitting it up ?? But Glass fibers found in Alien Ships (which human it is said then developed Glass fiber communication cables ) Glass fibers carry light signals along them. Glass fibers that we use in communication systems use different colored light. That allows fantastic amounts of data to travel along it as opposed to the old copper wire. Light travels at the speed of LIGHT -- fast no ? Can Consciousness be concentrated and sent somehow like a signal to another place. There is a theory that consciousness moves faster than the speed of light. There is something to those facts with all this stuff. And that for sure opens up another Pandora box.
The pyramid is some kind of direction energy beam maker, some funnel of Earth Energy. It is a communicator, it is a radio to the universe. It communicates -- with who ? Why ? A far off place ?
If you think of it the base of the pyramid reduces in size essentially to a single point. That is a mathematical type of thing. SOMETHING IS BEING CONCENTRATED LIKELY COMING OUT OF EARTH. Now it is said that Earth has an entity inside of it. Does this Entity inside of earth actually communicate with -- what ? The Sun ? Other Planets, Mars ? Or Some distant galaxies ?
Now as I remember Farsight said the pyramids were an entertainment device (mostly). Now when I heard that I thought - really ? It lit up at night ! Strange to me that all that effort was made to do that. I think it had to be more important than that, and I wonder about this hacking idea I put out there earlier. Has anyone else in some other famous group found that the Pyramids here on earth were entertainment devices ?? Or did they say something different. If Farsight uses several people to remote view targets (to get a confirmation) of what is seen then wouldn't it seem to make sense that we compare what Farsight detected and compare it with another group (or several of them) and see if that's also what they saw too ??
I just cant get my mind around that such a massive structure was built to be a sound and light system. I don't know - It would seem to me that its like building the Titanic and as it sat in the dry dock with its propeller spinning in the air a statement and remote viewing said-- "OH that titanic boat was built so its spinning propeller could cool the city and all the people that lived there." That was its main purpose. YES when the spinning propeller spun it could produce wind -- but would it seem likely that would be its only purpose ??? And its seems a simplification that the huge pyramids with all that stone was made just to produce some kind of light and sound. It doesn't seem to make sense to me.
If you look at the pictures coming out of the Webb telescope it shows these strands that seem to link up galaxies to other galaxies and they go for millions of light years across the universe (think its millions - far any way) So is there a communication system inside the universe ? (like a brain has all its brain cells linked together ) Can that be tapped into- like a brain can be tapped into with our wire devices we see in hospitals ? Is that device a Pyramid ? Are planets and Galaxies communicating with each other. It IS said by many that EVERY THING has consciousness in it.
It is said WE travel back to Source (baring this death trap thingy). But Gaia (using the name given to Earth to the Entity for convenience on my part) --GAIA cant travel can she- she stays in Earth for sure ! ? So communication should be important. Another thing. It is said ALL the planets are heating up all at once. Hmmm. Is there some communication planet to planet or to Sun ? Don't know but maybe.
Are pyramids antennas of some sort FOUND ON MANY PLANETS !? To let many peoples know what's up - to listen in ? I.E , To what's happening, for the news - the news of planets , Earth ? And other places. News tells you what's up, what's the war like, what's coming their way, and so on, yes ? That's what we do ! Where's the hurricane, what war is developing, what disease is loose, what famine is coming ?
What Culture sent the attack on this civilization. Where was this original civilization - on another planet ? Are they the Martians or someone else ? Lets remote view the entity and ask it questions and ask where its is from and why is it here, and how about asking this entity to help. Frankly I'm not a fan of all these shifty Aliens who want to help us. I think Harvey should be called "Shifty". "Shifty" the Alien. I think they what to suck our blood like Count Choccula.
Del asked did anyone notice the big snake. The big snake was mentioned by Graham Hancock describing a Ayahuasca session. And Terrence McKenna talked about it too. That entity that Dick Algire talked about seemed to be able to morph into various shapes. A snake shape perhaps ??
Also there are these mound builders (native Indians) that also build this huge mound snake like structure on earth (Europe and I think in America). What was said to have told eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge ? It was the snake - the snake in the Garden of Eden. The church is not a fan of the snake-
There are other practical things even. Why is a shark pointy at one end but an Elephant is sort of blunt at the front and on all sides actually. So function of the form. Sharks need to be pointy to move through a resistance - water really fast to get to its prey. Elephants can sneak up on a tree at its leisure as the tree isn't going anywhere.
Why is the Blobby Entity- blobby ?? Does it sort of dissipate or spread out in its natural form ? If it just hung out in the air or along a floor wouldn't that make it sort of invisible ? It seems to me the blobby Entity can morph and change shape. Might it be able to pass through cracks in rock and under doors using much less energy ? Passing directly through rock might be possible but wouldn't it use far less energy just passing through a fractured rock or through crevices. Can this Entity move through rock or "solid" earth ?
Ingo Swan is one of the premier Remote Viewers- Here he is with inspiring stories that tell you - that you can be a remote viewer
This is a very intriguing video talking to famous Remote viewers
Dr Simeon Hein - Mount Baldy Institute
Youtube - Published Monday 22nd Jan 24
Remote Viewing, PK, and Dark MatterāThe Secret Connection (Presentation to CO MUFON w/ RV Practice)
I'm avoiding posting but jesus christ this is exactly what I've been talking about. In order to better understand this you have to look at state Nationalism.
I find it hilarious that the descendants of "illegal immigrants" are now complaining about illegal immigrants... It's ok to have the type of immigrants that we want, but not those types (regardless of what those *individuals* are actually like!)
It's also interesting if one also wants to believe that by 2040, the US population is going to be decimated.
Of course, I can empathise with the automatic giving of state benefits that should only go to citizens... that's a weird thing!
But then, the US government is far from being the best in the world, and like so many others, does not have the best interests of its citizens in mind or heart... no matter how you vote.
Lyn Buchannan---What Causes The Massive Depopulation by 2040 That Lyn Buchanan Saw in 1998
Here's something strange. Lyn at 26 min and at 47 min describes a box that he remote viewed from a famous case of a single man being able to lift (somehow) 10000 lb blocks (the Coral Castle) .
Some children spied on him and said they saw him use "Ice cream cones" to lift the blocks. However I just looked at a remote view of Dick Algire where he describes the "engine" of a flying saucer. If you look at lyns description at 47 min you hear Lyn describe the exact same thing (which he doesn't know what it is). But Dick Algire knows that his machine was some kind of propulsion machine from a flying saucer.
Now here is something strange too. I cant remember which website (think now its a South African guy) who reports all these "hammers" sort of like ice cream cones shaped human made rocks, being found in archeological digs in Africa.
So then (and Lyn) hints at it because he said a flying saucer was discovered (somewhere in a desert) and they never could find the propulsions unit. The man who lifted 10000 blocks of stone was using a flying saucer engine -- now that opens up a can of worms for sure,
Any way USA and Europe has a massive drop in population by 2040 - but not Russia. Who got the most vaccinations ? The western countries for sure. Any way its a thought. Also Lyn says there is a massive increase of the IQ that goes up in the USA after the great culling event. HMMM. Like brilliant Alien Hybrids arrive by the hundreds of thousands. They all look human of course and that makes perfect sense. Smarter people are going to arrive to take over Earth by 2040 -- lets see, bit earlier than what I said of 2050. So in 16 years there's going to be a 250 million depopulation of the USA. But Lyn says its going to be an island in the Canary Islands that collapses into the ocean creating a massive tsunami that hits America. And what is the population of the East coast of America side ? Google ! Google says 80% of Americans live on the east coast of America. 80% of 330 million Americans is about 266 million people - yep that's about right .
YOU KNOW --WHAT EVER WE KNOW - RUSSIA KNOWS ! Mess with Russia and forget your satellites in the sky and your fancy dancy rockets - your IRON DOMES working away in Israel ! Just float by in your submarines, load up a torpedo with a massive nuke in it - point one at La Palma and several on the western coast of Japan and boom ! Both those islands slide into the ocean causing massif Tsunami heading for USA ! And everyone can do this - who has a submarine and a nuclear Weapon . Got to stop fighting.
However I have looked at the worst case scenarios and it does not seem likely that this would be what wipes out the population. Also It seems unlikely to cause so much damage to reduce populations to those low levels - unless it sets off lots of earth quakes. I know Japan is a very unstable island. I think the Virus Bugs are going to be released - thats a more sure method.
#### The island of La Palma in the Canary Islands is at risk of undergoing a large landslide, which could cause a tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean. Volcanic islands and volcanoes on land frequently undergo large landslides/collapses, which have been documented in Hawaii for example. #####
I'm pretty disappointed with Lyn Buchannan about how he is so down and copacetic with a reduction in the population by 75-90% and says its a Great Time to be a Alien Hybrid in America !! Ok little bit of exaggeration there but not by much. Undd yess It was was a Great time to be a PURE German in the 1940s in Germany I can tell you ! Jobs were every where especially in da military -- house prices ver low and Germany vas expanding its territory in those days. AHHH those were the good old days ! What is Lyn Smoking ?
At 39 minutes- best place to live in a disaster- New Mexico-Some prepping of food.
Remote viewing training range being set up there
48 min- do humans have past and future incarnations ?
Now Lyn said he discovered 4 types of after life experiences
1 the life form disappearsā
####I have heard this concept with Diane Cannon and Simon Parkes. Both say there are humans on the earth that are sort of stand ins. They donāt seem to have a soul. They are some kind of cardboard like cutout ! Strange indeed but both have said it. It would only seem to be a thing if souls see that there is no way out once on Earth and None are agreeing to come here. Also if souls are being warehoused (on the Moon ?) then its āpossibleā that humans are being born and no soul inhabits their body. Maybe ā seems very strange.###
2- Some people go to something like āheavenā--
3 Some people go to hellāso horrific
4- Some get reincarnated.
I think all of these are steps within the Death Traps.
Those who disappear were some apparition or one of the stand-ins - never really there
-Those looking at heaven is just a projection in the machine
Those going to hell is "Real" but all created within the AI machine- but horrifying just the same - could be satanic possibly if Satan had teamed up with the reptilians-- you know those reptilians who America has an agreement with ?
And those reincarnated have just agreed to return to a body - possibly to return again somehow though source- rare I think
Now here's an odd thing- Buchanan says by 2040 the world had been depopulated to a large degree and very smart "humans' have moved in. But Schwartz says that happens in 2060. There's a 20 year gap. Its happening later according to Schwartz. What is pushing it back ?
Something else-- Buchanan says there is a 6 fold increase of "Humans with very high intelligence very suddenly after the culling - the aliens basically who take over" but oddly there is a 6 fold increase in people with Epilepsy and he couldn't explain it when the interviewer asked him several times. He said it didn't seem to have anything to do with the rise of smart "Humans".
What is it the Wuhan lab is saying it is now working on ? (Actually I should correct a bit here. It is a Chinese Worker in Bio stuff who says he has a military background who is directing the virus studdy -- it is Campbell who cynically says when he reads that " oh perhaps a military bio lab worker - working at the Wuhan Lab perhaps - or similar words ?) It says it is doing gain of function on a virus that killed all the mice in a lab experiment by attacking their brains. The lab mice were "humanized" so it would act as a simulation on humans. So it is a virus that so far is 100% deadly to humanized mice and therefor presumably humans as well.
So a 6 fold increase of anything all happening very quickly is difficult to explain. An increase in intelligence of the remaining humans can be explained if we believe the Hybrid Aliens are coming in. But the 6 fold increase of epilepsy is more difficult to explain. But if we also believe there is going to be a culling of humanity down to only 25% or even 10 % of present population then a virus that k1lls by attacking the brain would make sense. The few who did survive the virus would likely have brain damage from the virus. This would or could then explain the massive rise in Epilepsy which is a brain condition causing seizures. Perhaps ? Its a good theory if I do say so myself !
And Gates and WHO says there is coming a disease X - and the remote viewers are saying there's going to be a huge reduction of humanity. And I think Buchanan said he believed or heard it was all bad air, global warming, and pollution that killed them all . BS BS BS its one of these viruses or a multiple of them.
So this virus they are now working on attacks the human brain and kills them. And if there were a few survivors maybe still living -- could they get a brain illness ? Such as Epilepsy ??
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures or unusual sensations and behaviors. Treatment can control episodes.
But before this post ends I would like to return to the discrepancy of the 20 years. Buchanan said it all happens at 2040 but Schwartz said it happens at 2060. That may be very important. Is it possible that by revealing the secret (my Rumpelstiltskin hypothesis - Remember ??) that by revealing the secret or shining light on the possibility makes it less and less likely it will happen. This being because the Baddies move to another option or maybe its more mysterious than that ?!
So here is the report on China doing a lab experiment where all of the mice died from brain infection and they intend to continue their research on this virus and ITS A VIRUS THEY MADE IN THE LAB not one found in the environment !
5th February 2024
Dr Michael Salla speaks with John Vivanco -
Remote Viewing Underground Bases, Extraterrestrials and Inner Earth Civilizations
Youtube Description:
John Vivanco has been a professional remote viewer for over 25 years and has gained highly accurate results that have both pleased corporate/government clients but also antagonized government agencies that did not wish a successful civilian remote viewing organization to exist. He has conducted hundreds of remote viewing projects on classified topics such as underground bases, extraterrestrial life, and inner-earth civilizations.
In his second Exopolitics Today interview, Vivanco discusses some of the extensive remote viewing he has done concerning underground bases at Mt Hayes, Alaska; Mt Ziel, Australia; and Antarctica. He also found an ancient underground facility in Antarctica at a set of geographic coordinates (78Ā°51'15"S 160Ā°17'55"E) given to Dr. Michael Salla by a US Army Insider, JP. He believes the facility is connected in some way to the Ice Cube Array at the South Pole, which is secretly used as a Deep Space communication device.
Furthermore, he discusses a remote viewing project concerning the Shroud of Turin, which was found to be an authentic record of an individual undergoing a rainbow body transformation. He believes this is consistent with historical data about the life and death of Jesus/Yeshua. The possibility that the Shroud of Turin would be used to validate a cloned version of Jesus/Yeshua generated through a classified program using DNA extracted from Jesus/Yeshua in a time travel experiment was also discussed.
Finally, Vivanco discussed the legendary Inner Earth city of Shambala and how it exists in a temporal and high-frequency zone near the Earthās core that cannot be accessed using conventional 3D technologies.
Now that's going to be interesting ! I have only had time to look at you're post and not the video (but soon will). But you have pointed out something--- you wrote the following below---
---"Furthermore, he discusses a remote viewing project concerning the Shroud of Turin, which was found to be an authentic record of an individual undergoing a rainbow body transformation. He believes this is consistent with historical data about the life and death of Jesus/Yeshua. The possibility that the Shroud of Turin would be used to validate a cloned version of Jesus/Yeshua generated through a classified program using DNA extracted from Jesus/Yeshua in a time travel experiment was also discussed.
Now Farsight has remote viewed the Shroud of Turin as I remember it. I believe they found it was someone being tortured to death and it wasn't Jesus !
Now I posted about the "CIA" maybe having developed some hack to all this remote viewing activity. I wondered if they got extremely worried about it saying to themselves " WE NEED SOME DEFENSE TO THIS REMOTE VIEWING, OR OUR SECRETS WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO BE KEPT SECRET !!!"
Now the remote viewer you have posted said he think it was someone undergoing a rainbow body transformation - Farsight says IT was Torture from a ruler that was enraged at this individual - seems to be different things going on.
Now was FARSIGHT hacked ?? Was it a rainbow transformation and did someone Hack Farsight in an experiment to trail a hack solution ? In other words, to prevent or change their vision of what was or had gone on ? Don't know
But we should study these other Remote Viewers !! There is a real opportunity to study this phenomena because remote viewing can be done by anyone who has trained themselves. And remote viewers are viewing the same sites. In the past some fans of farsight has said--- "well that remote viewer got one result and Farsight got another result therefor Farsight is wrong or the other Crew is wrong" . BUT WHAT IF NEITHER ONE IS WRONG AT ALL ? WHAT IF SOMEONE ELSE IS HACKING ONE OR THE OTHER SITE AND STUDYING TO SEE IF A REMOTE VIEWER CAN BE STOPPED OR THEIR REMOTE VIEWING CAN BE MESSED WITH ???
Think about that one. Remote viewing is the most threatening thing to a SECRET ORGANIZATION LIKE THE CIA OR SIMILAR AGENCY. I mean if they couldn't find a solution to that problem they might as well fold up their tent and go home !! If I was a CIA director I would say 'FIND ME A SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM AND MAKE IT PRIORITY ONE !!"
Now I would want to test my new solution to that problem on real world subjects. Now I cant do it with Russian Remote viewers can I ? I cant call up Russia and say Hey what are your guy going to remote view and what did you see after we put our counter solution to your remote viewing of our CIA lab ??!!!
And probably finding out what they are about to remote view is pretty easy. So then as they are remote viewing our Psycic teams are put to work, tasked with blocking, or better yet altering what Farsight can see. Allowing them to see a little bit but not the good stuff and then Farsight can go home saying well that's all there was at that site. When in fact there was far more interesting stuff there !?
Prediction -- there are teams of different types of Psychic spy's and defender types or security Psychics who all have different jobs guarding important sites. We have seen this when Ingo remote viewed the moon.
Mcmoneagle remote viewed Mars and so did Farsight. Farsight I think did the Face of Mars and surrounding area. But I think Mcmoneagle did the time 1 million years ago. But that I think was actually the same general region that the Face of Mars is located - so comparison could be made between Farsight and Mcmoneagle.
Now here's another thing. What happened on Mars is not a state secret is it ? And Mcmoneagle is a military guy so I think its unlikely Mcmoneagle would be messed with - as his remote viewing of mars was done as he worked for the military. So a deduction is Mcmoneagle remote viewing is a real remote viewing . And therefore that Remote viewing could be a gold standard if you will as to what is true.
Because I think its logical that this is going on -- FOR SURE ITS GOING ON OR HAS GONE ON ! And this can definitly be studied because all these remote viewers are posing everything for everyone to look at -- just like if the mice were all talking and posting in their little mazes about how to find the cheese. WE-- the lab workers could look at the mice websites and read exactly what they were thinking and never know they were being studied from above by a lab worker.
I DEFINITLY THINK SO !! It has to be going on at some level -- and it can be studied by looking at all the dual posts on the same remote views. Because everyone is remote viewing the pyramids and mars, and 911 etc etc.
David - the quote comes from th description written under the YouTube video on the patform. Dr Salla wrote the description - so that's his quote š
Yes I got it. And Im not criticizing at all. I just think there has to be a massive problem for CIA - KGB types. On the surface of it - it seems there can be no secrets. But then there would be a study made from all sides seeing if they can block a Remote Viewer. I am thinking about that and those CIA types would need to study it.
What better subjects could it be but some very good remote viewers ?
And then noticing that there are these discrepancies between 1 good remote viewer versus a completely different result from say "your remote viewer" points to someone messing with the results !!
I say there must be a team testing this out. If I was the head of the CIA I would definitely be trying this out with Farsight or similar group.
Shawn Ryan Youtube Channel - An epic 5 hour interview with Joe McMoneagle -
Youtube description:
Joe McMoneagle is a former U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer and was among the first Remote Viewers to be recruited into the previously classified Stargate Project. Project Stargate was the United States' first organized research into psychic phenomena via the Defense Intelligence Agency and contractor SRI International.
In this episode, McMoneagle takes us back to the early days of the Vietnam War and how he was recruited into intelligence operations. The height of the Cold War fueled appetites for advantages over the United States' enemies and gave way to the CIA's push into "psychic and extra sensory perception" research and military applications.
Post his military retirement, McMoneagle authored several books to critical acclaim like "The Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy" and continued his work via his private ventureāIntuitive Intelligence Applications, Inc. He now teaches Remote Viewing at The Monroe Institute, a world leader in human consciousness exploration.
i remember Shawn Ryan said in an earlier show he wanted Joe Mcmoneagle on his show. And Ryan wants to do remote viewing with Joe as well. Really great post !
This was very interesting interview, Joe talking about being in Los Alamo's where they were studying him and the part of the robotic arm measuring axions and brain cells that apparently exist spread through the nervous system, behind the knees, elbows and so on... this is amazing for me because it goes in conjunction with the knowledge of Chinese medicine, Indu yoga practice, shamanic knowledge, fascia release practices and so on... basically everything around energy work..
Led here very interesting!
This was very interesting seeing Lyn Buchanan in New Realities...
So I want things to be true.
I want there to be a God and I suppose a Rapture because then that convinces me that God exists.
I'm not totally sure about it though
But here is a remote teaser video from Dick Algire. Now Dick Algire charges a fair amount for his access. $100 a month for the cryptic coin info and less for the others.
But I am unsure of what I'm hearing. RA seems to be a psychopath if I remember Farsights remote viewing. Now if RA is involved with the Rapture then this is an Alien psy-op for sure.
I think I should join Dick Algire group at their lowest level, because this stuff is intriguing.
"I want there to be a God and I suppose a Rapture because then that convinces me that God exists."
But - you are a god.... (the idea of the IS-BE is that you are capable of creating universes - but you've made yourself to forget so that you can enjoy them!)
I think that we are a holographic recreation of God. In fact I believe what Watt believed - that there is nothing except God. Everything - a mountain- a sun- a universe- us- the reptilians- everything is just a recreated version of God. . But we are not Gods per se. Just part of it all.
discussion of the Lyrian (spelling ?) star system at 52 min (Lyrians talked a lot by Simon Parkes)
At 54 min - remote viewing - what appears to be genetic manipulation of what may be humans or what will become our race of humans - perhaps
At 1hr 15 min- strange inconclusive meaning - Daz - description of the holy grail ?
Cycles- a big game
Rather coincidentally, I saw this only yesterday after it was mentioned in the FFG thread.
I liked that they managed to largely hit the target itself... but then went off on other stuff which is not verifiable.
Also, quite a few assumptions thrown in as well...
(I'm also reading through Alien Interview - the book that gives us the word IS-BE.... I'm having issues with some of it - it's VERY reminiscent of Scientology thought - to the point that I'm actually thinking it's been written by a CoS person to drum up interest - to get sales).