This Post is about Remote Viewing
Post remote viewers you think qualify as talented. This is of course open to interpretation. If you think some remote viewer is one of the best -- then just post it. Its still all up to you.
This Post is about Remote Viewing
Post remote viewers you think qualify as talented. This is of course open to interpretation. If you think some remote viewer is one of the best -- then just post it. Its still all up to you.
So here is someone who has tasked hundreds and even thousands of different remote viewers in his research. And he has accumulated an account of the approaching future.
Wow, this guy is completely sold on the Communist Government control Frame of the Radical Left. It's greatly affecting his "analysis" of his teams remote viewing. Synthetic Meat and crickets No Thanks! Global Warming maybe real, but the only real argument is how much is Man Made, compared to Solar change in energy output. Any awake person knows this argument about white supremacy is a extreme exaggeration used to divide and demonize their political opposites.
Hi Eric -- as I was watching you post above I started thinking-- wow this could be really effective to raising Farsights profile because these guys are military- very rational and intelligent ! Plus their talking about something that although -seemingly very fringe comes across as very scientific as well. Thanks for the post !
Buchanan is on the farsight board of directors
Cool. Didn't know that. Thanks.
First time came across remote viewing myself was that movie from 2004 Suspect Zero and on special features section of dvd Paul Smith has the director try it and gets some hits was hooked ever since 😊
So its another "theory time by Dave".
So what is Remote Viewing ?
Is it using ones mind to send out a beam into the universe and like a radio signal - some how find out info ? - Don't think its that really
is it connecting your consciousness to the universal consciousness and then that great data bank of info sends you back info like with an internet or reading the Galactic encyclopedia of data-- Maybe -but I don't think so.
But are there any clues ? I think a clue comes from several fringe kinds of places. But I think we have to look there and not in the encyclopedia or in google. It has to be fringe -because what remote viewing is, is fringe stuff.
Fringe one-- When we go on Joe Rogan we hear him and others say -- "When I took all those mushrooms I could see lines all connecting everything up with each other" ! Trees connected to rocks and ground and the stars".
Fringe two--- NDE's (near death experiences) -- we hear "we are all connected" -- "We are all one" --
Fringe three-- Yogis' and Swamis -- "That we are all part of one consciousness -- that God/Source- Souls/ISBE's are all the same thing" -- That as it said in the Gateway Report -- That that Creator has created Souls to reflect back to itself -- the Creators own self - (or similar - if I didn't get exactly right)
So here it is. Remote viewing is the act of settling the mind to let self consciousness begin a process of "pinging" ---my borrowing of a word from the internet connection process.
1- everything -- I MEAN EVERTHING is connected-- YOU are connected to the sun, the moon, the stars, the aliens, the grass, the rocks, the OBJECTs buried under ground !! > If you listen to the the posting several above you hear a truly remarkable story ! Its about a Remote Viewing Team in Egypt that would not at first be allowed to look for objects underwater. As a final test the team was asked to look for a lost city that the Egyptian Archeology team wanted to find. To keep the story short because you can listen to it yourself -- you hear as the Egyptian archeology team was laughing at them - as the Remote viewing team marked the outskirts of a building, and tell them the kind of tiles they would find, how many rooms were in this particular building, where the walls were and on and on it went. When the team dug down the discovered exactly that !! That was done by a Remote viewing team that literally just started driving out into the Egyptian desert.
And the Egyptian Archeology team laughed because they said -- "you see our archeology team has just used a penetrating radar system with this very site you are telling us to dig at. So there cannot be any buildings under this sand in this location". And they were wrong and the Remote viewers were right.
So what I think is happening with Remote Viewing and how the information is coming in to them is the following.
I think because everything is connected -- Literally connected-- what is happening is like a BRAIN is all connected with all the neurons and dendrites within it. All things within the entire universe is linked together by these lines we hear about from all these mushroom eaters. The Psilocybin eaters or smokers. As the Remote viewer begins a process of just thinking about a NUMBER they have been given they begin to remote view the target !
But how could they possibly KNOW (SOME HOW) THE TARGET ? Some how their consciousness knows that target 234587 is the Eifel tower !!! But how, is the question ? ! We could say ok we are all one big consciousness ? But the Tasker (Courtney) that gave the number 234587 has to be connected to the viewer ! AND HE/SHE IS !! LITERALLY CONNECTED BY THESE LINES. The remote viewer at a conscious level KNOWS WHAT THE TARGET IS ! Its the only way this could happen. They know what the target is ! And here someone could say-- "hey wait a minute -- what about if even Courtney doesn't know what the target (in some military scenarios that's what they did). Well that doesn't matter because like I said EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO EVERTHING ELSE. And still the Human Consciousness knows who gave Courtney the number.
So what someone could say -- well Dave then you are saying the remote viewer is reading the taskers mind. NO ! Its possible and likely the tasker doesn't know where the missing city in Egypt is either.
The remote viewer knows what the target is-- this is logical and should be impossible to deny. The consciousness does know what the task is. But finding the lost city is still a job to do. But because everything is connected -- a TRAIL IS POSSIBLE TO FOLLOW TO THE ANSWER because of this linking together that HAS TO EXIST !
The remote viewer at a deep level because EVERYONE is connected to everything and everyone else ! I am connected to you whether you like it or not.
So but wait just one minute ! How could those remote viewers find the lost city in the desert when there was no human to connect up with ? Did they go back in time and connect that way to find the city ? They didn't have to do that - but they could have done that.
The objects themselves are literally connected to them . It means you could find Captain Kids treasure if you had practiced enough . Really! BECAUSE BY REMOTE VIEWING THE OBJECTS - which are connected to those remote viewers and even you -- you begin a process of pinging the mind or the consciousness of the universe -- of Source - of the GREAT PIXIE ELF IN THE SKY IF THAT MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER-- WHAT EVER YOU THINK IS THE FLAVOUR OF THE MONTH AND WANT TO CALL IT.
What the heck is this pinging you constantly refer to ? Pinging as I understand it is a sending out of a signal to another machine saying calling machine 1234569 -- are you there 1234569 ? Please respond. It calls out to the machine (fax machine for instance)
What ever it is -- that is what you begin pinging-- connecting to -- like a brain cell connecting to another brain cell -- to the object or to the idea or to the alien -- to Satan-- what ever !
So pinging or searching for the answer sets out a trail of contacting a thing or being. The Being or thing responds -- because literally everything has consciousness -- it reply's -- YES, REPLYS to your pinging. ONLY WITH ALIENS IS THERE AN ATTEMPT TO BLOCK IT.
EVEN THOUGH WE ARE MATERIAL STUFF -- There is an overlay on top of everything - us -- the sun -- the objects under the desert-- EVERYTHING then (which we also can hear all the time ) literally everything has consciousness and that is what we can connect to -- OR REMOTE VIEW.
We are not sending out radio waves from our heads-- We are not really reading the Akashic records -- we are literally connecting to that object-- to that alien -- to that pot under the desert. What do we hear Farsight viewers say ? -- Its -- "OK I am now going to go into that aliens head now and see what he/she is thinking" !! And its true ! They are literally going into that aliens head !
Remote viewers are linking up to these lines we hear these mushroom smokers talk about -- and those lines are information lines that allow us -- them to connect and see and read and get information from who ever- what ever and when ever they want. It all has to do with keeping the human Brain occupied as we also hear. It is the human brain that is preventing us from being better at this. And of course with all the manipulation and genetic fiddling that has been done to us-- THAT IS A BIT DIFFICULT ! Because EVERYONE FOR ONE REASON OR ANOTHER WANTS IT TO BE DIFFICULT FOR US ! Whether its God- Reptilians--or whom ever it is -- everyone wants us - dumb- pregnant (for those able to do so) and down on the farm (soon to be our destiny as the Hybrids show up in 2050)
Because as one of the Researchers (actually in the same Egyptian story post) says -- THERE ARE NO SECRETS !! Because what does Awakening mean really ? Its to pull the veil off of our eyes - yes . But then to realize that we can become more aware (knowledgeable) to the TRUTH. The Truth that we can all find out. Which is what an Alien really doesn't want you to find out. Which is why we hear a bunch of BULL COOKIES that Aliens tell us and the USA -- that we aren't ready for it yet ! My Translation is-- The Alien isn't ready yet for the Peanut butter to hit the fan.
To give as a metaphor but I think it is actually a kind of reality. We are like brain cells in a larger brain (hence we are made in God image so to speak- we are mind or Consciousness) but we are all within a Brain or Universal Consciousness -- or in Essence God head !
Or a great area - ie the universe and all the parallel universes. And this is why you also hear if you go and listen enough to the NDE (near death Experiencers) that - "THIS EARTH IS NOT REALITY" ! That when the Near death experiencer gets to the other side he/she says "oh Earth was not reality at all -- where I am now on the other side, is the reality !!!!!
But when we are here- we say THIS is reality -- when we pass into the next place we say -- oh THIS is reality ! But is that the reality either with the flowers and flying butterfly's that sing -- is that the reality ? Perhaps that is just to make us feel rested and feel no fear. Perhaps our ISBE is a series of 1's and 0's -- an app of a computer program ? And there are no real singing butterfly's. How many singing butterfly's have you seen ? There seems to be singing bugs and singing flowers too on the other side. Hmmm.
This is an incredible post, exactly how I have intuited remote viewing operates, I have never had the opportunity to express it this eloquently though! Thank you!
Holographic universe. You're only tapping into one part of the universe but every part has all the information. You're not actually going anywhere it's all still inside your mind, but as everything is projected from one Source and you are just one part of that same projection like on an ocean of energy. The funny thing is we're inside a simulation and not in the true reality we started in due to the hijacking.
This one had the most tantalizing info by far
I have heard what is being referenced here about the Queen/King and rituals of a certain sort -- but could not really believe they could be true. But here again in remote viewing its coming out again. And we should know instantly why Algire said he had to be very careful what he revealed in this video.
It points to what group actually controls everything here on this planet.
video updated below to short version
This is the stuff that is used as blackmailing material. This is the stuff that guarantees the Elite can be controlled-- it is the stuff that the Alien needs to control and all of it guarantees control of Earth.
and all of it relates to what Dick Algire talks about. And these videos are all over the place - not just one or two.
This guy confirms -- ANYONE can remote view-- YOU can remote view !
The acceptance that Remote Viewing is REAL and a realization that anyone can do this, will alter the planets society in such a profound way that our society as we know it now, will cease. In its place will be something completely new. What it will look like exactly will be anyone's guess.
So I will guess first.
We hear that people are remote viewing crypto. Dick Algar -- Farsight-- Daz Smith to name a few are doing it. And FOR SURE THERE ARE STOCK MARKET TYPES that are doing it. All wanting to get rich and perhaps they are. But as the average man or woman starts to realize they to can do this then looking into the future will continually change our time line !
And if you know the future stock market result then everyone can know it, and that will collapse the stock market in some way.
The only way stock market types get rich is they GET INSIDER INFORMATION and we do not get it. The fact that you can remote view the result of the best value in the stock market through remote viewing means that this advantage for the insiders to corner the markets riches ends.
The way the stock market really works is SAPS LIKE YOU AND ME hand over our money to the market where a scheme of charging fees are applied to that money. The Fees are often charged as a percentage of the traded stock. So a term called "CHURNING" is applied. This means the stock is traded on January and a fee is applied then 2 months later it is sold and ANOTHER FEE IS APPLIED TO TRADE IT-- then a few months later it is bought again ( even though there was no real reason to sell and buy it) AND ANOTHER FEE IS CHARGED AGAINST YOUR STOCK. THIS ACTIVITY IS REFERED TO AS CHURNING THE STOCK..
Then through insiders info the stock market moguls with insider info get rich skimming off the riches. Remote viewing would end this process greatly.
Next, if our society is controlled by the Black Hats and Satanists or whom ever then this will be realized too. So then control of the society should be impossible. This means the over throw of the elites because it stops their plans to maintain control over the population.
A risky problem arises however. This over throw would leave a vacuum of power and what would fill it is unknown. Society would have to be completely reworked.
Next Aliens --Satan who ever have to be working this knowledge angle to their own advantage. So if the aliens -- Black hats-- Satan or what or who ever it is -- knows also for a long time what will happen-- and if everything is happening at once-- past present or future then these individual's CEASE to be impressive and Godlike any longer. Because "We" will possess the same predicting power as well.
Because WHAT MADE GOD OR SATAN -- GODLIKE TO MAN ??? Wasn't it the " ALL KNOWING"? WASNT IT THE BEING ABLE TO READ OUR MINDS ? WASNT IT THE ABILITY TO PREDICT THE FUTURE (IE prophecy ?) Were not all these powers God like powers ? Well we then would have these powers too.
Next the realization that in some way "we" the average person has some kind of personal connection to the universe then comes a realization that religions are quaint and passé. That religions are at least inadequate to explain much of the mystery of God/Source/Easter Bunny God - what ever. Then most of the Earths Religions fade into oblivion. What would likely replace it would be a personal relationship developing between our understanding of Source/God and ourselves. In other words religions becomes a "do it yourself" process. No churches will be needed.
So because of REMOTE VIEWING SKILLS REACHING THE COMMON MAN AND WOMAN then there is a revolution in religions-- in leadership - of economic markets at least the stock market -- and a revelation of the secret goings on of Governments.
lets see this affects Government-- it affects the Rich -- it affects the military- the Secret Services -The Priests - The Imams - The Rabis - in other words it is a panic situation for the elite as this process continues.
Remote viewing ITSELF may be the REVELATION of Aliens and UFOs and the Corruption in our government and society - and so on.
Remote viewing of all the things Farsight and others are revealing is good to give the population.
BUT IT IS NOT REALLY THE INFORMATION THAT THERE IS CORRUPTION AND ALIENS !! It is instead the fact that the average person realizes and becomes aware that THEY (THE AVERAGE PERSON) HAS ALL OF THESE POWERS TO DEVELOPE THEMSELVES -- I.E the mental and predictive powers of Remote Viewing.
THAT is the revolution that over throws the society !!
It is the acceptance and studying of Remote Viewing skills being accepted into the society - becoming ubiquitous within the human society that totally alters this society.
The "disclosure" of the existence of aliens is secondary. It is that those "KOOKS" who believed in REMOTE VIEWING AND WENT ON AND ON ABOUT FLYING SAUCERS AND ALIENS LONG BEFORE ANY DISCOLOSURE CAME ABOUT --
That those Kooks (that's us) were right all along !!!! And then they will look into all the things we have been talking about !
The real disclosure and revelation and pulling back of the Veil of secrecy is not the Government telling us the truth -- they are largely incapable of doing this.
IN FACT, if it were that we had to sit quietly until the Governments of the World came clean about all this stuff (and from then on) we expected the Governments of the wolrd to ALWAYS TO BE TRUTHFULL TO US, WE WOULD BE - F O-O L,S.
IT IS THE FACT THAT WE HAVE BECOME THE ONES THAT - K-N-O-W the truth instead of waiting for someone to tell us what it is - that takes the power away from the leaders and SAFE GUARDS IT BACK TO US ! Because you must know the lies and manipulation would quickly return right after " the "DISCLOSURE" that aliens exist.
They would just return back to the way they were acting before.
Alright either Farsight should remote view this subject or perhaps someone could join Dick Algire site and we could sort of talk about their findings ?
Because if any of this is true it points back to a post I made somewhere about Egyptian Hieroglyphics found in Australia and then I speculated if maybe the Egyptians made it to America --
This little video is just a teaser but I think Dick Algire-- would be telling us that someone (or maybe its not Egyptians) I don't know because I haven't seen the bigger video.
The Egyptian Hieroglyphic expert who looked into the Australian "Gosford Glyphs"
This is a good introduction to these talented RVers
Rise of the Divine Feminine and Gaia Upgrades: Sherri Divband, Jenny Lee, Ileana
Remote Viewing as an accurate Intel Gathering Tool on ET Life & Tech: Interview with John Vivanco
Channel Description:
John Vivanco has been a professional remote viewer for over 25 years and has gained highly accurate results that have both pleased corporate/government clients but also antagonized government agencies that did not wish a successful civilian remote viewing organization to be created. His accuracy led to him quickly becoming the Director of Operations of Trans-Dimensional Systems, one of the first civilian remote viewing think tanks to be created in 1997. Official repression, death threats, and harassment of Vivanco and Trans-Dimensional Systems’ founder Prudence Calabrese led to it closing down in 2003. However, Vivanco continued his remote viewing projects and, after a break of several years, created another remote viewing organization, Right Hemispheric, that still exists. He also hosts a popular online series on Rise TV called Chronicles of a Psychic Spy.
In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Vivanco discusses his background, early remote viewing projects, repression by alphabet agencies, and why a successful civilian remote viewing organization was considered a threat to the status quo. He explains the importance of blind protocols for ensuring teams of remote viewers can gain accurate results on targets. Vivanco reveals some of the groundbreaking remote viewing projects he has conducted on the “Skinny Bob” Alien video, the deep underground military base at Dulce, New Mexico, the pre-lunar history of our planet, the role of giants, and other exopolitical topics.
John Vivanco’s main website is
Thanks for the link Del.