Quote taken from above post
"In addition, Vivanco shared remote viewing results of mystery drones seen over military bases in the United States and around the world. He says the drones belong to highly classified military black programs that operate out of the oceans. Vivanco claims the drones incorporate extraterrestrial technologies and are seeking ancient alien artifacts in the US that contain data on when cataclysmic events will next impact the Earth."
(So I looked further and see that Vivanco works for corporate and Government agencies. But since his clients are these two types of entities - I would say he has to dance to the Government agencies tunes or get no more pay). I have a feeling about this guy.
So this is strange-- Farsight said (and predicted it) that the "good ETs" were about to really advance the sightings of the "drones". And yet Vivanco says its all a Human Black budget project. That brings up a few questions for sure