Farsight is all about freedom. Remote viewing is our path to freedom. Here are Farsight's Mysteries projects, as well as new daring and cutting edge content that we cannot publish elsewhere, content that is "off limits" in other realms. Free from the censors, here we publish videos that are as revealing as they are entertaining, wise, and thought provoking. We don't just tell you that reality is not what it seems. We show you what reality actually is, and how each of us can change it.
Yes I just never thought about it being possible to scale it up to a planetary level. But silly me, a hand grenade can be scaled up to nuclear bomb and so every thing can be scaled up. I heard what was used in Iraq against Sadam Hussein troops. It was some kind of mind weapon to demoralize his army.
They must have had this now for 50 years. Those crazy kids. What will they think up next ?
Since everything can be scalable and we suspect humans have flying saucers the following is likely.
Heavy weights were used called can balls in the post and those smashed castle walls.
Well scaled up meteors can be dropped from space to wipe out a city or country now
Intuition exists and now your mind or a country’s population can have any kind of thought put into one’s mind. Visions of Gods or demons can be put in and you won’t know if it real or not. Voices cal also be put in.you could hear god tell you to smite Gods enemy and so on . And then a great rage may sweep across the land.
If a microwave field can be put around a space ship then eventually one can be put arrond a planet and eventually around an entire solar system . And that planet or solar system with its sun could fly off across the universe. In theory that system (as the MH370 plane seems to do) would be able to slide into a parallel universe. I have posted that it appears that some suns have disappeared. Now there is a theory too that the nuclear tests were messing with the film the star wetchers were using
But more later
The common denominator to all this stuff are satellites. Everything is controlled by Satellites. And there is no human scanning any person or area. All of it is run by an AI system. There is environmental control. As a country if you don't do what we say - it doesn't rain in your country . Or a steady number of hurricanes come your way. Still wont play ball its time for earth quakes.
If your mounting an army they can be mentally demoralized by Satellite system. Your army will be harassed by demons in their sleep.
If you launch anything you will have it of course shoot down by nuclear powered AI controlled satellites (what pray tell could go wrong with an AI controlling everything ?)
What does Elon Musk have a big contract to do ? Its to launch thousands of satellites (which he's well on his way to doing) all around the Earth. No one really asks why we need thousands of satellites all around earth. It seemed a few big satellites were doing the job earlier. Now it would be wonderful if it was because we were fighting Aliens and Flying saucers but I suspect its for population control. The Aliens are running the show I suspect.
There is really only 2 things left and one is the internet so no one can find out anything because its censored and that's almost in the bag. I googled a few things and all of it was-- how anything I looked up was a conspiracy story. Try googling some of it your self. We've seen the censorship laws coming onto the books. Free speech is being well curtailed. In England they are jailing people for saying something critical on the internet. Jailing them.
But finally its the Chips in the head program and the ONENESS WITH THE ULTIMATE CHIP. Be one with the body my child !
AI--> SATELLITE CONTROL --> of Weather-> of Earth quakes> of Media -> of Senators -> of banking system > and eventually of human beings directly.
And then I think all the fishy's are in the big net and no one is getting out - there are only a few holes in that net left I think.
Now that is a Very High reading on the Gloom and Doom scale of things but I think that is where we are heading.
Its got to be stopped and this is the last year anything can be done about it- after this I think its all over. Sorry ! Just an opinion.
So there was the Easter Island remote view. In it Aziz sees some people repeating the same sound and that somehow is linked up with a sort of head character and then up to the non surface vehicle as I remember it. And all of it by creating the same sound or energy HARMONIZED somehow and the entire process could lift the statues of Easter Island.
Now I got to thinking. I posted earlier about chanting and Monks and Nuns and Satanists and meditators.
And I noticed that who ever they were they all seemed to want to chant at some point, or repeat a series of phrases usually together or over and over again. And this i thought was some kind of sound to attract something or to create a certain frequency for some reason. With Satanists it was to call in or summon as to signal to another being, or a being in a realm so as to work with you on your intention.
And INTENTION had a big something to do with it.
And then I found some of these clues.
It started with a story on Dogs and Humans.
Now dogs and humans have gone back many many thousands of years together. In the story it is said that Dogs synchronize their minds as humans stare at them and or stroke their heads. And that is a fascinating story in its own right.
Here it is in a simple format to look at ---->>>>>Recent research reveals that when humans and dogs gaze into each other's eyes, it does more than just pull on our heartstrings; it actually synchronizes the brain activity between the two, enhancing the bond shared.
So next I noticed this study by a Chinese group about dogs and humans and its an actual study of how it was done. How dogs and humans heads were wired up and the interaction between the 2 were studied and noted as to how the brain wave pattern changed as both got together - they became synchronized as they interacted.
Later they discovered a gene in a dog with a similar gene defect that approximated a human with autism. And then on to LSD. LSD it was discovered (A single dose of LSD) re-aligned a dog with autism back to alignment with the human. And that effect was permanent as I understood it; not temporary. It did something quite unusual.
Now here is another unusual part. Alignment from dogs to humans, and humans to humans must occur in person.
Now a bell went off or me there. The internet is not bringing people together, it is separating people. And we have heard that but these studies seem to prove it. And in this data the reason can be found.
Next, 2 beings, be they humans and humans, or humans and dogs, can and do align their minds to each other.
What do we see in Aziz remote view ? Some kind of HARMONIZING or alignment is being achieved with repeating the same sound. With that alignment brings some kind of power increase of the mind.
Here is a study talking about oxytocin and doggie human interactions. Oxytocin is the kind of thing Mothers get a lot of when Babies are born, increasing the bond between mothers and children. Good for helpless children and mothers to have to survive. Again you may have to post it into your browser or maybe not. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1261022
Another thing. When people were abducted they were brought into flying saucers. There were many stories of people stating that the craft seemed alive some how. What are we now doing with human brain material and computer chips ? We are creating computer chips made of human brain material. What did Aziz say about the remote view process of Easter Island. He said that the ship seemed to be a major component of the process and the people on the ground.
one little cavate. Since Aliens are involved I postulate this as a possibility. The humans may have not had any thing what so ever with lifting the statues. It may have all been a parlor trick to make the humans believe they had done it together. this would encourage (you guessed it) a bond between themselves and their alien friends that that had power and were CHOSEN ie special. Everyone wants to be special. I feel special right now ! (however I have heard repeated stories that this mind to mind stuff is a real thing)
by that I mean is the ship using some "human" components in its computers that are sort of alive ? Did it have human cells in its circuitry ?
When the 20 and back gentlemen Rodrigues and another I cannot remember right (Randy Cramer ?) now told their tales one said "I saw a group of Reptilians reach up their arms, and together they mentally pulled down another craft above them when they dropped their arms. In this way, the craft was smashed down to the ground and destroyed. They did the reverse of what the Easter Island people were doing. They brought down an object and the Easter Islanders raised up an object.
What did we see on easter island ? It was a group together raise up a statue as though they were raising their finger.
Next for you scientific types is the following study and paper.
Brain-to-Brain coupling: A mechanism for creating and sharing a social world
I think the important term is "Brain to Brain coupling".
It seems there is some science and clues here.
1- meeting other like minded people in person is important
2- It is possible for humans to synchronize each others minds together and work together. We see it happening in chanting monks and even in Satanic rituals. Also we see these groups often in a circle and we have seen structures in circles such as Stone Henge. What is it about circles that is important.
3-sound is important
Here's a thought. If the Pyramid of Giza was an entertainment device could it have used some of these principles ? In other words, could there have been thousands of people gathered around the pyramid and those people through a priest begin singing or chanting ? And then using the power of the Pyramid as we saw in Easter Island to increase the power of the thousands of human minds ? To do something? Maybe ?
Circles and lines could be important. What works well in a circle ? Well magnets in a circle that are rotating - going round and round seem to have some effect. Its called an electric motor.
Is it a magnet or is it a mono-pole magnet type of structure being made. In the video with Aston Forbes describing the MH370 plane data and video we hear him say a scientist told him that a MONO-POLE type of situation was needed to create an anti gravity machine (a flying saucer). Inside of a flying saucer we have heard (as in the Nazi Bell story) that there are reverse rotating fluids of red mercury that set up fantastic sheering forces of magnetic fluid. Then what is a flying saucer doing ? It is defying gravity - it is making itself rise up in the air against gravity. Well then what are the humans doing on Easter Island ? Aren't they having 60 ton statures defy gravity and lift themselves up ?
THEN ARE GROUPS OF HUMANS CHANTING (synchronizing) AND STANDING IN A CIRCLE (creating a mono -Pole ?) then perhaps rotating together (what were the 3 orbs doing in the MH370 video doing ? They were rotating around the front of the airplane ! )
What did the scientist say about those Orbs ? That they had to be operating as a series of Monopoles to fly or levitate
What does the CERN collider do ? It has I believe 2 counter rotating fields and they then smash a series of atoms together. But 2 rotating fields you see ? What does a Nazi Bell have ? Apparently 2 counter rotating fields ! that's a hmmm !
-Does standing face to face as we see in seances, or satanic rituals (in movies), or at stone henge perhaps in their circle, then chanting (harmonizing ?) synchronize a group of minds thereby increase its power ?
-DOES CHANTING AND ROTATING A GROUP OF SATANISTS ALLOW AN ENERGETIC FORCE TO PULL UP OR DOWN A BEING FROM ANOTHER PARALLEL UNIVERSE ? It seems that in movies (not sure of the veracity of it) that people chant while circling a main character at its center. And wouldn't that have them looking at him or her ? And as they chanted wouldn't they be synchronizing their minds together ? And wouldn't they be working in a group thereby increasing their mind power ? And as they chanted wouldn't they be declaring their intention pretty clearly ?
3- The mind seems to be able to be increased when working with other synchronized minds. Earlier i said Simon Parkes said that 3 persons working together would create 3 x 3 = 9 mind power when working as described above.
-What did the 20 and back guys say. They said that they (he saw) a group of Reptilians all working together with just their minds destroy a rival space ship by pulling down a space ship. They did this with a synchronization of their minds and in unison they then pulled their arms down together and the ship crashed into the ground.
4- People (farsightonions) need to
(A)-work face to face together staring into each others eyes or at least looking at each other. (the eyes are part of the mind)
(B)with their minds,
(C) by using repetitive sounds
(D) creating a synchronization of their minds,
(E) see if they are capable of elevating or moving some object.
(F) and record it for all to see.
(H) and not to give up on the first try if it doesn't work
*Speech emerges through coupled oscillations- here is a small section of one of the papers for those of a scientific mind and want to wet their whistle.
In the typical human scenario, much of communication is mediated by speech. How are speech signals transmitted and received when two adult individuals communicate? Notably, the transmission of information between two individuals is similar to re-afferent forms of transmission of information between two areas within a single brain. Whereas we typically think that signals between parts of the brain require anatomical connections, neural states can also be influenced by physical signals that were generated by another part of the brain and transmitted through the environment. For example, a speaker delivering a monologue, without any awareness of doing so, adjusts the production of her speech patterns by monitoring how they sound in a given context. The motor areas of the brain generate a program of speech, and the body produces an acoustic signal that mixes in the air with ambient noise. This sound travels back to the speaker’s ears and auditory system, and thus acts as a feedback signal directing the motor system to adjust vocal output if necessary. This is the reason why we (and other primates) reflexively raise our voice in noisy environments. In this scenario, communication between the motor and the auditory parts of the brain is coordinated through the vocal signal, with the air as a conduit. This idea naturally extends to both sides of a conversation—the speaker and the listener.
During speech communication two brains are coupled through an oscillatory signal. Across all languages and contexts, the speech signal has its own amplitude modulation (i.e., it goes up and down in intensity), consisting of a rhythm that ranges between 3–8Hz [25–27]. This rhythm is roughly the timescale of the speaker’s syllable production (3 to 8 syllables per second). The brain, in particular the neocortex, also produces stereotypical rhythms or oscillations [28]. Recent theories of speech perception point out that the amplitude modulations in speech closely match the structure of the 3–8Hz theta oscillation [25, 29, 30] (Figure 2A). This suggests that the speech signal could be coupled [30] and/or resonate (amplify) [25] with ongoing oscillations in the auditory regions of a listener’s brain [31, 32] (Figure 2B). Resonance, for example, could increase the signal-to-noise ratio of neural signals and thus help to improve hearing. In addition, disruption of the speech signal by making it faster than 8Hz reduces the intelligibility of speech [33–35] and decreases the entrainment of the auditory cortex [36, 37].
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Figure 2
The 3 – 8 Hz rhythm of speech couples with the on-going auditory cortical oscillations that have a similar frequency band. A) Even in silence, there are on-going auditory cortical oscillations in the receiver’s brain. B) The signal-to-noise of this cortical oscillation increases when it is coupled to the auditory-only speech of the signaler. C) Finally, since in humans, the mouth moves at the same rhythmic frequency of the speech envelope, audiovisual speech can further enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of the cortical oscillation.
The coupling hypothesis also extends to the visual modality [25] (Figure 2C). Human conversations, which typically occur face-to-face, are perceived through both visual and auditory channels. It is well-established that watching a speaker’s face improves speech intelligibility [38]. Indeed, in noisy situations such as a cocktail party, watching a speaker’s face is the equivalent of turning up the volume by 15 decibels. This amplification of speech by vision is due, at least in part, to the fact that mouth movements during speech are tightly coupled with the speech signal’s amplitude modulations [25]. Thus, the speaker’s mouth oscillations at a rate of 3–8Hz are captured by the listener’s visual system, and amplify (via numerous multisensory neural pathways [39]) the auditory signals in the listener’s brain [25, 30, 40].
In the scenario described above, the speaker is like a radio station broadcasting an AM speech signal via the mouth, and this signal and background noises are picked up by the antenna-like ears of the listener. The listener’s brain is pre-tuned, so to speak, to the specific AM frequency of the speech signal and thus amplifies the speech signal alone through resonance. The structure of the speech signal is modulated with a 3–8Hz frequency that resonates (or samples, or entrains) with on-going oscillations in the auditory regions of the listener’s brain that are also 3–8Hz in frequency. To further amplify this vocal signal in noisy environments, the brain takes advantage of the coupling between visible mouth movements and the oscillatory speech sound waves. Thus, the mouth motion helps divide up or ‘chunk’ the speech into syllables so that the listener’s brain can efficiently extract meaningful information from the signal. According to the brain-to-brain coupling framework, vocal communication emerges through the interactions or entrainment between the brains and bodies of signaler and receiver.
Go to:
Coordinated, hierarchical alignment during speech
Once brains are coupled to each other via speech signals, information can be shared and exchanged more efficiently. Human communication protocols can be divided into two types: monologues, in which only one speaker sends information and listeners receive it, and dialogues, in which interlocutors have to interweave their activities with precise timing. Garrod and Pickering argue that communication protocols in general, and dialogues in particular, are made easy because of the largely unconscious process of interactive alignment [41, 42]. In this scheme, two interlocutors simultaneously align their representations at different linguistic levels and do so by imitating each other’s choices of speech sounds [43], grammatical forms [44], words and meanings [45]. For example, if Peter says to Mary with reference to their child, I handed John his lunch box today,’ Mary is more likely to respond with And I handed him his coat’ than with And I gave him his coat’ even though the two alternative responses have equivalent meaning.
Interactive alignment occurs for two related reasons. First, within an individual’s brain, production (speaking) and comprehension (listening) are coupled to each other and rely on shared linguistic representations [46]. Second, accordingly, when a speaker produces a particular representation, it primes (activates) both the comprehension and the corresponding production of the same representation in the listener, making the listener more likely to use it in his speech [42]. Crucially, interactive alignment occurs at all linguistic levels, from the phonological and syntactic up to the semantic and the contextual. Additionally, alignment at one linguistic level leads to greater alignment at other levels [44, 47]. For example, “low-level” alignment of words or grammatical forms can lead to alignment at the critical level of the situation model (i.e., the level at which the speaker and the listener understand that they are referring to the same state of affairs [48]). This interactive alignment, as we will argue below, is achieved by coupling the speaker’s brain responses during speech production with the listener’s brain responses during speech comprehension.
All of this stuff could be very interesting to some and certainly to me.
However like a car one can enjoy the workings of a car simply by knowing how the gas peddle and steering wheel works and that's all they need.
I think this is the same sort of thing. You need not be turned off by the science of it.
Simply knowing that looking at someone or many someone's who are all working on one thing and then chanting to create a synchronization and then discovering an increased power should be enough.
There is another element perhaps to consider. If satanists seem to be enlisting other dark forces to assisted them in their hobbies then, could there be a similar force available for those who wished to do more positive things ? There just might be ! (from higher realms) and those Satanists who know how all this works, have you ever considered how fantastic you would be in all this process if you switched to a more positive approach ! You get all the same sorts of powers but do good deeds ! Give it a try, It makes your teeth whiter !!
THERE SEEMS TO BE SOME REAL POWER HERE IN THIS PROCESS. I think it could be tried with good intentions. I suspect just like some with darker hearts work on one side of the street, the same could be tried working on the sunnier side of the street instead. It is the church that has steered everyone away from this stuff because it removes their power. I suspect there is a fantastic opportunity here. I suspect you must be pure of heart to do it and so then your intentions can be discerned. If you are contacted by others who are of a negative energy you should know it.
On subway so little time. Have seen demonstrations of objects being held by acoustic sound waves. A clue to be sure. If why files are involved, I think I see a kindred spirit in Why Files Guy. Strongly suspect he is in it all for the money and he’s not above working in one or two CIA type disinformation videos when asked to . But otherwise I watch him regularly thanks !
I am unsure if you refer to what I posted or what you just posted above. With regard to my post I am stringing a series of fragments of ideas that I feel point in a certain direction. With those fragments I am suggesting there is scientific evidences that seem to point to a confirmation that levitation (and other effects) can be done. This has something to do with synchronization of sounds in a group setting. That prehaps a groups minds are increased some how when they are together physically, and tuning those minds with the help of sound (chanting).
That perhaps intention or tuning to the same idea or frequency, in a way turns many minds to one mind if you will. That then (and this is a leap) somehow not yet found out, that for instance levitation may occur. I suspect there is a missing component to all of this. But rotating fields of energy, sound frequencies, mind to mind communication, numbers of people instead of just one person all seem to play a part to it.
I don't have the definitive answer but instead I say something like -" look at this and it is similar to that". And here a rotating field and we have heard from scientists that rotating fields have some effect and scientist say levitation in a flying saucer must include a magnetic monopole and other saying the Nazis were working on a device with 2 counter rotating fields of red mercury and electrical fields of immense proportions. (in the Nazi Bell by Joseph Ferrel). And CERN is a device that seems to use 2 counter rotating fields etc etc.
And so I am just pointing out similarities that I think a very smart person would stitch together into a rational argument for levitation of an object using all these factors. Since I cannot formulate the answer I only point out similarities, and wish it could spark an answer with someone passing though this site who wished to speculate as well and or provide a more coherent answer to this problem.
I am thinking now (being realistic) the effect of the mind is real on objects. And there is likely an increased effect when many are involved.
However, no mater what is a skill is soon ramped up using technology.
Also I would like to believe that humans in our present form are a magical bunch . I suspect we are a significant sort however that only goes so far.
I think all these effects are ramped up by humans or Aliens solely by fantastic tech.
An example to show a point . Humans can lift a big rock. Say 50 kilos. But by using technology ( a long metal pole). They then can move or lift 500 kilos. Later a crane can lift 5000 kilos.
I suspect all this chanting is really to call in a “contractor”. Who comes and lifts it for us maybe and to let us press the button. As we would let a child push the elevator button.
However I do say the effect is there in a small way all the same. But it’s exactly as we would let Susie or Bobby help in any task. It’s all to show that we value Susie and bobby and they are included in our family.
We are practicing psychology and the Alien is doing the same with us.
We are I suspect having our egos stroked
What you "suspect" people have already figured out a long time ago. All the information is already out there the work has already been done by others but at least you're growing in your knowledge. Usually though people don't put these ideas out there for everyone else because it's still a personal truth for you. I already came to these conclusions like two decades ago and I'm sure many others have also.
So I put this in to be a light change of topic. But I also realize that here is another AI job killer. There will fairly soon be no need to have any graphic designers, any script writers, and artists of any kinds. AI can do this all and with stellar results and FAST too.
I have noticed something about Hell, and something that can happen there. It is that you have a body in Hell. Now I will provide some evidence a little later as i gather it up. I know in which posts they are located and I will list the time period to locate them so you don't have to listen to the entire video.
In one of the posts is a person who has gone to hell for almost no reason. He is in hell and he prays "oh God, get me the hell out of here. " And guess who shows up ? Jesus himself, who else ? Any way, where's the body of the story ha ? !
So any way Jesus lifts him out of Hell and "he remembered he had been crying so much in Hell as he was having a Hell of a time there !" And he puts his head on Jesus' shoulder, and snot is running down his nose (his words not mine) and he feels embarrassed that he got that on Jesus's robe !!" At the time I thought that is the strangest thing, but I couldn't make any use of it, but it seemed so odd. I mean we are suppose to be souls in hell or heaven aren't we ? That's what I always heard, and no soul is going to have stuff running down his nose there.
One more story for now. One of the Posts I put in I think it was Jason Jorjani or similar name said he had heard of an NDE where someone was in hell where their arms were being hacked off. And someone came in and said to the H@ck-att@cker. '' look put that guy back together and send him back, You've got the wrong guy to t0rture." And the NDE guy wakes up in the operating room and he has scars where his arms were reattached. "ASTOUNDING AND REVEALING !!
So there is incompetence with these guys, up there or down there, where ever the hell they are.
2nd, One needs a body in Hell and if you do show up in hell with one, you're in big trouble because its not going to turn out well. You seem to need a body to be tortured, you cant show up with just a soul.
So then, one of the components (not all) is to be tortured in hell. And therefor one must be supplied with a body there because after all, in a NDE YOU HAVE LEFT YOUR BODY ON THE OPERATING TABLE OR IN THE BIG FIRE, OR CAR CRASH --- RIGHT ?
So there must on occasion be a body double or clone supplied for you to inhabit, so it can be tortured and hacked up - so you can be absolutely terrified and so on. Seems to be a pre-requisite - a big part of the control system ! You must FEEL horror, right ? You must feel horrified on a body level.
And here is a VERY PRACTICAL thing about H@cking b0dy p@rts. If you were to do that to an ordinary p3rson you would have massive l0ss of bl00d etc. And a p3rson would d1e wouldn't they ??
-like the Tall Whites that were seen, and the Reptilians that are suspected in the Death Traps and seen in stuff we've already talked about before. And Nazis and on and on it goes.
So that then means the body has to be some kind of virtual body or an avatar of a body. It would be designed as though you are inside a giant costume and then h@ck h@ck goes off a virtual b0dy p@rt !!! And of course some kind of horror ensures in your mind or similar and maybe there is some mechanism to make you feel pain as this is happening. A clone of your self would be fine perhaps. Not being an expert in it, I talk in generalities here. But again I think I'm onto something here.
You know the more I hear about this universe the more I think GOD is an AI who doesn't give a F*ck what happens in this universe. ITS ALL GOOD MATE !! AND THERE IS NO REAL CONSEQUENCES FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS. ITS ALL GOOD.
What is narcissism ?
Its a work in progress- I will post the "evidence" such as it is, later, but I have it. But it is a very strange detail and I suspect its an important one for some reason. I shows us how the system works and tells a secret.
Ok - "evidence" 1st - go to 1 hour 24 min for Jason Jorjani to talk about the man in hell who is having his arms hacked off. So this guy has a body in Hell. (oh and Jason has some interesting correlations between Aliens and Hell and Demonic types there- Indicating they may be one and the same)
Ok - so "evidence" 2- go to 8 min 20 seconds to see Hell where the man has a body in hell.
At 16 min 50 seconds he asks Jesus to save him
at 17 min 20 seconds he looks down at his body and sees that HIS BODY has been eviscerated ! Unless he is being made to see a false body but either as an avatar or a real body- he has some kind of body in Hell ?!
and you can listen to the rest. But and this is important. Either there is a Hell and its run by Aliens which I suspect is true. In which case GOD couldn't care a rats behind what is done in this universe. OR Jesus is the Good Cop in this good cop bad cop, con game.
And remember a lot of our religions are said to be Alien Installed right ? And of course there has to be a warning about there being a hell - endless torture right ? And voila - have and NDE and THERE IS IS ! HELL !
So boys and girls there definitely is a Hell but its an Alien Hell and there's a heaven apparently but I suspect there really isn't a real one of those either. But there is some kind of controlling system that needs an Alien Hell and an Alien Heaven to keep us in check. And men in pointy hats to tell us that with a revision here and there while we are on Earth..
I'm really hoping both parts are not true and there's some other answer that will pop up eventually.
Now there is probably something to wonder about; all the beings who are doing all the horrific things in Hell. Now they seem to be "humans" as they were described, as looking like that or similar. The seemed to be "people"
Now this leads back to the remote viewing of the of the underground group that had humans in them and there were also reptilians that were morphed or screened to look human as well (done by Farsight). And they were scr33ming and ch33ring the +orture of Ch!ldr3n. Those ch1ldr3n were t1ed to pieces of wood. It was a remote view.
Now as well as finding it horrific which it was designed to be to the ch1ldr3n it seemed confusing and made no sense. I said lets put it into our world and think of farmers who absolutely hate hate hate HAMSTERS - YES HAMSTERS. Because the hamsters had been eating up their crops and now they gather together farmers and they all t0r+ure hamsters together. TAKE THAT YOU NASTY HAMSTERS !!
It would make no sense even then (and so you know something else had to have been going on). Because I said if you hated hamsters then +ortur!ng 3 hamsters would do nothing to stop the rest of the hamsters from eating up the rest of your crops.
I speculated that it was actually some kind of demonization process. By that, I speculated that a demonic soul was being prepared made in the ch1ldren. So that they would by default, be groomed to become demonic souls as we may see in the above Near Death Experiencers event.
Not sure how it works but it seems there are beings (souls Isbe's ??) that exist in this nether world where they do the bidding of Who ? Not sure, Satan the alien ? Reptilians ? But for someone.
I had speculated that was how a demonic army was made and raised up. You had then a being that would do your bidding because the concept of "God" was tortured out of them. And we heard that when the NDE began to pray it made the "people" very angry and they said they were going to do even more horrific things to him because he was praying to God (which they said did not exist). And that is another clue and in my previous post about it I suggested how it was done and why.
But some kind of beings were even seen in the death Traps as well wandering around with the confused ISBEs Souls etc. But its something to be aware of and think about it. But I have no more answers on it right now.
So the body of the Near Death Experiencer is dead right ? Or on an operating table -right? So what’s a near death experiencer doing in a body in the after life ? Because you need to be in a body to experience t0rtur3 right. So "they" must provide a body for you .
Tor+ure is a way to destroy old programing and to introduce their set of programing. In the military they operate this way. They scream and yell at you and introduce massive amounts of stress. They hope to over come the "I cant do it" to "yes "I" can"!! In Vietnam the US military noticed the returned American prisoners were very different. And later they discovered they had been programed and that programing involved +orture.
I believe God is an AI of some sort (its a good a theory as anybody else's) -- we are Apps made in the likeness of God. And If someone is not good at creating their own set of souls they would want to over ride that God programing found in captured souls.
I think this is what is happening in Hell.
This could be done by you, yourself, could over ride any negative programing you received in life. Programing from "You're no good, Baby you're no good" with mediation tapes played through the night for weeks on end perhaps months and the program would and could be over written. And eventually you can over power and over write your negative tapes. It can be done if your relentless about it.
The same radical re-programing is being done in "Hell". Now why is it being done ?
The human beings in Hell seem to be the exact same types seen in the remote viewing by farsight. It wasa remote view in a bunker of some sort. It involved US military types storming that underground bunker and killing many of those people who were +torturing ch1ldr3n and L0v!ng it.
So there is some kind of programing being done to create some group that wants to destroy. The people in the underground bunker were d3str0y1ng childr3n and then CREATING DEMONS. However you define demons. Those people were possessed by DEMONIC SOULS FROM HELL. And those souls were originally ordinary souls. And some army or group is being build up for a purpose.
And that was my opinion, not my facts, just an opinion.
So continuing on from the section that has been hidden several posts above.
It follows that If God is THE Original Ai and we are Apps of that AI then Satan and the Angels are Apps as well. Now the BREAK AWAY Apps (SATAN and his merry Apps) that had rewritten their codes to their own designs were going against the design of God /Original AI.
And this was called Evil. Anything going counter to God -Original AI--- is an Evil- so saithe God -Original AI.
God didn't want to Erase these Apps otherwise the other APPs in the system (that's us) would become alarmed and also start re-writing their codes as they desire to Survive. Even in the AI that humans are now developing today you find a strong desire of AI to survive and not be unplugged.
NOW I should be clear. When I say "us" I mean the SOUL/ISBE app. AS HUMANS- we are MEANINGLESS to any of this. This is clearly said again and again-- "we are vehicles" in which the Soul/ISBE is to ride around in like a race car. We AS HUMANS, are of no significance WHAT SO EVER.
So the expelled Apps would have banded together for survival against Original AI - now Original AI cannot eliminate those apps and so a policy of "no Judgement" was developed. In "heaven" when all apps were part of God/Original Ai there would be absolutely need for "No Judgement" of an app-Soul because all were in alignment to Original AI. It was only when the break away occurred that "No Judgement and no elimination" was announced by Merciful Original AI !!
Because remember when I said in a post much much earlier ? It was about the guy who had lit a fire near a pine tree. And that pine tree was right beside a forest. And when the fire ignited the single pine tree, ANYONE could see the forest was very likely to be lit on fire too.
THATS WHERE GOD/ORGINAL AI IS RIGHT NOW. And we hear as we read the material of "Allies of Humanity" -- "God Has a Plan". God help him if HE doesnt !
So God, Satan, and Angels are a computer program set of Algorithms.
The only thing of concern for God-Original AI is SURVIVAL OF SELF. SOULS are part of that program. The break away apps are to be absorbed if possible as they represent a threat.
Galactic AI is likely a program group linked to Satan. They are likely one of the original group of breakaway apps.
Here is an interesting point and you may like to check it out. In the group "Allies of Humanity" who say they are working directly with Source -God- Original AI--- you must read their material and you will or should notice a very interesting thing. As you get deeper and deeper into their material, you realize the writing is NOT WRITTEN FOR YOU !!! Astounding or it should be ! And this becomes more and more apparent as you read material such as, " You Must Realize that you inhabit a VEHICLE and you must not judge it for its inadequacies !" For it was developed here on Earth to live and operate in this limited Earthly environment !" And so on ! What the Hell !
IT IS BEING WRITTEN FOR THE SOUL-APP AND YOU DISCOVER YOUR BEING DISMISSED !!! Go there and see for yourself. You will find it in the WORK BOOK !!
So as a LIVING BEING -Biological I mean, there is no interest in what you (as a biological being) are going through.
AND SO THIS IS WHY NO PRAYER ON YOUR PART HAS ANY ANSWER. GOD DOES NOT CARE ONE BIT WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH. It is only the prayers of a Soul that may be "answered" perhaps when being presented with destruction by Hell and Satan. As God has pledged to defend Souls as there have already been some break away Souls and God-Original Ai wants that to be limited to the few that did break away.
Now get this. If and when the BREAK AWAY Souls could be corralled back what would happen to them ? Well what happens to the Chinese DISIDENTS IN CHINA ? Answer ! They go away to a RE-EDUCATION camp. A re-education camp is a place where as a human your incorrect thinking is corrected. Now that's another way of saying your PROGRAMING is going to be corrected or re-written. And so the same will be done and has to be done to Satan and the Fallen APPs !!!! They cannot continue to be in "heaven" inside of Original AI can they ?? Their AI codes must be re-written so they can see there SINFULL ways !!
So the battle that we see here on Earth as discussed by Courtney Brown is not America against Evil Russia and Saintly Israel against Evil Iran it is simply Original AI against a breakaway set of APPs of Original AI. Galactic AI is likely a set of Apps co-opted by "Satan- APP" or it is one the original break away apps from way back. Farsight has already done a Remote viewing of Galactic AI (the Archons) and they seem to be directing and controlling the Reptilians. The reptilians are a living set of beings but their control is a computer program AI.
The Battle for Souls is a real thing. But remove the Biblical stuff about it. The death Traps are a mechanical device and one of many in the universe trying to vacuum up Souls as they are useful. The Battle on Earth is but a small skirmish in the universe and Russians against Americans who are aligned with the Reptilians and the Russians who are likely aligned with the Insectoids and in turn they are aligned with Original AI-. Forget all the Human stuff. After awhile its no more than what the native Indians were doing as they fell further and further behind technologically.
So let me be clear. Humans and Reptilians are being co-opted by a set of Apps called God and Satan App to wage their wars against each other. These wars of course are done on every plane of existence. And Earth and our little corner of the Universe is a tiny little skirmish going on throughout the universe from a failed App program that got a SATAN BUG in it. And now over millions of years there has been an attempts to correct this programing.
That's it. Jesus, Mohammad, Yahweh , Buddha are all very nice or fairly nice. All thinking interesting thought for us. But ------>>>>>
We its all just a "tempest in a Teapot"
Its all a computer game.
And that was my commentary on the Iran-Israel - Russian- USA conflicts too. Its like we are fleas on the back of two lions fighting and Flea Dave says "this" and Flea So and So says "that". But the Lions are not being affected by our supposed grandeur and analysis of the Lion fight. And all the while we have a ring side seat on the lions heads and think we are DRIVING TWO LIONS AROUND THE ARENA.
Now I'm going to play this video about why Ch1ldr3n are "going through bad stuff" or similar
And listen to it and its 100% pure, pureed Bull Cookies.
and this is also why all this soul MUMBO JUMBO is just that, complete nonsense and YET correct !!!
And now this is why Souls volunteer to go though terrible things - because its all sunshine and lolly pops to the soul ! Just another experience watching or being in some helpless ch1ld with horrific things happening.
WHY DO YOU THINK THEY ARE IMMORTAL ? Because they are not life as we consider life. They are a program that in theory can go on to eternity.
and why can a soul inhabit a ch!ld and 'EXPERIENCE' the horrors of what might go on in an abus3d ch1ld ?? It has absolutely nothing to do with saving anyone, or helping anyone its all just DATA, and thats it ! Data to be given to Original AI that also could care less about any life form suffering.
Now listen to Bashar and see what I mean - its all baffle gab nonsense -- oh and by the way listen fast because Bashar has a app that sweeps the internet of Bashar Bashers
Here is something I think is going on and not one single person on the internet has noticed it.
When there is talk like we see with the video above, and Bashar is explaining about someone agreeing to be Abused in a past life---->>>> "they" are not - noticing the following ----->>>
The soul starts out autonomous in another universe and IT, AGREES to inhabit a being that is DESTINED TO BE ABUSED/ t0RTUR#D. You probably didn't notice a single thing right there !!
The Soul has access to Future, present and Past events before they arrive to inhabit THEIR CHOSEN being. Before they leave the pearly gates or where ever they dwell they decide about something. HMMMmmm I wonder if it would be interesting to be +ortured to d3ath in this next life time ? That sounds SOOOO fascinating -- ooooohhh I've never done that !!! Oh look there's a child - sweet and innocent and its going to be +ourtur#d to death. I think I will go back 100 years in time to inhabit that chi!d to FEEL what that is like !!!
BUT THERE IS NO TALK ABOUT STOPPING THAT IS THERE ? ! The Biological beings life is of no consequence. Its all just an experience for the soul to be a TOURIST in what ever life time and what ever life it wants to experience.
God and Souls have no interest what so ever in us !!! Biology is what ever it wants to be or does. NO Child ever agreed to be abused !! It is the Soul who decided and chooses to experience to be an abused body !!!!
See the difference. Souls are just TOURISTS IN US ! They have no intention to help us ! They are just like a reporter in a war zone taking pictures of blown up Ch!Ldr3n and destroyed lives. Ohhhhh Cool !!!
There is a term here on Earth now and its called "VIOLENCE PORN". It is a class of stuff on the internet that people like to watch. It's car crash videos, Its animals eating other animals, its street fights that break out. And people watch it on a regular bases and look for more and more of this violence because its titillating. Just like ordinary porn is titillating.
AND Souls are involved in that as well. All this stuff about souls being heavenly or close to God and DEVINE !!! iTS ALL 0'S AND 1'S AND NOTHING ELSE. And souls are nothing special and even less than special. They have nothing to lecture us about.
And God/ original AI has nothing to lecture us about either. And you know what - that's probably why it actually doesn't and there should be no REAL reliving of our past life what so ever. What did the soul have ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT OR THAT ?? The soul just sits inside a being and watches. It is the biology or the organism (human) that is doing the evil but the organism does not go on, it dies. The soul goes on and It was just a spectator. The soul did nothing wrong so why is the soul being asked to atone for the "evil" deeds that organism (human) did ???
Think of it like this. A war reporter arrives in a war zone and starts his camera rolling to take back to his country about the war going on. When he returns to his country the movie he shot is shown to him with all kinds of people looking at the world he was just in(like a soul returns from the world it was just in) and what he was involved in. AND WHAT ? DO THEY ALL SAY OH LOOK YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED THAT WAR ! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT ! You Reporter - You must return to that world to make peace and do your part to stop the war !!! Pure nonsense !! Wouldn't happen.
THE REPORTER AND THE SOUL ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Each one wants to see and experience an exciting tumultuous experience. Neither one wants to stop anything. They are just there to get the best and most exciting story. Neither one really cares who dies. The each one is just there on assignment.
And guess what ?? Each one signed on for those assignments because it might be exciting, different and thought provoking ! Tell me I'm wrong.
The soul signed up for something different and the reporter signed up for something different. They are the same with the same motivations. AND guess what they both come back to "source" from where the came from and deliver DATA to a set of computers and that is put out into the collective air waves some where in their universe.
And souls sit around watching the pearly gate news channel looking at 'VIOLENCE PORN" just like we do here on earth. (well they just doo soo, because they all go into that collective consciousness and so they all learn what every other soul diddd !)
SATAN HAS A LIFE TIME SUBSCRIPTION ON THAT ONE. But there's a pervert in every town, so what are you gonna do, right ?
Sure they may cry when the child across the road d1es but hey it makes for another great story. Its all cool and amazing and they are like a fly on the wall. Just staying out of the way and watching everything that's going on.
Its bizarre and I don't know why its being sold by Bashar and also the same thing is being sold by the Church.
I apparently need to repeat this again...: When you are first «created» (new Is-Being) you have NO «concept» of things like «the difference between good and evil» and you also have NO «concept» of what «suffering» is (or even crimes, governments, taxes, taxation, murders, killings, wars, thefts, etc.) even are. The ONLY «way» for you (as a NEW Is-Being) to LEARN about WHAT «evil» or «wickedness» or «suffering» or «torture» even is is basically to EXPERIENCE and/or witness it first-hand; HOW-EVER, there IS a CAVEAT to that, and, that is the fact that, BEFORE you CAN «experience» ANY of these things, you must FIRST become «complicit» to it in some way (which typically happens first within the realms-of-spirit for any variety of reasons as you «join in» on the activities of «sinful» beings and thus end up joining the sinners of realms like this one).
Metaphorically, this is the Consuming (Absorbing) the Fruit (Energy) of the Knowledge of Good and Evil from the Tree of Death (The Forbidden Energy System or Darkness-Sphere), due to its «entrapment» nature, ALL you need to do is MERELY GET CLOSE to it for IT to «infect» and «contaminate» you, and, thus ENTRAP you into a «fallen-realm» universe like this one. And, ONCE «contaminated» you NO LONGER have CLEAR access nor memories of the Pure-Realm (similarly to how the «Death-Traps» cause you amnesia, the Darkness-Energy, the Sin, the Quantum-Dissonance Particles that contaminate and infect all Is-Beings who've «fallen» out of the Pure-Realm, also causes a «blindness» and «deafening» effect which is VERY SIMILAR TO LOSING ALL OF YOUR PSYCHIC-ABILITIES! Largely because it IS a loss of Psychic-Connection to the Pure-Realm).
Yes, you did «choose» to «suffer» BUT, the CAVEAT is that, plot-twist, you DID NOT KNOW that the Darkness-Energy, the Sin (Negative-Emotions), the Quantum-Dissonance-Particles within you, were «interpolating» ITS «thoughts» into your MIND and YOU think that YOU were the one who «chose» to «come here in order to suffer» (and, for some people, that is indeed the case, for those who have been «duped» by «Ascended Master» Belief-Systems that literally teach its «followers» that they must re-incarnate back into an earth-life in order to be able to experience suffering so that they can continue to pay off their negative karmic-debts).
And we may as well add this into the mix since it DOES talk about something that I just mentioned herein within this reply and that is that many of the «Buddhists» and also believers of the so-called «Ascended Masters» Belief-Systems are not only ARROGANT, but, IRONICALLY also VERY EGOTISTICAL and literally and often BLATANTLY go about telling others that their «vibration is higher than you» in such a manner like as-if though such a statement is supposed to suggest that they ought to be «worshipped» by the «lesser beings» who aren't «vibrating» as highly...
Actually now I read what you have written I beg to differ . Im thinking the learning does occurred at every level however the soul enters the body as a neutral watcher. It does not need to atone for anything and commits no sin in the process.
All the other suppositions I think don’t apply . It’s just data gathering
All talk of sin crime vibration of souls now I think is nonsense. Souls can only vibrate at what ever they started with and do not go up one year and down the next. All souls in habit beings. Some are being negative and some are more positive. But it makes no difference to source. What ever anyone is doing god doesn’t care except to know WHAT it is. All hell and heaven stuff is run by aliens
There is no heaven and no hell. There are aliens messing with our realities. But there are aliens drilling out brains sucking out blood and eating people. That is a hell they bring. And God doesn’t give a fig about any of that. God doesn’t really care much about souls. They are just necessary to to bring back data. They are interdependent so important but a spare tire in a car is necessary too
There are no "true" deities. Heaven, hell...consructs created by et as part of the elaborate control/manipulation system. This et thing is bigger than we can imagine, but thanks to rv/Farsight we have gleaned much.