I use to have a great deal of respect for those of status; those in Academia, and anyone saying they were a scientist.
I think most people think that way. I use to naively think that anyone with knowledge greater than mine somehow also possessed greater ethics and a desire to search for the truth and tell the truth.
I wonder now if that is always true.
1- "LETS VIEW THE ARCHONS" https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/46088-lets-view-the-archons
2- REMOTE VIEWERS AROUND THE WORLD--- https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/62341-remote-viewers-around-the-world
3-DISCLOSURE OF THE EXISTENCE OF ALIENS AND UFOs---https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/62037-disclosure-of-the-existence-of-aliens-and-ufos
4-- GOOD VIBRATIONS -- https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/69264-good-vibrations
5-- ALIENS-SPECIES-CATEGORIES-WHAT WE THINK WE KNOW --https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/47400-aliens-species-categories-what-we-think-we-know
6-- ASTRAL PROJECTION--https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/68548-astral-projection
7-- FIRE SIDE CHATS WITH ALIENS -- https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/56150-fireside-chats-with-aliens
8-- Breeding and nesting habits of trolls-- https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/46980-breeding-and-nesting-habits-of-trolls
9) Consciousness - what's it all about ? https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/46501-consciousness-what-s-it-all-about
10) Techiques to help heal others https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/70819-techniques-to-heal-and-protect-self-others
11-((Harvard Scientist: "These Kids Are Telepathic!" [T)) This link was started by TAZZ and it intrigued me so much (and I see the post slipping away) that I wanted to link it up here-- Its about Telepathy and Autistics. --
page 2-- Strange forces behind the Hollywood murders-- The MK Ultra Doctor and JFK Assassination- Satanists children and CIA-- CIA Fake news and the Media they controlled-- CIA and the Cocaine Shipments-- Epstein and the Big Cover up -- Americans making money with Hitler-- FBI and how they Work it. -- Take me to page 2--https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/48230-questioning-what-we-were-told?page=2
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Page 14-- MI5 and MI6 were taking children (allegedly) for sexual services --Michael Shrimpton and the(allegedly) Eng lish Pr ime Minis ter and Children--Why Files and Probable example of Miss information cover up story--STG Clifford the Alien Retrieval Specialist--The Deletion of the Internet that you haven't noticed yet--How Medical reports are often Falsified Page 14 please >>> https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/48230-questioning-what-we-were-told?page=14
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page 19-- Lab grown babies very fresh -- Feeling Sad ?-- Orb on Video making crop circle-- Pfizer declining numbers Comedy Russel Brand-- The final Energy Field is -- GOD-- Wisdom of Homer Simpson-- Rupert Sheldrake and the Universe is Conscious -- Page 19 >>> https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/48230-questioning-what-we-were-told?page=19
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YIKES ! gEt mE oFF thIS paGe and over to "WHAT WE THINK WE KNOW ABOUT ALIENS" - PRONTO -CLICK THERE ->>>> https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/47400-aliens-species-categories-what-we-think-we-know
David, I can relate and I like your idea. I was born in the mid-1950s, and was raised to take anything an adult told me as gospel/truth. My reality came tumbling down in the 1960s-1970s when everything was challenged, even protested against, including law enforcement, military, domestic issues for women. "Displaced homemakers" became a thing in the 1970s-1980s. But we were to not question space, the movie 2001, or the "establishment's" narrative on history. Did I ever "rebel" for many years, even though I continued going to school, then college, holding a job, and being in Hollywood's fast lane back then. Leo Terrell, the famous civil rights attorney and teacher, was my classmate and we sat next to each other for years growing up in our school years. I find that "GROUP THINK" exists and shapes our destiny in some ways as a Human Race.
wow !!! you were classmates with brilliant man, Leo Terrell !! Wow !!! Wow !! I feel great just by being on here now !! :) Thanks for sharing. !! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ :)
Just a quick reply David to your original remarks. Humans make up stories about the world that justify, aggrandise, legitimise themselves. All the academic stuff is by humans, for humans and about humans. Even the studies about nature are a human generated construction and the explanations are humano-centric and of course they are lmited by a narrow pragmatic and materialist view of the world. So for instance if you describe animals as sentient and energetically enmeshed with the IS-BE ness of all beings you would be laughed out of your job.
What academics including scientists can and cannot research and say about their findings is circumscribed by their need to get paid and to get published. The academic training you receive on your journey into that world will try to inculcate you into a club that accesses financial resources by doing what the paymasters want. If you show an interest in 'heresies' i.e. ideas and activities that challenge the paymasters your career development will cease. In short academics are as incorporated into reinforcing and strengthening the existing power structures as are political and state institutions and legal codes.
That is not to say academics are all bad people. The system we are all educated in creates our consciousness and presents things to us a universal givens, money is a great example of something that seems to have an a priori existence, to have meaning and value in its own right. Our current versions of history and evolution all stem from the powerful colonial and imperial powers of the 19th Century who needed a story of humankind that zips through hunter-gathers to tool use and agriculture, then a nod to the quaint ancient egyptians, a chuckle at cuneiform writing, then onto the serious business of Ancient Greece, all White marble and philosophy, ancient Rome (presented to popular imagination as a White superpower) then bish bash bosh Northern Europeans at the top of an evolutionary tree with a duty to rule and educate the world. That story of who we are and how we got here is pure ideological nonsense but is the cultural overlay painted on the inside of our skulls.
Those in power write the stories and direct the consciousness of those they wish to enslave. Conventional education and research are key tools to a kind of mind control and teaching us the chain of command. Interestingly lots of academics know this and some make it their business to try and tell the world but who goes to academic libraries or bookshops to read this stuff? Academia can be allowed some critique of power as long as it is carried out in the prescribed manner at learned conferences. It is all a bit like freedom of speech, you cannot have freedom of speech if you have not arrived at freedom of thought, but in the end what you say means nothing if you do not have freedom of action. Clever states let you say what you want. If you act freely or can persuade others to act then you are in trouble.
That is a crude summation of what I have perceived as a failed academic and all the points need expansion and argument. Anyway academia had no cosy den for me to smoke my pipe in.
David. I always find your posts very insightful and amazing. Thank you! This one, where you say "pedal to the metal" and "click below"
on a yt link is a suscribe button to an unknown...
Please share what the sub is to. I am interested, however in today's world nothing should be trusted. Please re-post a Clearly identified link.
No one wants to walk into a censorship trap.
Thanks again!!