And nothing happened with this lol. Trudeau got away with it. Also, Pierre could be Trudeau's half brother as Pierre's birth mother might've been knocked up by Trudeau's father before she gave Pierre up for adoption. It's all a script and a game for the dumb sheep.
So I went though the transcripts of the latest meeting with the Friendly Aliens, typed out by Del.
I did notice something and it made me think about the idea of "manifesting" or "summoning" or calling forth.
We hear about terms and ideas of summoning or even praying to the angels. And sometimes in the Bible or with Satanists or in movies and so on, the "entity" arrives. The idea of the Genie (Jinn) and the lamp is a sort of summoning. You rub the lamp with the genie in it and say "oh great genie come and grant me 3 wishes", and it arrives.
And with Satanists or conjurers, they say they can summon beings from the "underground", such a demons.
And because we in the past had no idea where these beings came from we said it was from the underworld. Or if it was an angel prayed to ( or summoned) it must of come from the sky.
Modern man now hears of parallel universes or of the 13 levels on the way to God (Christian ?). And we hear the concept that we are in the 3rd dimension and destined (if all goes well) that we will bypass the 4th dimension to go on to the 5th. (as I understand some speakers on this subject)
And we hear things like "we" create our own reality, and also that when many think about something or urge it to appear (some say) it will manifests itself. And Montauk it is said is some kind of experiment in this area.
And we hear about String theory and of Quantum theories.
String theory explained !!! In 2 minutes !
On a basic level an atom exists in parallel universes at the same time as being in ours. (at least it appears that parts of the atom does) And when it is observed or measured it then becomes a point instead of a series of potentialities. And the 2 slit experiment seems to have some information on that.
But now to make a point. The "friendly Aliens" are chastising Dr Brown and his remote viewers for not trying hard enough, mentioned in the last meeting. They are saying " we" are slow, and slackers (my word). That we are not meditating enough, nor are we mentally and visually looking at, or calling the saucers to appear.
Could another way of saying it be, "WE" are not summoning or wishing for these "friendly aliens" to come forth ? If so, that would be the same thing we do with Angels and Demons. We would be summoning them from another universe or realm. This is another way of saying we are giving them permission to come here.
It is said the Jinn, and Satan, and some other Aliens live in another Universe
And it would then point to a possibility that the "friendly Aliens" live in another Universe too !
And by summoning them, we give permission for them to arrive. Now I don't think necessarily that means anything is wrong. The Reptilians it is said, come from another universe. It is said the Jinn use to live on Earth but were pushed out because of the rising level of spirituality of humans.
And so the Jinn now live in another parallel realm very close to us. And this is why the Jinn can be "summoned" so easily by the Black Magicians.
Now if we think about this "protection" that other aliens cannot just arrive uninvited, we could think why a law like that could exist. If some Alien just arrives and says I'm here and I'm powerful and I take earth for our own, then there would be a battle. And then the same thing again could happen the next year and so on. So it likely would have been created to "limit" conflict.
So a law was enacted that said "if you can prove that you were summoned or asked to take the place over and run Earth then you can legally stay there.
Now lets think a little. Why would Earthlings not want to disclose to the other earthlings ? Could it be that we would all 'think' that the reptilians were nasty sadistic, aliens and want them gone ? Probably !
That's why HUMANS don't want to disclose ! AND THERE WOULD BE A UNIVERSAL LAW TO SUPPORT IT !
And another group - ie the friendly aliens have no right to arrive unless they can get a consensus of a few million to act .
Now there is another point. We cannot see the "friendly Aliens". And there are probably 2 reasons for this. One is, if they appeared, the Reptilians who are closely monitoring Farsights meetings could drop a b0mb on that site and eliminate the heads of that group.
Could it be they are not really near Earth at all ? They are projecting themselves onto earth. They could be millions of light years away.
Speaking from millions of light years away.
Apparently the "Allies of Humanity" do this, speaking from millions of light years away. Now if it is possible to travel from millions of light years away, then it could be possible to speak from millions of light years away using similar principles ? Sending info down the worm hole ? Maybe ?
But could an explanation of the drones be found in all this ? " Drones" are not manned (probably).
And there may be a universal law, that states, "you cannot meddle in others affairs unless you have been summoned". Now strangely this could explain the presence of the Robot "Greys".
This points to the existence of a law in the Universe. That law likely states "you as a living being cannot "manifest" or show up" but you can send "drones" and "robots" with specific tasks to take samples (humans) for research purposes. So then we see "drones" and in the past, experiences of "small grey bio-robots".
Now to actually show up - the Alien needs to be summoned, or called forth. To get permission by humans in the millions. And humans in the "millions" was a statement used in the meeting by the Aliens.
No criticism here, just wondering what may be going on.
Now the Reptilians can be here because they are allied to those holding all the power on this planet. The Orion's are probably are here because they are allies or subjects of the Reptilians (as they might have been defeated a long time ago) in order to stay alive they aligned themselves with the Victors (the reptilians)
Now to support this summoning idea, it has been said by humans in the "know"-- that once a year at an appointed time a Senior Reptilian arrives to a certain board room. In that room are the heads of a prominent family. The Reptilian arrives to discuss the "books" and to take its cut of the profits of this planet. This is apparently an activity done by this Alien all over the universe. Sort of like how a Mafia is run. There is a team on each controlled planet and they kick up a percentage to those in power (the Reptilians) and for that the Humans remain in power.
So summoning and calling or allowing and asking some group to arrive - allows the entity to claim that it is allowed to be here.
So by the "law of the universe" these aliens must receive an ok to be here.
Going further but not going into it too much. The opposite must be true. If we all were to say "we reject the aliens here, then, if the law was enforced by those "other" aliens enacting the law, to then take action against those reptilians.
Theoretical I would admit. But interesting to think a little about it.
Google- how much electricity does America consume per year
Ans--32.11 quads (Taken from Wikipedia)
Google- (based on a recent speech) - how much power according to President Trump will AI need to ensure America stays the most advanced nation in AI development and use ?
(as told to him by such luminaries as Sam Altman)
Ans- more than 2.5 x 32.11 quads- for the AI alone = 80 Quads minimum each and every year.
1 terrawatt hour is (as I understand it) = 0.0034121416331279 Quad
Therefor - the Zero Point energy is about to be released onto the American public. Look for an inventor (PROBABLY ELON MUSK) who is going to announce that he has just discovered zero point energy which he did on the back of a napkin while at Chucky Cheese.
And actually it would be better explained to everyone that AI discovered how to do it !! But "they" knew it way before AI ever did of course. And now I think about it Elon is becoming less liked so AI will be the discoverer !
David - I think it will come down to some sort of Summit of exposure about the zero-point energy, maybe through Disclosure (as Greer is trying to do) or some other way. I think the Electric Vehicle market is going to collapse, or at least take a back seat, and this green energy Carbon BS will be exposed as well. Somehow Hal Puthoffs name seems to be on everything I'm reading too.
It wouldn't surprise me if they are already using free energy for it - how would we know - they are counting on us being dumb enough to fund all this for more centuries to come - I'm sure they've had a plan to charge us for all this extra quantum based AI fuel they purportedly need - but I hope we're smart enough to get the message out - no wonder they don't want disclosure.
Yes sounds more likely. and the cost of course for more black project -trillions of dollars yearly -no doubt
Discovering the laws of the Aliens Universe (this sector). We will call it the Milky Way laws I guess.
So the premise will be that the laws of this sector of the universe can be discovered, based on what we see around us.
Law- It is a law that a captured race is allowed and must be allowed to periodically have a plebiscite say every 10,000 years or so, to be asked if they want to continue being enslaved. Yes/No
Next - law - before they are asked this question they are allowed to hear the facts and the truth. We are now in this phase before we are asked the question. The revelation of the truth is called in our world-- DISCLOSURE. Its at this time period that everything is revealed. What we have been up to , what our leaders and Music, entertainers have been up to. And we are to asked if we want this to continue ?
(and it can be inferred what the laws of the Enslavers are as well. So the law of the enslaver is that the enslavement is best done so that the population no longer remembers anything about their enslavement). We could call that section - how to be a successful slave owner.
If we don't react, or are disinterested that will count as a YES ! So then the question is on a more visceral level - and it will be highly unlikely to be an actual question that we can hear in our ears. It could therefore be on a psychic level.
So then it may be possible that the Greys who allowed themselves or were tricked into enslavement are also to be asked the same question. However they may be so down the toilet that they don't even think a "NO" is possible. And we are being told that "WE" the humans are to be their inspiration.
So the next law should be - Those who wish to exit slavery are to be helped by those who are not enslaved or are not slavers (like the Reptilians). The Enslaved must be told what is missing - like chakras etc, and body parts, and what is replaced - LIKE CHIPS IN THE HEAD. And then a description of what will happen when these are returned or replaced back to the original setting so to speak.
And it may not be an easy transition. For instance if "feelings" are to be returned in the case of the Greys, perhaps this will create a huge problem of uncontrolled emotion. No idea but maybe that has to be put back very slowly.
Anyway feel free to add what you think may be some more of the laws
So then as this video explains there can be a future where we are continued to be enslaved. Where the Reptilians control the world with Galactic AI controlling those Reptilians. A place where we decided to install chips in our heads so we can link up to Planetary AI and become the Borg. Our race becomes the tools of Galactic AI to continue to take over one world after another on behalf of Universal AI. And we destroy one world after another.
Or perhaps there is a second future where we decide to reject our leaders. We reconsider putting chips in our heads. We however do put human like brain chips into our machines and we increase our mental powers using genetic ideas and technology. We genetically change our brains to become more able to read minds, to sense things, to connect to other minds. This then allows us to connect to our machinery which still takes us closer to option one but we stay "human".
And we stay in control of AI on our planet and do battle with Universal AI and free the Greys and make them our allies, and connect to those who want freedom. And we become revolutionaries freeing worlds as we go around the Universe.
Laws of the enslaver. Or how to be a successful slave owner and manage a planet.
1- Trickery. It is vital to be a tricky Alien to enslave your target population.
2- Religious creation is permitted and advised. The usual methods can be used here and a top down system is always the best with yourself at the top. Or an avatar may be used as long as it is similar to you and your character traits.
3- Attach activities that bond the population to "their" faith with the most serious penalties meted out if there is any deviation. Shunning, disbarment, isolation, banishment are all good.
4- Reward, entrap, and bond with the leadership of the population making them more and more like yourself to ensure continued control with the least amount of manpower enforcement on your part.
5- Inducements are to be used with the elite of the population honing in on the basest of emotions assuming your target race is emotional. Use lust, greed, fear, control, humiliation, terror and any other form of depraved interests of the population as these will isolate those individuals and control will be much easer.
Stay tuned for the book soon to be released on Amazon
Based on observations and listening to stories of abductions-the following Alien laws have been discerned
Apparent Alien Law-- If an alien race arrives and talks to King Ted who says he is "KING OF THE WORLD" and they give King Ted his price for the sale of Earth (IE a case of beer) then THE ALIENS RULE EARTH ! This included any Amazonians, the peoples in Kamchatka, and the Beer drinking Tribes of Tasmania. And they may present their receipt from KING TED to prove it to the Galactic council of We Make it up as we go along. (Which is translated into any appropriate Alien language when you go the the Apple App store to down load the Translator App)
Apparent Alien Law 2- If a human is "on-boarded" to a flying saucer- with mind numbing confusilator rays - and said Human does not object, and this human cannot speak, nor make his/her brain work then - drilling out their frontal lobes is permitted as they did not object at an appropriate time. As they must have consented to be a test specimen then its ok to turn them into a vacuum cleaner or an electronic watch dog, or similar.
Apparent Alien Law 3- A race who have "consented" to be enslaved after King Ted Sells Earth can have their entire DNA reduce to mush and put underground to mine for gold - because they did not object. Or at least after a whipping, and mind terrorizing with the terrorizer and agonizer ray gun they no longer objected - meaning the Aliens may proceed, as it is evident to all thoughtful aliens that consent has been granted by said humans.
Apparent Alien Law 4---Any human acquired by Alien Robot scout crews may keep and use any human "specimens" because that is what they are designated as. And therefor as confirmed by the greater Black Hole council of the 4th planet of Maziate in sector 6 of the Milky way, they are to be allowed to collect said humans as SPECIMENS, and not as human. So as a further explanation, only specimens are collected by Alien Robots therefor humans that are collected are DESIGNATED as biological specimens and do not have to be returned and can be experimented on unto death. Refer to "we are in charge rule"
Apparent Alien Law 5-- Any agreement made by any Alien with anyone who says they are the rulers of the world may be made with that group and that group alone. And that agreement may be constructed in any way including in perpetuity. Example - If King Ted signs and agreement allowing the Aliens to rent or operate on planet earth with a 1 million year agreement in it; then the Aliens can rent Earth for 1 million years and that agreement can be made in secret without any other humans knowing about it. And if the other Humans find out about the agreement then it doesn't matter - Refer to the Galactic "tough titty rule of the universe". The humans have to wait 1 million years before they get to renegotiate.
- Humans can be captured by the dozen and mind controlled, mind altered, mind dumbed down, for any reason what so ever as long as its is called an Alien Experiment or if Aliens say they are trying to help humanity.
This works with any thing for any reason - at any time. Please refer to "we are only trying to help rule of Galactic Hospitality"
Aliens can contact and influence any human, to set up any religion as those humans could have rejected those religious ideas and they didn't. Refer to - Alien DADDY knows what's best rule
Human Leaders can be mind controlled to influence any other humans.
Ruling aliens can impose conditions of any sort of the enslaved race such as sacrificing their first born, offering them up to the Alien rulers covered in barbeque sauce for consumption at any time and on any occasion as long as its called a holiday, a ritual or Glorious Galactic Leaders day. Torture of any kind is also allowed as long as its a cultural practice of the Alien race such as the Reptilians do, as it is seen as part of "their" religion. And therefor this falls under - "you can do anything you want to anyone as long as you call it practicing your religion rule"
Aliens can flaunt their "intelligence" and guilt trip any race, saying ITS ALL YOUR FAULT - that you dont get it, or something we said was to happen but it didnt happen, because you didnt raise your spirituality fast enough !
So therefor you are undeserving of our ALIEN GALACTIC LOVE ! ooooooo - Refer to Galactic Gaslighting rule number 5.
Finally Any Alien can flip a coin as long as its from the planet Zenon and make up any other rule to enforce as long as they post said rule within one Earth solar year back at the Galactic ruling council and bring back a saucer full of smoked hams as payment. Hams may be made of any edible entities of the captured planet (in this case Earth) including being made up of humans. Dipping sauce must be included.
So ends the first set of Alien Laws as so studied by Swami Dave. Does anyone really disagree with the general premise ?? Really ??
Remote viewing possibility. There is a volcano in Mediterranean Sea . It’s getting 600 earth quakes a day . Population evacuated . Maybe a remote view of that 1 month 6 months and 1 year out ?
I think there has been a prediction about a huge volcano going of under the Vatican as well.
I wondering what just happened in the White House with Trump Zelensky and Vance ?
I find it hard to believe that Zelensky is that stupid, that he would on his own make such a spectacle.
It seems to me to be a pre-planned event on Zelensky's part. I wonder if Zelensky was told to verbally slap Trump in the face. And it seems also fairly quickly that Europe (with NATO) are moving to continue the war with Russia and Ukraine.
A guess. - America with Trump as president is getting out of the war. But NATO which Trump is not a fan of continues (minus America) to side with Europe to fight against Russia with Russia being the prize with all its resources. What they all could of said to Zelensky is, "listen Trump can only be president for another 4 years, and in 2 years time he will be called the Lame Duck President and then be gone !!"
So you could say-- "hey Dave wait a minute - how can the US military support Ukraine if President Trump says no !! You're not making sense ! OK - how about pushing Germany to buy jets, and tanks from America (or they could send their own) but if they did buy American tanks - then those tanks can be donated to the Ukraine. There is one example.
"So verbally slap him in the face and we the Europeans and 1/2 the US military will support you one way or the other." And Zelensky said," OK !
It is said the American Military is divided. And there have been remote viewings saying there is going to be a Civil war in America. Where one side of the military fights the other side. In America you hear of a Pro-China side and we hear lots of people who seem to have sympathies with Russia.
But if you looked at American history what is stranger still is that, America is courting COMMIE NATIONS !! Did that for effect. But its strange.
Now this is odd. If America pulls out from Ukraine, then with Trump as president it tends to make Russia as a shot gun bride for Trump's America. And at the same time, does it put Russia in the drivers seat? Because Russia is also cozied up to China.
One American military side ? Does it get support from "NATO" and Europe ?? The other side gets support from Russia ??!!
And remember the Military Industrial Complex is a continual pro-war group. Trump wants to end war and get down to regular business. Trump has way more enemies than friends.
And remember UK, France have nuclear weapons. And it is said quietly that Germany has some too. And Israel is a nuclear power, and as far as I can see Trump is not a Fan of Netanyahu.
And China sits quietly in the corner.
Someone start writing a movie script !!
Below is what has already been remote viewed
So we have heard of other Attempts on T3um*ps life
There is the prediction of the Civil War in America
There is still the predictions of 90% drop in world population
There are still those experiments going on in the Wuhan lab
There's still a lot of things going on
How strange things seem to becoming. I think we have entered into a very dangerous phase.
But Im wondering if all this DOGE stuff is having an effect ? Like is there any Gold in Fort Knox ? Probably not .
Capitalism is a Ponzi scheme but we just don't recognize it because it happens on a gradual scale. Just like a Ponzi scheme there needs to be ever more players in the game of Capitalism, each and every year. But that is ending now, because more and more women have fewer and fewer children EXACTLY because capitalism works ! As people become richer and richer they have fewer and fewer children. They it seems, get TVs and see people deciding not to have too many children. I thought it was because they felt richer and more secure.
If you listen closely you hear the solution to declining populations is to increase immigration. And always you will see they taken from areas that have big families traditionally. It has nothing to do with saving the poor or being a humanitarian. They take from poorer areas because the women in these poor areas, have not seen another option for themselves.
Its always just to keep the capitalist machine cranking out more products. And they can do that ONLY if the women keep cranking more children. Because those children are the future profits for the manufacturers. Its no mystery.
But the decline of world wide populations are coming. And Elon Musk never had this as an original idea - its been of the front burner for a long time.
Here is Elon informing us of this amazing trend of population collapse.
But if we don't read a book then its easy to be convinced that these ideas are some great revelation coming out of Elon's head.
" Its very easy to see that there is going to be a collapse because of a reduction of food", he says. And actually that is wrong ! He gets the reduction of population right and that's enough to amaze his followers.
And Elon says its easy to see (not because he saw it as he implies). Its because Elon can read books. And he does this kind of thing a lot. Speak as if its his idea.
And this I think is the "engine" that creates the elusion of the "Genius of Elon"; it is the speaking of ideas out of the heads of others, as though these are his ideas. And no one ever asks him where he got those ideas.
So now I'll ask the question that is probably on at least some of your minds. "Dave why are you going on and on about Elon Musk not being a genius or something ?
And the answer in my mind is because Elon Musk is participating in a MASSIVE FRAUD ! Elon Musk is a front man to allow hidden Black project technology to be released through his Apple Pie Face ! And those products like Chip In Head technology is being more accepted BECAUSE ELON MADE IT ! And it wasn't at all. It was made by the military defense contractor DARPA. And so was his car which Elon was told to buy. And "his" rockets are to act as a cover for the behind the scenes flying saucer technology. And the tunnel boring project is simply the tunnel boring machines that have been used to bore out the Underground bases for rich, and well positioned to hide underground.
And by the way if Elon ever comes out and says he has been secretly boring tunnels east to west in America it will be a fraud too. Those already exist and would just be the latest release into the public sphere. And on and on it goes. Elon Musk is a human manipulation tool for the deep state.
Simply look and find the evidence (or from my post) of "Elon Musk's" PATENTS ! Now think a little. With a "Scientist" like Elon musk with inventions of ROCKETS, of Chips in Brains, of Boring Machine technology, of the Tesla Car and on it goes; He must have literally hundreds or actually he should have thousands of patents. And yet he as a few dozen, and most of those are just him adding his name to others, but they were actually the brain child's of other people.
Later when he was asked about that - he said something like - Oh I don't care about patents. With an ego like that do you think that sounds logical ? He would have an entire office pumping out and protecting his patents.
That alone should tell you something doesn't add up about Elon Musk.
Elon Musk is part of the "Singularity" push. Of the idea to turn everyone into robots, of developing AI to eventually take over humanity. He's the Apple Pie Face on the AI box top, and on the chip in the head box top, and the face on the book that says there is no flying saucer technology. He is the "HONEST FACE" of the GREATEST LIES EVER TOLD.
Elon Musk is a legend in his own mind. And not a legend for his time. And that is why he is so useful to the deep state. He is a man of very few ethics and morals.
AND WHAT YOU HAVE READ IS AN OPINION - and is to read as an entertainment piece.
I had a little thought. The Theme is about Scaling something up.
When an invention is made, be it the wright Brothers airplane or a hand made candy bar, if its a good invention it can be scaled up in size or in number.
With the Wright Brothers airplane it eventually got scaled up to a 747 plane able to hold hundreds of passengers. And for the handmade candy bar, the manufacturer can scale a single bar up to thousands of bars made every day in a factory.
So then lets take the flying saucer and the MH370 airplane. In the report on REDACTED and Forbes analysis he showed 3 orbs (flying saucer technology) that used their energy to tear open the space -time fabric and the MH370 AND THE ORBS DISAPPEAR.
They went away. They moved into another realm.
Now it seems that with 3 orbs circling close to an object, they can exert huge forces that create a field around the object and at the same time rip open the wrapping to our universe. To go to another universe ? Of course. But really they moved in time, which means on a radar screen the plane would just disappear.
But what must be happening is the object (plane) has moved into another universe and then using the same technique in the new universe they can then reappear somewhere else.
So onto something else -- I posted about how 700 suns in our universe just disappeared.
And onto Assentation. Now there are stories about how Earth is destined to divide like the DNA (Only sort of like that) in the process of mitosis divides thereby duplicating the existing cell in a body.
And like that, Earth is said will duplicate itself. And one of the Earths moves into a higher realm and the other stays here where we are now.
Now to the disappearing suns. An advanced race living in our universe may be able to SCALE UP as we scale up our chocolate bar production and our increased jet size from a tiny Wright Brothers plane up to a 747.
So a planet could be turned into a flying object. Able to move where ever it wanted to move and then return to its original orbit. The entire planet could fly over to another star system and then choose to rotate around a star they want to visit. Next if 3 planets could be turned into flying planets then those 3 planets could do to its sun what it seems the ORBs did to the MH370 plane, then what ? I mean exert forces on the object with their engine power. SO in that way 3 planets and a Sun could ascend or disappear into another universe. Now is that how those 700 suns disappeared ? Maybe
But there is one little glitch in this system. Forbes talked to an engineer friend that said he believed there had to be a fourth orb involved because that's what would be needed to create a monopole, if I remember that correctly. So an additional planet in the other universe must be needed.
Deloris Cannon spoke about the dividing Earth and how one group of humans would ascend on it and on the remaining earth the people who could not change would stay with this Earth. According to Deloris this had never been tried before and so all the aliens were going to watch this event.
The MH370 plane disappearance lends credence to Deloris claim. But there is another mystery. 2 Earths will briefly exist -if this would happen. At precisely its creation the second Earth would have to be whisked away to the new universe. How would that happen ? 3 absolutely massive flying saucers circling it ? Maybe. Maybe 3 is just the minimum number of saucers needed. A satellite of saucers would be better. And it would seem that only earth #2 would disappear so it would need to be placed around another sun some where. Trillions of those so I guess that would not be a problem to a very clever race.
And now I wonder if a massive number of satellites put up around earth, all flying like the drones we have now, flying around Earth and then all commanded to exert a massive amount of energy around Earth could cause it to ascend or move through to another universe ? Why hasnt Elon mentioned something like this?
Now having an Earth to stand on and sleep on and to fly off to say Mars ? That would make taking materials, and inhabitants, and products to Mars way easier. Fly the planet over there.
Now with all Earths life forms and materials under our earth, and water, don't forget that important water then a planet could become the TRUCK that is taken to a work site (Mars or similar place)
Could Earth or some other planet be used this way to colonize other planets. Forget about building a rocket to fly off to other worlds. Just fly the Earth there and then people would take a short flight to Mars. And need some more materials ? They can be mined out as needed from Earth.
Next a race could gather planets from other distant stars and move them off to another Universe. Now is it possible that another race of beings in a parallel universe could gather an entire solar system together and move it into another universe ? A Martha Stewart of the Universe rearranging planets according to colour ?
Good night - sweet dreams