So this is just an idea. Very little formation so I guess its a kernel of an idea
So its about words, fabrics, of intentions, Spells, energies- and how to weaken a soul, how to control a human, how to do damage to a spirit and a human.
So if you want to destroy a spirit and a soul and a child you do this. You utter damaging things. Things that break down a person anddon't build them up. You destroy the Lovable message, and the capable message. Its like pulling the wings off of flys. Its abuse
- Those- words- are - incantations !
-They are spells
- evil spells
And those words enter the mind and swirl around and around inside the target audience-- And it crushes them, and sucks the life out of them. And it is intensely difficult to get them out of the mind you are destroying. It almost murders a soul to do that. It should be a crime more- a crime punishable by long jail time.
As below SO THEN also above
I am thinking that the universe also records or absorbs spells, intentions and words. I have heard in some quarters that we will meet a monster of our own creation formed by the negativity and hate we have put forth to others. It will be a raging, screaming being we will have to deal with. I am hoping that is all metaphorical and not a reality.
I wonder if the mind creates by thinking. We have heard this theory that "we creating our own reality" by thinking it into existence. And we have heard about Montauk where some have claimed by using technology and the mind; that a monster was called into existence that require aggressive measures to neutralize it.
I heard of instances where some have said they were taken to other Alien Worlds. In those worlds beings there had powers to do these things. If it is possible and we have all been mind wiped then are our "powers" sort of set aside ? But things are being influenced and created as it were in the ethereal world ? And that's the world we experience in some measure when we "die" ?
In other words when we hear Joe Rogan speak about his experiences after taking psilocybin mushrooms or chemicals; is that world an actual world of beings perhaps being created by our own minds ? And taking that substance allow you to see the world you created?
And when we hear of people having horrible experiences in that world is that because the person who experienced it had a terrible experience or was extremely negative in this world and he/she is just seeing exactly the kind of world they create with their own minds ?
If you want for instance a War in the world, you need to get the message into the minds of the human population. All the media stations need to pump out the message. WAR WAR WAR ! PUTIN EVIL-- WAR WAR. FEW WILL DIE . NUCLEAR WAR IS OK !!
The message must be accepted. Why does the message of "your useless and bad" work so well with children ? Its because it is being accepted as fact by the child because it has no context to disagree with the message and so accepts it. The same kind of thing - espoused by the "Experts" is also pumped in a similar way. WE aren't military experts so we say -- "Well we don't know-- I guess these military experts know what they are doing and we have to have some kind of war !!" We accept it. That's what is being said in the media and there is almost no opposition to it !
There no opposition to chips in the head-- and merging with AI - so then it is ready to be accepted.
Also what we think and what we say has an energy draining effect, or an energizing effect on those around you. Try and experiment of being deliberately positive for one straight week. Say at every opportunity-- Ok sounds good !. Great weather we are having!. I'm sure you're going to find a solution ! I just know you're going to find the answer !! And so on.
Never say a single negative thing and you will find those around you start to warm up, to start mirroring you. Try it. But as you do it for that week, WATCH CAREFULLY THOSE AROUND YOU. You will notice smiles, people bringing you small gifts, like a cup of coffee, and doors will start to open for you. Watch carefully and you will see an effect within one week
This is why when incantations or continual positive statements are said it has an effect -- WITHIN THE UNIVERSE ITSELF.
It doesn't just go into your mind it goes into the minds of others, and on into the universe as well.
Your mind can drive someone mad. I can assure you it can. And you can sooth a mind and calm a mind just with your own mind.
I have been on both sides of the street. And only a few years on the sunny side, so Im an expert. Not any expert you would want to be, but I'm an (very small expert) expert in this area.
But this can and does lead into everything. . "Good and Evil"
Positive negative.
Im wondering but am not sure. Are we creating our mental reality-and then manifesting then a physical reality because actions of a person with all these ideas thoughts - does this essentially produce Hitler ? Think of all the death he saw in WWI and then he became leader of his country and his actions and actions of similar like minded people created all the physical things like planes and tanks and you know what happened then in WWII.
In other words - does our negativity create something or create actions -- or give energies to other things and beings in other realms ?? Like the Jinn ? It is said after all that the lower realms of life feed off of negative or lower frequencies. Such as sadness, fear, pain and so on. If we are not CREATING ACTUAL MONSTERS are we feeding the monsters that already exist there ? Maybe
The use of " WORD" is can be an automatic incantation process. And We can project this word and or imagery -- Imagery is way more effective. And horrible things can be projected, and WONDERFUL things can be projected.
This speaks to intention. If we chant like all religion can do - are they signaling their intention ? And does this action of producing words and the vibrations that go with it - does that go out into the universe and signal to other beings what your intention is ? 'OH GREAT SPIRIT - HELP US TO SMITE OUR ENEMIES ! TO ASSIST US TO K1LL THEM ALL - HELP US WITH OUR WONDEROUSLY EVIL PLOT !!! And then something or someone - begins to help us with our evil plot or on the opposite side - can we be assisted with our different more positive plot. OH GREAT SPIRIT AND YOUR ANGELS - HELP US DELIVER ICE CREAM TO ALL OUR FELLOW BEINGS -- A-M-E-N !!
Just like all this mind control stuff the best times to project this message (and I talk of good messages) it to do it when the mind is asleep. Nazis do it with drugs, others do it with hypnosis. But all this stuff is what we have heard is remote viewed with Aliens mind controlling sheep herders into becoming prophets in their time and world.
Its all the same stuff we are hearing about AI reading our minds, and similar.
And I have tried both. (ignorantly) And if you project Wonderful things - your spirit will become lighter and brighter ! Project darkness- and you will be consumed by it over time.
Here is something that I know works so try it sometime. Find a visual prop in your mind. I use thin strips of tinsel. I reserve Gold tinsel for Source (which can rarely be used). But there are the usual Bright Green, diamond, bright yellow, blue, and so on. Designate a quality or power to each. And they can also be used all at once too.
When you see a crying child, a very depressed person, a homeless person and so on you can use these. Select a color tinsel and have it swirl down upon the person and as you do that call upon a being that you can also envision close to Source. You must make sure in your mind that being is of great power and purity to deliver the energy you want to swirl down.
Concentrate upon the task for about 30 seconds, to several minutes.
Deliver it with a mental message. That message must be one of acceptance. If you think you have a tough case in front of you - you may deliver a message to seek out Source or send a message that even though all seems lost - that they are a spirit and watched and loved by other spirits !! And so on. Be creative.
It has been my observations that this can and does have effects. I have tested it out and watch the expressions on the persons face. Pay attention and you can see with practice you are having an effect. The best subject to try this on is basically a person on the subway. This person is best if they are a schizophrenic sort. Everything crosses their face and every message is usually said on their lips as to what's happening inside of them. I have questioned someone raving in anger. Project winds blowing palm trees, a wonderful sun set upon a white beach, with small waves washing upon a shore. Picture a hammock with this person swaying in it upon this scene --- and so on. Think intensely with them in that scene. And you will notice they stop raving and some times smile and change their demeanor. The schizophrenic is a REMOTE VIEWER that unfortunately cannot distinguish from what they are sensing and what is inside of them. And we say they are crazy- and sort of they are-- but its not the whole story. But try that and you will see what I mean.
Now a short tale for the skeptics. Do you remember the Military man who penned the Gateway report ? Where he described the mind as being a mirror of the Universe and how with the mind you could do this or that ? And with enough practice one could astral project ?
This is a version of this.
Your mind can influence others, If you want to do evil - you can do it. And you will feel pain yourself and darkness yourself as you project it. You will sink firther and further into darkness as you do this. AND IF YOU PROJECT JOY, AND LIGHT AND HOPE - you will feel more and more lightness, and joy.
And also I have noticed something else.
you and I - I suspect think - well there are only a few people - like us in the world. But I have discovered that there are a lot of people carrying yoga mats, listening to mediations on apps on the internet and those people seem to be able to see into you if you will, THEY KNOW A KINDRED SPIRIT. THATS AN OLD SAYING. BUT IT TRUE. I DONT LOOK TOO CLOSELY AT THEM BECAUSE THEY BEAM AT YOU ! WHICH IS A LITTLE DISQUIETNING BUT THEY LOOK INTO YOU.
And that's the WOOO WOOOO for now ! Now back into what ever reality you want to have.
Bye now and have a good reality today !! Ta TAA !
This only works on the lower self/ego. That's why the fallen needed to trick you into manifesting into these controlled meatsuits. Words don't work on the spirit...nothing can affect that directly as it was made by the Source/God. The soul can be destroyed as it's just another vehicle we use, but again words don't work on it directly. The way this works is that the words create programming within the lower mind ego and then that ego can affect the mental and emotional bodies which can then affect the soul indirectly. Such as for leeching loosh out of the soul. The spirit remains unaffected.
Most of those "yoga" people would be just posing as a false light spiritual being but deep down they're rotten to the core. How many of the so called gurus ended up being perverts or scammers lol. True genuine beings will most likely be suffering instead as this system here is against them not supportive of them. This is a fallen and corrupted system hijacked by the fallen.
So here's a very odd idea. But I wonder if it has some answer to what we are all experiencing. I wonder if it points to the strange phenomenon called the "Nelson Mandela Effect" ? In the Nelson Mandela Effect there is a certain component of society that believes that years ago, they are sure something was one way and now its another way.
Many people were convinced in the 70s that Nelson Mandela (the eventual President of South Africa) that Nelson Mandela had died in prison and had never become the President of South Africa. And there are people that seem to believe they have found other examples of this phenomenon.
Well there is now a concept gaining popularity which says that "events in the Future are affecting the past". Not the past is affecting the future BUT the future is also affecting the past.
Now there is another theory that Past Present and Future is all happening NOW ! Which is seriously strange.
The thing I was wondering and pointed out several times in my posts. It is that we are hearing various predictions made by Remote Viewers. For instance, "an energetic event is predicted around the time of the next American election.
And in the past when it didnt happen we heard, "well that's because there are things called timelines and that means we just went down different timeline and that's why no energetic event occurred." But that says, there are these ever expanding parallel universes that split off every time a decision is made- That's what is happening!
But there is still another phenomenon that has been proven to occur, and its not a theory. Its the double slit experiment. In that experiment it is proved that when you measure something is does a different thing. To just keep it to a simple idea - its sort of like discovering that something ends up going to the right. You try it again and measure it or observe it all along its path and it instead goes left !!! What the Hell ? You close your eyes and it ends up next time to go right and keeps doing that. Then you open your eyes and watch carefully and you see it goes left again !! Sort of like that- and that is very very strange indeed.
But I wonder if things we are doing now sort of automatically change our past like observed in the Nelson Mandela Effect. And your friend will say -- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ? Nelson Mandela was the President of South Africa and you say -- " I swear he died in prison and I watched it on TV- his widow walked beside his coffin - He died in prison !"
Now that would mean that if such a thing could occur- you could ride the bus every day and the next day wake up riding the bus in a totally different reality ! Very strange. And you could be convinced you are losing your mind- perhaps ?
But lets say it is occurring, then this seems to open up a very strange idea. Are Remote Viewers sort of the Measurers of the events of history? They are seeing into the future apparently and they see into the past do they not ? They are telling us they are doing this.
But then if this is happening, when they come out of their trances and remote viewings and write it all down on the white board - HAS REALITY CHANGES ALREADY SIMPLY BY REMOTE VIEWING THE PAST ?
I said in my previous posts that for instance -- there is no way in hell that any Reptilian or Mafia guy or a CIA guy would ever reveal any secret to any Farsight remote viewer. But Farsight has said this is occurring. Now I had an exotic theory on that one which at the time seemed to make a lot of sense to me. It was well Farsight is getting into the subconsciousness of the being to elicit answers. And further when remote viewing something there has to be an intelligent component feeding the information on to the Remote Viewer.
But one has to now consider that after remote viewing something and something is seen in the past or future -- when remote viewer open their door to their house/apartment - then at that point has reality in fact has changed ? Something has changed and there for instance will not longer be that "energetic event" we were told about. Its sort of an anti Ground hog theory of physics ! :) I now waiting to turn on my Farsight account and there will sit someone else saying hi there ! My name is Courtney Black and Im the Farsight creator ! And now we will hear from Ziaz my son on his latest remote viewing !
Timeline resets. When they switch us over to a new timeline or reset the simulation or time itself then you have those left over who have a spirit and cannot be fully affected and will remember parts of the other timeline. I talked about this on godlike productions before.
Read the Atu-Waa articles by Amitakh Stanford
So if I am hearing this right Courtney Brown has fathered a half alien and half human child. This would seem to me to be a hybrid being. Fantastic ! Or is it ?
It seems to be a theme actually. Simon Parkes who I have a lot appreciation for also said many years ago he fathered children with a cat like being. Lyrans I believe they are called.
And there are actually quite a few others saying this as well
I have heard other abductees saying they met their half human and half Reptilian children
And there are lots of those it seems.
So what does it mean ? Well everyone can have an opinion. It seems to me that everyone wants a horse in the race or is it a reptilian and a Lyran in the race ?
On the one hand it would make a bond between that Alien Race and the Human representative here on Earth. With Simon Parkes, he feels a KINSHIP with Lyrans.
Simon Parkes also said he feels very close to the Mantids. He regarded one of the mantids as his "space mother". And he had a kinship to the Head Reptilian as well who he thought of as his father.
When he discovered a great deception from his Reptilian Dad he had a divorce from the Reptilian and went mentally off to side with the Mantids.
Now I don't say one race is necessarily doing bad things with this relationship stuff but it does put their Representative strongly in the Alien Race who first created the relationship or in the various cases-- the ones they fathered children with.
Now as I remember it Simon Parkes said at one time the Mantids worked with the Reptilians. Simon Parkes has a high opinion of the Mantids. And Simon Parkes has a low opinion of the Reptilians who he thinks is going to get a shake down to the 3rd level where the Jinn live.
Now as I remember it the Lyrans are a race of Beings that have all Female rulers. As I remember it, the Males of the race were down graded (possibly because there was a massive war they lost). But there was a race of beings that a Canadian Lawyer said had put a chemical in their males drinking water and took over the male population and now its all Girl Power on those star systems. I wonder if they are one and the same group ?
But any way have kids with Alien Chicks is a real theme in these abduction scenarios. I believe it is to link up influential internet types with the Race of Aliens that side with them. I don't think they are all bad at all but I do think its just getting their salesman on planet Earth so when a decision is made to trade/deal or emulate - it will their race that is talked about. Sort of like a having a dozen Presidential wanna-bees and all vying for the job of influencing the humans.
Now is Simon Parkes with his Mantids going to get along with Anka and Bahar the Human from the future. And is David Wilcock and Ra going to get along with the Lyrans ? Or will we all hive off again ? With Lyran lovers in Russia, and the Chinese take the Ra gang, and Simon and his group take over Europe and so on ? Stay tuned I guess.- to our continuing saga of AS THE WORLD TURNS !
Now if the Males or Females on these Alien planets all turn out magically to become Princes or Princesses of their world does that mean the parents of those children are the Kings of this world ? I don't know ! Would a blood lineage have been established hmmm ? Just wondering. I mean what the hell is going on ?
One of the changes that happened to Native Indians is an adoption or the blending of their religious beliefs towards the religious or spiritual beliefs of the European. I think ultimately this is what is going on. It is a desire to change the believe system of the human.
David Wilcock has videos that use the terms Prophecies and most of them peddle some kind of spirituality. It is a desire to influence the culture of humans to one of their choosing. Cultures that believe in similar things tend to identify with the other culture. Philippinos who are largely Catholics align themselves generally with the west instead of the Asian Cultures in my opinion. That tends to put them in the western camp. I am quite sure there are Chinese persons who have also (surprise surprise) fathered alien children.
Just keeping it real - and its only my opinion.
Simon Parkes got exposed then he threw a hissy fit and ended up losing all followers. He closed down his YouTube and connecting consciousness lol.
Untrue. Simon Parkes is alive and well on another browser
Alive, sure. It never struck you as odd that he was given top secret nuclear base tours when his background was just low level politics and broadcasting I think. He was just another script to enthrall the awakening masses and keep them confused lol. I used to watch his videos on Youtube years ago around the time he started becoming famous, but then he quickly went from talking about his father, Anu the Draco, to political BS. It's always with the divide and conquer with these people lol. I know far more than anyone you've encountered I can guarantee you that much.
Actually his connecting consciousness org is going well and strong. I personally think that Simon Parkes is a well connected contactee and that he was given a tour of a military site. The alien story is a bizarre one and there are contactees and if you're willing to believe Courtney Brown then why not Simon Parkes. The reason he was given a tour of a high level British site was because he is the real deal.
BUT I'm thinking outside this contactee box. It doesn't impress me one bit if someone is contacted. And I include Simon Parkes friends in this too. They could show up with halos around their heads and angels singing in the background. Bid Deal ! Most of them are lying, slimy, bull sh1t artists. Their drilling out peoples brains then turning people into robots, eating ch1ldr3n, t0rturing people, r@ping w0men, and ch1lden, sitting around watching as other aliens are doing same, they are kidnaping people, zapping people on wet floors with electricity and sucking out blood to be sold in their 7-11s and shipping humans and babies off to other planets to never return.
AND THATS JUST THE STUFF WE KNOW ABOUT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
And we have to listen to these monsters because they show up in flying saucers and have big round heads ? What the F*ck ? i I couldn't care less if they look like NORDICS - They are creepy in their heads !
They are all creepy beings until I can look under the hoods of saucers, and into their moldy brains.
I'm not buying one thing they say until they show up where we can see them and remote view their actions and go to their planets and ask EVERYONE what they are up to, just for a start. They need to get off of Earth and don't come back until they are invited to come over. And how about a full debrief on what they have been doing here after all they have been mucking about in our back yard.
All this acceptance stuff is a crock of you know what. OUT OUT OUT ! I say until we can get our house in order.
It's all been discussed before by many as to why they're here and who is here and what they're doing. A good start is Wes Penre Papers Level 1-5 and Ashayana Deane the Voyagers 2 Secrets of Amenti
There are many others, but these two go into the deepest part of it. Having dealt directly with the Anunnaki trash I can say that most of them fell and they became parasites that feed on human emotional and worship energy. Very few of these beings who fell are redeemable. This planet became a use crying about spilt milk. What we're doing now is instead breaking the game. By forcing the Mass Awakening we took away their food source and will force the game to close down. As for leaving the game...that's personal for each being. They have the option and long as they're not lazy.
I am seeing many many videos now talking about 'mapping out the world of the Psilocybin world".
We have heard of the statement - "As above and so also Below". Meaning what we see here on Earth - it is also duplicated in other places and worlds in other parts of the universe.
And so we have a brain and a world. And within ourselves our brain seems to have a conscious component and there is this subconscious component as well. And the Subconscious seems to predominantly use imagery to represent things.
And we describe them as dreams.
Well, there are more an more videos on the internet of scientists wanting to investigate this psilocybin world that people see when they take DMT (dimethyltryptamine).
They use the term of "mapping out that world"
I'm wondering if Source/ the creator, (assuming there is one) - has a very similar system that we have, only it is all composed within the creations that it made. In other words We and every being, be it planets, or persons are conscious ?
Could those beings be nodes in a Brain of Source ?
And the Universe and all it contains is a brain of Source. Now of course if we are nodes in that brain - we of course are not fixed like our brain cells.
However it could all be a fluid system but still all connected together just the same?
Could the world we go to when "We" take DMT -could that be a kind of subconscious of the Creator. And that specific subconscious component could be specifically tailored to our "node" - in other word "US"?
Now what would be fascinating would be to interview several Aliens !!!
You and I have seen that farsight goes and ask Aliens what they are up to ?
They ask questions like -- what do you think of humans ?
and they ask - what is your world like ?
and then they say, "why are you taking over this planet ?"
or "what are you doing on this planet" ??
and so on
So what I propose is to ask -- "do you know what DMT is ?"
And to ask - "does your race take drugs that transform your mind ?"
"Have you investigated this world we discovered after we take DMT ?"
and, "Are there drugs on your world that seem to take you to different mental worlds mentally ?"
"What do you see if and when you take this kind of drug?
and are they beings of some kind ?"
"What does the existence of this mental world mean to you and your race ?"
"What kinds of therapies has your race made or created after discovering the existence of this world ?"
"Do you think this world is something only of our mind and the drugs we took?
I think we should ask those questions to different types of Aliens -- Ant, Reptilians, and Orion etc
And then we should compare the answers we receive from the different Aliens
We might like to discover if Reptilians see different beings or the same beings.
Since Farsight has discovered that Aliens WILL ANSWER questions posed to it then we can very well ask more scientific questions- and they would very well work.
Because the Alien can project images at farsight remote viewers. In otherwards it could project and example of what it saw. And then that remote viewer after interning the alien -- the remote viewer should look on the internet and see if the description of the the DMT taker on the internet saw a very similar thing that the alien projected into his mind about what It saw on a similar DMT trip. Now of course DMT might be a specific chemical to earth but there could be substance never the less that they have discovered on their worlds that does the same thing for them.
This would tell us A LOT OF INFORMATION because it would get us away from our perspective and be able to compare it to another being in this universe and to see if the experience is universal.
It would be a series of interviews of Aliens. We need to ask some scientific questions other than - 'WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO SAVE US" and do you think we are sexy.
And what do you think of us, and are we special and so on. It sounds so narcissistic.
Now if we get a blank look from the Alien and they don't have a clue what we are talking about-- well that still tells us something.
As Farsight interviews Aliens--because short talk though it is -- it is still an interview
And that interview is a -- GOLLY gee willikers style
So there must be other types of interviews
like a police interview
Hi What's you name ?
Why are you buzzing around our planet ?
I noticed some humans in some of your ships - unhappy humans
what are you doing with those and why do you think you can just arrive here and take them ? Hmmm ?
what are your plans for those humans ?
Food source, jobs as game show hosts, mine workers - slaves ?
Who are you working with ?
Is this allowed in this universe ?
Is there a galactic police force in this universe ?
Do you have their phone number- the 911 number equivalent ?
I'm noticing humans in cages and ones being shocked- did they answer a want and in the newspaper for this - what allows you to do this ?
Around your planet were there other beings ?
Do any of those beings exist today ? Free ones I mean ?
We need some more questioning like that
May I humbly inquire as to your actions here today
that sort of inteview
That's because they're afraid. Unlike us true light warriors who confront these things directly...these "remote viewers" are just acting out a script lol. They do their part, but to get anything done you need to overcome fear and confront something head on. Like one of them is an empath, so she's emotional based. Perhaps an energy worker, but definitely NOT a warrior. The closest I see to a warrior here is Courtney's son...but that depends on how much he will still take before he decides to step forward and take charge of it. I've dealt with many different beings in life so far and have learned to overcome their game and turn it back onto them.
I want to sympathize first. As I am not necessarily very brave. I can see that I wouldn't want to be mocked and have my web page mocked necessarily. However we are inside our bubble here. Really its a small demographic. We are ensconced in our little category and for sure we are being shadow banned by google and they keeping us in our little can.
Its call preaching to the converted. Its like preaching about God and Jesus to people who already believe in God and Jesus. So that preacher is not increasing his flock is he ? Its the same little group each Sunday and it fact as they age the drop off the assembly line without any new converts coming in.
I think I should start up a FARR-Sight- that reports in exciting lingo exactly what farsight has reported. But in Tabloid like headlines
Farsight talks to Alien Ants ! Their on their way from Mars !! Stock up on RAID !
Reptilians Working with NAZIS in Antartica - says FARR - ! Hitler in the freezer for now ! Children being abducted and are ending up on the Alien Dinner Table. READ ALL ABOUT IT !!
GOD is an AI says DAVE at ! We are all APPS ! Read All ABOUT IT !
Horney Dolphin committed suicide after affaire with human. Two timing Woman goes off with other Dolphin and leaves her lover heart broken! Read it all here !
How about that one ? Saaaay this is a good idea !
I want to return to my request for a mind probe of a very intelligent animal. The dolphin or a whale. That whale could be within an aquarium so we could isolate one single animal.
Now why is the question - what ever would we get from it ?
First we interview animals now ! What ? !
You have seen animal investigators talking to gorillas with sign language. CoCo want bananna ? Coco Want hug ? That sort of level of stuff and Coco when alive at the time seemed to be communicating.
And there are dogs that seem to understand up to 2000 commands and there are devices that you can buy (I believe or may only be experimental) but the dog presses buttons on the floor and it tells the owner its desire. Fido wants to go for walk. Fido wants to go see FeeFee the poodle = that kind of thing.
So this kind of thing could also be done with say whales and dolphins (at first) in captivity. We could and likely would discover that these animals had fears, thoughts, and desires THAT COULD BE DETECTED through remote viewing.
Now what would that do ?? If such things could be communicated to the world, then it would enter the internet and the newspapers. And eventually talks of having some whale oil or whale sushi might be less and less desirable. And here is the spin off. After there is talk of animals actually having thoughts and ideas in their heads there will be more an more talk that WE are not the only thing on this planet with consciousness. And that would be a massive eye opener. Things are actually moving this way but it would be sped up and farsight would and could claim that it was at the forefront of movement !!
Well Dave -- please we don't do that - that is fringe my good man ! And yet what do we see ?
Farsight is talking to Ants and Lizards regularly !!
let me say that again
-- Farsight talks to Ants right now
Farsight talks to Lizards right now.
Oh, but Dave those are intelligent Ants and Lizards ! And I want to point out the Dolphin is intelligent !
It's an intelligent ALIEN living on our planet ! NOT SOME OTHER PLANET -- ON OUR PLANET
But Dave we only talk to them if they have flying saucers ! Then why are people talking to Coco the gorilla and fido the dog ?
They don't have flying saucers.
BUT I guarantee there is a Dog Race and a Gorilla Race in the Universe. And the topic would likely swing around to that topic when we finally meet them.
"We are the Dog And Gorilla race and we are very please you have learned to live with your dogs and gorillas in peace and so you are our friends now."
Or is it "We are the Gorilla and Dog Alliance and we noticed you beat your dogs and Eat your Gorillas and we are very very angry ! And we will do the same to you. Now as that is permitted in the universe as you are doing the same thing to Gorllias and Dogs, and have abdicated any rights on the matter." Ooppsey
Coco the gorilla asking for a raise
Doggy talk
But is it possible that Farsight Remote Viewers could remote view a dolphin and get something coherent from them. And since Aliens can communicate with us we are assuming, --- "THEY HAVE THE POWER TO SPEAK TO US BECAUSE OF THEIR WONDERFUL MINDS." Perhaps Farsight Remote viewers are more capable than they think -- maybe farsight might be able to remote view an animal ! I say it should be tried. They are certainly intelligent enough.
And for the record - there is was a posting of the Lawyer who was taken to many worlds (on this post line I believe) and one of those worlds had Intelligent Whales and Dolphins on them.
I mean ones you could talk to. And those Whales and Dolphins were ALIENS on other planets
And here is another thought-- There is a saying which goes--- "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD PUBLICITY" In other words all notoriety will bring in viewers. There will always be mockers around. They exist on planet earth and they are called "The Skeptics" . And they print their own magazine and they have their Prophets of wise men. These men go onto other peoples websites to tell everyone that life and existence is as dry as stale toast, and they will always be SKEPTICAL. "That was fog in a swamp- those was birds in the moonlight-- that was Venus on the horizon -- that was ball lightning. That was a plastic bag in the wind ! "
But I say -- headlines such as Farsight a Remote Viewing organization had talked to a Dolphin !!! It is not happy ! Life in an Aquarium is a watery hell and wants to be free !!
Read all about it here !!
It would attract Skeptics that want to eat Dolphin Sushi and take their kids to Sea World and not feel guilty, but it would also attract a lot of others too.
Lets do it !
Ripleys - believe it or not
Just another part of the game. White hat black hat but both controlled by the same overlord. This way the script continues lol. There are no white hats...only false light beings. Former left side service to others who became fallen fanatical corrupted entities here.
I think Simon Parkes is very well connected to Aliens and to the US Military . However I wonder a little if he isn't being managed as it were. I posted that several of these insiders are being sort of controlled based solely on what they use to put out and what they put out now. Like Parkes, Karrey, Benjamin, and Ward. They all seem to have been either shut in or fed nonsense in my view. Now I hope there is a good reason for it, like there is a super secret plan that needs to be hidden. In the past, with the "Q" affair it seemed to me there was an overly confident group acting like they had everything under control, and it all blew up in their faces. So maybe they are trying again but keeping very quiet about it.
Q was hilarious. I never fell for that lol. I saw right through it from the beginning and it turned out to be nothing more than military intelligence.
I agree with you. Q was some kind of well connected intel. But it seemed to me to be some kind of program from a group of teenager-esque group. If it was designed to increase interest and intrigue it was extremely effective. But if it was to release information into the public space it was silly and embarrassing I think to any intel agency. Why it was up and running and what it was designed to do I don't know.
It was as though someone got a spare AI and a huge computer that was just sitting around and started having fun with it.
"The rooster will crow 3 times - as the Orange one moves along the jeweled path to victory. Wait for the Ides of March and we shall speak again !"
It was like listening to a group of 10 year olds talking in their club house in the dark, wearing turbans on their heads and telling spooky ghost stories and making up silly codes to be mysterious.
Now I did hear an answer actually from Simon Parkes (but it still was a silly ineffective venture) that Q was run by the CIA. The CIA members sign a contract that they will never reveal any intel or be jailed immediately and maybe worse. Now as long as they were so cryptic they would never be prosecuted for "revealing" secrets it was allowed to run.
But their revelations were so cryptic that they just created excitement and nothing else.
"your Alphabet soup today spells the letters Q and casts a spell - C- with your own eyes and backwards is the surprise ! "AIC" can be read front to back ! The Black Crow fly's to the "sitting SON". And HE holds the KEY to Cheyenne Mountain ! " We shall meet again when the black swan swims to the safety of his nest. Rib-a-dib-dib !
Very exciting and intriguing; and very silly. When I tried to search for clues and answers in the reports I said-- "this is the CIA ?" Wow- the kids are sending us messages in crayon here. These are the master minds of the free world ?! And what is this stuff, I thought ? And I couldn't get much out of it.
Now I do think they were well connected with access to all the intel. But this was even more worrying than anyone revealing state secrets actually. How any intel agency could allow such a silly enterprise to stay up and running makes you wonder -- "who is running this spy agency ?" And the answer that came back to me was either, children or no one at all !"
Its only a tiny thought. T2ump literally dodged a bu11et. Now if there are parallel universes and other timelines did we just go down a new timeline right at that point ?
If ever there was a single event that just changed everything or didn't allow something to happen it was that Bu11et clipping the ear and not head event.
Is there another parallel universe now where T2um-p d1ed ? Just wondering away here.
We should open up our doors and look outside and see our neighbours are still the same ones as yesterday !
Only the same due to the level of awareness of the person observing. You've gotta admit though that most people are still so programmed and asleep that they will never see beyond the political dramas let alone anything metaphysical.
Yes, I think you are correct.. And that seems unsettling -- like something is not working ?
I wonder if all kinds of predictions are out the window now ?
The energetic event predicted just after the US election-does not happen
That Biden is not replaced but Trump just wins and nothing unusual happens. He just becomes President ?
And Disclosure happens ?
War Ends in Ukraine
I feel a SONG bursting out !
If Trump wins he will most likely stop the wars. It's a set-up. He was crowned as the new saviour by the Zionists. I found the video on Telegram and posted it on Twitter but lost it when I got banned from X. It was some ceremony with Trump and Jews in it. Like Netanyahu said recently they're bringing the prophecy to life of their (false) saviour.
To me any thing intensely religious from the traditional belief systems are suspect. In Egyptian times we would have been ranting and raving about the Hippopotamus Gods and be quite sure they were the real deal and or all fake. We believing instead in Bael or Zeus.
Ba'al just means lord and Zeus is EnKi/EA/Lucifer/Ptah the Anunnaki. These false gods played the gods of all religions but they were nothing more than interdimensional aliens. Back then most humans, except Gnostics, were too stupid to understand the technology of these beings...not anymore.
Here is another person who is well connected to Aliens. I have watched just about every thing this guy put out. I believe he is the real deal and genuine.
Now he talks about his connection to Mantids and Reptilians. I believe his story. You of course can make up your own mind.
I believe Courtney Brown and his connection to some type of Alien and also like Simon Parkes he has fathered an Alien Hybrid.
I do believe both people and it seems to be a very common trend in the UFO/Alien circles. I am personally a little suspicious of the motivations of the Aliens involved. For sure their motivations are for their own benefit.
What Dr Brown is saying is actually very common. I think what ever alien is involved ie a Reptilian or a Mantid or what ever (TO ME) then tell me what is being done. Its another form of influencing. Now every species does this. Your Dog or your cat tries to influence you to give it some fish or to go for a walk by turning summersaults
But we should understand that some Being be it a Dog or a Cat or an Alien is trying to influence our thoughts about them or their race. Some times we want to take the dog for a walk or give the cat a piece of fish. And I'm sure the Alien is playing the same game. And perhaps its in our interest to play their game.
Right now the Dark Military Forces are playing the Game of the Aliens they have made contact with. Now those games seem to be very destructive to us and very positive Tech wise for those human Military forces.
Now one day if we can survive the next few years perhaps we as a united Planet will think linking up with a particular Alien is a very desirable thing.