I think I'll share this, because it's so helpful. It's from MB's "The Problem: Death Traps Are Necessary." And the post is by "Larry."
about 1 hour ago
"This is from another I am simply sharing because of its importance. If we can join forces as described we can destroy the grid. Even on an individual level a means of escape is explained. From FP:
I'm an experienced remote viewer and astral traveler. These days, however, I astral travel more because astral traveling tends to give somewhat more reliable information than RV. What Courtney and the other RVs have seen is true, but it's incomplete information. There are a few ways that I've seen to escape from the death traps. Wayne Bush interviewed a fellow astral traveler who says quite a lot of things I tend to agree with here (http://www.trickedbythelight.com/tbtl/Journal-of-an-Astral-Traveler-How-to-Navigate-the-Astral-Plane.html). Yet, Wayne Bush's astral traveler doesn't seem to have the ability to move up to higher dimensions, which is key to escaping the death traps and this universe. Strangely, he can change his frequency so as to avoid the death traps but why he doesn't use the same technique to see the higher planes is a bit of an oversight to his methods. If you raise your astral body's frequency high enough (which can be done easily enough with Buddhist or Hindu meditations), the death traps and other methods of these archons can't affect you. Furthermore, the more you astral travel and get experienced with dealing with these beings, the less they can affect you. The bug-eyed beings operating the zapping field are basically a form of greys, which are just robots and may even just be created thought forms of other more powerful beings. I've fought them in the astral plane many times. At one point a small group psychics that I spearheaded blew huge holes in the earth's zapper grid, but unfortunately, like the ozone layer, it heals by itself. The truth is, if we could ever get enough powerful psychics working together, we could probably blow the whole system up. As powerful as I am in the astral plane, it's still too much for one lone psychic to do alone, especially since I no longer have a group to work with. The base structures that Aziz saw are on the dark side of the moon. I've seen them myself and so did Ingo Swann. The zapper grid is being projected onto the earth from this alien moon base. In fact, I think in all the planets that have zapper grids, they have constructed an artificial moon to project this energy grid onto the neighboring planet. It is one of the main purposes of these moons. So it's like this, there are many different dimensions existing at once on the earth and around the earth. These archons only operate at the 4th dimensional level, and more rarely at the 5th dimensional level. In truth, the 4th dimension or astral plane is just an extension of our regular 3rd dimensional physical plane. Most people just can't perceive the 4th dimensional aspects, but animals like dogs or cats can, and so can clairovoyants. The 5th dimension and higher are actually wholly different dimensions. It's the 5th dimension and higher where the real angels and the real avatars live. I was actually beamed up to the higher planes one night during my usual nightly astral sojourns and shown around various different places. I saw some of the same things that Peter and Paul saw as detailed in the Gnostic texts, The Apocalypse of Peter and The Apocalypse of Paul. There was a time when the zapper grid was not operating and other even more sinister beings were basically just trapping souls/spirits in the Underworld and continuously torturing them to harvest them for their energy. This was the time of the Olympians and other Old Gods. There was a story from the earliest days of Christianity that has been completely scrubbed from the New Testament called the Harrowing of Hell, of which I think actually happened. After Christ was crucified, He and the Good Thief traveled to the Underworld, overthrew the evil Old Gods, freed the spirits trapped there, and blew up the Underworld. The problem afterward became that the Orion Overlords (the gods of the Old Testament) still had control over Earth, and they just went back to using the zapper grid and continued the older afterlife reincarnation system they had established many millennia ago. On the plus side, these Orion archons were forced to make an agreement with the higher planes and with groups like the Galactic Federation that would give beings an "out," if they were persistent enough. Even with the current zapper grid there are ways out built into the system to escape, you just have to either find them or know them from experience. I know them from experience. The "out" is described in very similar terms in both Gnostic Christian texts and esoteric Buddhist texts - get used to saying NO to these beings A LOT, and get ready to fight them (as in punch them in the face) if they don't listen to you. If your will is ironclad, they can't do anything to you, and over time even the zapping loses its ability to wipe your memory and harm you. They can't force you to come back if you meet these three criteria: (1) you are absolutely determined not to incarnate again, (2) you have developed a strong sense of ethics and positivity within your being, and (3) you are capable of raising your frequency so as to enter the higher planes of existence where the zapper field and the beings that operate it can't affect you. You also have to discard your subconscious energy body (this was mentioned by Jesus specifically in the Gospel of Mary) because your subconscious self was created from an animal consciousness and spliced to your conscious self and higher self by the archons, and one of its purposes is that it tethers you to the lower dimensions. Another problem is that if you reach the higher planes, and you're not at the appropriate energy level or you still harbor negative thought forms, they'll kick you back down to the earth plane and tell you that you're not ready yet. This is more of a defensive measure. Beings at that high of a level of spiritual development can create and destroy worlds with a mere thought, so having someone there with negative thought forms or bad habits or serious personality flaws is downright dangerous. So keep that in mind - you really have to work on yourself a lot before you can leave this dimension. There was a German RV group that found another way out. If you avoid "the light" and the machinations of the archons, eventually another light will appear to you. You will then be transported to a wall of energy with a series of different tunnels. One tunnel leads you back to earth and the archons, other tunnels lead to other places in the universe and other dimensions, and a tunnel at the very top will take you to your higher self where you will get advice on what do next. This is probably the best path for those who haven't sufficiently worked on themselves enough and eliminated their negative thought patterns. I have talked to those powers in the higher dimensions who are working in humanity's best interests, and the reason why the zapper grid is allowed to continue functioning is due to certain universal cycles put in place the Creator. We are currently in the final 5,000 years of our stellar group's Kali Yuga. Once this Kali Yuga ends, and a new Satya Yuga begins, the zapper grid will be entirely abolished. The Earth will enter a 5th dimensional state and the higher planes (heavenly Garden of Eden) will descend to the Earth and become one with the Earth, and Earth will truly become the Paradise that it was always meant to be. 5,000 years may seem like a long time, but considering that many of us have been incarnating here for hundreds of thousands or millions of years - it won't feel nearly as long as we think. I feel I need to make some final comments about Bob Sanders. He seems like a nice enough guy, and honestly, I agree with him more than I disagree with him, but I've been a part of several different psychic groups who have examined the Great White Brotherhood, and they are not "good." They are archons in disguise. Anyone that would consider Aleister Crowley as one of the good guys doesn't seem to be paying attention enough. This is the problem that I have with people who exclusively channel information rather than remote viewing or astral traveling and seeing this stuff for themselves. Mr. Sanders tries to explain away reincarnation by using the whole "oversoul" idea, which falls to pieces if you read up on the case studies regarding reincarnation because if the oversoul idea was true, how do you explain birthmarks and personal details, details that would not be found in the Akashic Records (I know because I've been to the Akashic Records, and I've read some of the files). I remember many of my previous incarnations including the life immediately preceding this one. In my preceding life, I was a military officer and a friend of my grandfather from this life, who was also a military officer. I accidentally walked into a propeller blade which severed my neck and killed me. I have a birthmark on my neck where this occurred. If the oversoul idea was true, birthmarks (wounds from previous lives) would not occur. If anyone would like to know more, feel free to contact me or leave me a message below, and I will get back to you. I know what I know because I am a reincarnation of a Bodhisattva who played a major role in both early Christianity and Buddhism. My express purpose for coming here was to be a spiritual teacher and to help liberate souls trapped in this nightmarish realm we call the Earth Plane. I am more than happy to help in any way that I can. Peace and many blessings to you all."