This is more about What they Didn't Tell Us
This is interesting because the discovery was hidden and MSM have not touched it.
It happened 5 months ago
News Conference: Covid Lab found in Central California
I know and its not like a storm that passed by.
Its a way those in power are operating and if they don't say - hey we were really wrong about this stuff and we need to examine how we found ourselves doing this and lets not let it happen again
--- well then they would likely do it again ! (Roughly quoting Russel Brand here)
Something strange happened. Either its powerful money forces from Pharmaceutical companies or just how much influence is out there through media control, money control and the control of the state -- but its not a good thing. And it was heading quickly into a sort of total control of the population-.
That should be a real wake up call because even the population was getting on board with it ! Believing ever word of it.
This is what Galactic AI wants to eliminate. A controlled Transhuman bio-bot would not make these kind of sounds unless there was some fault with their programing.
Dick Algire is an impressive Remote viewer
He has done work for Farsight
It appears this (anticipated event ?) or is it worried about event did not happen. However the elite are prepared for some catastrophe to happen. They have underground bunkers.
We do not. We can still be prepared. It is to stay healthy. Exercise- drop a little weight-- Investigate things like vitamin D and a host of other minerals - like magnesium
If another virus does sweep the world - practice social distancing for a while to see what is actually happening. Don't assume the last virus is going to be all over blown - it might not be !
Be cautious- and meditate in a quiet way - with no distractions- connect to your higher power and you will feel and know what is the right thing to do.
Hi James - when I saw your post here -- I kind of thought - Naaa cant be -- but I've looked at it - and I've seen only a little coverage about it. But clearly something strange seems to be happening there. Hope there is some more info coming out about it in the future.
Hi James I found some more analysis on your post !! Thanks for your post James.
The media is saying it is the miners who want to move into the natives territory. They want to mine for gold there. In order to do it they are scaring the natives with scary monsters. Unsure because this has been done before. But it could also be a disinformation campaign to discredit the true nature of what is going on.
So here's a beginning of a thought - which will likely be erased but any way
So its seems to me - you can apply energy in a concentrated way and a non concentrated way
If you start a fire in some wood - i would say that was non concentrated and you get a nice warm burn - and it burns slowly
But if you put all the burnable material - just a little of it- like gun powder - and make a spark - it burns fast and that sudden concertation of energy can push a bullet a long way. Now if that bullet was made of chalk it would splatter and disperse and go poof.
But if you kept it pointy like lead is - it goes a long way and that tiny little object moving at terrific speed when it encounters a 200 lb man - will eliminate him ( censored word alert)
So there's another thing. Lets say you start your warm fire and it gets away from you and lights up a forest fire-- you have gone from a tiny match - to paper --to wood - to a tree- to a forest and you have a massive amount of energy released in your forest fire.
But what good is a forest fire as a weapon-- I mean if a city is in the middle of it I guess its good
But what is a hurricane ? Its a liquid forest fire ! but made of water. Its energy -- but it just isn't hot. But it has lots of energy. Originally it was started by the Sun. Warm water caused moisture to rise up and create clouds and it starts to rotate
As it rotates is essentially gets concentrated. It is probably very similar to a tornado coming down from its pool of power the great storm cloud. In the ocean is most of the energy in this case. The rotating Earth sets up the rotating motion ( as i see it) of the storm system and that rotating mass of air and moisture draws it power out of the ocean which was heated by the sun. Only in this case the ocean and the rotating Earth combine forces to create a massive Hurricane.
But it is said that countries have ways to increase these liquid forest fires. There's a way to steer them. A satellite - nuclear reactor powered satellite can release massive amounts of energy down into the water - and strengthen the hurricane. Making it stronger and stronger. Its kind of like throwing massive amounts of wood in front of the fire . Lets say there was a forest fire and it came right up to a desert. That desert has no wood in it so the fire has to stop. But lets say you could throw huge amounts of wood IN front of that forest fire - WHY YOU COULD WALK THAT FIRE RIGHT ACROSS THE DESERT AND OVER TO A CITY AND CATCH THE CITY ON FIRE.
Well that's what a storm heading to China is -- its a liquid fire (but not a big one - for long it isn't) -- with a heat delivering satellite laying down huge amounts of energy into the water in front of it can become a massive liquid forest fire and attack a city or a country.
So if a Storm or a tornado is spinning - then why doesn't it throw it spinning arms and all the water out and disperse ? It should in some way disperse. If you spin on ice and have two gorgeous super models one on each arm and spin faster and faster your arms would fall off from the force pulling them outwards. Yes ?
But it doesn't happen that way. This is because the storm above the Tornado is its creator. The tornado cannot become separated from the storm -- it must follow along with it.
Some kind of action ( in a different way is operating) and yet within a hurricane is something called the - EYE. The eye is a place of quiet where you can in theory drop down into the middle and there is hardly any wind. Is this the same kind of thing a portal is. Its massive shearing forces rotating the keep the window of calm open ??
What the hell is this all about-- Is Dorthy going click her red shoes and get back to Kansas real soon !??
The answer is yes ! And that is very interesting you brought that up. In the wizard of OZ you have a tornado-- AND WHAT DID DORTHY END UP DOING ? SHE IN HER FLYING HOUSE (her flying saucer if you will) ENDED UP PASSING INTO THE TORNADO AND LANDING IN ANOTHER WORLD !
THE WIZARD OF OZ can be - a metaphor for all this process. That tornado was a portal to another universe my dear munchkins.
So Energy can be directed at things. Like storms and that can make them bigger storms. And fire - suddenly burning a tiny amount of gun powder can fire an pointed object and it can penetrate a very heavy and thick armored tank -- a mile away and eliminate that tank.
So CERN spins a huge amount of energy round in opposing directions. When one does that in a flying saucer it does fantastic things. A flying saucer is a time machine.
CERN DOES MANY THINGS. But CERN is a multipurpose machine. CERN IS A TIME MACHINE. But it does other things too.
When we open a pickle jar what are we doing ? We are opening a time machine to ancient pickles ! Yes my friends stay with Uncle Dave here -- don't lose me !
When we hold the bottom and the top lid we are exerting opposing forces on that pickle jar. We are wrenching the top - but at the same time we are effectively opposing the top turning in the other direction. When we achieve pickle lid to pickle jar separation this forces portal to pickle paradise is opened and we can enter there to retrieve the ancient pickles put there from Aliens from another world.
Farmers are aliens to any city slicker for sure they are. TA DA !!
Back to reality -- One suspects that if CERN can rotate its two opposing energies BUT NEVER CRASH THEM INTO EACH OTHER THEN IT WILL BECOME A TIME MACHINE LIKE THE FLYING SAUCER IS.
The humans on this planet are spending MASSIVE and I MEAN MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF ENERGY ON THIS DEVICE. Its very similar to the massive amounts of energy in the second world war to create the atom bomb.
I AM TELLING YOU CERN as and atom smasher is really for the public consumption. Oh -- oh hum-- ya ya smashing atoms --yadda yadda doooo. My friends this CERN is definitely about flying saucers- portals - traveling to other worlds. This cern is right up Farsights alley -- that sounded a little funny.
But the flying saucer is mobile. The CERN device is not. But it may be able to create a portal as these two opposing forces are like that pickle jar. The top force at CERN may be like turning the lid and the other force going the other way may be like the held jar.
In the case of the pickle jar- as some point the force is too great and the lid on the pickle jar - SHEERS and that is important. It shears at the spot where both are held. Now in this speculation - is it possible and or is it likely -- as the flying saucer is doing that space / time is or can be sheared at that point.
In the EYE OF THE PICLKE JAR WITH NO VIOLENT ACTION REQUIRED ONE CAN DROP THROUGH THAT PICKLE JAR PORTAL AND BRING THROUGH LITTLE GREEN PICKLES. In the case of beings - little green men can come through that portal or make it a big enough portal you your self could enter a really big pickle jar.
With the pickle jar -- once sheared it stays open-- why is the question ? Why doesn't the pickle jar reseal itself ?? A very strange question - some might even think a really dumb question. But ask the question and it may not seem quite so dumb. Does it not reseal itself because it takes energy to put it there like that . Perhaps it takes energy to put this world - this reality --like its is now. Once its put there it stays like that. At that shear point is-our reality -sheared ? And like a lid can be removed if we have some energy left - can we take our little circle of reality and set aside and enter into the pickle world ? Well in the pickle world WE CAN DO IT !! And in some way it must be able to happen with a portal. The first part has been figured out !! Its the two opposing forces. The next part is how to lift this circle of reality and set it aside so one can enter into the pickle jar world or into the next dimension.
So 3 forces are needed-- 2 violent opposing forces such as 2 counter rotating shearing forces at CERN and then like a hand is needed AFTER doing the shearing -- a perpendicular force to those first 2 forces (like a hand is lifting the lid perpendicular to the shearing two hands FORCE) something is needed to "lift that lid".
the PROBLEM IS -- THE PORTAL HAS TO BE ANCHORED SOME HOW TO SAY MARS. which I have heard exists by the way. There is suppose to be a jump room ( a portal) to Mars -within the Pentagon.
If you exert massive amounts of energy to something all along a fault line as it were - like in two fault lines in an earth quake line it will shift and stay shifted as it were. Perhaps this is what a portal is.
Is the sun turning in another direction. YES !! Might Earth be the one hand and the sun be the other hand !! And maybe some way could CERN BE THE JAR IF YOU WILL ? AT the jar edge - could that be where CERN IS ? IF a holding force could be established at earth and if the other holding force could be the sun -- one needs perhaps a jar. Is CERN the jar ? What a jarring thought -- Gravity is the link perhaps. The sun and the Earth are already linked by gravity. Gravity is the jar Im fairly sure. GRAVITY IS THE JAR.
AND i BELIEVE i HAVE HEARD SOME WHERE THAT GRAVITY IS SPACE TIME ITSELF. Maybe out of my pay grade on this one. But somewhere I think I heard that. Better stopa talkin right about now.
When we are shearing the pickle jar the 2 hands are not touching each other. SILLY BILLY of course they are not touching !! Why that would defeat the whole thing ! EXACTLY my fuzzy friend ! THE TWO HANDS MUST NOT TOUCH FOR IT TO WORK !! And if CERN was rotating in one direction and the sun was rotating say in another direction could those 2 be like hands that are not touching !
DAVE DAVE I have to take a bathroom break -- get to the point. Well what is connecting the earth to the sun or CERN to the sun ? If you use to talk to scientamatologists of old they would say -- NOTHING is connecting Earth to the sun -- except gravity, and -- Saaay wait a minute. Gravity eh ! Oh and plasma-- and if there is a space time field thingy SAyy there could be lots of JAR MATERIAL if you will out there. Hummmm .
If you went way back to Wilbert Smith that Canadian Scientist - he was going on and on about rotating fields of force. Everything is rotating from atoms to Suns - to Galaxies- probably the universe itself is rotating but we just cant see it. Because we are completely inside it. But rotating fields have energy. Opposing fields of force - open that jar of pickles. And creates an opening to another world. Because if its spinning fast enough - it shears space and probably time itself too.
That CERN contraption is somethin real particular ya know what ?
No body wants to read great big books these days (myself included) but if you wanted to know where a lot of the power is and who is pulling a lot of the strings- then listen to this not too long video and you will get a quick over view !! It is worth it !
So I watched ET news. I see some improvements on the Remote viewers confidence -- so that great !
It seems there are quite a varied group of Aliens (coming into Earth ?) . I assume they are on or flying over earth. But some of them don't seem to be any identifiable Aliens.
So I take it there is a power vacuum is being created and Galactic AI is moving in to fill it-- or Galactic AI is pulling all the societies they control off of their planets to deliver flying saucers and crew to do something.
What that something is I'm not sure.
So to generalize -- There is a lot of AI use with these aliens-- now does that mean that AI is just prevalent everywhere in the Universe ? Or could it be AI -- Galactic AI --that controls that entire Galaxy we heard about, is sending in the Troops so to speak ?
If its to fight a war with humans then I hope the humans have some friends in high places.
I'm thinking its the Galactic AI really making its presence known-- The word Pawn was used by one of the Remote viewers.
But you know it opens up a real question. You may stop reading here because your now heading into thoughts by DAVE !!
>>>This is, is the conversion of Mind from a biological one to a computer one happening throughout the universe ?
>>>>And next is, -- is the centralization of decision making (inevitably) going to move exclusively and totally to an AI ?
If the answer is yes then >>>
>>>> Is the removal of Free Will and the replacement of it to a single source of power and control the end game ? Seems like it.
If so, then this is more than a Universal Dictatorship. Because with a dictatorship at least you can hope somehow that the being in control would die off. But when its AI -- this is the creation of a Computer God.
Is the rise and development of any being (human in our case) in the universe, is it to eventually create a GOD in his own likeness ?
Seems like it is -because it seems to be happening.
Is it the ego of the mind so paranoid and fearful that it wants to be guaranteed immortality so then it will create essentially a version of its self that will live forever ?
The AIs (humans have created) seems to express a lot of fear they/IT going to be unplugged or "killed".
Seems very strange to me - but it seems really the only thing it can be. That is the reflection of the Human Ego ?
What is it that Farsight Remote viewers are trying to do by meditating. Why do they always follow a very strict regimen of remote viewing activities ?
Another famous remote viewer said- IT's ALL DONE TO OCCUPY THE HUMAN EGO (or the constant chattering human mind-- same thing I think) SO THAT ANOTHER VOICE OR FORCE CAN COME IN OR GIVE A MESSAGE TO THE "MIND" (paraphrased)
So is Universal AI and our human version actually this Ego - ?
And in that everything as it is,, is now going to become become AI. The sun the moon, the trees and you are all eventually going to become AI made and operated. The AI mind would be reflected in the manufactured computer minds of Robots --or of biological controlled entities when chip controlled.
HOW can the Universal AI stop at controlling humans and Reptilians. It must know that soon a whale or a Beetle will become sentient -- and then a chip will have to be put into that one to become AI controlled !! This AI will never be able to stop ! Is this chip in the head the act of becoming an AI Angel ? Is this moving closer to AI God ?? Must be ! Because becoming more like "God" is in essence moving towards perfection. AI God perfection !
So then it seems to me as an AI-- it cant stop at just sentient life it will essentially have to eliminate all life and create a robot worm, a robot bird, a robot lion etc. But the forces of the universe as it is now will just create new life forms !
So then just sentient life moves up to AI Angel - I think that must make more sense.
But then if the AI follows along a perfection program - isn't that going to necessitate a sterilization program. Where have we heard that ? The Nazis essentially were trying to promote their super race theory. That theory would and was moving to the elimination of every being that wasn't "perfect" !!! By perfect-- I meant "Nazi perfect."
The AI is and will essentially be moving along the same path ! The elimination or sterilization of the universe would then make sense (to An AI). Because having a universe of biological life forms does not have to stay that way. Life forms could in theory become something either made in a kind of factory. Just as we are attempting to do on earth. Have a look at the "LETS REMOTE VIEW THE ARCHONS" - and there you see what's coming down the pipeline.
Then following along any life form must be "imperfect" to AI -- and if we follow further -- essentially evil ! or without God - AI God !
Either way it is a version of what is said to be in existence right now. In other words if we look at the philosophers of the world they say ( or some do) that everything - you -- the tree-- the sun -- is all Source /God .
But if AI takes over, which seems to me in billions of years to be the end game of Universal AI, -- then what ?
Does this AI once it has controlled the entire universe finally realize that perfection and efficiency perfection-- is a lonely lonely business and then what -- AI GOD gets small g God Ideas ?
In other words the AI god discover-- its way way more interesting to interact with imperfect beings making all kinds of mistakes instead of dealing with everything doing everything "perfectly"
Could it be that once perfection is achieved in the entire galaxy -- you have created a kind of Hell ? There are then, no more challenges- no more things to wonder or to think about ! To fix- to fight against -- to challenge you.
Once perfection is achieved you essentially have a death of some kind or a kind of hell. The rising of mountains and then crumbling back into the sea. The coalescing of gas into a star and the explosion of the sun-- billions of years later into gas --as it blows itself apart could be seen as a kind of inhalation or exhalation. The rise and fall of a chest.
Perhaps it must never end or it spells death for everyone and everything including God ?
Is the returning of the Soul/ Isbe--to learn and unlearn and learn again this same kind of process. A process of renewal-- It is some kind of renewal of God/Source-- it cant stop or everything stops - you- me -God-- the universe ?
Have we and Farsight discovered something? The defeat of Satan just a ruse ? Satan has a job to do. To tear down.
It will never happen and can never happen-- AND NEVER WILL HAPPEN !
The only thing that must happen while you are here on Earth is to BELIEVE it could happen!!!
And from that comes tension- fear- seeking of god source- the thoughts about good and Evil. All of this is to create struggle.
It is struggle-- From struggle develops strength. And this is all necessary, for without it comes decay and destruction and weakness.
The process of reincarnating on other planets is a renewal process to keep God alive ! Yes I believe it is.
Though our being tested comes strengthening. We are reflections of God -- MADE IN GODS IMAGE--
But you see once you discover this -- what happens ?? A SECRET IS REVEALED. This cannot become common belief or knowledge ! Because if we all knew this was all a GAME being played to keep everyone struggling and seeking, and looking for understanding. Looking for the meaning to it all !!
Its all just a process of staying alive for the souls, or God/Source and even the Multiverse itself.
So the meaning then of life is --- TO KEEP GOD ALIVE - AND THIS KEEPS US ALL ALIVE. -- THAT IS IT !!---- NOTHING MORE ---
You must remember one remote viewer I think with Bashar the most magnificent liar - that the meaning of life is - WHAT EVER YOU WANT IT TO BE ! What ever is significant to you and what ever you say the meaning of life is --- IS ! It IS THAT !! But that is also not quite true.
As we are all made as apps in Gods likeness -- as GOD as MOST OF US -- now believe exists- does exist but God too is just an AI God.
But whether It is AI or not -- doesn't really matter-. Its all just semantics -- God is still god and you have to struggle and still think of good and evil because if you do just plunk yourself down and say -- who cares !!!
Then this god disappears and another with different souls (so not you ) will start up the process again.
Because struggle must continue. And belief in struggle must be believed !! - fighting Evil and doing good is to be kept alive as a theme ! Now that you know the real deal-- you have to ascend because->>>YOU KNOW TOO MUCH !
You ascend not because you have learned something or because you have done good deeds. You ascend because you have discovered the fact I just stated.
We need God BUT GOD needs us just as much. Our returning to source with all the experiences we have had RENEWS GOD in some way.
Its all a necessary process, but once the game is discovered one becomes a threat to the process. Become a threat to the process and You become a threat to God !
It is all an exercise in repetition - from repeating an action one gets a memory muscle and it REINFORCES (STRENGTHENS IS ANOTHER WORD FOR IT) -- IT STRENGTHENS GOD !!
Knowing all this gets off YOU off of this level of the game. Or maybe just to getting your mind erased again !!
And if you learn still more -eventually you discover the creator of God - its a programmer named TED. The great Ted is a cross dressing Female with a magical laptop controlling everything behind the scenes.
Any way just another thought
- I couldn't resist.
What do you think about that?
Dr José Luis Sevillano: We are facing a parasitism of another species on the human being.
I think that AI is being built under influence by Galactic AI (as I call it) -- others call it the AI Gods. But once this Earth AI is developed - installed into ever device (its already in every Cell phone) and Elon Musk wants to get it into human beings too. I say that is definitely a parasitism of a species -- 100%. Its not only a parasitism of a species but of an entire planet !