Also no rational explanation how souls transferred to next body. Still waiting. Now have had an orb fly out of my body and felt funny in left side before
Death Traps and their range?
Jeremy, my understanding is that isbe’s are just a small part of the higher self, or the over soul. When someone dies, this isbe is merged back in the higher soul, with all its attributes, except if it is intercepted and its energy trapped. So there is no true re incarnation per se, but another aspect of the higher soul is sent back to experience another incarnation in the physical form. Imagine an octopus, each arm would be an incarnation in a specific time space reality. Now regarding a trapped isbe , it looses its energy after several trapped incarnations and becomes useless after a while, like a spark having lost its light…If the isbe is not recharged in the higher soul, it is loosing its strength after several prison cycles…it can become lost…
Interesting cause had thought if not taken in initial light maybe why EVPs say help us move on. And truly believe can create portal with thoughts words prayer emotion love. Had a turquoise blue circle 🔵 bigger than hula hoop appear on side of wall while repeating this one love prayer over over. So feel like in these shows they are helping those cross over. But yeah it’s like if miss that first light kind of hang around. But someone would have escaped you’d think it would be all over the spirit news
In a recent video from Dr. Michael Salla, the remote viewer John Vivanco mentioned remote-viewing Phobos, around Mars. He mentioned it being like an abandoned craft, but was used in planetary management. This struck a chord, regarding the so-called "death traps" and our moon, which has long been suspected of being involved somehow. Before he died, John Lear mentioned in a GAIA interview that the moon was where people went after they die -- he did not elaborate further, unfortunately.
I recall hearing that there is recorded history before the moon appeared in our sky. And of course all the other elements about the moon which lean toward it being an engineered environment, craft or device.
We also know from what Farsight has mentioned that the Earth is not the only planet under this type of prison control.
There has been discussion about "amnesia stations" planted around the earth -- but I suspect that the technology itself is much more advanced, consisting of both physical and energetic (non-physical) elements. It can detect when an ISBE has detached from our body (when we die), so I presume we generate a different harmonic or frequency.
Then I wonder, if the traps can be interfered with, using frequency and other energetic applications.
I recall Farsight mentioning that some of the death trap system had been destroyed around the time of the ancient Egyptians, which has led to our world changing -- some memories coming back, and how our civilization began to grown (buildings, etc). I wonder "what" was destroyed, how it was detected. I suspect our friendly ETs know more details about the system and how it works.
Hey forest, this was a very coherent answer and I appreciate that. I have also heard of the moon as something placed there. I think the moon was placed there when life was seeded on this planet, because without tides life doesn't exist. Maybe over time it was co-opted and turned into a weapon of enslavement.
Hi D. As far as i know, and I followed it quite a bit, the moon came into orbit just thousands of years ago. I remeber the number 15.000. Recent enough for humans to register it and pass it on in their legends (The Greek and the Dogon).
Life was here way before that. I also don't get the logic that tides are needed for life. It makes for much more diverse life that is for sure.
Also: many people have mentioned the moon as one of the locations of the Death Traps, not only John Lear.
Hello D and others, I am rereading Alien Interview and to my great surprise, yesterday, on page 297 (Deluxe Study Edition), Airl takes about the DT force screen. I quote:
"We do know that the 'Old Empire' force screeen is vast enought to cover this end of the galaxy at least. We also know from experience that each force generator and trapping device is very difficult to detect, locate and destroy. Also it is not the current mission of The Domain Expeditionary Force to commit recources to this endeavor."
From what I remember (later) from that podcast that I mentioned before, the Out Of Body Traveler didn't mention how far it stretched, just that he (it was a he) could see it strectching way out farther than the planets he could see in our solar system. I only remember my own thought: aha, so it stretches way further than Mars and Ceres. So probably at least our solar system.
Sorry, I see way too many podcasts to go looking for that one. But this one could be it and is a very interesting podcast since the Near Death Experiencer describes the Death Traps clearly and gives some interesting comments. Worth your while (45 minutes).
humans havespecial abilities
Oh, I forgot to mention the thought that I noted under my text: from what I 'feel' about the paranormal abilities from humans, they can, once activated, outperform many abilities from other species (aliens). I guess the 'deleting' of our paranormal abilities by genetic editing has also 'cleared' some inbuilt 'blocks' that other species have (to be able to focus on their part of reality). So once opened up in humans, we can almost do anything, including locating the death traps (and maybe more).
This month's movie might dive into this. The interview with the reptilian goes into human's psy abilities and she says they are very weak and turned off genetically, but I think she is wrong about a few things. Also the reptilian was very condescending in the interview.
I agree D.
I recently saw a documentary about the saga's of the people that dwell underground in different cultures. There are a lot. It's like they got snippets and made up the rest. The closest is the Indian/ Hindu story of the Palapa (if I remember well) world. They talk about beings half human and half reptilian or dragon 'that are very proud'. That chimes in with yhe condscending attitude that the female lacerta had.
It should be "Patala"
To Laurent Philippe: You wrote:
"Thank you Hubert. I have been researching the subject for many years, and yes our belief system creates our reality, not only on the other side but also here in 3 D… So remote viewing the self created illusion and concluding that it is factual seems to me quite a stretch…Many additional processes should be in place to insure the accuracy of the information."
I think our reality is really a 'reality'. Meaning that once created it can't be 'uncreated'. So RV is self created but not an illusion and it is factual. The problem is the interpretation and bias of the the viewer (what he or she wishes to see).
And my understanding, aligned with the 2022 physics Nobel prizes, is that everything we seem to create here and or perceive, is an illusion. It is only felt through our 5 senses which are very limited. So in Truth, as you change your mind, you can change your reality. This is what some call miracles. But it is only the mastery of the mind, the retraining from fear to love which allows you to change your experience. . And this has a physical “real” impact on your experience. Reality for me is beyond perception. It is in the realm of Knowledge. Rupert Spira explains that very well. Now I totally understand that some may not agree with that, but this is my understanding at this moment in time…
I see your point Laurent, but I think this is more a discussion about the definition of reality. Once created in mind or physical, things are 'there'. In the akashic records, one could say. You can always acces them again. That's 'real' for me.
If you change that, you just get a new version. Just like Dropbox saves all the old versions of your saved documents.
You can call it an illusion but that is just a word. Off course it is not base reality what we 'make of it' but to call that what we perceive 'not real' is only helpfull on a philosofical level, to 'get it'. It's not very practical.
You could say that I use the practical version of the word real and you the philosofical version.
I have to apologise about the podcast I posted. I just feelt not good about at an looked at it again (1,5 speed) and I must have mixed in information from other podcasts or Melissa just edited out some things :-) It's not that good as i thought.
It starts at 15:40 till 19:40. And then again at 32:50 to 36:00. (All more or less, just see the chapters).
That is ok! I will take a look at it. Sometimes happy little accidents lead to big things.
Does alien interview explain how put trap soul back into new body? Someone on forums says lynn viewed them goin back in 12 year olds? I mean no disrespect I guess he would say yes it sounds unbelievable! We were conscience aware at 12
Was the Lao Tzu video comments where that post was
Hi Jeremy, I don't know where that post was about putting a soul into a 12 year old body. Sounds strange or even 'no good' to me too.
There is nothing about 'how they do it' in Alien Interview. In the books of Michael Newton 'Journey of souls' and 'Destiny of souls' there is a lot about that. But it seems an easy process. Also the 'taking out a soul of the body' seems like an easy thing to do for non-humans. After all, people that are experienced in going 'out of body' can easily go out and in.
Think it said viewed many deaths and exp heaven, hell, reincarnation 12 yr olds, unknown. If wasn’t accurate shouldn’t post that and put his name to it though. Maybe got deleted. Have thought before how trapped isbe put back into next body and if even possible, oh well for another time. Always wanted to say have a Hubert in my family and was only ever knew before talking with you really cool
I don't think waiting til 12 years old makes a lot of sense... you'd miss out on all that indoctrination and brainwashing that's so essential to the human condition. So much better to go through the whole "I am my body" thing as a young kid, which you then carry on with for the rest of your life. Same also with religious beliefs being installed, which stop you from 'advancing', and all of those silly things like seeing auras and spirits, telepathy, clairvoyance - all of those things need to be driven out of you to be a functioning adult here.
I have been following this topic with great interest. I am getting close to losing this body and/or detaching from it from medical/age related issues.
When the soul/isbe/spirit? Is detached from the body and for a lack of a better technical word the body dies and we move to a different reality I am guessing? What do we see? Where do we go? Are we aware of who we are at that moment and what has happened to us? Do we have would could be called hearing, vision, smell. touch, feeling of hot/cold etc? Do we see others who have move on, can we talk to others?
I am hearing on other groups that the SSF and alien friends have taken out the implant stations on the moon, that force us into a unwelcome incarnation?
Thanks for your time and input on the above.
Here is a link to some information in regards to your questions...
I won't be transcribing it since it would be a bit lengthy to describe so just give it a listen...
Great introductory video Aeius (and Morris). There is however no mention of the Death Traps. So you've got to see this and also seee the Death Traps program of Farsight.
Yes, I am aware of that, but, for all intents & purposes, I took it for granted that (most) people here delving into this thread would have most-likely already been familiar with the Death-Traps Movie; I do not believe that it happens to everybody, and, that being trapped, according to my paradigm-grid, is most-likely due to having been complicit with «imprisoning» others in one's past (a karmic-consequence).
People who continue to be tax-payers are of course highly complicit to the Prison-Industrial-Complex, especially the U.S. being the Prison-Population-Capital of the World, consisting of more than 27% of the whole entire world's Prison-Population, despite containing less than 4% of the whole entire World-Population (the percentages may have changed since India's population ended up surpassing China's population and we now have 8 billion rather than merely 7 billion people on earth but locals have informed me that local-government has plans for building... MORE freaking jails/prisons).
I believe you will get a different Remote-Viewing Result if you follow the Is-Being after their «passing» who were NOT «tax-payers» and, that, statistically speaking, they should not get «trapped» in the «After-Life» (additionally, I believe it was mentioned in the Jesus-Crucifixion-Documentaries, that, the Is-Being who existed here as the past-life-Avatar of Yeshua ben Yoseph, popularly known as Jesus-Christ, did NOT go through ANY «Death-Traps» after his Is-Being departed from the flesh-avatar).
I have mentioned his «return» (re-incarnation) numerous times now, but, the guy has already gone through a lot here, due to being part of his spiritual-mission, that he has completed to his satisfaction, and he «retired» his «pen» a few years ago back during 2018CE, well-deserving of his «retirement» and resting from trying to «wake up» the wilfully ignorant sleeping masses who continue to live in «sinful-reverie»; now there is I, who chose to be his voluntary successor in order to continue on his works from where he left off, although I am no Christ or Saint or Jesus or Messiah, I do possess pre-this-universe-life-memories that I also had a similar «spiritual-mission» that he himself came here for.
For more «death-related» writings, written by the Messiah, they can be read here...
Hi Morris.
Please allow me to give you my understanding, which may not be the same as everyone else's (which, frankly, puts us all on pretty equal footing!)
When you drop your body, you will experience what you believe you should experience - presuming you understand that you have, indeed, left your body (if you've been killed in an accident, then it's highly likely you won't actually realise this, and thus, you'd be trying to do things as per normal - and getting quite confused as what's around you isn't doing/responding as it normally would). So, if you know you're dropping your meatsack (ie, dying), then you'll have a much easier time of things at first.
But, you'll still experience what you think you should - and that will mean acting as though you're still in a human form - the form you've been in for the last X number of years/decades. Obviously, this is not the 'real' "you" - because you are an immortal, 'infinite' (I don't really like that term) entity that is essentially formless (except that we have some sort of a form within the physical universe). If, perchance, you can break that mindset, and 'expand' your consciousness into something far beyond your physical form of the last X years/decades, and consider yourself as this immortal entity, then things will be very different for you!
If you expect to see angels, or loved ones who have already 'passed over', then that's what you'll get. If you expect to be in hell, then that's what you'll probably get... at least, for a while. At some point, things will change as what you get doesn't entirely match your expectations (or, oddly enough, they do! But then you'll start to question this, and get a realisation it's all just about you).
You'll probably get pulled in towards something that seems wonderful, loving, awesome, etc... without questioning this.
If you accept that you will hit the DTs, and you'll be forcibly reincarnated as a blank slate, then you will have a different experience.
You will most likely have your normal 5+ senses... although, they'll be different. This is mostly because it's what you've been used to for the last X decades, so that's what you'll draw upon (not dissimilar to being used to using one particular type of computer or phone, so that's what you'll go back to using - even if there are better options out there).
Yes, you will encounter other beings/entities. Some may appear to be those you've known in your life (this or previous) - others may not.
Again, back to "do you believe in the DTs"?
If we do accept this theory as being true, then you'll realise that it's a trap, and you'll know you shouldn't trust those feelings or persons. This can be a huge battle (unless you've got ways around it).
After that - zap, forget, get told you need to return because of XYZ (or, you won't even need to be told, because while your memories get wiped, some of your underlying personality doesn't, and so you'll still have this basic overwhelming desire/need to be back in a body - it's part of the implanting - the 'drive for survival' - which is clearly irrelevant as an immortal entity!)
Then, you'll pick up a new body, and start again..... (which is why, although I'm not personally against suicide, I do think it's generally a waste of time - because you'll be back to square 1, and probably in a worse situation than you are in this life)
The DTs have not been taken out! They may be less efficient or effective, but they are still most definitely there doing their job.
I watched the first few minutes of the link to the Rumble video Aelius posted... and it does a wonderful job of describing exactly what the trap wants you to think and believe. Not only does it not mention the DTs, but conforms to the idea that we *should* be reincarnating here to 'learn' particular "life lessons" in order to "grow"... That is, it reinforces our lust for remaining in the prison planet so that we never escape... (somewhat like the Matrix movies - except they make the freedom look sucky..... do you want to be free and sucky, or do you want the juicy steaks while being a prisoner??)
God has «informed» me that the Truth about any existing soul/spirit «traps» is to be revealed that they are part of God's «Dungeon-System» (After-Life and/or Spirit-Version) for all «errant» Is-Beings;
For a more detailed explanation... well, I will first quote a very relevant part, then, follow it up with the source-link where everybody can read what the very returned (re-incarnated) Messiah himself had written...: «BE advised that all "humans" are but spirits in the flesh and their minds will now enmesh telepathically with spirits of wickedness who have been released from dungeons below. (Dark spiritual realms)»
The terms used to describe the ISBE, SPIRIT, SOUL, HIGHER SELF and others is confusing. Are these all names to describe the same thing?
While I am describing confusing words, the name HUMAN, DNA, ENTITY, NON-HUMAN ect... mostly relates to physical things I am assuming? Are there HUMAN spirits? Other life forms from around out Galaxy have been described as non-human and part human? My understanding of DNA, is that is the genetic make-up of the body...not the soul?
Additionally, I read comments like we have lived on other worlds, in non-human bodies? Do non-humans have an ISBE?
I believe that the term HUMAN is a specific body type, not a spirt or ISBE? I would like to hear others comment on how these names/terms relate to one-another.
Thank you so much for the comments so far.
ISBE, SPIRIT, SOUL, HIGHER-SELF, are rooted in Energies;
ISBE is equivalent to what was historically called a SPIRIT or SOUL;
HIGHER-SELF is like a level-of-consciousness that perceives things that the lower-levels cannot;
HUMAN has the «legal» definition of being a MONSTER; HUMAN in «scientific» terms refers to HOMO SAPIENS; then there is also the term HUMANOID which most «sentient» beings are; additionally, all of these terms are rooted in the Physical, rather than in Energies; the Energies-Form is still required for the «Structure» that results in the «Physical» form though.
Regarding «HUMAN spirits» a number of «spirits» were ONCE or more times «human» but NOT _all_ «spirits» were necessarily a «human» in the history of their existence.
DNA refers to the «genetic» strands & stuff that «code» aspects of the physical, how-ever, the Human-Genome-Project has revealed a number of issues with the «science» of DNA-Biology which you can read about here...;
I do not believe that DNA determines which Is-Being inhabits its resulting physical-form, but, may have an influence in the decision-making process of an Is-Being in terms of whether it wishes to experience that particular (eventual) physical-form or not for which-ever reason.
Yes, all of us have lived before, believe it or not, over «aeons» of «time...»
Yes, non-humans, such as Reptilians, Greys, Annunaki, are Is-Beings in Physical-Form;
Yes, they CAN be «shot» and, they CAN «die» but, are not the only humanoid-species. (a few minutes of Phil Schneider)
The origins of the word HUMAN should probably just be Remote-Viewed...
Aéius Cercle,
Thank you so much to taking the time to share your thoughts on my questions. Very much appreciated and thoughtful.
I especially found your comment on the ISBE being able to determine the physical form that it would like to experience. With that said, it leads me to believe that the ISBE is not randomly stuffed into a body?
Is it possible for the ISBE to take physical form without the necessity of having to give up its memory?
Can ISBE's go shopping on different planets with different species of sentience life forms. I like the idea of inhabiting a body that can fly.
What do we look like as an ISBE. A shapeless orb of energy? Once we pass over, will we have access to our memories of previous lives...or once wiped are they gone forever?
This Death Trap situation, is disturbing! Is this something relative new in our history? Do we know who set this up and why? It is pretty evil...seems like the good aliens would want to help us get rid of these things! Is it possible to avoid them and kinda just hangout and explore our solar system for a while before getting another body.
Sure, no problem, just sharing the info that exists in my paradigm-grid*.
Re : Random Bodies
Nothing happens by accident... even if it /looks/ like an accident.
Whether it is the choice of the Is-Being or not, how-ever, keep in mind that Is-Being «choices» ARE affected by its Resonance-Frequency (at the «Energy» levels by the way). Consider how some people seem to just «gravitate» towards CNN and others «gravitate» towards FOX and others «gravitate» towards listening to various personalities or institutions; that's NOT «accidental» nor «random»
I'm sure it's hard to believe, but, even if/when events _look_ like they are «random» they are actually _not_ «random» at the «deepest» levels of existence even if they are indeed «random» when they happen at the lower-levels of consciousness-existence; so yes _and_ no for random.
Re : Physical-Form Retaining Memories
Even if you do retain your memories, according to research done on pre-life-memories, most people tend to lose them completely by the time they reach the age of around seven (7), thus, any retention or recovery of memory from before one was born into the physical would be anomalous or an anomaly; the fact that I managed to recover my memories that are still largely CLEAR AS DAY to me is a significant-anomaly; whilst it is «theoretically possible» to keep your previous-life memories, whether you can continue to hold onto them past the age of seven (7) is extremely unlikely, and, I am under the impression that it is due to the «properties» that constitute «physical» existence.
Oups, this just in from Source, I have also just received an impression that what I just described is largely accurate, but, that, because of the physical-form, and, its «stages» of development (zygote, embryo, fetus, baby, toddler, child, pre-teen, teen, adult, etc.), the «stages» that the biological-form experiences are largely tied to why you experience loss of pre-birth-memory, apparently.
Re : Shopping on Different Planets
I don't think it works that way; you are simply «drawn» towards a «corresponding level of existence» that revolves largely around your resonance-frequency; this is something that might be a bit difficult to comprehend even for me to try to explain or describe, due to being something akin to the irrational-numbers that we are taught in math-classes (such as the square-root of a negative-number), but, okay, good, I can use some of my pre-this-universe-life-memories to answer this question with a bit more clarity & accuracy, and, when I say that you are «drawn towards a corresponding level» you will find that everybody there has essentially the same mental-thinking patterns as you; one of my pre-physical-life-memories that stands out to me as I write/type this were the Is-Beings who came so very close to being able to return to the Pure-Realm, but, because of their absolute hatred towards «paedophiles» (and I am NOT promoting the MAPs [Minor-Attracted Persons] or other such social-engineering agendas which often seem to be tied to George Soros by the way) and desire to «commit atrocities» upon them (rather than trying to understand the root-causes of their conditions) they still ended up remaining «stuck» within physical-existence realms like this one.
Whilst you could certainly opt & choose to incarnate or re-incarnate into a different sentient-species than that of a human on other planets or even galaxies, the perception that I am getting as I write this is that there are countless numbers of planets and solar-systems and galaxies and so forth at multiple different «levels» of «existence» with this «physical-realm» only being one of them; nor do I believe that any «sane» Is-Being who knows more about reality than this physical-universe would choose to come back here into this particular physical-universe when there are far better places to go with a lot less suffering and a lot less restrictions, but, once more, your «Resonance-Frequency» largely determines that, and, better Resonance-Frequencies are achieved by maintaining control of your thoughts so that you remain peaceful in your expression; controlling your emotions is also largely tied to your ability to maintain control over your thoughts so that they do not spiral into the type of negativity that makes you want/desire pain/punishment/suffering to be inflicted upon others, even if their names happen to be Adolph Hitler, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Barrack Obama, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, etc.; I am sure this is a «tall order» for many people, especially after all of the «suffering» that so many of us have gone through at the «hands» of their decision-making, but, this answer is from a combination of my pre-this-universe-life-memories, combined with what was written by the very Messiah himself, aligned with my paradigm-grid*; that said, rest-assured, for at least the ones who have not received nor considered these truths that I have revealed, /they/ (particularly the genuine Tyrants) _will_ be «ensnared» in «After-Life Suffering» that, although vague at the moment, I perceive as being far more excruciating than anything revealed by Remote-Viewed Death-Traps.
Re : Is-Being Appearance
Perhaps it is best if I answer this in terms of how different existences are «perceived» at different levels; now, Far-Sight has instructions on how to film UFOs/UAPs, but, they were not the first ones to capture (seemingly) anomalous «sky» phenomena; José Escamilla, although the most-relevant video-clips about him seem to have disappeared from You-Tube (damn censorship), was known to have filmed «infra-red UFOs» or what he called «critters» from as far back as the 1950s & 1960s; what he did was film the skies over New Mexico with two high-speed-shutter-cameras, one with an infra-red filter; the «normal» camera of course caught what you «normally» see, such as clouds, blue skies, birds, etc.; the infra-red camera captured what looked like biological-creatures that seemed similar to how parts of a biological-cell might move about in outer-space-plasma for lack of better term/description...
...then there was an audio that I listened to many years back with a frantic-caller, I think it was an Art Bell show segment, who seemed freaked out, talking about how he had very little time, but, before the call abruptly ended with what sounded like he was running away from something, the man said that N.A.S.A. has these extremely high-powered telescopes that, when you look at a planet like Jupiter in the ultra-violet spectrum, rather than viewing a gaseous gigantic-planet full of poisonous-gas for its atmosphere, you can actually see a whole entire thriving civilisation on that planet, full of lush vegetation (and probably other abundant-resources).
Thus, what something «looks» like will depend on which «level-of-perception» you are «viewing» it from; does this make sense...? When I was still originally within the Pure-Realm, this particular universe wasn't even a part of my perception, but, I do know that this particular material-realm exists WITHIN what I saw in my origin-memory as simply a tiny dark-speck; something like a little Black-Hole if you may, sucking in all of the «unsuspecting Is-Beings» with its «hypnotic-trance» Quantum-Dissonance-Particle-Emissions that took more and More and MORE «control» over their «minds» the MORE that they continued to «listen to» and ACTUALLY BELIEVE the «lies» (e.g. : propaganda) that it kept emitting; from this material-realm physical-universe «perspective» I surmise that there are probably different «appearance» that «Is-Beings» may take, including Orb-Lights, but, otherwise, I had always thought that they would be more like myself, who would simply be an «invisible point of consciousness-energy» that is imperceptible to anything on the physical-level.
Additionally, a number of people who've researched and looked into it have found that, apparently, multiple body layers exist that «over-lay» the physical-body; the Astral-Body, the Spirit-Body, perhaps also Soul-Body that «houses» the Spirit-Body, some other Energy-Body, some Ethereal-Body, etc.; I will need to go back and review this stuff or maybe it could just be Remote-Viewed...
Re : Once We Pass Over
You should have access to your «full-repertoire» for your whole entire «eternal» existence, but, depending on the level of «indoctrination» you may still need to over-come from being in a «prison-existence» like this earth-life, that «transition» may be a bit difficult, but, once you are able to let go of all «rigid» mental-constructions, whether be they religious or scientific, you should be able to recover them more easily.
Re : Death-Trap Situation
Whilst it is certainly something «new» for me which I first learned about from Far-Sight, I actually view this whole entire universe itself as a «trap» for reasons related to the combination of my pre-this-universe-life memories and much of its alignment with the writings of the Messiah himself in terms of how he describes and how I remember «reality» at a perception-level beyond this particular realm...
Re : Who Set-Up Death-Traps
Well, the existence of Death-Traps also do not necessarily surprise me either, and, regarding who sets up all of this evil and wickedness, well, I will have to get into that another day; the ONE thing I do need to say about «who» does «what» though is that anybody who does anything that results in the suffering of others are ALWAYS «directed» by the «invisible» Clandestine-Energy of the Dark of God; its «thoughts» interpolate with their own whilst they have NO idea that they are but «puppets» in an «eternal-game of chess» over the «souls» of EVERY Is-Being; the Dark of Source wants to claim all Is-Beings who are war-mongering anti-free-will scum whilst the Light of Source wishes for all Is-Beings to return back to the Pure-Realm, but, relies on Is-Beings like myself who came into these «sorry existences» voluntarily to see if it is even possible to get ANY of the «stuck» (and thus trapped by Darkness) Is-Beings whom are still Darkness-Controlled to «turn away from being complicit to iniquities» so-to-speak...
Paradigm-Grid* : In Science/Psychology/etc., a term exists called a Paradigm, essentially meaning one's World-View. I use the term of a Paradigm-Grid because, even if I do not necessarily agree with some particular World-View, I will still check out what it has to say, anyway (this is related to when the Messiah was known to have said : «Hypocrites ! First remove the beam/log from/out of your own eye before trying to remove the sliver/speck of dust out of your brother/neighbour true who is simply trying to help you !»). So, you can think of it this way, like a Grid on a Graph-Paper, and, once you absorb just about all of the Paradigm that you can from one particular Belief-System, you have filled up a Square; I am capable of quoting much of the bible because many of the «Christian» beliefs are part of my grid; I am capable of backing up much of my claims with «science» because the «Scientific» paradigm (for as much as I've been able to «fit» thus far) also happens to be parts of the Grid that I have filled out; and, I am also capable of referring to «Atheist» sources since «Atheism» also filled up many of my Grids (I was a Four-Times-Atheist after all). The «Materialism» paradigm also exists within my Paradigm-Grid, but, because of the «completeness» of my thus-far Paradigm-Grid, I do not regard Materialism to be a valid world-view (and in fact, Materialism is actually a Philosophy, one that masquerades as being a Science and Scientific, even though it is actually more like a Cult-Religion Philosophy that «believes in» the Null-Hypothesis; yes, Materialism is NOT an «agnostic» position, but, a «worship» of the «Null-Hypothesis» so-to-speak).
Remember, your ULTIMATE goal should be to reach the Pure-Realm, which is the term that I prefer to use, rather than calling it Heaven or Nirvana or Paradise, and, that particular «destination» does require any and all Is-Beings to be peaceful and withdraw all of their support and complicity to any kind of iniquity or causing of suffering or removing the free-will-agency of others; it won't be easy, but, I am willing to «stake my Is-being» that Terence de Malahèrre really is the GENUINE returned (re-incarnated) Messiah and what we both say/wrote/write about «accessing the Pure-Realm» is Truthful.
Awesome, thank you so much for that.
I have a question regarding the Mind. I have always used the analogy, that the relationship between the mind and brain; is like the hard drive & processor on a computer [brain] & the software [mind]. Using computer analogy again the [BIOS] is the DNA code.
If the ISBE is the mind, then that individual ISBE is going to have it's unique intelligence & personality.
How much intelligence and/or smartness does the Brain contribute..if any, to a reincarnated ISBE?
Do ISBE's tend to stick together, and reincarnate in the same location(s)? If I was an American in my last life, would I comeback in the same country? Are these the types of things that I have control over and freely make these choices?
These are things that have puzzled me, and it would be very helpful to have some definitive answer's to these complex relationships.
You seem to be on the right track; I have historically deemed the brain to be the CPU and the Mind to be the Software so-to-speak; The Matrix Movie wasn't just a mere Movie but a Documentary; I can't say that I went as far as to attribute/link DNA as BIOS but it sounds very valid to my Paradigm-Grid.
The brain is not something that I view as a major contributing factor to one's intellect other than perhaps brain-size, but, even then, I am still receiving perceptions that the brain acts more like a «filtering» mechanism which allows one to more easily «focus» on the «physical» realities.
The mind is still far more of a contributing factor to the abilities that an Is-Being will possess/retain if/when it «re-incarnates» into yet another «mortal» physical-form; although many of the «isekai» animé are extreme exaggerations of the phenomena, without their exaggerations, they are not necessarily far off from the reality of «skill-transfer» (or previous-life-knowledge-transfer) from one life to the next, either; how-ever, most of the authors always seem to default to the same type of «monetary» value system, as-if cultures/civilisations cannot exist without «corporate» structures...
Re : Is-Beings who stick together
I do not have a clear perception of this at this time, but, evidence seems to indicate that «re-uniting» with whom you may have once known is apparently both done and is possible, particularly amongst Is-Beings who have «strong emotional-connections» with one another; the stronger the Emotional-Bond the more their Resonance-Frequencies should «automatically draw» them to one another similarly to how opposite-polarities of a Magnet might pull together.
And, yes, various «groups» (and perhaps even groups of groups) seem to «congregate» similarly; remember what I said about Resonance-Frequency being largely tied into why various groups of people «Gravitate» towards CNN or «Gravitate» towards FOX-News or «Gravitate» towards one particular «following» or another; similar should be the case in the after-life.
They won't always «re-incarnate» in/at the same «locations» necessarily, but, after-life existence isn't necessarily bound by «locations» either since you can just «materialise & manifest» yourselves before each other regardless of which-ever «co-ordinate» of which-ever «universe» you find yourself within... barring of course your mental-restrictions where ANY amount of «doubt» becomes «fatal» to your ability to «move mountains» so-to-speak; I had been asked about the word «faith» before by a «black» guy whom I had met at a church-club at Edmonds, Washington, and, I answered that, according to my paradigm-grid at the time, that, I found that one's «faith» applied more-so to the «spirit» realms... rather than the physical-life; with «faith» within such realms you should really be able to literally move or even split mountains so-longs as you have zero doubts in your abilities.
Re : Re-Incarnating Back to the Same Country
For those who do seem to end up being found re-incarnating back into this earth-life, they do not always re-incarnate back into the same country, but, for the ones who grew up with beliefs that accepted reincarnation, they do seem to be more likely to re-incarnate back into their same culture-society that they were in before; I guess this is something akin to «sticking with the familiar» if/when you had lost all «conscious» memories of a particular existence, and, whilst I was within the Pure-Realm, I had some kind of re-collection that I had been here before (here in this universe or amongst these darkness-filled universes; not just this country), but, due to the extreme amount of trauma and or embarrassment that I had gone through before, I suppose I chose/opted to have those memories wiped/suppressed, resulting in me not knowing anything about «evil» existing, but, unlike the rest of the «stuck» Is-Beings, I some-how still managed to «make it out» so-to-speak (or this might be a perception of what was to happen in the future, I don't know, this part isn't entirely clear), and, if I had «succeeded» in it before, then, I may as well «stick with the familiar» so that the «results» could be more easily «predicted» (hopefully towards a «success») rather than trying something new & unfamiliar where there was no way of being able to guarantee successful-navigation from prior-experience. Does this make sense ? Some Is-Beings certainly do seem to «choose» to «re-incarnate» and can even choose which specific country or even family they wish to be born of and/or into, but, this decision also typically tends to be tied into one's Karmic-Past (this earth-life is something like a «training system» after all in order to BEAT into your Is-Being MIND the REALITY of the Karmic-Law or «suffer» the «karmic-consequences» that so many seem to and/or choose to ignore).
The Chinese-Culture has a variety of Drama-Series where «re-incarnation» of their main-characters is a significant-theme; one of them that I remember, albeit vaguely, was a woman from one particular faction (or kingdom ?) fighting against another man from an opposing faction (or kingdom ?) who, whilst within the midst of their kung fu fighting against each other, end up discovering birth-marks on each other's bodies during their struggles, resulting in a «sudden flood of memories» that were «triggered» from seeing their birth-marks (probably on the same locations as each of their bodies) where they came to realise that they had actually been «lovers in a past life-time» (how romantic & what a perfect day such as Valentine's day to re-collect this story) who then realised that their problems and political-struggles between their factions (kingdoms ?) were much bigger than they had first realised, resulting in some sort of join-efforts on their part, which they had agreed in their past life-time would likely take several generations to fix/mend (perhaps they were the rebellious prince and princess of each of their respective factions/kingdoms/countries who would sneak out in order not to be suffocated by royal-duties life) but anyway, yeah, although this is probably quite an exaggeration from what «normally» happens, this is also not necessarily far off from what is actually possible, either.
Re : Control/Choice of Re-Incarnation
Once you actually have cognizant-knowledge of the reincarnation-phenomena you are certainly capable of choose whose «baby» you will «reincarnate» as next IF you so choose to; I suppose if you have very strong Emotional-Ties with any particular Is-Being who is still here on Earth, many people do choose to come back to be with them, and, I have most-certainly come across and encountered cases and stories of people who remember hearing things like their uncle or grand-father or who-ever was part of their family member on their death-bed saying things like they're going to reincarnate as their grand-daughters child or something along those lines and then, behold, not only does the child bear a striking resemblance to when the grand-father or uncle looked when he was once younger, assuming the race is the same, I suppose, a lot of times, the mannerisms where a child acts a certain way towards a potentially still-grieving widow ends up convincing her that the child really is the re-incarnation of her deceased husband, who ends up coming to tears (not of grief or sadness, but, one of relief and happiness), reconciling many of her previous hang-ups & «loss» over her loved one.
Hmm, and since you have asked such questions, I will point you towards a book that you may as well be pointed towards for reading since it will answer a lot of your other questions...
Is-Beings are capable of re-incarnating near-immediately upon death, but, that is really not a good idea, due to the «energy drain» that you will still need to «recover» from during a post-mortem existence; the findings, according to the book I linked to above if I remember correctly, discovered that the «average» amount of time between re-incarnations seems to be around 52 years by the way; I will double-check this later since I do have copies of said book in my apartment-unit, but, you need to pay close attention to what kind of and how much «energy» you have available before making such decisions...
How soon after death can an ISBE reincarnate?