Hello farseers, I wanted to start some discussion on deathtraps, and if they have an effective range on this planet. In the Farsight movie on Lao Tzu, some of the farseers described Lao Tzu's ISBE coming in contact with a grid around Earth. In fact it seemed that he was drawn into in. Thankfully he escaped, with a little help from some friends. This raises the question, are the deathtraps local to earth, and can someone simply escape them by dying on the Moon or in space? Another interesting thing to consider is the secret space program allows Earth humans to visit Mars. Wouldn't that be a prison break? So I find it curious that the ETs would allow any humans at all to leave the planet if the death traps are just located on earth. Perhaps this is why they are so desperate to suppress alternative propulsion methods, but who really knows. A terrifying, but unlikely, reality would be that the deathtraps are integrated into the human body's energetic mantle. Meaning that our human meat suits are our meat jail cells. This is unlikely, but it would explain why the bad ETs don't care that earth humans are on mars. Personally, I think they are just taking an acceptable risk of losing a few hundred ISBEs with this whole mars base thing. Anyways thank you for coming to my TED talk, and I would love to hear what you guys think!
I just want to question something here - did any of them actually say "a grid around the earth"? Or, did they only say that he encountered a grid that he can't get past (although - he still did). As I recall, it was only Intysam who mentioned this.
It might be a nitpick, but I do think it's an important point given the rest of your post.
This is a good point. I think she said that he had an intention to leave then encountered the grid. However we know it is a technology so it has to be somewhere along the earth ISBE pipeline.
Our "meat suits" (LOL) have been described as purposefully engineered containers (genetics) designed to suppress otherwise normal capabilities (telepathy, etc), to keep us essentially numb. It's obviously not perfect, but it appears to have been generally effective.
Recent Farsight videos suggest that this "grid" is very wide-spanning, across the galaxy as I recall. It makes me wonder about the "free societies" that exist out there, how they must be able to detect and disable and protect against this type of invasion and technology, in order to remain free. The races that operate "death traps" are adept at taking over a society, without them even knowing. I find that very disheartening, and I often think about that.
But it is based on technology, on levels that are likely very foreign to us earthers. Other races are able to take your ISBE energy out of your body, bring you on trips, put you in other containers, etc. So we have to assume that this type of technology exists in many other forms out there.
Hi Forrest, good points. Especially about other races dealing with the death traps. How about Lacerta's people. They are in the middle of it. Are they not affected? It would be good if FS could do some exploring there.
I wonder that, being reptilian, that Lacerta's people are "exempt" somehow. Assuming there is some way that the technology of the death traps can identify certain people, races or other types. Farsight has identified reptilians being at the top of the "command chain" in those helping to manage the prison system, so maybe there's a connection. Who knows? I wonder where Lacerta is today...
I haven't read all of the papers yet, but I find Lacerta's remarks about humans somewhat ironic and even offensive. She must be privy to the death traps and understand that we have been placed in bodies ("containers") that have many of our abilities stunted. So for her to take any delight that we can be so easily manipulated seems rather unfair. Alas.