Well, I have decided to post this piece… Take it for whatever it is worth.
Farsight has posted the video of its study of the origin of the covid-19 virus. It was a single-blinded study where the 5 viewers had no prior knowledge of the nature and objectives of the study.
The two targets of the study were:
TARGET 1. Origin of the corona virus as it relates to the initial spread or release of the virus.
I most definetely agree with Courtney’s analysis of Target 1, and specifically with his conclusion that the Wuhan food market was the original site where the pandemic started.
However, the study did not provide any information on how the virus got to the food market. But there has been some speculation that the consumption of virus-contaminated bat meat purchased at the food market, might be responsible for the spreading of covid-19 at this location.
Also, the covid-19 outbreak at the food market might stem from the purchase of virus-infected pangolin meat at this location. Like bats, pangolins carry a huge virus load. However, pangolins are bigger than bats, and are highly sought in Asia where their meat is considered a delicacy, and their scales used in traditional medicine. Therefore, they might also be a likely source of the covid-19 virus.
I also agree that there were 2 to 3 sites where the covid-19 virus was first released, and that most of the virus probably came from an "acccident" that took place at the Wuhan Virology Lab (WVL), the only Biological Safety Level-4 lab (BSL-4 lab) in China. BSL-4 labs are the only facilities that are designed to handle and do research on dangerous pathogens like the ebola or covid-19 virus that have no vaccine or cure.
I reach the conclusion that most of the virus probably came from the Wuhan Virology Lab because, at the explosion site, Melena described objects -- ex. a positive pressure protective suit (space suit), workstations, and sophisticated security systems -- that are mandated in all BSL-4 labs.
Meanwhile, Aziz described the exploding device as “a box in the wall, with a hot coil” and this points to a walk-in autoclave as the device that exploded in the lab. Walk-in autoclaves are also mandated in all maximum containement BSL-4 labs.
A second release of the covid-19 virus also occurred by “accident” when glass test tubes containing covid-19 virus samples “burst from inside and blew up”. Courtney suggests that this second site of covid-19 released was probably located at the Wuhan Hospital Emergency Center where covid-19 patients from the Wuhan food market were been treated
The third site of covid-19 virus activity came from an underground facility run by the Chinese military. However, Trudy’s data did not provide enough information that would lead to the conclusion that the covid-19 virus was studied or handled in this facility.
TARGET 2. Most significant subjects involved in manipulating the corona virus pandemic for their own advantages or purposes. These subjects are the first aware of the existence, spread or release of the virus.
I struggled with Target 2, and I’m not sure why. I just didn’t seem to get it… I felt that I was missing something in this target.
But ultimately, I just decided to move on and watch the rest of the video. And it was while I was watching the first presentation by PrinCess that the following 3 short sentences came to my awareness: “Something is wrong here! This is sabotage! This is a provoked accident”.
With this new information, I decided to slightly change Target 2 as following:
MODIFIED TARGET 2. Most significant subjects or groups involved in the making and/or releasing of the covid-19 virus. Ways that the virus was manufactured and/or released.
I watched the video and came to the following conclusions:
1. The covid-19 virus was manufactured by the following two groups working together: a) the Wuhan Virology Lab research team led by the sophisticated female lab manager (Bat Lady); and b) the group of ET whose craft was blown up. Let’s call them ET Group-1.
2. ET Group-1 (whose craft was blown up) either provided the Virology Lab with some samples of fully active covid-19 virus; or they provided the Lab with the genetic engineering technology that allowed the Bat Lady and her team to activate/weaponize benign corona viruses from animals (ex. bat or pangolin) into fully active covid-19 viruses.
Aziz clearly described, and even drew a classic old-time crystal “ampoule” that had "a grey pinkish color". Ampoules are small or medium size glass containers traditionally used to hermetically seal and store valuable or dangerous substances so that these substances can be safely preserved, carried or moved around with no spillage.
I believe that the ampoules described by Aziz -- and found on the craft that was destroyed -- contained active covid-19 virus samples or the genetic engineering technology required to manufacture this virus. That is why this craft was destroyed.
3. The craft belonging to ET Group-1 was destroyed by a different group of ET. Let’s call this second group ET Group-2. This craft was probably destroyed because its occupants (ET Group-1) had provided or helped the Wuhan Virology Lab produce the covid-19 virus.
4. The explosion that destroyed a section of the Wuhan Virology Lab was not an accident. This explosion was designed to destroy most, if not all the covid-19 virus stock solutions stored in this institution; and therefore, reduce the spread of the disease, and limit the pandemic.
Time was of the essence, and it was clearly understood that there would be a loss of life due to the explosion, and due to the residual covid-19 virus left after the blowing up of the walk-in autoclave. However, this loss of life was negligible when compared to what would have happen if the bulk of the covid-19 samples were not destroyed.
The explosion was not an accident because walk-in autoclaves used in BSL-4 labs are dotted with several layers of sophisticated safety mechanisms that automatically turn the unit off if it overheats or malfunctions. In addition, these walk-in autoclaves are heavy, sturdy machines permenantly affixed to heavily reinforced concrete walls. They are designed to withstand extremely powerful explosions without blowing up.
But the walk-in autoclave in the Wuhan Virology Lab not only blew up, it was shredded to pieces, and the explosion left a huge gaping hole in the reinforced concrete wall that is standard for BSL-4 labs.
This walk-in autoclave was shredded to pieces because it was “sabotaged” from a distance by ET Group-2.
At the Wuhan Emergency Center, test tubes containing blood or body fluid samples from patients suffering from covid-19 had to be destroyed immediately to minimize the risk of spreading the disease in a facility that was not designed to handle this virus, and at that time was completely overwhelmed by the arrival of patients with covid-19.
Several lab techs were “controlled” at a distance by ET Group-2, and they were impulse to destroy covid-19 virus by adding strong acids in test tubes or vials that contained blood or body fluid samples from covid-19 patients.
The virus was denatured and destroyed by the combined action of the acids and the heat generated by these exothermic reactions. These reactions produced so much heat energy that, as PrinCess said, the test tubes “burst from inside and blew up".
To sum up, this situation was a major containment operation designed to vigorously limit the spreading of the covid-19 virus released through a gross violation of the Prime Directive. To achieve this goal, giving that time was short, it was necessary to “sabotage” the equipment at the main virus origination sites, and make it look like “accidents”. That is why the term “provoked accident” is used, for in reality, there was no accident.
Excellent analysis, thanks for sharing There is another opinion regarding the influence of aliens on the course of things.
I do not think that the intervention is taking place directly. On the contrary, it must seem as though the human beings themselves have taken this step.
I do not think that the virus is manufactured, but it is carefully selected from nature and has been stimulated by experiments.
I think that you have pretty much got this right. You share some things that I don’t know or have experience with, but that are familiar enough for me to buy your conclusions. Thanks for not only connecting the dots, but drawing the lines and coloring in the spaces.
Hey Art, thank you for the kind words.
I hope we can soon find a cure and even a vaccine for this disease. Otherwise, it's going to be a rough ride for our world.
I believe the lack of clarity here is due to terminology. Our inner wisdom, Soul connection, connection to "All-that-is", whatever you wish to refer to as our all knowing source knows that a virus is not what is promoted by the standard allopathic medical community. A virus is actually a natural product of the body that removes toxicity from the system, it is individual person specific and is NEVER a source of infection. The Germ theory is just that just a theory. We have a regulatory system that is perfectly designed to removed toxins and pathogens, self-repair and rebalance.
If you use inaccurate terminology to set a target the chances are very high the result will reflect that inaccuracy.
What we have here is not a dangerous virus but a created pathogen, nothing natural about it.
It would be most interesting to re-run the target with an amended terminology and see what results.
If we use the terminology of virus to address the topic we are falling into the scam.
I think it is possible for someone to do quite a lot if he/she knows how to work with some of the following constructs that you mentioned or were implied in your post: 1) the connection to One Infinite Creator; 2) the understanding that everything, including matter, is energy; 3) the understanding that we create our reality through our belief systems; 4) the definition and nomenclature of the universe around us;… etc.
But, if viruses are never a source of infection, I wonder what would happen to you if you were inoculated with 2cc of a highly virulent strain of the smallpox or rabies virus?
Can you modify the following 2 targets that Farsight used in its study so that they reflect the amended terminology that you mentioned in your post?
TARGET 1. Origin of the corona virus as it relates to the initial spread or release of the virus.
TARGET 2. Most significant subjects involved in manipulating the corona virus pandemic for their own advantages or purposes. These subjects are the first aware of the existence, spread or release of the virus.
Courtney might be interested in your perspective