Hey Alex,
Man, thank you so much for sharing your information and your knowledge. I’m very grateful and I sincerely appreciate it. It’s fascinating to read your story! I wish I were as open mind as you are when I was your age… Also thank you for providing more information and specifically the dates when both Farsight and Clif were running their global catastrophe experiments. I just couldn’t remember when they run these studies.
I listened to Clif’s video and he is a pretty good marketeer whether he likes it or not. And his products, which are his stories, are doing well on YOUTUBE with about 30,000 hits per video. Essentially Clif is mostly a good story teller. In the specific case of this video (I must say that I didn’t watch it entirely), the story is about a mushroom that is very rich in antioxidant vitamins; i.e., vitamin C, A, E, and D.
These vitamins are essential nutrients that are required to maintain good health in human and animal because they are free radical quenchers. Let’s make it simple and say that free radicals are bad for your health and they are always produced when people are sick. So, taking these vitamins may help with covid.
So Clif’s story involves some science and some folklore. And the folklore comes from Clif’s personality, language, character and even look; and I think that’s why he is uncle Clif. The product or story that Clif is offering may save some time for his followers because they don’t have to read the literature, or they may not be qualified to read the literature. So, all is well as long as Clif’s followers are happy with him.
I became interested in consciousness a long time ago, and there were no bloggers in those days. It would be a long story for me to say how I got to read Jane Roberts’ Seth books but let just say that these books completely shattered whatever was left of my catholic upbringing. I also read The Ra Material and many more books in that line of thinking.
But today, I seldom read spirituality books because I have come to understand that man is whole and complete. He does not need to look outside in books or wherever because all the knowledge that he needs is within him. And this knowledge is programmed to unfold from his consciousness/higher self as planned before any earth incarnation. But sometime, he has to ask for this knowledge to be available to him.
Your story about catastrophe preparedness is very important. Of course, everyone needs to have some basic necessity in the event that the planet is hit by a major disaster. But we also need to realize that everyone is going to be exactly where he/she is supposed to be if this cataclysm hits earth. So maybe we should not worry too much about something that is completely out of our control.
But what's really going to help us in those days if a global catastrophe hits earth, is to understand that we don’t die. Of course, the physical body dies but the Immortal Infinite Sovereign Being that each one of us is, and that is in and around the physical body, does not die, never has, and never will. Why? Because we are not our physical body, we are Immortal Infinite Sovereign Beings. A lot can be said about why it is important to understand what an Immortal Infinite Sovereign Being is.
So, Dick Allgire and Hitomi RV forecasts show that there will be significant earth changes in 2023-4? What they say is very much possible but if you add 4 to 5 years to their figure; then you have the time when a major event might pop up on earth.
About Advaita Vedenta, I didn’t know anything about it but I looked it up. It is another teaching for ONENESS, and for that it’s very important. And it is important because reaching ONENESS is the ultimate goal of the earth experiment.
When we decide to incarnate on earth, we agree to have the veil of forgetfulness casted upon us so that we can forget our true nature which is that we are ONE with the universe, that everything is ONENESS, separation does not exist. Once in 3D, the veil of forgetfulness sets in, and separation is established. And at that point, we see ourselves as discrete lone particles of consciousness, isolated, separated, and disconnected from everything else in 3D.
Then, our goal on earth is to work our way back, incarnation after incarnation, to the realization that separation does not exist, that we are ONE with the universe, that we are ONENESS or All-That-Is. Once this realization takes place on earth, reincarnating on earth is no longer necessary.
ONENESS can also be experienced physically; it is a powerful tease and an exhilarating experience that cannot be sustained for more than a few seconds otherwise the person loses the desire to live in 3D. That’s why this experience is not under human control. I believe that you have already had this experience. In this experience, you dematerialize and stop being an isolated discrete point of consciousness in 3D, and you find yourself existing and being part of everything. Sorry, cannot truly explain it.
You said: “I have a really hard time wrapping my human brain mind around this concept of space/time, timelines, past/present/history as one and the same”.
Well, I would suggest that you ask to have this understanding or experience. You will be surprised by what comes to you when you ask. But you have to ask to initiate the process. That's important! Also, understand these are not 3D experiences, so you're going to have them when you can see with your eyes closed; meaning, when you can see with your inner eye.
But I can tell you with 125% certitude that parallel universes/timelines exist, and other aspects of yourself that look very much like you, and also look different from you, exist there.
As for past/present/future, I would like you to see yourself standing in the middle of a circle with a radius of 20m or 60 ft. The circle represents time, and each point on the circle is a point in time when you can choose to incarnate. As you stand in the middle of the circle, the present, past and future are running at the same time and are available to you. So you can choose to incarnate in any time period. Sorry, putting this in words is difficult.
Finally, the best way to live with the knowledge that you have in modern world is to “focus on love and celebration on life” as you said. And your intuition is the guiding light that will take you places when the times are rough, you're right in learning to work with it.
You got it my friend. Be well.
Sincere regards,
ADDENDUM: the more appropriate words to describe us are: Immortal Infinite Sovereign Being