ET Humans Among Us
I'd like to see human ETs not born on earth, but that live on earth among us remote viewed. The one's that are passing as being normal earth humans, not just a stroll in the park forvan afternoon. Random ET humans living their lives. I think they wouldn't be allowed to be high profile.
I wonder if it would be allowed for a Human ET, not born here to live a normal life. Would they be allowed to have an earth human spouse and kids?
I'm not looking for hybrids. From David Jacobs work we already know that hybrids live among us. I'm want to see real ET human races.
Edit* ET Humans Living Among Us
What are the protocol? How strange is it for these human ETs?
That would be interesting. I'm sure there's a lot of reptillions among us. They say they can change their faces like shape shifting. I've heard that many are in our government and military.
Odd bit of history the individual who blew himself up in Nashville wanted to hunt reptilians. Was his mind manipulated toward suicide as a flash of recognition but his demise? Speculative.
Project Janet