Here are some suggestions for targets:
Hermes and the great pyramid,
Temple Beautiful in Egypt: intended uses and accomplishments,
Uses of the great pyramid in Giza (much more in depth),
Man named RA TA (not RA) in Ancient Egypt,
Cave of the Ancients in Tibet and the sealing of the cave by Lamas.
Location of the last burial site for Cleopatra, Alexander the Great and Mark Antony (southern Illinois) See Harry Hubbard's.
One sleeping giant of in north America, face to face. We believe they were friends to mankind.
Target suggestions.
This new discovery is a great new target 😁
Target request: The Vatican Chronovisor. The alleged device allowed one to tap into energy in a similar way as remote viewing and look at events in the past through a screen described as a window through time. Any mention of this device is often followed by debunking claims but we all know what disinformation can do.
What are you guys thoughts ?
I forget who it was. Might have been Courtney or Daz on his weekly remote viewing YouTube posts but someone said similar to the military the Vatican is well aware of remote viewing and has pretty much blocked everything under their control from being RVed
Dr. Steven Greer says that the shadow government/powers-that-be/black projects already have a device that exist (with a console) that that can go back into time (no limits) and literally grab any information and bring it back. Imagine being able to do that and actually get the truth on anything, anything that happened in the past. And of course keep that information from the rest of humanity.
@Kevin Miner that sounds like the chronovisor or perhaps and improved upon version of it.
The 2021 UAP/UFO Pentagon Report - What will be in it?
A focus on the Classified information in the 'Annexes' (the Classified Secret content not available to the public)
I have a target idea:
Farsight should find out the most useful, effective and willing group to assist FS, whose impact will increase the probability of the achievement of FS`s goal at the most.
Then contact them and ask/plead for help/assistance.
Obviously i do not consider the GF as that group...
A good target would be chemtrails. What is their purpose and why? Who controls them?
Bill Gates... but they’re lying that this is some upcoming experiment. Been going on for years
I think more abductee/contactees would be good targets to try to find out more about the alien agenda and human manipulation.
It's especially interesting that Travis Walton, one of the most well known abductees because of the movie Fire In The Sky, saw grey aliens first in his abduction experience then what seemed to be a nordic type alien before he blacked out.
The Travis Walton alien abduction is showing greys and nordic aliens:
The Terrifying Alien Abduction of Travis Walton | 7 Things You Need to Know...
This guy Eric Mitchell would make an very interesting target to view as a possible contactee/abductee. His neighbors have seen craft, his children may have been contacted as well. There is possibly physical evidence in that one of his physical experiences after his contact he began experiencing strange physical symptoms. There appeared to be a pulsing signal in his brain that is picked up by audio equipment.
Eric Mitchell ufo beginning pt 1
Eric Mitchell Ufo Beginning Part 2
Eric Mitchell Showing Controlled Audio Bursts with Brain
This contactee Alex Collier is one contactee that talks about the Reptilian aliens. He mentions torture just like we see in the Remote Viewing Reptilians Here and now project. He also mentions contacts with the Andromedans alien group. A correlation with the remote viewing projects is their use of torture to harvest adrenalchrome from human subjects. I believe this is what we saw when Aziz Brown remote viewed the woman being tortured and also the state of torture of other humans in the underground base. I would recommend Alex as a target to see if he is fabricating his story or if it contains legitimate information that will give us more clues to he alien agenda. In the below interview he mentions Reptilians coming upon humans that were adept in agriculture and wanted to control them and their resources. So they attacked the humans. He also mentions there was a human reptilian war with blown up Planets. So it's sounding similar the War in Heaven Project.
Alex Collier (Andromedan Lifestyle) part 1
Alex Collier - Why Reptilians Eat Children
Alex Collier - Why The Reptilians Terrorize Their Victims
These are some more possible contactees:
A few months ago Ammar heard about an incredibly strange event in Massachusetts on September 1st 1969 where several people that didn’t know each other from the same town claim to have been abducted by aliens on the same evening. The story seemed so surreal and otherworldly that we had to go speak to the people directly... Here are their stories. What do you think?
72 Hours With Strangers Who Have Seen Aliens
Emery Smith seems to be a highly credible ex-military, inventor, and biologist. He is known to have created medical inventions. He worked with Steven Greer and was co-president of his foundation. Smith was one of the scientists that examined the Atacama humanoid. His story includes being in underground bases, dissecting what appeared to him to be human-animal hybrids and possibly alien bodies. He witnessed a lot of advanced technology that the higher ups want secret. He is affiliated with David Wilcocke and contactee/abductee ex-space soldier Corey Goode. On a side note Brett Stuart's remote viewing group Technical Intuition did a project on the sphere being alliance and the blue avian species that corey claims to be in contact with. He found that the aliens were manipulating Corey Goode. Brett removed a lot of his previous video projects and this is no longer available on his youtube channel.
Snake Bite Wound Repair with PRP on Discovery Health
Cosmic Disclosure - Emery Smith - Insider - S9:Ep1
The E.T Genetic Programs
It was suggested that the Travis Walton incident be examined by remote viewing. It actually was--by the legendary Joe McMoneagle. It is reported in this book: Remote Viewing UFOS and the VISITORS: Where do they come from? What are they? Who are they? Why are they here?
by Atunrase, Tunde
His viewing suggests Travis Walton suffered a head injury fleeing from an actual drone ET ship, and he was not actually picked up by ET visitors. Instead, he just lost time wandering in the forest due to the head injury and confusion. This would mean that the hypnotic recovery of supposed memories were likely confabulated. OR remote viewing could be wrong.
Oh wow.. That could be the case I suppose, however disappointing it is lol..
There's other contactees like Whitley Streiber, but I'm not too sure. I get the feeling some of these contactees just read a bunch of material and authors and repeat info.
Arizona Wylder talks about reptilians and they seem consistent with Alex Collier, yet her story starts blending in with satanic ritual abuse, adrenalchrome torture/sacrifice and harvest by reptilians and the satanic elite. She mentions the harvesting of menstrual blood as an ancient life extension ritual which is what I believe Aziz Brown saw in the Remote Viewing Reptilians Here and Now. He saw her being stabbed and electrocuted while tubes were connected to her private area. This menstrual blood is talked about similary by Laurence Gardner who mentions it in his book and seminars Holy Bloodline, Holy grail. Alex Colliers claims are similar in this regard, at least in that reptilians harvest the adrenal chrome because they cant feel emotion and want to experience it. See, it's kind of hard to believe her story by there are some correlations.. It's hard to say.
HYBRIDS. They are here among us NOW. With a plan. Reptilian Hybrids, Grey Hybrids and I believe Mantid Hybrids.
All able to mind control any human. In positions of power or close to it. Millions of them in all probability. They have been arriving for decades.
They look almost or exactly like us. See Dr. Jacobs posts on the subject.
They have been viewed by Lyn Buchannan (see post subject about Hybrids on this website).
The viewing in a summary is in 30 years there is a drastic drop in humans.
In 30 years Hybrids have taken over and humans are working on farms.
There are no big cities left.
Happens in 30 years
Lets view Hybrids-- there can be nothing more important than this.
Some of you will live to see this predicted day when the Hybrids take over.
Lets view Hybrids. It doesn't matter who built the pyramids any more.
I agree we should remote view the archons. I've come across another remote viewing project by Brett Stuart's group Technical Intuition.
This seems very similar to farsight's project remote viewing The Death Traps. These archons are able to exist in a technologically created immortality by existing in a place of intense gravity like a blackhole that stops time. Just like in the deathtraps project, the super advanced beings have some kind of system here that extracts our energy and works like a giant harvesting machine. The Nag Hammadi writing hypostasis of the archons seems to be describing a similar story to the creation of man, the adamu primitive worker being that is described in sumerian cuneiform texts. Here's a video and an article with excerpts from Brett's project:
Moksha - Remote Viewing Freedom from Reincarnation | mirror
Moksha - Remote Viewing Freedom from Reincarnation
MOKSHA is a hindu which means: "freedom from samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth". Brett Stuart is a remote viewer. He and his colleagues (4 persons altogether) made a project to examine this "moksha" term. They ran this project blind, didn't know what the target really was. It is interesting that they don't do channeling or they don't refer to written records of any tradition. They simply use remote viewing.
Description of the target side: "fence or grid around a place, that acts as barrier, that traps people or objects". This is a checkpoint for an external force. It acts as a cage. A form of perverted injustice is occuring. A net has been spun around the planet, an operation of catch and release on a grand scale.
How does it work? earth is shielded by a compangnion object. An object, that squeezes tightly around the globe. A chemical process, that involves chemicals. There is a mechanism, at the time of death that is lensing/curving your light back down to earth. This act of lensing generates energy inside the mechanical structure.
What is happening to the soul? To the souls there is a fractioning occuring. The mind and body of a person is fractured, rendering them confused and angry. Something is being taken from them. Analogy: bees in a box, the harvest of honey. The amount of souls reincarnating on this planet, creates an instability, that adds to desired results at this harvest.
How did this begin: Long ago in the past this planet was watched by an outside force with great envy. On earth reincarnation did not exist, souls were not trapped at death and were able to leave this sphere. Then a massive war occured. The fate of earth was decided. The outside force took over. Every time someone incarnates, that what is chipped off as astral shells of the person, is like fuelwood for the system. We are one tiny piece of a power plant.
How to achieve moksha?
1. At death some specific particles become charged and create an emission. This shoots out of the being like a bullet. This occures from the center of the being. That is the soul. It is being sent to a "super highway" for the soul. The mechanical object around earth prevents the soul from reaching this highway. If you reach this highway, you're safe. In order to be free, the position in the angle whith which you exit the body is very important. A 45° degree angle is crucial.
2. There is a safety rope for you, that if you exit in a right angle, you will be helped out the rest of the way. The problem is fear. Because of the fear at death prevents most people to find the safety rope.
Why was this object created around earth? The adversaries running this system are like demons. The mayhem down here is intended, it feed the system itself.
Who is responsible? A council of organic entities, they operate from a place that freezes time. A void, black hole seems to be the place they exist in. They create void zones throughout the universe to enter our realm. The council themselves think they are gods. They are extremly service to self.
Joseph McMoneagle's CIA tasked remote viewing of Mars Cydonia complex and Mars face 1 million B.C. has some correlations with the Remoting Viewing The War in Heaven Project. He said they were a race of giants that were a dying race because a comet had passed by and stripped their atmosphere. He also mentions how they were a human looking but some of them could perceive him remote viewing them. I thinking this is the gaint race of Annunaki who came to Earth, they appear to be psychic so they may be the interbreeding race that Lyn mentions.
Joe saw the atmosphere was stripped amd farsight saw it was devastated from the impact of pieces of Tiamat and left uninhabitable.
So I'm thinking these humanoids came to Earth after Mars was uninhabitibale. They were possibly Atlanteans maybe? I'm thinking they influenced or created the Atlantean civilization, Mayan, Sumerian, Indus Valley, and Greek/Phoenician/Macedonian, the civilizations in North and South America.
Possible evidence is the small tablet given to chief Joseph by their white ancestors. Remember even the pyramids in China had Caucasian people with blonde hair? Also the Magna Fuenta bowl found in South America has Sumerian cuneiform on it.
Maybe possibly remote view Cheif Joseph's ancestors recieving this tablet. As it is an existing real world artifact with a backstory and would give some evidence toward the Sumerian annunaki being a worldwide civilization:
"When Chief Joseph, a renowned Nez Perce leader, surrendered to Europeans in 1877, he gave a special gift to General Nelson Appleton Miles, wrote Vine Deloria, Jr. in his book Red Earth white Lies. The gift received by the general was a pendant that turned out to be an ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablet. According to Benjamin Daniali of, the tablet was translated by Robert Biggs, professor of Assyriology at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Professor Biggs found that it was a sales receipt for a lamb dating back to 2042 B.C.
Mary Gindling of Helium’s History Mysteries wrote, “The chief said that the tablet had been passed down in his family for many generations, and that they had inherited it from their white ancestors. Chief Joseph said that white men had come among his ancestors long ago.” Chief Joseph was a man of honor, and there was no reason for him to invent a flowery story about the origins of his gift. "
Very interesting. I was going through the same session just yesterday.
I agree. I did a couple of practice targets and just for fun I head a quick overview about our galaxy and it seems like humanity as we know it today began about 1 or even 2 Million years ago. For some reason I can't go to earth at that time. I got the strong feeling of not beeing welcomed and something is trying to block me.
Strangely when I zoom out to the end of our galaxy, there is something that looks big and dark. It could be because the sun is to far away but that thing feels completely different. It looks like a planet but it doesn't feel like one.
I have no clue what it is or could be.
About 20 Million years ago everything looks completely different. (From what I got so far, again it was just for fun and practice, didn't expect anything, I just wanted to see if there's something that triggers me)
Everything seems very, very bright and glowing.
A great target would be the sighting of tetrahedron UFOs over the Kremlin in Moscow Russia in 2009. Another tetrahedron UFO was seen over the Pentagon in December 2018. The location of these UFOs says a lot, as they are appearing in major cities and the capital of these cities. It's either a show of power, or some other kind of message. I think it was Aziz and Princess who saw pyramid UFOs during the remote viewing the eye of Africa, or was it remote viewing Ra?
Another occurrence, the Norway portal also occured on the same night. I watched a video saying the HAARP system was really a system that detected rogue portals, or portals that travel instead of the ones that are fixed. Anyone else seen this video? It had to do with a KGB whistleblower.
My request is this....THOTH...HIS FATHER THOTHME...the Halls of Amenti....are the Emerald Tablets truth ? The most fascinating story told by THOTH...will you consider "looking" into this age old mystery..?
Whatever happened to farsights whole "it's not about what did happen...its about what's going to happen...stay ahead of the curve".. every single rv session is the same ... we mostly know the story behind a target before Jack the ripper, Hitler, the pyramids, miracle of fatima, etc - no additional or new information is ever added just that it was manipulated or controlled by et's from a non surface never changes what we already knew.. even the 9/11 target we know what happened - who or what was behind it? The covid censorshipping on the forums - people with intelligent info-deleted, unfortunately lost all my faith and belief in fs that I believe started with such potential.
Censorship from Courtney is nothing new. I was subscribed to Dick and Daz’s cryptoviewing a yr or 2 ago and in one of the videos they discussed 9/11 and Dick was in the submarine near the pentagon when the rocket was launched and said he could read both the name of the solider who fired it and the country flag and it was israel but Courtney cut that from the final presentation
@Courtney Brown Is that true?