A current affairs hot topic is the WEF's 'The Great Reset', the latest attempt by the oligarchs and global elite to seemingly concentrate power and increase control over humanity. It could be helpful to gain insight into this situation, beyond the propaganda.
Target suggestions.
I think it is time for some real insight to the 411 missing cases. I have heard on mainstream news the disappearances of children in Oregon are ridiculous. If there is a real danger in our forests let us know.
I know the fires in california's forest were extreme. I lives very close to two of the fires. They are not right. Something is wrong with the fires. I have seen forest fires. These fires left nothing! Even the stumps of the trees were burnt. Many educated long term leaders have said it was beyond anything they have seen in their careers.. There is more. People are connecting the virus for a convienant reason to close our forests. Is something being hidden from the public? Again. I really believe there is something we need to know. I sincerely pray your plea for help will be heard.
My suggestion would be to do an RV session into the AI entity said to exist on a cosmic level and able to program matter among many others things. If such an entity exists it would be very nice to know as much as possible about it and it´s operations, purpose etc. The possible existence of such an AI seems to be overlooked as much focus is put on different ET races and their agendas. There will not be a complete picture of our reality and who are influencing us without taking the AI issue into consideration. I am really looking forward to this Farsight project!
The data I have is that there will be AI hybrids 3049AD due to planetary conflicts and climate catastrophes.
RVers will be part of organizational units in society for survival, culture and ethical business. Farsight will expand teaching and research. We’ve just begun. And as Courtney will repeat, there are many timelines. This is my opinion and information.
Excellent suggestion on AI. Also RV the most advanced AI entity or project that is created by or in effect by humans on Earth,
The humanoid creatures like the bird faced man were seen before right? Was it the Gobekli tepi project he was seen in relation to its construction? This kept reminding me of thoth, ibis headed Egyptian god, who wrote much of the mystery traditions and helped build the pyramids. In the book of thoth the atlantean, he talks of all the spiritual knowledge he gained through enlightenment. In this project there's another bird headed being. I wonder if this is the same bird headed being that Daz Smith saw in remote viewing moses and the 10 commandments?
I'm wondering if all these humanoid creatures are from evolution or are they the half human half animal things that Edgar Cayce described that were spirits who curiously projected themselves in animals and different life forms to experience physical form? He said they became trapped in physical form and incarnation. Cayce also wrote that Atlanteans had to hunt down and kill a lot of dinosaurs because there were a lot of pitiful humans living in caves because dinosaurs overran everything and it was extremely dangerous.
I think it would be interesting to remote view the Egyptian god thoth or maybe Edgar Cayce.
Try remote viewing past civlizations or civilizations on different planets that successfully joined their galactic council, their success stories, and how they did it/outcome.
Please remote view reincarnation - every aspect of it.
Remote view the underground Vatican archives vault which is closed to the public, the most important texts there and what they have to do with. Same thing with the most important texts that were burned in the libraries of Alexandria. Maybe do a series on ancient lost texts, legends and information that will clarify our past to better understand our future and present.
The akasic records
I have a list of things that I believe would be interesting to view.
Origin and purpose of crop circles
Bases on or under Antarctica
Creation of the Sphinx and whats under it
Pyramids in China
The big rocks of Balbek in Jordan
Hermes books and The library of alexandria and its burning. Who did it and who was behind it and why
Are copies of the 42 books of Hermes somewhere left on earth?
The secret book of Thoth. Does it still exist in physical form on earth. If so, where is it? Who has it?
What about the London hammer or other out of place artifacts?
It would be nice to have Farsight remote view Akhenaten and Nefertiti noted for abandoning Egypt's traditional polytheistic religion and introducing Atenism, worship centered on Aten. It would also be nice to understand why the portrayals of Akhenaten greatly differ from the depictions of other pharaohs, with his sagging stomach; broad hips; thin legs; thick thighs; large, "almost feminine breasts;" a thin, "exaggeratedly long face;" and thick lips. Thank you !
I think a great target is the Mudflood that happened worldwide, suspected to have caused a civilization reset. Who authorized it ? How was it done ? Did they time jump us back to the past bc of it ? Rumour is that the Native Indian cultures in the West appeared after that reset. They say we had flourishing civilizations in West as hub with was the old world, with Europe as the new world (opposite of the setup now). Buildings got energy from the ether, women leaders ruled societies. What happened ?
Gautama Buddha’s life
When he was born, they say he came from the side of his mother’s belly and walked seven steps and said “this is my last reincarnation”
Did he actually do that or what is the truth?
Ok here is my viewing suggestion. View the group Allies for Humanity. Reason. Farsight has viewed groups that are malevolent and others like RA with his law of one that turn out to be another malevolent sort. "Allies of Humanity" have warned about all of this saying any group that is interacting with Earth now is working their own agenda. Each is trying to gain power over earth and humans in their own way. Allies of Humanity have been warning about this for years. I find they seem to make the best sense. But lets check out Allies of Humanity and make sure they are not also doing something similar.
Hello All,
There was a German Clairvoyant, app at the time of the 2nd WW, Alois Irlmaier. He often told people about their relatives whether they are lost or will come back to them after WW 2 ended. He said that there will be a 3rd one. He said sth. about "a big mess or shabby trick coming to light, an the people stand up together with the army (soldiers) " short before this 3rd WW. There´s much about him in internet. There are even still witnesses who were talking to him at that time.
I´d love to know what he saw, how he lived, how he managed to deal with the information he was given. And, I´d love to find ot more about the "shabby trick" or mess he said comes out, which causes the people to stand up..
Sounds very interesting. I would love to find out more.
He said the American president will be killed. Then immediately afterwards, the war will begin.
Thats what I found in English language:
"...#AloisIrlmaier, WWIII
"Everything calls peace. Shalom! Then it will occur -- a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean -- the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a 'large one' falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him --then impact is on impact. Two men kill a third high-ranked. They were paid by other people. One of the murderers is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with bright-coloured hair. I think it will be at the Balkans, but I cannot say it exactly." (Irlmaier) In the midst of peace negotiations a murder occurs which triggers a much wider conflict, Irlmaier continues: "After the murder of the third it starts overnight. I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot say what it means and cannot state a time. The war begins at sunrise. He comes along very rapidly. The farmers sit in the pub playing cards, when the foreign soldiers look through the windows and doors. Quite black, an army comes from the east, but however everything occurs very rapidly. I see a three, but I do not know if it means three days or three weeks." (Irlmaier) The 'two eights and a nine' - referred to could be 08,09,2008 or 09,08,2008 or any other combination:
"Massed units march from the East into Belgrade and moved forward into Italy. Thereafter three armoured wedges immediately advance with lightening speed in the north of the Danube over West Germany towards the Rhine ñ without preliminary warning. This will occur so unexpectedly that the population flees full of panic to the west. Many cars clog the roads ñ if they had stayed at home or Önot used the main streets. Everything, which will be an obstacle for the rapidly advancing tanks on high-speed motorways and other fast motorways, will be down-rolled. I cannot see the Danube bridges above Regensburg anymore. Hardly anything remains of the big city Frankfurt. The Rhine Valley will be devastated, mainly by air." (Irlmaier)
I surely hope that we avoided that timeline. There's actually been many attempts on Trumps life. But I do believe he's going to have a big surprise for everyone in January.
Sadly January over, no surprise. Maybe March 4