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From the 40-minute mark, PrinCess mentions three non-human-looking beings from whom she picks up ‘off’-to-malign vibes. Intuitive empath Corey Goode has reported interaction with folks he calls the “Blue Avians” and the “Golden Triangle-Heads” who are from another dimension but can come to ours. He has experienced them as very benign, but I mention them as appearance of two beings described by PrinCess sounds possibly similar. The Avian Corey first met introduced himself telepathically as Raw-Tear-Eir. I have recently read transcript of an interview by David Wilcock (for Gaia’s “Cosmic Disclosure” series: season 1, episode 2; https://archive.is/GsNU2) in which Corey reported an occasion when acting as telepathy-to-vocal ‘translator’ for Raw-Tear-Eir at a conference: an attendee asked if there is a “soul trap”, where you get trapped into further incarnation if you go to the white light when you die. (David Wilcock interjected that the late Art Bell “was saying that all the way back in the ‘90s. Don’t go to the light. It’s a trap.”) Corey gave Tear-Eir’s reply as to the effect that “The only traps we encounter in life and after are the ones we have set for ourselves. The idea that there is a soul trap at the end of a white light was a psyop and a distortion set in place that we can then create with the creative force of our consciousness. This is the intent of the creation of this distortion.” (Why someone would seek to create this distortion was not addressed; many people have never heard of the “soul trap” theory but re-incarnate anyway, though in my understanding this is due to drives/inclinations. Nor was it clear whether Tear-Eir knew for sure of the “psyop” or if this was conjecture.) My apologies if someone has already mentioned these data elsewhere on this thread.
Hi D Cripps, very interesting. Another on this forum I respect has a similar view. Maybe it’s true. I believe FARSIGHT. However as time goes on we find other corroborating sources such as Nigel Kerner’s book Grey Aliens & the Harvesting of Souls, an older book Alien Interview & Wes Penre Papers. Meditate & learn RV. We should all find out ourselves.
Hi David, Yes that is the problem. Don’t think anyone wants to believe this destiny is true. An uncomfortable truth is the accuracy of FARSIGHT. I trade the market and can tell you their Forecast of the market 2 months out is usually spot on. This week in particular was said to be up & prior weeks within this 8 week window down. Aziz was correct. So even though Alien Interview was hard to believe the SPY forecast is true. FARSIGHT has credibility. As Courtney always says learn RV for free from them, meditate, and decide for yourself. I have been doing just this & feel they are right. Many thoughtful people here disagree. However if true does not matter as we would share the same fate. Believe escape is possible & went into detail on my other posts.
I started watching a new series on Gaia TV called “Galactic Messages “. Episode 2 corroborates with the Prison Planet theory, going so far as to say the technology that confines us is located on the lunar command center on the moon. I hope those of you who are interested can view the episode from this link: https://gaia.com/share/ckzafyltg001l0i7h5eadf5e8?rfd=ewODwU&language%5B%5D=en
Susanne, many thanks for the Gaia link to “Matrix Manipulations from the Moon”, which features written communication to Gosia Duszak, purportedly from Swaruu of Erra, a Taygetan (i.e someone originally from a planet in the solar-system of what we call Taygeta, one of the Pleiades) who is currently on duty orbiting Earth. So interesting that Swaruu mentions the Tiamat (for Farsight, “Maldek”) and Mars war in connection with imposition of the “matrix” over Earth, stating that it was intended to contain the “Reptilian souls” who came here, while severely depleted local Federation forces recovered. She states that the “Federation”, to which Taygetans belong, cast the ‘net’, which is associated with the toroidal Van Allen belt, from a lunar base c. 12,500 years ago, where it is currently sustained by ageing nuclear reactors. If so, this would make its inception a follow-on ‘episode’ from Farsight’s “The War in Heaven”. Swaruu explained that the system was later “hacked” by the Reptilians to control humans. This device (described by Swaruu as “a frequency managing and suppressing machine”:
) is allegedly responsible for limiting what would be 5th-density perception to 3rd-density. (Aziz reported encountering a similar grid in a former afterlife elsewhere.) She says that the forgetfulness associated with the matrix is not due to any other technology or agenda but to “the operation or the basic dynamics of the laws of magnetic frequencies”, where “the high frequency is not compatible with the lower frequency of 3D” and is “exactly the same mechanism” by which dreams are forgotten: . What she says of the Tiamat/Maldek and Mars war does not conflict with Farsight’s data (including the watery nature of Tiamet/Maldek, described in Farsight’s “Exploding Planet” video), but she adds that part of the Galactic Federation involved in the destruction of Tiamat/Maldek was instructed to help liberate Earth, thus the Taygetans became “involved in Earth affairs, trying to clean the mess”. According to Swaruu, they could shut off the matrix but do not because Earthlings “would have a very hard time adjusting and it goes against their own free will, as it is said that souls go in there now for the thrill” ~ sort of like the thrill of lowering oneself into an active volcano, I guess! ~ but they are slowly raising the frequency. Elsewhere she says that the nuclear reactors based on enriched uranium would progressively shut down if unattended, ending the matrix; however, a controlled collapse is preferable and underway. Superficially, this affirmation of a matrix/grid appears to contrast with Tear-Eir’s declaration reported by Corey Goode, but Swaruu states that people can develop spiritually to not re-incarnate (which is pretty much what I understand from other sources) or to bypass the grid/matrix (however, I dispute her assertion that changing ones beliefs or ideas of limitation is universally sufficient alone for activating 5D perception (e.g seeing discarnate spirits and other interdimensional beings) while incarnate, though it might make one intellectually open to the possibility). Reportedly the Taygetans hold that “the multitude of regressive races present here are only opportunistic entities” and that the human populace has “the power to stop the situation on Earth by themselves, but they [collectively] don’t do it because they don’t desire it or don’t see it, or they desire it but they are still comfortable perpetuating things that feed the very matrix itself”: some of the latter sounds a reasonable assessment to me.
Browsing further Gosia videos online, it seems that the Earthly “mess” exceeded the tolerance level of the Federation by 2016, who have since decided that the mass of humans are in no way yet ready for an official disclosure. Based on other accounts, I had wondered if the Taygetans contributed enormously-if-unintentionally to the aforesaid “mess” by cooperating with Germany’s esoteric Vril Society in the 1920s, enabling German mastery of antigravity space flight, establishing space stations, accomplishing time travel, and developing spacecraft to warp speeds that, according to other sources, enabled a breakaway German civilisation called “Antarctic-Germans” and “Mars-Germans” to establish bases on the Moon and Mars. Vril Society medium, Maria Orsic claimed to receive spirit messages originating from aliens whose home star was Aldebaran. However, “Rashell” (described as an official Taygetan representative/ambassador) told Gosia that Maria (who mysteriously disappeared in 1945) was actually Taygetan, and that the Vril Society was a Taygetan operation intended to prevent Germany from fully developing nuclear weapons, and that its founders did not try to aid the Nazis:
. Allegedly it was Taygetans who subsequently contacted President Eisenhower to ask that he not develop nuclear weaponry, which request he declined. Perhaps that was understandable, from a non-Nazi perspective, in Earth’s political situation of the time, but evidently it left Taygetans bemused as to where his loyalties and intentions lay. Rashell ventured that the famed Roswell ship and some others were disabled purposely by microwaves directed from terrestrial military radar under Reptilian control (this does not directly appear in Farsight’s “Roswell: Crash at Corona” data but may not be contradictory). She speaks of the Roswell ship occupants as coming from Zeta Reticuli (I am not sure if this conflicts with Farsight or other’s data on the craft originating in “Domain” territory), and distinguishes their “positive” motivations from that of tall Greys (“Maitre”) of Orion; she reports “at least 165” different races or types of Grey.
D. Cripps, that is quite a download! You knit everything together superbly. Thanks for the video links.
There’s another Gaia show I really like, called Initiation. Talk about downloads, Matias de Stefano spells it all out from before there was light! In a few different episodes he explains more about why planet Earth is kept in 3D quarantine, including that higher density beings benefit from our low vibration as an energy source. Learning about all of this is an energy source for me, so take that, prison keepers! 😆