The King James Bible was created by King Constantine in 325 AD. Many important gospels were omitted per how he saw fit to consolidate his rule and own personal beliefs. In recent times new perspectives have been revealed by the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi library.
Thoughts and Questions about the Death Traps
I’ve thought about this all day and I feel I should tell the rest of this most incredible journey. I don’t think this will bring fear. It didn’t bring fear to me so don’t read further if you are a person that hasn’t let fear go yet.
I was shown a blank screen and I couldn’t focus on it. It was like seeing a picture through rough glass. I immediately knew that I should tell myself that, “I can see clearly and easily”. My sight cleared and our galaxy came into view and I felt myself moving through it to the constellation, Orion. I stopped before beautiful Betelgeuse. As I watched, the dark space and other stars around it turned brown with cosmic dust and Betelgeuse dimmed to where I could hardly see it.
Then suddenly it exploded into a supernova. The cosmic dust was pushed closer to the sun. Then the dust enclosed the sun and the sun began to explode into a supernova. The blast hit Earth’s magnetic shield and caused a magnetic pole shift.
I saw a column of light coming from the earth and it was billions of people that had left their physical body. It was billions of lights as one, and they went from Earth and just kept going. The light never stopped or slowed down. They just went as ONE.
I saw the sun settle and the earth covered with ice. I know better than to ask for answers when OB that could make me emotional like where on the planet the devastation occurs and honestly it doesn’t matter because nobody really dies. Emotion ties us to our brain and when you are OB it sends you directly back to your body.
I did a little looking just now and found this article but in the article the author says they expected Betelgeuse to brighten instead of dimming which it has now done. In OB, I learned that it’s the cosmic dust that first dims Betelgeuse and that very dust causes it to supernova just as it will our sun. I understood that when the sun rises but it’s still dark outside then the cosmic dust has arrived and encircled our star, the sun.
All I can say is wow! You say thank you to me? In reality, I'm the one who should thank you for having the courage to go seek more information, and share it with our group.
And no, there is no fear in what you are reporting, and if someone feels otherwise then, s/he needs to go thru some serious schooling about the nature of reality.
And what an ingenious plan to get out of 3d! There is nothing that can stand up to billions of fully aware Sovereign Beings acting in unison as ONE to free themselves! Love it!
As far as the signs of this event are concerned, I think the decreased in Betelgeuse's luminosity is one sign. Are there others signs?
Many thanks.
I'm exhausted today. Please ignore my last question above. The answer is the last sentence of your last post.
Thanks again.
Thank you so much Vickie for going into the deep and sharing what you have found! This means a lot to me and confirms my intuition.
If we are looking for signs (at the risk of talking about prophecies) I think cosmic dust darkening the sun would definitely be a sign. This could be similar to those three days of darkness that have been prophesied by several people. Assuming that the powers that control this planet know about this too, the virus and possible future wars could also be seen as signs of their preparations. And as crazy as it sounds, in the context of what you have seen, these signs would actually mean good news! We have been waiting for this for a long time. I realize that I sound like a doomsday cultist right now and I know that so far all of them have been proven wrong. All I can safely take from this is that whatever happens, I will be fine,
It’s been a very long time but this time we, “storm the gates”!
Vickie, did you see this in today’s space news?
When I went to The Monroe Institute we started our training by doing a beautiful “release” kind of ceremony. We did this outside under the stars.
The Institute is in the hills of Virginia and before Robert Monroe’s death he had placed a giant quartz crystal on the property. Behind the crystal there is a gorgeous view of green hills and trees. We did our release in front of the crystal. I’ve done this same thing every since and this can help a lot of people if they resonate with this method.
We gathered firewood and made a proper fire pit with rocks around it. Then we all went to our rooms and wrote down everything we wanted to release to the Universe. This can be things that give you fear or guilt or whatever no longer suits you at this time in your life. Next we wrote down all the things we wanted to bring into our lives. Whatever it is that you now want.
We cut each messages to the Universe into separate pieces then we stood in circle around the fire and just got quiet went inside for a few minutes. Then one at a time each person approached the fire and placed one message at a time into the fire and sent it, through the smoke, to the Universe.
This release is so freeing. You will notice a big difference in how you feel and how you manifest.
Do you think that the storming of the gates will take place in your/our current life time?
I think in OB there is no time as we know it? So maybe the event that you saw in OB in the no-time zone, will happen in 4.5 billion years of our linear time. I’m Saying that because the sun is 4.5 billion years. And it is hallway thru its life cycle.
If it happens in 4.5 billion years, that would be a longtime for souls that are jailed in the prison planet.
The above link is for a video where they say that Betelgeuse may explode anytime from now to 100,00 years in the future.
Jean Claude, I did write that I learned all this would happen in my lifetime. I understood that I should watch events in space because the shift is always caused by space events.
I won’t dispute earth science because I think it’s pretty clear that it’s small truths mixed with lies to keep us sleeping. What I understood is that the dimming of Betelgeuse was the sign I was to look for and that it will supernova. This whole chain of events will happen in my current lifetime on earth. Then I got a message for myself that said, “keep your eye on the sky and live for the now”.
Vickie thanks for sharing what you have seen. I know it took courage. We all appreciate the openness and honesty on this forum. Perhaps in your scenario the pole shift could occur by what you saw. However in practice pole shifts are rarely caused by space events but rather the movement and orientation of the molten iron core of the earth. Our sun going supernova is an extinction event. Poles shifting is bad but an afterthought in this. Yes 7 billion souls in mass exodus could crash the trap. Most of this and more (Ed Dames Killshot, Cayce) was predicted earlier. Maybe different timelines?
Vickie, thank you for answering my questions. I absolutely believe what you are saying but I wanted you to say it a second time, just in case I misread your first account of these events. This is going to be a major event in our lifetime because the last supernova event experienced and seen on earth occurs in the 1700s if I'm not mistaking.
I'm good and at peace with what you are telling us. And in a month or so we will have more information about Betelgeuse.
Larry, yes traditionally, pole shifts (be it magnetic or physical) are caused by movement and shift in the molten iron core within the earth. But what Vickie is talking about has no reference point in geology as taught so far on earth. So , from this experience we will learn that space events can cause magnetic pole shifts on earth.
LHR, I did say this is my own learning. Each of us comes to our answers when we are ready. I absolutely know that a supernova is not an event that can destroy earth because I watched it happen before my sight. It will instead destroy our magnetic shield and flip the poles. And I absolutely know there are always survivors. Then I know that after a long period the whole thing happens again but the poles move right back to where they started. This is a cycle but each time can be a little different.
Jean Claude there is one other kind of sign to look for. After Betelgeuse supernovas strong cosmic rays are blasted our way. The cosmic rays are light photons. This light will serve to wake up a lot of people. It’s not to be feared either.
I’m sorry, Jean Claude but I was looking at my notebook and forgot that comment above and also that the photons will begin making auroras much more prevalent as they get closer to earth. There’s been a lot to think about.
Vickie i believe you saw this. All I am saying why did you call our sun’s behavior “supernova.” Was this said to you or what you identified it as being? If your own identification could it have been something else? Don’t want to go into detail as what a supernova event looks like but in no scenario would the earth remotely survive. Learning may happen sooner for you than me on this but it should not change the laws of astrophysics. Even the dialog around death traps has both spiritual & scientific aspects that are consistent. Was just trying to understand because of my respect for you.
So first, I like Larry so much better than typing your initials.
How I receive the information so I can understand what I’m seeing (with my sight not my eyes) is that I receive a kind of thought package. It’s not a sentence but it’s kind of like reading a book but all at one time. I fully understood what I was watching and yes, that information did fully make me understand that this was two supernovas that I was watching.
If I need additional information or I have questions a strange thing happens. I can hear the answers inside because they come from a kind of sound energy. It feels like connecting with my higher aspect or higher self.
Thoughts are real, this is how we create ..if we don't like what we see in our thoughts then we change the time line to a more acceptable one...I see this group starting to spiral down into panic mode, with fear of the final curtain. Stop looking without, when all happens within...everything you see,feel and will experience is only for you. You're looking for answers, but you'll find only possibilities, many different outcomes. My time line doesn't have a supernova nor a trap at death's door. Use your power to be a isbe!
Stephen, There is no spiral down here. No fear expressed by anyone. Only exchange of ideas on countless books, writings, videos, web links and perceptions. I’m still reading very fascinating book called Keys of Enoch by Dr Hurtak and will comment to one who posted about it. No fear there either. We all agree on immortality so why would you think we believe in a “final curtain.”? Look how many times we discuss looking within in so many ways. If you refer to Vickie she looked within to discuss what she saw relevant to this topic not to spread fear. We share many things like this forum, this planet, oneness, and belief in being an ISBE. I am sharing this dialog with you right now in this timeline. There are common universal truths we share and seek. You abide by them too. We learn
I laid in bed all night thinking about the sharing of this OB and what I learned, and in the end, I decided that I did what I know was right. Now you all can just take this and just tuck it inside and let it go. When these events happen you will remember them and a whole lot more but you really don’t need to believe any of it on a conscious level.
The truth is that I did see more but Courtney Brown and his team already saw it years ago. The timing was off but they saw what’s ahead no doubt. His RV team did an incredible viewing years ago. It showed devastation, flooding and some kind of massive blow of energy coming from above. I didn’t look for the RV that they did years ago but I’m sure it’s in his archives. I don’t think it’s at all necessary to watch. I bring it up because there’s no doubt they saw the supernova of our sun.
I should add that Courtney’s team never called it a supernova in the RV that was done years ago. This is my own opinion based on my own knowledge.
You did an awesome job! Again thank you very much for sharing your personal life quest with us. I sense that you are probably very relieved now that you have figured out the enigma of the next pole shift.
I'm not crazy about Hidden Hand and Eracidni Murev Te. But the latter confirmed that there is a polar shift in our time.
So you saw more in the OB than you said? And you are suggesting indirectly that those who are interested to find out should look at Farsight old videos of this event? Am I right?
I did some looking and Courtney Brown has removed all of the data for the RV I was referring to. I found only these pages (one is Daz Smith’s site). I guess Courtney has his reasons.
Jean Claude, thank you for your kind words. I’m going to see you for sure on the other side!
I haven't read all the comments here, but I just wanted to write that I was really enjoying Alien Interview until I started getting further in. That's when my heart sank - again. I'm only to page 98 but because of the story line that let up the the author receiving the manuscript and the hesitancy of the the nurse to share the information, only until years later, plus the letter she enclosed, for now I can believe it is true.
I have skipped forward a bit hunting for something positive, I don't think I found anything. Five thousand years seems a long time - but how long have we been here and how many times have we gone through the "machine" before coming back into a body.
I really am disheartened. I honestly don't feel happy any more. I do try to pretend for my family, but inside it's hard to do. I am not advanced as you all appear to be here. I don't know how to do anything discussed on here - lucid dreaming, out of body. I have never been one to meditate but I think I need to at least try to do that - I just don't know how to and don't know what meditation would be beneficial.
I would love any feedback regarding meditation; where to look or just anything. My sleep is very deep at night surprisingly, now. I may not wake up for a straight 6 or more hours - unless kitty wakes me up. I don't remember dreams. Only silly ones when I'm almost awake.
I've probably shared too much. I will tell you that I am 75 and my hubby is 78. But regardless of age we are all facing an immediate future here that doesn't align with what we want our future to be. Hoping Time Lines change for all of us here - for the better for humans.
Also check out William Buhlman for out of body tips
and Delores Cannon for more about the afterlife and what’s going on here. Some really interesting perspectives.
As long as you’re not afraid or in a high emotional state when you die you’ll be able to think clearly and decide.
The Tibetan book of the dead describes the death traps and how to avoid them as well
Ann, Yes Alien Interview is depressing. At first I thought it was just ridiculous. When Courtney referenced it in Death Traps I went back and read it more seriously. Still who knows? Many here don’t agree with it and don’t think anyone believes it completely. Remember you are an immortal spiritual being. Take comfort in that and be aware of it. You said you have not mediated? It’s important. A simple way to start is to close your eyes and breathe deeply for 20 min. Focus on the breathing and ignore distractions. Watch a YouTube video on transcendental meditation for better technique but breathing and empty mind are key. Make it a routine twice a day and you will grow in enlightened and lose fear. Don’t worry about any out of body stuff. It sounds simple but love to others and yourself is so important. Forgiveness and compassion as well. It will enhance your “vibration” on earth and continue to serve you after death. The after death part is hotly debated here. I no longer adhere to my Baptist upbringing. God is within. I’m not going to the light again. 😄 in fact hope to join with some other spiritual warriors and destroy this grid. I’m always optimistic
Thank you Larry. I will definitely start that easy focusing meditation and look for some videos on technique in TM. I definitely need to calm my anxiety. I was also raised Baptist - and yes God is within.You are a brave soul and I hope other warriors are working on ideas now. I am amazed at how difficult they have made these traps. Thanks for being a warrior 😊
I much appreciate Farsight’s investigations and presentations on e.t activities, and also this video’s moving exploration of after-death experiences, but I do not think the latter are controlled by extraterrestrials or their devices. Several points come to mind…
Researchers into past lives, such as the late Professor Dr Ian Stevenson, have reported that details (including of previous residence, family members, et al) are more likely to be spontaneously recalled in subsequent childhood by those whose last death was violent: often their ‘new’ body bears signs of trauma to the previous body (see, for example, Professor Stevenson’s “Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect”). Some practices, such as meditation, may also enable some recall. Even without conscious memory of past lives, people’s characters, tendencies and abilities are conditioned by their past activities (including volitional mental activities, intentions) and experiences.
Some undertake ‘dream yoga’, a form of lucid-dream practice, to be able to make the best choices in the visionary (and malleable) display that appears after death, this display being understood as primarily spontaneous creation dynamically projected by the experient’s mind (to be sure, there is, in our natural state, also mental connectivity with others, so that minds can (in principle) impact, impinge, affect, interact/communicate). Here it is understood that ones experience after death will be affected by a) life-experiences up to and including that point (passive) and how one responsively feels about these and perceives these, and b) what could be called “character”, the intentions one cultivates and has cultivated (active) and resulting attitudes and leaning; the “active” part one can do something about. Similar visionary experience may happen periodically while alive, the mind spontaneously producing awesome representative ‘scenery’, including ‘structures’ and ‘beings’, in creative allegory of ones own mental situation.
Five of the six viewings featured deaths under violent circumstances, but two of those five deceased appear to have cultivated some wholesome habits of thought and intention that aided them after death: more of that later…
The first three viewings, by PrinCess, Kahmia and Trudy, all featured deaths under violent circumstances. PrinCess and Kahmia both appeared to view deaths occurring in a war zone under aerial attack: PrinCess described an “onion-shaped” building, a shape featuring in some Russian religious architecture, some European, and also some mosques and other buildings, with a subject who may (or not) have been a jihadi; Kahmia described smelling “chlorine”, a gas that has been used in bombs (e.g by Syrian forces), but this is not its exclusive general use. The death viewed by Trudy happened in circumstances reminiscent of, but not necessarily, the Twin Towers attack on US soil. Both PrinCess and Trudy used the term “p.t.s.d” to describe the post-mortem psychological state of their subjects. Considering the circumstances of those deaths (?in the wording of the target, “external factors” before death, the impact of which continued to affect the subjects after death) and the subjects’ states of mind at the time, this effect is, sadly, not astounding.
PrinCess spoke of a “…rounded but edged non-surface structure with lots of lights beaming, sparks. It’s flying, it can hover, it’s zooming, gliding…all of the above…There’s a fight involving this structure…This feels like there is an extraterrestrial element in a human war: it’s like aliens versus human, or maybe they’re working to[gether]…This doesn’t feel normal…The subjects in the aircraft and the subjects on the ground are enemies…” Might the aerial manoeuvres described be of a ‘terrestrial’ helicopter, these being used against guerrilla forces?
> > She described her first subject’s situation and state of mind before death, such as his self-comforting rocking motions while kneeling on the ground and that “…[H]e’s moaning and grunting…his mind is going crazy. He is just ~ AAGH…His mind is super-crazy right now…He’s fucking angry and cursing and screaming…and he’s enraged…I feel like throwing things, I feel like screaming, I feel like punching things, I feel like yelling, I feel like kicking, I feel like hurting…” She mentioned that “…Whatever he is holding onto is very important. He is not letting anybody touch it. It feels like it could be a…bomb. He feels very sacrificial and suicidal, schizophrenic, bi-polar…He’s hysterical, he’s laughing. This dude is crazy. He’s got some kind of a tic…I can’t stop moving. He’s very fidgety…He’s holding onto this box or object…He’s hurt, he’s wounded…Is he blowing up?…”
> > She reported, “…This guy dies a very tragic death…You can see him just detached from his body…” Even after his death “…it seems like he’s still angry and enraged…I see him walking…I don’t even think he knows that he’s left [his body behind]…I see doors…” Though ‘life-size’ images can be transmitted from mind to mind, it seems more likely to me that his own mind spontaneously produced the visionary dreamlike imagery of doors in his disoriented state after death, perhaps respecting an aim he had wished to achieve before it.
> > PrinCess reported subsequent changes in the subject’s psychological state, e.g from anger to confusion, then starting to realise that he has left his body and losing his anger a little; and seemingly psyche-related changes in ‘scenery’, such as a “very pretty, bright path” then appearing, as if related to his relief and to some positive expectation. I would say that, not recognising the ‘scenery’ as the creative visionary display of his own mind, but rather having believed it to be external and independent and leading to some objective (?and expected) place, his emotional state, and thence the ‘scenery’, deteriorated when the ‘path’ just went on.
> > PrinCess described his state of “riled up” mind as he comes to a ‘hill’: “…This guy’s mind is very dark. He does not have a peaceful mind. He’s not cursing and screaming right now but the dude is still completely insane and crazy…There’s this water, and the water is very aggressive ~ it’s rushing, it’s hard, there’s rocks, like you cannot go through this safely as a person ~ and he just lays in it, like face first…but he hasn’t let go of this box…He’s floating on his front through this rapid, rushing water…Then he comes to this city…There’s foliage and structures, very coastal-like feel…” On sight of a building with columns, he seems to have had some personal ‘electrical storm’ of would-be-murderous rage: “…He’s like he was before he died…It’s like he was starting to calm down, and…now he’s back to what he was doing, where he was mentally…Now he just wants blood…He is slicing this guy into pieces…You can hear the body, you can hear the knife…” I have previously come across many accounts of the discarnate/noncarnate affecting electricity (sometimes in effort to communicate with the incarnate) but not previously the other way around. The mind can affect the quantum level of the developing foetus so that injury around the time of past death repercusses on the new form to the extent that the newborn may have birth-marks and even missing limbs that reflect the death of the previous body (note: other factors can affect foetal development beside the mind of the newly-incarnating being): these physical effects no more reflect what that being ‘wants’ anymore than does p.t.s.d, but is the awareness-&-energy continuum’s reaction upon itself and psychosomatically. (Mediumistic literature also records that ‘dark entities’ (discarnate/noncarnate beings with unwholesome proclivities and intentions) can be attracted to those of similar disposition, ‘adding fuel to the fire’ through this connection. Authors such as William J Baldwin have described ‘spirit release’ therapy that can also free such spirits from the psychological bondage that has trapped them in a demonic ‘career’.)
> > Later, PrinCess remarked, “…Before the death he was angry…He was in so much pain that he just went loony…He died in pain and that pain was driving him crazy…He was on a mission…” Even after dying he was seen clinging to “the box”, reaching a point where “…[H]e’s outraged, and wants to kill, instead of just fighting. He now just wants blood and murder…Extremely the worst level of p.t.s.d that could possibly be thought of…times a million…Before, he was fighting for a cause and now he just wants to kill and now he no longer cares. He doesn’t care about anything. He doesn’t care about anybody…He only wants to kill, destroy, no conscience…” Eventually PrinCess sees him as “…lost, and at war with himself and with his ex-life…with darkness…”
> > Was he a suicide-bomber or attempting to place an i.e.d, maybe thwarted by aerial fire from reaching his target? Was he waging jihad? Such a “mission” would have been considered righteous and rightful, in the highest “cause”, and associated with expectations of heavenly reward. If PrinCess’s subject was fighting for the “cause” of classical Islam, he may have been expecting houris, paradise, all externally produced, and definitely not something created/produced by his awareness-&-energy continuum. Hellfire features in Islamic belief, as does a tree of hell, as do rivers in paradise. A Muslim who dies while fighting jihad would expect to enter paradise. My guess is that the ‘scenery’ was partly influenced by the subject’s beliefs, expectations and related fears; that, and his mental state, his disposition, cultivated and experienced. Essentially, I would say that he was the “creator”, but not in the sense of deliberate design. PrinCess noted the malleability of appearances, but the primary subject may have only latterly begun to suspect that his after-life ‘world’ was unstable and not the ‘reward’ he had been expecting. This would have been a further shock, on top of what he experienced toward the end of his life.
> > After death ~ with no physical form to cling to as ‘self’, no independent external physical reference point to cling to in relation, experiencing profound effects of psychological/emotional ‘currents’ and ‘undercurrents’ and resultant ‘weather conditions’ in the supreme radiance-play of the visionary level of mind ~ when experiencing the spaciousness, awareness, sensitivity and responsiveness of their awareness-&-energy continuum, without tenable conceptual referent-point to cling to as an objective ‘self’ (I, me, mine as an object to a subject), many shrink from it, mistaking it for ‘other’ and fearing punitive judgement, or feeling threatened by the ungraspability of it, and cling to a small projected separate (“little”) ‘self’ in confused habit. Each death may give another opportunity to encounter this and grow (though one need not wait till death). If he was a jihadi, it is quite understandable that his cultivated dualistic religious beliefs, their causes and consequences, and related attitudes may have blocked him from relaxing into this spacious experience. However, possibly his after-death experiences will result in doubts about such beliefs in future. I would suggest that he was not inwardly ready to know himself as a vast being: a matter of lack of spiritual insight, but maybe one day conditions will ripen in his awareness-&-energy continuum.
Kahmia seemingly picked up on another war zone under bombardment, with chemicals (e.g “chlorine”) perhaps being used in attack or/and released/caused by attack. There were bodies around and the air was thick and hard to breathe. Her main subject “…smells like a dead animal, and he just feels cold, and he’s so thin…He either has no clothing on, and he’s like really dirty, or he’s got like very thin clothing on that’s rough to the touch…Fair-skinned, light-skinned subjects...surrounding him…very skinny and malnourished as well. And my subject just feels like he is or was in a lot of pain…”
> > Later, she saw many people in a similar after-death situation, and remarked that “...They feel like lost souls. They just don’t really understand or know exactly where they are and what’s going on here. I just hear a lot of loud noises and shouting…It just sounds like constantly screaming and yelling all the time…like someone is constantly being tortured here…It sounds like hell! It also feels like the subjects are reliving their own experiences. It feels like they are experiencing something in their minds. It’s like a mental chaotic thing…Each person feels like chaos, but a different form of chaos. And it feels like it’s all running through their minds as they’re mindlessly walking around in here…It feels like they are not in control of their mental state anymore. Someone or something is forcing them to relive these experiences. They just feel like tortured souls…” Living people may also do this involuntary/reflexive ‘reliving’ and feeling powerless in or after traumatic situations, as the agonised mind seeks understanding and alleviation of suffering but may not find it. It seems Kahmia’s subjects had been suffering malnutrition, and then bombardment, losing family, friends, home and their lives by the deliberate action of others.
> > Her main subject “…just feels like he has a sense of defeat…He’s just kind of floating around in the darkness, and he just feels like a zombie…It feels like other beings are in control of him or in control of his whole existence. Even now after he has passed it feels like he has got someone or something controlling his entire life…” Living people may also feel their existence is controlled by others and by external events. Kahmia’s subject may have lived in a society or nation (“others”) or in circumstances (“something”) where he felt very little freedom or ease, day after day after day. His death was not from ‘natural causes’ late in life but through human activity (“others”, again). He and those with him suffered malnutrition, control of their lives wrested from them by warfare, and died suddenly through a horrifying experience for themselves, losing family, friends, home, lives and all that was familiar, without obvious compassionate external support. I believe that their p.t.s.d-like reliving experiences, feeling powerless, in a state of chaos, their minds conditioned by factors outside their present volitional control, requires no theory of extraterrestrial agents or e.t devices applying post-mortem torture.
> > I am unclear at which point in his post-mortem or new pre-natal/post-natal existence, Kahmia’s subject was when she observed that “…[I]t doesn’t feel like he remembers who he was or who he used to be. It feels like a blank slate now, like there’s no substance to him. But I can feel like… his past life attached to his soul. It feels like a whole new person; that’s kind of lingering old lives. It’s kind of like the old him is kind of stuck to him, like a tick…”
> > Form is not a constant, indivisible ‘self’, unconditionally/independently existing from its own side, 100% under the average person’s control; likewise sensations (physical, physiological, psychosomatic), mental representations, other mental formations such as sentiments and states of mind/emotion, volitional or involuntary/reflexive activities (even being able to ‘make an effort’), and consciousness of physical sensory or purely mental objects are not constant, indivisible, unconditionally/independently existing, 100% under the average person’s control. While alive, a person may put a lot of effort into trying to prove their own existence by creating a self-concept upon these transient phenomena, like a balloon in the shape of a mannikin that is grasped and imputed as an actual, constant, indivisible, unconditionally/independently existing, and fully controllable ‘self’. Seeing this concept, or “I”-idea, floating ‘up’ there, “Ah! That’s me all right! All is well and I am happy.” However, sometimes the hallucination fails and light gets in: the person does not feel that the concept they imputed as a ‘self’, or that the form, sensations, concepts, etc that they imputed their ‘self’ upon, is quite the solid ground they had thought. Alas, much of our world seems unaware of this, veering between grasping concept-as-‘self’ (ones own, others’, or of objects) and/or philosophical materialism; so, when the illusion crumbles a little, being uninformed in the matter, a person may feel they are going bonkers when actually they are having something of a sane insight! (The hallucination cannot be dismantled in its entirety simply by wishing, but there are practices one can undertake that help toward its gradual undoing.) After death, habit of grasping at these ‘non-self’ processes/factors as a ‘self’ is interrupted, the awareness-&-energy continuum may consciously or swooningly ‘let go’, unable to put, or relieved of putting, effort into grasping.
> > It does not sound to me like anyone did anything to Kahmia’s main subject specifically to make him “forget”: rather, it seems to me like his overwhelmed mind let go of proliferating ideas while remaining for some time in a state of abject suffering. One might hope that this being gets to experience a life in which he does not feels long-term alienation and under the control of others up to and including the end.
Trudy’s first viewing swiftly moved to an account of dangerous covert activities, involving a timer, by two males (one or both with “tan skin and black hair”) inside one of “two main structures”, which is “filled with other subjects”. Trudy recounted “running, panic” inside one of the structures before the timer is apparently set to trigger; and the death of an elderly male (“Caucasian or Asian, just very pale skin”) with broken limbs and difficulty breathing.
> > For her second pass, Trudy reported “…Inside of the structure there’s chaos, like an explosion, like a loud boom sound or some sort of clash that causes sporadic movement by multiple subjects. Lots of running going on…it’s so chaotic….[T]here’s a lot of pain and sadness going on, and I can sense a lot of darkness, like visualising a whole building going pitch black, like a blackout. Visually you can’t see but you know there’s objects all around you…it’s just blackness and these subjects dying. I sense numbness and booming sounds and lots of roaring, like an explosion happened, and there’s lots of loud noises, chaos and shaking, like a rumble, shaking, and just strong energetics being placed upon the structure. There’s lots of electricity, and frequency sounds are coming from something. There’s huge amounts of shaking and pain and screaming. There’s like vivid flashes of light but there’s not consistency of light. It’s getting foggy, there’s lots of cloud dynamics, and sight is really just barely helpful, since stuff falling down and lots of heavy breathing…This male subject’s consciousness is travelling to different spaces and there’s lots of vivid memories coming back…It’s like a loop…[T]here’s memories of experiences,…of things that have been forgotten, kind of like a person who has amnesia and they’re trying their best to remember something…So the subject is trying to remember what he was doing before dying…He can’t explain any of it but he’s battling with trying to remember a specific time or who he was before he slowly began to die. And he’s trying to remember who he is now, and he’s having a hard time doing that, like his mind is forcing him to go back in time to these memories, like p.t.s.d (note: PrinCess also referred to post-mortem p.t.s.d). Specifically the subject just can’t remember things, so he’s going in a loop. It’s a continuous loop, being in a specific place and a specific event and reliving that memory over and over and over again, like post-traumatic-stress disorder.”
> > Trudy did not specifically mention her subject being in a war zone: were the “explosion” and “shaking” ‘out of the blue’ (apart from the Twin Towers, hotel bombings come to my mind)? The apparently utterly bewildering and, again, physically injurious and psychologically traumatic circumstances of his death (perhaps being pushed over or trampled in the “chaos”), left their mark, their effect upon his awareness-&-energy continuum, it seems to me.
Two of the second three viewings, those by PrinCess and Kahmia, featured deaths under violent circumstances, and other parallels with their first subjects. PrinCess’s second subject, like her first, fought for a cause. Kahmia’s second subject seemed to live and die in a remarkably similar situation to her first, though perhaps this is coincidental: both subjects were fair-skinned, malnourished, dirty, roughly or barely clad, living among others in a similar condition. Unlike PrinCess’s or Kahmia’s subjects, Trudy’s first and second subjects do not seem to have been in an ‘official’ war, siege or military zone.
PrinCess’s second viewing involved military personnel, and specifically a man in a position of command. An airborne missile launched from a submarine may have struck his military base or perhaps her subject was in a submarine struck by a missile, though he seems to have died on land (note: I have found online reference to the former kind of incident in the 21st century but not to the latter); or perhaps his death occurred near inland water, and maybe by an up-close assassination-attempt. PrinCess recounted, “…This feels like some sort of battle that’s involving like a navy or a military, with lots of men. I see helmets, uniformed look. They’re on the base surface…There’s a lot of running, there’s a lot of movement, there’s a lot of emotion and commotion and energy here…I can hear loud noises, I see someone running for protection…I feel very nervous. War sounds, battle sounds; there’s an unexpected situation and need for protection…”
> > Referring to the central subject, “…He’s been taken somewhere. He’s got brown or tan-like skin. Lots of screaming and roaring around him...He looks very terrified but focused. Horrified and frantic, he seems to be spiralling out of control. He’s upset, he’s losing his mind, he’s freaking out here…He’s possibly hurt…Something drastic is causing chaos. His mind is…all over the place…Someone wants him, like him specifically…for something…This subject is either near or under water. I’m feeling cold, like I would if I was just submerged in water…I feel myself filling up with water. Tapping into his mind…he knows something that the others do not know in detail…and the people that are after him know that. I can feel he’s panicked but his mind is also very expansive, it’s very bright, it’s very intelligent…Moving forward into time…he’s heavily wounded…he’s dying….It looks like knife-wounds…He’s losing a lot of blood. His skull has been beaten in like…by a rock. This is a very graphic and aggressive situation here...It’s been beaten, like smashed, like guts and blood. You can hear the sounds of the crushing. He’s like being ripped apart…I feel multiple energies in this vicinity. They’re dragging him to a different location…Lungs, almost choking on water. He’s ripped apart. He’s dead; like his heart is trying so hard to pump but he’s losing so much blood…He can feel and see all of this happening to him…”
> > PrinCess moved into her subject’s mind while he was in the process of dying. “…[I]t’s very tense…He knows that this had to happen, he knew that it was going to happen. He knows that he’s dying a hero, a warrior. He is fighting, he is actively fighting to the end until he cannot fight any more, until he could not fight any more…He was thinking so much about protection, protection of his loved ones. He knows something…I can’t tell what it is. He cared about his soldiers, he cares so deeply about the people that are fighting for him and with him, and the people that are in his life. And you feel all of this, and you can feel that this is what he is thinking of, that if he does not do this, these people will not be safe…everyone will die. One life to save a billion lives. He wants to fix something but he can’t fix it. His heart is trying so hard to beat. He’s trying so hard…there’s no more blood flowing through him. He’s just dead, but he’s travelling…I can almost feel his soul or spirit…I can feel it pulling and detaching from his physical form. Following the subject after he dies, this form seems really stuck: almost like what they say is limbo, in a way…He’s not happy where he is. He can feel what happened to his body…He almost can’t move...It’s like my legs are going numb. My body is going numb from the ground up. He’s confused. He wants to go back to his body. He can feel this detachment from his body…He feels a lot of pain and fear. He seems haunted or worried. He wants his family…I think his higher self is realising the detachment from his physical form and he’s trying to put the pieces together. He’s almost discombobulated a little bit…but he’s starting to try to settle…His ‘heart’ is racing…and he’s trying to be settled. And he’s settling. And he’s realising, and he’s no longer racing…I don’t know how long it took for him to find his peace. I feel like this was elapsed time, like it could have taken hours or minutes or days, maybe even months before he settled and found his peace. But now he’s settled and OK, and he knows his whole self as a spiritual being. He can feel it now, that he’s no longer in his body…He’s come to grips with the realisation of what’s happening, and the fact that he’s no longer fighting, and the fact that he’s no longer running, and the fact that he’s left his family, but he’s now calm and OK…”
> > Mortally wounded, he seemingly had support from his fellows at the time of death. His involvement in the military would seem to have been from protective concern, not indulgence in hatred or greed. Despite experiencing similar horrors and physical suffering as that of PrinCess’s first subject, his attitude seemed very different: whereas PrinCess’s first subject was very caught up in/given over to aggression, enmity, rage and desire to extirpate other(s), the commander’s thoughts were of caring for and appreciating others; while experiencing painful emotions, he did not seem to cling to emoting for an egocentric purpose (‘I emote, therefore I am’).
Kahmia reported, “…I hear a lot of jet noises, and quick movement as well…My subjects are…sporadically like running towards something, and they seem to have all their focus on this non-surface structure in the sky…” Of her primary subject, she said “…[T]his subject is male and he is very skinny and he has fair skin. He also has this very long face, and he smells like he’s really dirty…[H]e either has like no hair or very very short hair, almost as if…it’s been shaved or something. And this subject has a lot of like feelings of confusion and the feeling of being lost…He’s like, ‘How did I get here?’ Like he’s just kind of in awe of where he’s at and how he got to this point in time…”
> > Kahmia drew a landscape, with subjects and “a non-surface structure in the sky”. “I hear a lot of machinery and gunfire and car noises…like tanks or something…and…frantic thinking…My subject feels just very concerned…and worried…like, ‘How did that get here? What’s going on?’ But at the same time, my subject feels very strong-willed and like he is not about to give up. He doesn’t give up easily, at least. I’ve got subjects nearby that seem to be shouting…angry shouting, and it almost feels like a riot of some sort…There’s just a bad mood…These people are not happy, and everyone’s kind of wearing these rough, dirty clothes…It almost feels like I’ve got this sense of someone being sacrificed…”
> > For Kahmia’s next pass, at first her main subject was not yet dead, “…but it feels like he’s clinging onto life, like he’s barely still here. And he seems to be standing near a cliff…Now he seems to have these emotions of giving up, like he’s…come to terms with what is going to happen. It feels like a sense of calmness and kind of peace over him, as he realises…this is it. And I’ve got this tight feeling around my throat. It almost feels like…he was choked…and his entire body aches. I just feel really sharp pains…all around my body, too…either he was choked or he was stabbed or it was kind of like all the above, but he dies…It feels like a combination of his wounds and of malnutrition over time. He dies and death kind of happens very slowly for this subject…Following the main subject after death…feels…like I’m in a spiritual plane. And my subject, it’s like he recognises these feelings but he isn’t capable of feeling them: he recognises…how he did feel beforehand and…how he feels right now…He doesn’t feel mad…’cause he’s no longer suffering…He doesn’t feel sad, but he recognises those things at the same time…He’s still here (note: Kahmia touched the physical landscape drawn), and he’s…observing and seeing where he was and what was around him, and he feels for the surrounding people. It…feels like… he sees the atrocity and he can empathise and feel compassion with and towards everyone that’s still there, even though he’s no longer here. And as he’s just kind of observing and recognising this, it feels like he’s…just…taking it all in and taking it with him as…a final thing. So now my main subject is leaving this place. He kind of drifts off into another place, and there I see other subjects…He definitely doesn’t feel alone. I sense other subjects, and these subjects kind of feel like they…have control or power over him as a spirit as well, ’cause it feels like he comes to this place where there are these other subjects…that he has to report to…This is just a destination before the next one. He needs to be here and he needs to report what has happened to these other subjects. It almost feels like he returns to his original destination and…these other subjects have been waiting for him…It feels like these people are waiting for him, like he’s expected to be here…I also see some sort of non-surface structure, and it kind of looks like it has many different sides and it has…like a multicoloured aura around it…It just feels like now this main subject is again talking and explaining things to these other subjects around him; and he’s almost explaining it in a very…scholarly way. He feels like he’s almost…educating these people on his past experience…And he just feels more calm now, and he feels content…After this, he seems to just stay here, stay in this place.”
> > Sharing a ‘life review’, in which the newly deceased reports to others on their life-experiences and deeds, is not uncommon in literature on the afterlife. The “others” may sometimes be actual others (spirit-beings) who are there to help, or be a spontaneous creative visionary representation of the wish to share and give an honest and conscientious account of ones life. This subject’s state of mind seemed to be different to that of Kahmia’s first subject, not submerged in feelings of defeat after death but experiencing interest in, and empathy and compassion for, others.
Trudy’s second subject suffered heart-failure and died in an aircraft, perhaps a commercial airliner. She reported that, after his death, “…He is now being moved into a new location by other subjects inside of this non-surface structure, but his consciousness is still presently aware. It’s just somewhere else, like his soul is transferring into a new location. I sense a lot of war, like there’s an event of war going on, and after death the subject begins to remember his life, like it’s flashing before his eyes…There’s a bright light and memories just continuing to flash, like he’s connecting back with his past, and there’s happy memories…and then he seems to wake up in a new location. And he’s surrounded by other subjects, and he feels confusion and happiness. And I hear the weirdest, I hear him saying, ‘I lost the files in the water because I knew they would murder me for writing about it.’ He just continues to talk about things he regretted in life…like memories of betraying someone dangerous that he wasn’t supposed to betray, and there’s a specific number for a lock-code that I keep seeing, like a secret code for a lock. And, after his death, it’s like his consciousness travels to another man’s body, and his awakening in another bed in another physical body causes him to try to remember his life before death, and his mind continues to repeat these memories over and over and over again, while his consciousness just travels back and forth through life…”
> > Trudy did not generally suggest that the subject was in a war zone at time of death, so perhaps the “event of war” she referred to was a memory, or occurring elsewhere, or perhaps described a present inner struggle? The “bright light” referred to may be that of the natural openness and spaciousness, awareness and clarity of his awareness-&-energy continuum emerging in the bliss of letting go conceptualism and contrary effort (similar happens in some stages of meditation). Here we have another person who reviews his life with a degree of conscience: hopefully not attacking himself, but trying to be thorough and honest with himself. When actual “other subjects” are present in a ‘life review’ situation after death, mediums generally understand them to be wise spirit-beings who act in a helping role, or sometimes beings known to the newly deceased. The death of Trudy’s second subject seemed to be unexpected but not to have happened in the bewildering circumstances experienced by her first subject. Also, others rallied around her second subject when he became ill, whereas her first subject suffered injuries that seem to have been inflicted by the actions of others, and received no evident support from the living around his time of death.
As with the first three subjects, the three subjects who experienced a greater degree of peace (a more ‘heavenly’ dwelling) after death may gravitate, or have gravitated, toward another physical rebirth at some point, this impetus coming from their own awareness-&-energy continuums. As I understand (or misunderstand) it, outside of post-mortem ‘p.t.s.d’, loss of memory of past lives occurs as a common side-effect of embarking on a new physical life in conjunction with a new body (perhaps a process overcome by some e.ts through ‘alternative technology’); however, some spontaneous memory of the past may occur into childhood.
We cannot always govern the circumstances of our death. We may not be like PrinCess’s first subject, who appeared to nurse enmity and murderousness; but what of Kahmia’s first subject, whose whole existence felt dismally to him like it was controlled by others, or Trudy’s first subject, who died in the wake of others’ violent actions, bewildered, and similarly ‘alone’ in some mass disaster? I would say that these sessions demonstrate that both experiences during life up to the time of death, and ones attitudes and intentions fostered during life, can considerably affect and influence what one experiences after death. Also conditioning the experience will be ones understanding (or lack of it) of ones greater spiritual being, beyond concept, bodily form, sensations, mental representations/ideations, emotional/mental formations, volitional/reflexive activity/impulse, and grasping at objects of consciousness.
Hello D Cripps, Nice you took the time to document what the RVers said. Actually had more time to think and reflect on what they reported. Yes the ISBE’s life experience and moments before death affect the immediate perceptions after death. You said “ I would say that these sessions demonstrate that both experiences during life up to the time of death, and ones attitudes and intentions fostered during life, can considerably affect and influence what one experiences after death. Also conditioning the experience will be ones understanding (or lack of it) of ones greater spiritual being, beyond concept, bodily form, sensations, mental representations/ideations, emotional/mental formations, volitional/reflexive activity/impulse, and grasping at objects of consciousness.” Yes I agree. However the lure of the light to the soul trap remains and subsequent electrical erasure of our identity and experiences can occur. The life review is theater by our malevolent captors. There is no learning or growing from it when there is no memory of it. This is why we must condition our being (mind/body/subconscious/spirit) to be aware and prepared to make informed choices. We must erase the post hypnotic suggestion given us at previous death to return to do this over again. Use self hypnosis to clear it. Meditation to calm mind in chaos. Focus and intention to turn our back on the “light” and look within for our inner God. Release duality. Embrace source and become as one with it. We suddenly are “there.” Not what was contrived to make us believe the alien BS and continue to feed them with our fear and control by our ignorance. Practice choices being available to you in a subconscious state. Be aware of the dream. Wake from it. Decide not to play it. Be still and focus. One here has said that movement can identify and track you for erasure. Don’t let them gain that advantage. Rings tue to me so be still. Seems like the quicker you can focus & “wake up” the better chance for choice.
Hi, Larry! Nice you took the time to read it! Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
What does develop/continue over time (including life to life) are character-traits (for good or ill), including impetuses/inclinations, and talents, though this may seem like slim pickings indeed, given other losses. (Honestly, if some of us Earthlings were let loose on other worlds, they would become like Afghanistan or another mess!) A life-review may be good at any time, providing done in a spirit of honesty, and with intention of non-illwill and non-injury (goodwill, good intent) including toward oneself. In the same way that you may have earnestly reviewed your life, or parts of it, from time to time since birth, but not recall (or not recall instantly) anything particular about all those occasions now, it nonetheless made a difference in your mind-energy continuum at those times, and the difference made other difference. One might say this also of other choices made in this life since birth, that have somehow brought one here now. As I understand it, particular attachment to, or self-association with, physical form can propel someone toward seeking a physical rebirth. Some may also do this for altruistic reasons as way-pointers.
The ’pied piper lady’ reported by PrinCess in “The Escape” seems like a construct to draw on tendency toward ‘seduction’ (in a general sense, from Latin = to lead out of oneself), like a tendency toward a restive grasping that is in-formed by misunderstanding ones true nature, and tendency to fear inner stillness or find it too boring… The ‘stillness’ is not an opponent of action, far from it, but it is not an inner attempt to flee. If one wants to flee, or fight, or feels fear, one can know that these are formations of ones energy ~ they may feel like wind blowing through the leaves and branches (a psychosomatic experience), or appear as clouds forming/de-forming/reforming (a brilliant sea of clouds) or other ‘sky phenomena’ ~ they are not a ‘self’ and are empty of any constant, independently/unconditionally-existing/-arising, indivisible type of ‘self’, but they are a ‘display’ of natural, inherent luminosity (some ‘displays’ are more fun than others!) Always keep goodwill and benign intention toward oneself: that way, even if one is lost, one has already found something very important (and advice that can be shared). I composed this comment while a bit pressed for time, so am sorry if badly expressed.
I wish you every success in your meditations.
Hi Larry, I received your post in my email address maybe 2 to 3 days ago. But this evening, I looked for it and could not find it in this thread. You are asking some good questions; so, I hope you don’t mind that I copied and pasted your post underneath, I need it so that I can answer your questions.
Here is your post:
"Hello Jean Claude. Can’t believe this post is about a year old. Still struggling to believe both the existence of earth as a prison planet and much of what was said by the alien. You quoted “ No human being ever assumes personal responsibility for the fact that they, themselves - individually and collectively - are gods. This fact alone is the source of entrapment for every IS-BE”. Ok let’s say that’s true. If this electroshock treatment we get after death is true we don’t realize our true nature because of that - not our own limiting beliefs. Not to make excuses or sound like a victim but is this then not our fault? How can we take personal responsibility when we are externally prevented from doing so? Just now read the article from a link above Susanne posted. The article from a Lisa Renee is interesting and contains many terms I am unfamiliar with. Are you? Appreciate your valued reply".
1) You write:
“Still struggling to believe both the existence of earth as a prison planet and much of what was said by the alien”.
I don’t see anything wrong if you don’t believe that earth is a prison planet, and that the information in Alien Interview is true. My position is that we are IB/BEs and like all immortals who want to avoid boredom we create the 3D physical world.
So, for me you are part of the group of IS/BEs who don’t want to experience earth as a prison, and that’s what your group has created. And it makes sense that Alien Interview does not exist in your world because this book promotes the type of earth that is not part of your creation project.
For me things are a little bit different because I was born with the idea that earth is a free planet, and I still believe that. But I have become aware that for some people, earth is a prison planet, and with that belief they have created a prison earth.
I think that I have some understanding on how physical reality is created. And with that understanding I am convinced that death traps can be disabled. It is number thing, and since the 1800s IS/BEs who do this type of work have been incarnating in higher and higher number on earth.
2) You wrote:
“You quoted “No human being ever assumes personal responsibility for the fact that they, themselves - individually and collectively - are gods. This fact alone is the source of entrapment for every IS-BE”.
The sentence that I quoted and shown above is the last sentence in chapter 12 (Lesson in Immortality) in Alien Interview. For me this chapter is the most important chapter in Alien Interview. And the sentence quoted above is probably the most critical information for those who feel locked in earth prison. Essentially, this sentence provides the key that can be used to get out of the earth prison.
3) You wrote:
“Ok let’s say that’s true. If this electroshock treatment we get after death is true we don’t realize our true nature because of that - not our own limiting beliefs. Not to make excuses or sound like a victim but is this then not our fault? How can we take personal responsibility when we are externally prevented from doing so?”
You are right that the electroshock treatment (or whatever methods they use) makes man forget his true nature as a powerful immortal IS/BE who can create space, energy (particles, waves, physical matter), and life. But IS/BSs, like all immortals like to play games to avoid boredom. One the games that they play is to use illusion to create physical worlds.
And in the game of earth creation, they agree to have their memories wipe clean so that they would forget their true nature of powerful immortal IS/BEs. The reason for the memory wipe is that the earth game would not be fun if men who had incarnated on earth knew that they were all-knowing and all-powerful immortal IS/BEs, and that the physical world that they dwell on is an illusion.
My point is that earth and everything in it including death traps, and memory wiping are created by IS/BEs like you and I. We have created these abominations to amuse ourselves and avoid boredom while we enter physical bodies on earth. So, memory wiping, death traps and nothing on earth is imposed on us, we are the creators of this world.
I’m talking about “limited beliefs” in 3D because by agreeing to have his memory wiped out clean, man agrees to limit his beliefs. I’m not blaming anybody because it is a game that we have created but life in 3D can be rough and even cruel.
4) You wrote:
“Just now read the article from a link above Susanne posted. The article from a Lisa Renee is interesting and contains many terms I am unfamiliar with. Are you?”
I have not read Lisa Renee probably since around 2006 when I stop reading what we would call "spirituality" stuff. But I glanced over this article and I think she is talking about some of the contraptions that trap souls on earth. This read does not resonate with me.
Take care
Some years ago, I made the acquaintance of Archibald Lawrie, who was President of the Edinburgh Society for Psychical Research and Vice-President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research. Archie liked going out ‘into the field’, often assisted by a skilled psychic medium, as an investigator and often “paranormal-troubleshooter”. He has described himself as a “dedicated caseworker” looking after the needs of many unfortunate, puzzled and often scared people who “encounter the psychic world at first hand in their own homes and even in their offices, factories and health centres.” He is author of several volumes of “The Psychic Investigators Casebook”.
In one of these he mentions encounter, in 2002, with a “little boy” who had died in 1918 after being struck on the head by his drunken father (probably a member of a nomadic Scottish gypsy or tinker family), who then buried him. Archie was called in to help at a medical centre, where “both the cleaning staff and the receptionists were becoming increasingly worried by mysterious happenings that were taking place within the premises”. After engaging with the is-be responsible, intending to get him to realise that his pranks were not fun for the staff, “the entity actually said that it was NOT the little boy, who was buried nearby, who was enjoying teasing the cleaning staff BUT the man he had grown into” in the world he now inhabited. He said that he was haunting (author’s word) the premises “in two forms and that it was his adult form that was so enjoying teasing the girls.” He even named them “in order of ‘teasability’ saying that he could make Miss XXXX scream far more easily than the others! And that he could do what he might to old Mrs YYY without causing her to bat an eyelid. He went on to say that he felt that, by so teasing them, it made him happy by allowing him to think of his childhood once again…(or perhaps about the childhood that he never really had?)” Archie remarked, “I have never before come across such a ‘split personality’ entity who could seemingly choose whether to haunt in the persona of a child or in his pseudo-adult stage…But I must tell you that I have come across this ability of a deceased entity to continue to grow and mature in the spirit world on several occasions…one being very personal and dear to me.”
After communicating with the is-be, Archie asked his medium-colleague, “Francesca, ask him if he is prepared to move towards the light”, a phrase that “always seems to be fully understood by the psychic world and means in religious parlance, ‘Please move forward toward a light that signifies heaven’”. She told Archie, “He says that he had once moved towards the light years ago but that he came back because he could not find his mother there!” This was the first time that Archie had encountered someone who had been to the light and then returned, though he met another one before publication of this story in 2003. (The is-be declined at that point, saying he did not feel like going today.)
As Archie and Frances were about to leave the medical centre, they were joined by a “Doctor Margaret” from the spirit world, someone recognisable to other staff present, due to a demonstrated habit (via the medium) of fiddling with her reading-glasses and by reminding them that they had not planted roses in her name around the hospital gardens, as promised in a meeting after the doctor’s death. One of the cleaning staff also re-met her deceased grandmother that evening. Archie commented that ‘drop-in communicators’ like this are not uncommon, once the ‘phone lines’ are open.
He encountered many cases of is-bes who had died a long time before, sometimes centuries, who still kept contact with places on Earth. For example, in 2004, he and his medium-colleague Frances attended a meeting of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research in a small Theosophical hall booked for the occasion. Frances remarked on someone showing himself to her in a mirror: “It was the evil of the man that quite overcame me. He positively *radiated* evil. It came out of his eyes and it sort of hung like a dark cloud around his head…I just know this man was into occult practices of a severe and truly demonic nature…I am absolutely convinced that this individual had made concerted attempts in his own lifetime to meet the Devil or at least attempt to have direct communication with him. While I am sure he belonged to the early 20th century, his aims were not to understand the psychic world like other spiritualists of the time but to use the world of spirit for his own ends, to gain power over others in all sorts of ways.” Frances described his appearance as quite tall and well-built, with a large and drooping ‘Mexican-style’ moustache, and wearing something like a towelling dressing-gown and a hat that looked like a “black up-turned flowerpot”.
Later that day, after leaving the building, Archie overheard two men talking about Aleister Crowley, an infamous demonologist and occultist who had lived in Britain and Europe; Crowley died in 1947, “leaving a trail of mentally and financially broken people behind him.” Archie discovered that Aleister Crowley had lived in the building where Frances had seen the man in the mirror, but her description did not tally with any photograph Archie had seen of the Thelemist. However, one of his associates forwarded him such a photograph, taken in the latter part of Crowley’s life.
Archie and Frances attended another SSPR meeting in that Theosophical hall, and Aleister Crowley showed up again. (He was also seen by another medium, whose discomfort with his presence led to her leaving the room.) The lecturer was evidently oblivious, but Frances remarked of Crowley, “He’s one really angry man, today!…He hates the psychic world being explained in any sort of logical and scientific way. He’s shouting out that everything is ‘supernatural’ and he is moving to and fro around Professor Roy (lecturer) all the time.” On their journey home, Frances said that Aleister Crowley had not been wearing his large black fez and wore something like a “long silky smoking jacket”, but still had a ‘Mexican-style’ moustache and hatred still streamed from his piercing eyes.
I've been watching all the movies in more or less chronological order and finally finished the Death Traps. What appears missing from the RV sessions is a death by natural causes. The subjects were all killed or died under strange circumstances. The picture appears to present the Traps as some sort of punishment.
If we are to understand that the Traps are locking all of humanity into a cycle of memory wipes, wouldn't we also need to see examples of people dying peacefully in old age? I may be missing something, so please let me know if I am.
Just a thought… Just as countries may wish to protect themselves from ‘undesirables’ by border control, perhaps other planetary systems and their colonies would like to protect themselves from free-roving ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other forms of unwelcome ‘cultural enrichment’. If you want to protect your feet from hard ground, you could try cushioning the entire world, or just cushion your feet. It would be far simpler to isolate Earth than try to protect everywhere else, even if the system is crude.