Simon Parkes has a description here similar to remote viewers and Courtney. Comments on this?
Interesting video. It reminds me of something a friend said, who was living in Arizona, about one of her trips out into the desert near Why,AZ. She encountered one of the gray aliens in a craft and they communicated telepathically she said, telling her that they were in the area having something to do with working on the "grid". I had no idea what "grid" she had been talking about.
Hi Crystal, I live in AZ & have traveled through Why, AZ many times on my way to Mexico. It is a very small town in the middle of wide open Sonoran desert. See if you can learn more about your friend’s encounter with the greys there. What she is saying is consistent with much I have read and watched lately. The greys are worker robots created alien races. Yes apparently more than one. Here I have heard it is the reptilians but don’t know. If this electromagnetic grid is real and emanates from earth perhaps it fails and needs repair at times. Perhaps it can be disrupted or destroyed.
Hi LRH, I wish I could talk to her but she is deceased now. She loved the desert and went out into the desert frequently when she was alive. Her son was an EMT and rescuer in Arizona and I might be able to locate him.
You are fortunate to live in Arizona. There must be something to this grid thing.
I wonder if it is somehow connected to this "space fence" system:
I found out her son retired as an EMT and went into teaching it. He doesn't remember the grey or the UFO she talked about. I think she may never have told him. She was involved in metaphysics, Native American arts, and literature.
I think the grid story is interesting I just need to see more validating evidence to be convinced. Perhaps reading the books you mentioned would convince me although I don't think a book will do it. I've been reading Matilda MacElroys' Alien Interview but I think it seems so much like fiction to me.