I've been enamored with the Chris Bledsoe Story for awhile now, the family seems like genuine "Salt of the earth" type people. Have you guys ever done a video on the Chris Bledsoe story? And the Hathor entity that visits him and gives him prophecies? I'm very interested to know the Farsight teams opinion on his story and the being Hathor. I feel like his story is one of the main ones people are giving credence to in the UFO disclosure community and feel like your research on this could be important.
Chris Bledsoe Story
Here's another one who channels them Tom Kenyon
Wow, interesting person. tks for sharing
Sanat Kumara is another form of EnKi and if he asked the Hathors to come here they're another group of Anunnaki
I don't think Chris Bledsoe is working with the Hathors, but specifically with the "Goddess" Hathor. Do you have any ideas on her specifically? Do you believe she's just part of the ruling and deception of our reality? Or could she be actively trying to help humanity at this point? I truly believe he has a connection with her, and it's pretty clear all the other acronym Govt. agencies do as well NASA, DIA, CIA, etc., etc... Seemingly they take his encounter more seriously than all the other UFO/alien encounters combined... The Space Force main patch depicts the major prophecy she told Chris.
"When the red star of Regulus meets the gaze of the Sphinx in the year two thousand and twenty-six, there will be a new knowledge in humanity that will bring about 1000 years of peace"
Seems like her prophecy was important enough to them to depict on the main Space Force Logo. Here's a link to the patch.
Now, let’s go into what connections we have thus far, after we have learned about this Egyptian connection. Uraeus is linked to Wadjet/Isis, and further to Hathor, Horus, and Ra. This means that we have a link to Surya from being a Sun god, and via Kundalini and Spirit Horses (chakras). In Egypt we also see how these horses are controlled by Ra/Surya. Hence, the Seven Horsemen equal the seven chakras, and the eighth horse controls the other seven (the Sun god being the eighth horse). In other words, the Sun god controls the seven chakras.[55]
She's either Inanna, Ninmah, Ereskigal, or Nammu. It's all in there in the Wes Penre Papers, but I'm not at my computer to do a full search at the moment. The Anunnaki played all the gods of all religions here. Once you look deep enough the connections are all there. I don't 100% agree with Wes, but he does point out some good connections through the ages.