There is something there. Perhaps still inhabited / active. Reminds me of an IS-RA-EL type place, but this location has 4 major eastern religions that lay claim to it. Compass doesn’t work while there, em fields have been observed. No plant life or animals on the mountain. Seems to have symbols of the 4 eastern religions carved into several locations on the mountain. Has 4 rivers that flow from it that go in the cardinal directions. At the base there are 2 lakes (Mansarvoar & Rakshas Tal) they were once 1 lake in ancient times now there is a “land bridge” slitting it in 2 making up the 2 lakes. One lake Mansarvoar is fresh water and has lots of aquatic life , Rakashas Tal is salt water and is devoid of life. Any expedition attempting to climb it experience rapid aging and eventual death. I would love to see if this was some sort of pyramidal structure at its completion or a natural formation with an interior carved out to house wardens , stasis chambers, craft, a mechanism that may be linked to the death traps?, etc. make no mistake there is something there please consider looking further into it.
Mt Kailash
Israel...Isis Ra Elohim controlled by the same Anunnaki that played the gods of India. Kailash being the abode of Shiva who is played by EnKi and Marduk and Marduk is also Yahweh who played the false god of the Jews. If you do deep enough research it always leads back to the same Anunnaki group that has controlled the world for the last tens of thousands of years.
The Wes Penre Papers
5. Fifth Level of Learning: The Vedic Texts
Yeah after 20+ years of research into everything especially world religions( I had to unindoctrinate myself and break out of that religious disease mindset) The Anunnaki myth IMHO was the 1st pantheon of gods created by the invaders/wardens or authoritarian collective as a control measure but also to add another layer of grandeur/ confusion/ distraction. So in other words they are a myth like the plastic Jesus myth that was created by rome on the back of Yeshua's accomplishments/ teachings (the actual man / spiritual master) so that they would have a martyr to save people and boost their new state religion. They had to create sensational stories to engrain the religious myths /ideologies into our DNA, keep us distracted, on our toes, full of fear & guilt, while adjusting the human containers over time to be weaker, smaller, shorter longevity and more subservient. The real controllers don't want us to know them so they add layers of myth , lies, and manipulations of the truth in order to distract us from finding out the truth of who and what they are.( a consortium of species)
Oh they're quite real, but not physical. They control the forced reincarnation cycle. Nothing to do with "gods" more so than reptilian, lyran, draco, avian mixed beings. If you get away from the silly superstitions, myths, and religion specifically and go deeper.
The tablets account for mostly physical deeds/ overt control , fighting , biting each others dicks off , warring with a lower cast in their society (IGIGI) and the physical manipulation of already existing hominids to create the ISBE container (Humans). They are nothing more than a myth created by the actual wardens to sensationalize themselves to give the people grandiose stories to worship them as gods. You have a long way still to "look deeper" my young friend! Over time man may have manifested them into a TULPA type existence just like plastic jesus but beyond that na just myths to keep us distracted and infighting. I politely agree to disagree.
Lol go beyond the freemason Sitchin's translations. I've interacted directly with these beings. No one around that knows more about them than I do.
I've been doing this for 25 years btw.