I think remote viewing many aspects of Christianity, as it is the main religion in North America, could cover a lot of ground. I found remote viewing both fascinating and astonishing. More sessions here are needed.
Also the Trap Doors are a topic I have never heard of before. In some ways, it obviates the need for the Crucifixion and karma in general. Death of the physical body is paramount to all religion. In the Bible it says the wages of sin is death. Sin is just another name for karma. I have trained under a Master for 12 years and karma and its consequences are the essential tenet to his teachings. One of the Masters I have trained under says if he has one bad thought, he is immediately attacked for it.
So, I think the cause of death, what happens after death and its ramifications are essential knowledge for us to deepen. Are there no consequences for bad acts, for hurting our fellow human beings, or is karma all dogma to distract us? An essential ingredient for a long life in most religions are good acts, love and kindness. If the reincarnation process is only a mind wipe and re-insertion then we need to know how to escape it.
Also, why is only 3% of our DNA responsible for our physical form. If we activated the other 97% would we live for thousands of years.
There are many possible topics here.
Richard Brandon