I recently saw an interview of courtney on youtube from the channel Conflict Radio. On this he was asked questions about a lady called Elena Danaan. I have seen her on some of Dani Hendersons channel. Elena Danaan is saying things about farsight being led down the garden path by the grey aliens. Also that she is in contact with someone called valliant thor who has apparently chased all the reptiles (bad aliens) off the planet earth and thay are all love and light. She also says that she was abducted as a child by grey aliens and rescued by a positive group of ETs from the Galactic Federation of worlds. To this day she remains in contact with them! I think this would be a great remote viewing target for you guys to do and see who she is actually talking to and what actually happened to her as a child.
I considered that like with Farsight and the "Good ETs", the "Bad ETs" would likely be engaged, only with negative influencing. So it's quite possible that Danaan is indeed in touch with the "Bad ETs" and she is a victim. I think that's a fair consideration.
The last ET Board Meeting really pulled a lot of this into a sensible context, for me. Aziz went off on a very constructive rant, and it's worth watching. Essentially, we are dealing with two political parties -- the Bad ETs (oppressive), and the Good ETs (freedom orientated). That it is really no different than what happens here on earth (as above, so below).
There's more detail to it, but it make a ton of sense to me and brought this concept down to a level that fits reality (for me).
But I agree with you, until we see and interact with them in real 3D life, we are relying solely on Farsight to "interpret" this for us. I trust Farsight, of course, but I agree with your sentiment here.
What if there's the other scenario at play. That neither side is good and they're fighting each other over the resources...humans. One side is darkness and the other is false light and they each use their own tactics to ensnare humanity. Think of how divided humanity is on every issue and that's all by design. The left vs right, red vs blue is constant in everything on this planet. As above, so below.