Unsolved Mysteries
Episode 4 of the 2nd season, titled "Tsunami Spirits", is very interesting.
➡️ https://unsolved.com/gallery/tsunami-spirits/
"On March 11, 2011, a powerful 9.0 magnitude earthquake sends a 120-foot-high tsunami crashing into the coast of northeast Japan. It is the most powerful earthquake and the most-deadly tsunami ever recorded in the country. Once the sea retreats, nearly 20,000 people have been crushed, burned to death, or drowned. It is Japan’s greatest single loss of life since the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in 1945. [...]
In the weeks and months following the tsunami, rumors of “ghosts of the dead” start to circulate and people speak of unusual events; mysterious knocks on doors from soaking wet figures who don’t speak, spirits wandering through the streets unsure if they are dead or alive, and curious eyes peering out from puddles in the road. Journalist Shuji Okuno recounts haunting stories of taxi drivers who believe they were picking up human passengers, only to have them vanish from the backseat, mid-ride."
They say that no other catastrophe in history had a comparable amount of ghost sightings.
This begs the question: Why didn't the spirits go into the light? Was there a death trap malfunction at that time?
I remember all the stories coming out around the amount of paranormal activity at the time - very sorrowful and sad. Possibly the consciousness' didn't realize that they were no longer in a physical body, that they were somehow still earth bound, collectively. Could be that the energy and shock of those alive were enabling them to stay as well. I'm not sure of the cultural significance and rituals surrounding death in Japan - but this was sudden, unprecedented in the times - many people were so close to dying while others watched as they could not save people just feet away from them. This is also like a mass consciousness event which holds the shock, loss and guilt of those who remained alive. The energies are scrambled and lowered. I remember the footage. Much of that raw footage now cannot be found.
Many may have been caught in traps - it's impossible to know.
there was a woman, i can't remember the name, she is friends with Alba Weinman hypnotherapist, her job was to direct souls that were still trap on earth, something like that, she would work with those souls to delivered them to the light, yeah you hear it right.
I don't believe they, at that time, acknowledge the notion of the death traps, but it was clear some souls stay emotionally trapped on earth, some are still processing the transitioning, others are afraid to go to the light thinking it's something bad, that work allowed the souls to connect to it's energy heart where according to them is where the connection with source resides, then they process it and are engulfed by an immense wave of love and light.
Now this sounds familiar.. it's like a gateway from the energy of this planet, in order for you to go wherever you need to go you have to go through this gateway which is the light.
It's like they managed to put a grid around the planet in order to control it.
I sometimes wonder in aww the technology that some of these groups have in their hands.
The daughter of a friend of mine as some sort of psychic abilities, she 15 years old i believe, according to her she can see souls coming down from the sky to earth, she says everyone has a different color effect on them like an aura, some of the souls are complete blackness, she doesn't even call them humans or persons she calls them very bad entities, other are extremely white almost light in essence, but all of them came as a human here, she says she sees them falling down in rays of light color and it's a constantly passage. Very odd!
This episode of Unsolved Mysteries sounds intriguing.
Regarding what happens in a catastrophe to the IsBe, here are two data-points/perspectives :
1) Law of One Book I
2) Val Valerian Matrix-V
Law of One indicates suddenly dis-incarnated entities destroyed by Energy weapons
(Ex: instant decimation)/atomic weapons may end up in a tangled mess of fear.
Val V indicates that the HS withdraws the IsBe prior to destruction of the body.
Does the "Unsolved Mysteries" program imply that the the physical body is gone, the IsBe has moved into higher dimension(s), and the (slightly dis-integrating) Astral body is in a state of shock, but able to partially manifest in 3d?
1) The Law of One: Book I The Ra Material
The people of Maldek (now, known as asteroid belt) had civilization similar to Atlantis, in that it gained much technological information and used it without care for the preservation of their sphere, following to a majority extent, the complex of thought, ideas and actions which you associate with your
so-called negative polarity or service-to-self.
This was however couched in a sincere belief/thought structure which seemed to be the perception of mind/body complexes of this sphere to be positive and service-to-others. The devastation that racked their bio-sphere and disintegration resulted from what you call war … approximately 705,000 years ago.
These entities were so traumatized by this occurrence that they were in what you may call a social complex-knot, or tangle of fear. Some of your time passed.
No one could reach them. No beings could aid them.
Law of One p112
2) [Val V]: I was asked if someone is caught in a nuclear explosion, is the spirit harmed in any way?
The Higher Self is omnipotent and eternal. The Higher Self is also shim's* (Ed: *him/her) extensions into shim's incarnational choices.
IF there is a nuclear event (as when the US nuked Japan), the Higher Self withdraws the incarnating spirit extension less than a hair before the explosion. Knowing this, the bodies are dead a
nano-second before the blast. Trust in your Higher Self, I keep saying.
The REAL you will not be harmed.
The empty shell is left to the ruins of the blast. It doesn't matter. It serves its purpose for the Higher Self. Concern over the body, the children, and similar are concerns of the body ONLY.
When you hear these concerns, you hear the body override the spirit. An immature spirit, as I've said before, is along for the ride in many of your incarnations. I look forward to the upcoming Endgame.
From my perspective, and there is NOTHING to fear.
"Matrix V" p200
"may end up in a tangled mess of fear"
There seems to be a pattern. Episode 8 of the 3rd season "The Ghost in Apartment 14" is about a young woman that was murdered, and her ghost seems to have remained in her apartment for years. Why didn't she go into the light?
The pattern I see is: People died while not at home, and then wanted to go home. That wish to be home seems to be able to override the attractive power of the light trap.
"That wish to be home seems to be able to override the attractive power of the light trap."