Although I went off Alex Jones when he totally dissed Dr. Judy Wood ("Where Did the Towers go?) I'd like to know what pressure was brought to bear for him to make a one-eighty on the Sandy Hook gig and what exactly went down that day.
It's all a game. He's only there to get the right side riled up for the coming civil war. No different than the left being pushed by Obama and Biden etc. They control both sides and need both sides to play their scripts or the game falls apart. Alex Jones has CIA family members. Same with Obama. Bill Cooper had Alex on his show a long time ago, before they murdered Bill, but then Bill later distanced himself from AJ saying he doesn't want to be associated with him since he could see right through his game. Doesn't it strike you as odd that AJ so casually snuck into the Bohemian Grove sacrifice ritual and then even confronted a high level idiot, something Gergen, about it and he got off for so long.
Yes, Jon, one often wonders if A.J. is controlled opposition.