The two most powerful of the bloodline families and how they're advancing the New World Order agenda. Who/what are influencing them and why. Did they create and fund both sides of WW2 to create the need for the solution of bringing in and creating the state of Israel as per the prophecy of the return of the Messiah.
When you look at Jerusalem, it seems wars and conflicts have just erupted century after century all around it. Jerusalem itself doesn't seem to get a lot of tumult, just sits there. I spoke to a very knowledgeable Christian about this. I don't entirely believe the whole religion as it's taught today, but he has interesting insights. Jesus marked his spot of future resurrection at Calvary. You can pinpoint it on a map. Today, it's surrounded by a graveyard, and the surrounding region is devout muslim. I can't remember where's the biblical reference but Jesus, despite all his miracles, is not to walk over a graveyard. How is that a pure coincidence?
And Farsight confirmed that Jesus is a big player in this game. So one must wonder if some biblical prophecies are quite true even in their present day distortions.
Iesu Yaushua was who they based "Jesus" on but the Jesus we know from the bible is just a programming by the Anunnaki so they could be forgiven for their sins and eventually leave the game. Jesus is based on AmonRa Osiris Mithra and Sol Invictus with AmonRa/Marduk the Devil having played Jesus as the physical manifestation at times. Even Yaushua himself contradicted the Christian religion there are hints of it in the Bible of which they neglected to put in many of the books that truly depicted him as he was. The seat of the reptilian powerbase is the Vatican.
The Zionists are evil beings. Just as whites have the Illuminati and the Asians have the Dragon family bloodlines so too do the Jews have their elitist human/reptilian hybrids.
Here's Netanyahu talking about fulfilling the prophecy by ridding the world of "evil" aka Islam and bringing back the Messiah lol.