Special request for Courtney and the other remote viewers. Could you guys please do some remote viewing to connect with the Sasquatch people (Sabe) here on earth?
Natives from all around the world have stories of them. They are very real. They are also very psychically and spiritually evolved, and open to connect with humans who have an open heart and open mind. They know a lot about the planet’s history and human history because they were here living on earth long before we were. It would be an interesting and enlightening topic for you to explore.
The Sasquatch People
Del had a RV session where there was a sasquatch... although i can't find the thread!
She found one while viewing a task for an NSS. She saw the NSS too so it lends good legitimacy to the whole sasquatch thing. If I remember, it was sort of like they're mostly out of phase with our reality. So the idea of us not seeing them is not just about being deep in the forest but literally a degree of tangibility away from our own.
Who knows. It would take a lot of data to explore. If they're real and can help us destroy the death trap system, why not seek the help.
Sorry, I didn't see this thread - thanks Artur and Tazz.
The search term was: Cryptid (it took me ages to find too LOL)
I can't believe it is already 7 months ago.
The thread link is below if you'd like to take a look.
It was very interesting - this is the first cryptid I had RV'd that was deaf (or couldn't hear properly).
The team which worked on this Project and did investigations on this RV after it was submitted were able to correlate many of the elements in the RV submissions - so this was interesting.