Firstly, why do you 'like' your own posts??? I've noticed this a few times....
Secondly, while you're basically right, don't forget that the original whistleblower complaint he made to the Inspector General is still something worth seeing, AND it's apparently been backed up by numerous others (granted, those too are off the record or still under wraps). Burchett & co have apparently been given enough to support something nefarious - which should be enough.
The other side of this is that sightings have been happening all over the world, by so many different (and different types of) people.
Meaning - the *specifics* of Grusch et al.'s stories may be completely bogus (the US has lots of craft, and aliens), the general idea of UAPs is still going to be 'true' to a greater or lesser degree - there are things in the sky that we (the public) don't know about, and surely the US military (and others) would probably like to - or already do - know about. So, it's quite possible the US military has technology in use that defies current laws of physics as the general public (and scientists) understand it... and they're flying these craft all over the planet (and making themselves visible to airline pilots, farmers, general suburbanites, flying over their own air-force bases during festivities, etc).
The other thing to consider.... there *is* the huge elephant in the room of the missing trillions of dollars... and that's something the US Congress should have been extremely worried about!
So, if Grusch et al. are trying to pull a swifty, I can't really see the logic behind it...
I can see this going only one of 3 ways. 1) They come clean (after being forced to) and show some of what they've got (craft, aliens, whatever). 2) They keep denying, and nothing happens - this all stalls/everyone accepts it as true. 3) They say nothing, and this all stalls.
*IF* Grusch et al. are telling the truth, and it's all accurate, then I'd expect more whistleblowers to come forward in the months/years to come, and finally with some actual real evidence (after having seen how having zero evidence leads to nothing burgers). Possibly at or near the end of someone's life - or, they do a Snowdon and get out of town quickly before showing it. (Can you guys imagine what would happen if someone sent a stack of docs to Wikileaks??? Assange would never get out alive!)
I do certainly agree - it's a target that needs to be done and published.