What's Bowie doing on Mars? What's the story behind that? Lets figure it out Earth slaves.
Bowie on Mars
This is the first I heard of it, in the Farsight news. I even Google'd this theory and can't find anything.
Not sure I buy it, though. I mean, Bowie died of cancer. You'd think that if he had the ability to get himself out of the "prison system" he would also have had access to medical treatments not generally available. Something doesn't add up.
Aziz and Intysam say he's on Mars. So what's that about?
reincarnated/soul transfer(?) to Mars...I should have added that
I am baffled about it, to be honest. For once, I have to say I am doubtful about it. But I'm open minded.
Bowie was "other worldly" and the (many) stories I've read from those who were lucky to befriend him are impressive -- how lucky they were.
About the soul transfer, etc. This would imply that "we" have some relationship with our self-described "overlords" (captors) and that somehow they could identify Bowie's energy signature and tell the system not to recycle his energy, but to deliver to a container on Mars, etc. I just find that pretty incredible to believe. But I'm open to be corrected with evidence.
I admit that I delight in the possibility that Bowie is still around, in whatever form, with all his memories. However unlikely that may be and however unlikely I would ever meet him :)
I dunno man; per the conversations w/ Harvey vids (and what have-you), it seems like they greys can pick and choose who they want out when they want'em out...Not far fetched to think anyone else out there could do the same....and going off on a tangent here: but aren't some of the nazis on mars? Aren't the nazis working w/ the reptilians who work the death traps? Is it not feasible someone affiliated with someone could pull some strings and get Bowie a new meat sack on mars?
"meat sack" LOL! Good one.
Well, I take everything I learn with a grain of salt -- because at the end of the day, people like you and I rely on other sources -- be that RV/Farsight or others -- to tell us things. But we don't have any real tangible proof that any of this is real. At least, I don't. What I'm saying is I lean into this being the larger reality that is out there, but I'm not 100% sure yet. Trust but verify.
When I'm standing, touching an alien craft (if it doesn't zap me) and/or interacting live with a gray, Nordic, or whomever, then I'll have a lot more to comment upon :)
I would like to order another "meat sack" as I'm tired of the limitations this one has on Earth! LOL
And I most *definitely* would like to meet, sit and talk with Bowie.