The ones who created this simulation and prison planet in the first place lol. Why are you still side-stepping those that played your gods and modified human DNA into the cattle it is now. The Anunnaki feed on human energy to keep this game going and it's them who created everything here in the first place when they took the EArth over 1 million years ago. Look into Anu, EnKi, EnLil, Marduk, Inanna.
Remote View the Anunnaki
Been gettin back into them recently and not all bad some positive. They were sad after flood and wept. Guess we all learning evolving together after all. They also said humanity must survive its will of Creator. So they got this feelin from God? Never heard they feed off energy but paranormal shows it’s human spirits that do this so we the same. Hey you ever hear that story of man in Peru learned a phrase created a portal walked through and in a room a voice talked to him said we create simulations in the universe then we realized we are in a simulation too like those Russian dolls inside each other. Pretty wild!
Happened in 90s think it was. American man and wife visiting and she says too how he went through the wall and disappeared for a time. It’s like the aliens realized they were in the simulation way he described