Farsight do you have any plans to remote view what the "free will aliens" are upto, I mean are their plans going according to schedule, will they still leave earth if they do not get the disclosure in, how many years? Do they have more backup plans on how to reveal them self? Anyway thank you so much for doing this, can not thank you enough.
Free will Aliens - Question to Farsight
They did one project called "ashtar command on Venus" or something to that effect. I'll try to follow up with a link
Thank you for answering and yes there are so many rumours regarding Ashtar command..its fake, its real its just the dark side trying to do controlled oposition.. etc so this would be VERY interesting to get to the bottom of! :-D
Disclaimer : This response of mine is not as a result of any Remote-Viewing, unless I was some-how doing it unknowingly, similarly to how there are people who exist who are unknowingly psychic, but, I will drop my take here in regards to any «Free-Will» (versus Authoritarian) Off-Earth Sentient-Beings.
The way I see things, because there are at least 11 distinct races of Aliens sharing space on this planet (according to Phil Schneider; R.I.P.), and, that number may or may not have been the same, according to the Laecerta-Interview, that necessarily means that there are likely to be «Inter-Galactic Politics» involved, obviously much larger than a mere «global» scale...
I also can only feel that, just like humans have their own problems here on this earth-planet (a planet that is probably much larger in size than we are being told, enough so to make for good flat-earth videos, but, even those would be off if the size of the earth is perhaps upwards of maybe 12x the diametre that is commonly believed, but, not to digress), the aliens/extra-terrestrials also probably have their own problems to deal with, and, with the presence of other Sentient-Species throughout the galaxy and entire universe itself, they, themselves, may not necessarily be able to move nor «Ally» with humans as much as they like, and, even then, even a very large percentage of humans are in of themselves still too «spiritually immature» to know how to get along and even ally with one another.
Add to the fact, that, I have seen footage of a dead alien-body said to have been killed by children throwing rocks at it or at least a news-clip of reporting of that incident or something of that nature, not surprising to me, considering, how many humans (many different sentient-beings for that matter) have this «irrational-fear» of anything and everything that is so-called unknown or unfamiliar to them (although fear is in of itself irrational, especially in concentrated amounts, and, all sanity becomes completely lost when one is fully consumed in absolute-fear), a sad reality. I wonder if anybody can find that clip, perhaps use it as a place-holder for a Remote-Viewing Target, then, DMP that alien as to why it went where it went, resulting in its death by human-children, and if its purpose turned out to be peaceful and harmless to humans, well, all the more reason to demonstrate that dealing with «humans» can be a lot like a land-mind, even for peaceful, free-will-promoting aliens...
Anyway, the point being that, even for as much as «Free-Will E.T.'s» may genuinely want and desire to help the human-species, even if they are not necessarily dealing with their own inter-species «racist» and other divisive-problems ideologies that are common amongst liberals/democrats (the Democrat-PT having been apparently started by the KKK by the way, yet, many self-identifying so-called «blacks» still seem to insist on voting Democrat; not that I am saying that Republicans are that much better, due to their irrational-worship of cops, like as-if the modern-day Reich is some-how on the side of freedom and constitutions), they are still likely being forced to «tread carefully» due to the presence of the other alien-species; you can think of it this way, when someone is holding hostages, any of your attempts to even contact said hostages, may result in them taking even more hostages or doing worse things to the hostages or punishing the hostages even more harshly as a result of the hostages trying to make any attempt to go free or even if they merely attempted to communicate with the out-side world, and, that is my assessment, for why they haven't, and, cannot just «free humanity» over-night...
First of all thank you so much for your reply. I think you have valid points and of course its a very complex matter because of the human race is such a melting pot, for good and for bad. And when an or more extraterrestrial show up in a remote place or in a dangerours neigbourhood they are in a way asking for trouble, which lead med to suspect that they are not supposed to be there. (Not approved) Anyway in my opinion its all about being tactical. I mean if you just show up without warning or preparations humans will act in a very primal way. But if you prepare for a meeting you are of course more likely to succed. So I really do not understand why the free will extraterrestrial do not show themselves in a grand scale like from a distant. For example uncloaking thousands of ships at once so there is no way the naysayers can debunk it. And by doing this a couple of times and then approaching slowly most people would understand that they are not here to take over or threaten. Then phase two communicate. Then phase 3 land. To do this they have to have solid proof that there is enough humans that want this, which I, in my, perhaps naive mind, think. Anyway I am certain that the free will aliens know how the humans work.. I also often feel more extraterrestrial than human..haha..but that is another story. Again thank you for taking your time to answer. 😉
@Tazz Found it..now I have to subscribe again.. hahah..was thinking of having a little pause. But thanks for making me aware. 😉
Re : Mass-Fleets
A) Do they really have that many ships ? Even in the Lacerta-Interview(s), she mentioned various numbers of cloak-able ships that the various alien-species have, and, that number did not seem to reach the triple-digits. Consider how expensive and considerable it was for humans in of themselves to come up with what you may know as the B-2 Stealth-Bomber. I suspect that they linger around and hang around Earth because Earth just happens to have the necessary resources and minerals and metals that they may need which they may not necessarily be able to get/obtain elsewhere; do you see many other planets full of all of the different kinds of geological-activities that exist on earth or even ANY of them at all with such a resource-o-sphere ?
B) Re : Hostage-Situation
Even if they did have such technologies, and, even if such ships did exist in such large numbers (a single B-2 Stealth-Bomber was said to cost Billions to produce after all), showing up to the point where it is obvious to humanity could result in hostile-retaliation from the kidnappers, potentially leading to or even causing a whole entire Nuclear-War (I guess we will find out what my GOOD FRIEND, none other than the very LEGENDARY Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, current President of Russia, has to say, or, rather, has to think about, regarding the «Nuclear» Option; I do still need to write to him again anyway in order to provide some information that I promised him would truly reduce crime-rates if implemented, something that I wouldn't hold my breath over most other world-leaders being willing to implement, especially not guys like Justin Trudeau or Angela Merkel and definitely not Nazi Pelosi, err, I mean, Nancy Pelosi, but, necessity is always a good motivating reason to get things done, once and for all).
And, I am aware that most people, even if they are awake to CONvid, are still in-the-dark about the True-Situation with Russia, and, Russians, and, you can read what they say for yourselves, although you will need to be able to read Russian-Cyrillic (who are we kidding; we're just copy-pasta-ing text into machine-translation-tools in this day and age). Anyway, many of them feel quite frustrated with the situation, feeling like the Ukrainians are screwing themselves over by being puppets for the NATO-West and U.S. Government who have proven to be untrustworthy and dishonest in matters of international-affairs, and, they really do believe that Vladimir Putin is the ONLY man in the world who can «save them» from CAUSING their OWN damn suffering ! (And that really may be the case, but, I guess we will soon or maybe not-so-soon see the validity of Edgar Cayce's prophecy : «Out of Russia... comes the hope of the world...!») https://t.me/poptatiana
As you can see, well, even if it something you cannot see, the situation is not easy for even them...