Please Remote view longterm effects 5 - 10 - 20 year range for effects people can expect with the covid 19 vaccinations pfizer moderna regarding single double and booster shots. Thank you.
Longterm Covid19 Vaccine Effects
Suggestions for New Projects
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Would be interesting target. There’s a alot of credible educated people coming forward with many claims regarding the vaccine. I doubt farsight would do this target. Edward Riordan picked on this in one of his sessions, he did a video on it. The data was concerning and alarming. AI related, Wi-Fi related, nano tech etc. it amazes me how many people think that the vaccines can’t be weaponized, but it’s easy for them to believe people are mentally controlled by 8ft tall alligator 🐊 people and we live in a prison planet. Just saying lol. The target would definitely be a good one