After the third Harvey talk here from the Farsight Institute it is clear that the true issue with governments is not who is in power but the very National State sovereignty itself. Disclosure is a means to lead people into contesting their own government's claim of representativeness, effectively what needs to happen is self assertion by each individual, from all or at least most individuals worldwide, so that individual free will can be enforced (instead of a misleading collective one).
But then, this brings the question, how things got to this point?
The definition of a Nation State alludes to something created by its own means and with its own ethnic and cultural unity. However, this is clearly false due, mostly, to European colonialism. With many indigenous civilizations flat out eradicated, mostly in America, and completely artificial borders, mostly in Africa and the Middle East, forcing new new national identities that not only never existed but in many cases were designed specifically to foster internal conflicts. Lord Salisbury's, British Prime Minister in 1906, famous quote is quite telling on the subject. Also telling is how what we call Nation States today are new (few centuries at most) yet people behave as if things have always been like this.
Even more so, many of today's democracies are not true democracies due to the lack of representation of most political ideologies, evidence enough are the countries with few parties in power, the most glaring cases with only two or three. Mostly due to how representative seats are assigned from votes, state sponsorship and mass media influence. Which in turn seem perfectly designed to create polarization while keeping alternative seeking ideologies out of the system.
There is little chance that all of the above happened by chance given how convenient such state of affairs is for the controller alien groups. Hence I propose a project to look into what was the plan, if any, behind the creation of the current Nation States and how it was (and probably is still being) executed from the alien perspective.