I ment IF the DNA has been alter (in any point in TIME) 2 make HU-man less.."smart" (killing people with GIFTS..like R.V. & other gifts = are NOT very wise ;) BUT HU.man history have alot of that ;) SO..have HU-man DNA been degraded in any way 2 make HU-man darker (more fear & eazier 2 control)?
Have HU-man DNA been "messed with" (BYany1inTime)?
DNA was downgraded 12,000 or so years ago (actually i'm not sure when, the Farsight Stlantis episode suggests it could have been further back) , because humans where abusing their abilities, in the time of Atlantis.
Wow..I donĀ“t remember that ;) It make sense THANK U David Clarke.
I should add "supposedly"
Although i don't know if that downgrade happened via dna manipulation or shut down naturally as a result of external conditions like when a plant goes dormant in winter, for example. I don't know the details. either way, humans lost access to such abilities as a result of misuse, or they needed to be taken away as they where a liability and would cause widespread destruction beyond just Earth.
Again, supposedly. You can find this information in Dolores Cannon's books.
"Supposedly" CAN be "looked at using R.V." BUT better see HOW 2 UPPGRADE (safely..NOT miss-using "GIFTS")
It would be an interesting study, although Dolores cannon's information has come from many different sources, so makes it convincing. if It was in a court of law, it would be a very strong case, probably enough for a conviction. Different people from all over the world can't know what each other is saying, so it's next to impossible for it to be fabricated.