You should definitely also make a RV project about the tridactyl (three-fingered) alien mummies of Nazca, that have been discovered in 2015 near Palpa, Peru and extensively studied by scientists in 2018 (DNA Analysis, C14 dating, x-ray & ct scans, et cetera...) and are since 2019 at the University in Ica, Peru. The anthropologists there haven't found any signs of fraud.
Nazca Alien Mummies - Scientific Results are presented to the Congress of Peru (11/19 2018)
There are two alien species that have been found.
- Small 3 feet tall tridactyl Humanoid Reptiles (the holotype, Josefina, was even pregnant with 4 eggs!) -> more than 11 specimens of that species have been found.
- And a tall tridactyl humanoid female called Maria.
All infos and scientific data is publicly available here:
Thierry Jamin ( ) made a post on facebook on august 18th 2022, that at the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the United States, the first complete sequencing of a 60cm tridactyl specimen from Nasca has been published.
" It is important to determine if they belong to the evolutionary family and terrestrial taxonomy. Geneticists are needed with the capacity and infrastructure to read, classify and contrast organisms, whose complete genomes are located in international genomic libraries. The genetic analysis was carried out by the prestigious CEN4Gen laboratory in Canada, a specialist in paleo-DNA.
Here I leave you the record of the publication, which was possible thanks to the joint work of the University of Ica, a foreign Foundation and a University of the United States, whose identification will be kept confidential, to allow them to work calmly and without media interruptions, until they have results to show."
Possible Targets:
- Where did the Humanoid Reptile (Josefina) come from?
- Where did the tridactyl tall humanoid female (Maria) come from?
- Why did they die?
- Who buried them in that cave in the Nazca mountains?
- When did they first have contact with the humans of that area? (there are plenty of artifacts/petroglyphs in that area which clearly depict the tridactyl humanoid reptiles...many many many of them!)