I'm curious as to the affect (if any) which the proposed Artemis Mission(s) and it's associated "Artemis Accords" has on earth's relationship with the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Domain. Also which groups may be behind The Artemis Missions.
Scientific American article: Do NASA’s Lunar Exploration Rules Violate Space Law?
Original Article: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-nasas-lunar-exploration-rules-violate-space-law/
Article Archive: https://archive.ph/txfDS
The new "Artemis Accords" seem at odds with the 1967 "Outer Space Treaty" which 110 countries have ratified, The "Safety Zones" proposed in the Artemis Accords seem to be exactly what the "Outer Space Treaty" prohibits when it specifies that member states should have “free access to all areas of celestial bodies.”