The Mysterious DivyaPadhartha (Divine Material) at Jagannath Temple of Puri in India could make a very interesting Mysteries Project. Specifically:
FarSighting the ISBE while alive who this revered item belonged to.
What was this item's purpose? Is it biological, mechanical, or both?
Who was the ISBE known as in life (whose DivyaPadhartha/BrahmaPadhartha resides in the Jagannath idol in the Puri Temple)?
FarSighting the disposition of the ISBE's remains, and how the DivyaPadhartha came to be at Puri Jaggannath temple.
The air space above the Puri Jaggannath temple is declared as a no flying zone. Do birds actually not fly above the Jagannath Temple of Puri? If so, why?
There are many ways this could branch off, depending on discoveriess during FarSighting sessions.