I found some important information I'll share. First, excerpt from "Eternal Humans and the Finite gods" (3rd edition) by Theresa Talea.
The Earth has a Templar Complex. "The templar complex involves portals, vortices, Axiom Lines (similar to our body meridians), Ley Lines, and Star Gates." "All 11.5 dimensions (it's a semi-phantom galaxy--too many wars) of Milky Way energy, in addition to more natural energies, circulate through the Earth's templar complex in varying amounts."
Alright? That's important to know, because of the things we don't see, and where the locations are, and they are usually based on important parts of the Earths body... and is what negative invasive beings attack in order to occupy, rule over, and fight against other either negative or positive beings, races, species, for control over.
"The newly formed coalition between Zeta-Drakonians and some Necromiton-Andromies, guided the 1983 Montauk Project, involving the magnetic peak. [The Earth's magnetic peak, on August 12, 1943 was a time of peak magnetic pull within the Earth's subtle energy bodies that causes heightened dimensional blending." "In the last 100 years, the Earth's biorhythmic magnetic peaks were on August 12 in the years 1943, 1983, and 2003. Magnetic peaks also coincide with the Earth's orbital pathway through the Sun's galactic "rod alignment" with the Parallel Milky Way galactic center. A "rod" is an integral column of frequency, spinning and circulating energy, on the horizontal plane in a celestial body."]
The Montauk Project in Long Island New York essentially continued the Philadelphia Experiment by performing mind-control experiments, torture, and Human abductions, primarily for genetic hybridization. In addition, the invader forces wanted to create another time rip, but their efforts did not succeed, informs the All That Is, The Pure Essence (ATI,TPE).
The Zeta-Drakonian team was successful in splicing the Falcon wormhole and directing a main channel to Necromiton Andromie Alpha-Omega Centauri territories in the adjacent Phantom Time Matrix. The wormhole connects to their pylon implant network that they linked to Montauk, and previously the Philadelphia Experiment location.
With increased access to Our Earth, the majority of the Necromiton-Andromie invaders sought to control the illuminati, or destroy them if they refused to join their group, so the Zeta group wanted to escape their grasp.
The Zeta-Reptilian-Drakonians sent large fleets into HU-2 and HU-3 territories surrounding Tara and Gaia, to protect their OneWorldOrder agenda. This resulted in more wars with the Anunnaki and Jesus group in these densities. The Galactic Alliance began offering amnesty contracts to entities who were wary of the conflict drama and did not want to get involved in its escalation. Several accepted amnesty, notably the Jehovian Anunnaki associated with Enoch.
In 1984, a Krysthal River Host team launched the Bridge Zone Project to circumvent the Zeta-Draco plan of reinstating a stronger frequency fence in 2003. This frequency fence would decimate Earth populations because it would create the dreaded pole shift during the Stellar Activation Cycle. The Guardian Alliance explains the Bridge Zone Project..."
The thing I was interested in finding was some evidence of that wormhole that they put into Earth that attached it to the Montauk and Philadelphia Experiment locations. The "pylon implant network" is a power energy system, that gives power and runs stuff, you know? So yea, I wanted to see whether anyone out there experienced anything weird or strange or different in that Montauk New York area, because of the damn wormhole they have there, and are probably still manipulating people and energies through it. Guess what I found!? Yep. Something very fascinating. A lady named Michelle, and her girlfriend Louise decided to explore Montauk in 1995. They drove THROUGH what she calls a "void"...which I think might be the wormhole. Check this out:
"It was getting late and Louise and I wanted to try one more road before we called it a day.
Driving back toward the town, we turned in at Old Montauk Highway. According to the map we had, this road should go into Camp Hero. There was also notations on the map of areas where someone had "felt a void" and very ominous feelings.
While driving down the road, Louise and I both felt this "void". It was one of the strangest feelings I've ever felt. The only way I can describe it is the absence of feeling life, as if nothing lived in this space. I wish I could be more specific. Once past this void, the terrible, ominous feeling hit us very strongly. The road ended abruptly at a dead end. Louise wanted to go back to the hotel, but I insisted that I knew we were close to the radar dish and wanted to check around just a little. "
Also in the article, she mentions how a George Washington had commissioned a Light House on that "historic landmark." In other words...the people in power are usually puppets for either one or the other force, and generally place monuments or things on a very important part of the planet, as a land Mark, to show where that location is. I wonder whether there's a natural portal or stargate on the planet in this area.
Anyway, here's the link to the story by Michelle A. Guerin,
REPTILIANS AT MONTAUK: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/montauk/esp_montauk_14.htm