Remote viewer should remote viewer how exactly Stanley Meyer was killed ?
1. Remote viewer should describe the place where all Stanley Meyer tech currently located, i know that his property was bought in auction and then the group disappeared form public view
2. Remote viewer should remote view any entity or person which knows exactly what Stanley Meyer did achieved with his technology and ask for any hints how to revive the technology which Stanley Meyer did created.
Stan used stainless steel cylinders, placing a smaller diameter cylinder into another and so forth until the large cylinder was full of smaller and smaller diameter cylinders. Each cylinder was independent of the others, as in not touching each other. They are then hooked up to DC electric with each alternating positive and negative. I have done same with stainless steel plates. Its a simple process of electrolysis. Using electricity to break the bond between hydrogen and oxygen. Current laws of energy conversation say that the energy used to break the covalent bonds between hydrogen and oxygen can never produce more energy than what it took to break those bonds. However a few adjustments with the chemistry of the water seem to overcome this rule. I believe Bob Lazar also made a water cracker and has a vehicle that runs on water. Also look for the story of the "water motorcycle" that was featured on a British 60 minutes show.
Its not that simple, i guess Stanley Meyer used very sophisticated frequency device to break apart the covalent bond, i have some public patentsv of Stan Meyer . The problem nobody as company didn't tried to build his stuff up.